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A Stranger's Bed

Page 7

by Sophia Rae

  “I think I might go on in and lay down in one of the guest rooms,” Sara said as she tried to stifle a yawn. “I’m too tired to drive home, even though it’s just down the street. That way if Marcus needs me to help him out around the house, I’ll already be here.”

  “I can help him if he needs something, don’t worry about it. You go rest, and I’ll make sure to keep things quiet.”


  Chloe followed Sara into the house. “Do you want anything before you lie down? Something to eat or drink?”

  Sara laughed and shook her head. “I feel like I’m the guest instead of you.”

  Chloe didn’t know what to say. Somehow she’d managed to fit into this lifestyle—getting things for others without having a maid or butler do it. She liked being needed and useful.

  Sara turned to go up the stairs, but something caught her eye. As she peered into the living room, her eyes began to water.

  Chloe put a hand on her arm. “Sara, what is it?”

  “I thought he’d already sold that piece.” She walked into the family room and went straight to the glass vase adorning the carved mantle. Her small, slender fingers caressed it gently. “My mom and dad were given this family heirloom on the day of their wedding. It’s been in our family for generations. Marcus mentioned selling it.”

  “Why?” Chloe asked before she could stop herself.

  “We need the money, and supposedly it’s worth quite a bit.” Sara continued to run her fingertips along the vase. “Marcus will have to close down the Bed and Breakfast and go back to work if business doesn’t pick up. None of us want that. Mom and Dad had a dream to own a B & B. They didn’t have it long before they were killed, and we’re doing all we can to keep it running.”

  Sara turned to look at Chloe. “Even if it means selling family heirlooms.”

  Chloe’s heart broke for the Delaneys. She didn’t know what it felt like to have to sell a family heirloom. Hell, she didn’t have any family heirlooms. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Sara shook her head, wiping her damp eyes. “No, I’m sorry to burden you with our problems. You’re a guest, not my shrink. It must be the tiredness talking.”

  In a move that surprised Chloe, she reached out to take Sara’s hand. “I’d like to be a friend if you need one.”

  Sara smiled, the same genuine smile as Marcus’s. “I’d like that.”

  “Now, why don’t you go on upstairs, and I’ll tell Marcus to be quiet when he comes home because you need your rest.”


  After Sara had gone upstairs, Chloe thought back to the dealer who had called about the antiques. Marcus would not sell his families possessions. She would make damn sure the B & B stayed open and the heirlooms stayed where they belonged—somehow.

  Pulling the piece of paper from her pocket, she tore it into shreds before dropping it in the trash. She hoped she was doing the right thing. Lying had always been something Chloe despised, but in this instance, it was necessary to save the family she’d come to care for.

  The front door opened, jarring Chloe’s thoughts. Marcus walked by the living room, not looking her way as he headed straight up the stairs.

  “Marcus,” she called after him, trying to keep her voice down.

  Halfway up the narrow steps, he turned. His eyes reflected something she hadn’t seen in them before. Pain.

  “What is it?”

  “Nothing.” His short answer and the definite tone told her he wasn’t in the mood for chitchat.

  Okay. So he didn’t want to talk about whatever it was upsetting him. “Your sister is upstairs sleeping. She came by to see if you needed anything, then she was too exhausted to drive home.”

  He nodded, turned and continued up the steps, leaving Chloe dumbfounded. Was he mad at her because she didn’t want to share his bed last night? She doubted Marcus would get mad about something like that.

  Maybe it had to do with the Bed and Breakfast. Maybe they were in bigger trouble than she’d thought. Even though she’d only known him a few days, she’d never seen him look so depressed.

  With a sigh of resignation that there was nothing she could do until he was ready to confide in her—if ever—Chloe went outside to retrieve a book from her car. She’d finished the one on her nightstand and needed something to occupy her mind.

  Still barefoot, she carefully navigated through the gravel, ignoring the sharp points of the small rock. After locating the book, she slammed the car door, but a sign at the end of the drive caught her attention.

  For Sale.

  Shit. No wonder he was depressed. He’d gone and put the house up for sale.

  Not giving any thought to the gravel, Chloe marched back across the driveway, into the house, up the stairs and barged into Marcus’s room. “What the hell are you thinking putting the house up for sale?”

  In the middle of changing his clothes, Marcus unbuttoned his shirt and gave it an angry toss into the hamper. He pulled a fresh white T-shirt from his drawer. “It doesn’t concern you,” he said without looking at her. “Forget about it.”

  “Marcus,” she said, swallowing the hurt of his dismissal. “You don’t want to do this.”

  He rubbed his smoothly shaven chin. “No, I don’t. But I have to. Mom and Dad wanted to keep this house as a bed and breakfast, and I can’t keep it going anymore. It’s impossible for me to work an outside job and run this place at the same time, and on the flip side, it’s impossible for me to run it without additional income. The mortgage has become more than I can handle.”

  Chloe made her way to Marcus. With a gentle hand, she cupped his cheek. “So why don’t you just keep the house, forget the business and go get a job?”

  He swallowed. “Because they wanted the house to be filled with guests. They bought this place with the idea of making it their dream. I want that dream to live on, and if I can’t fulfill it, then maybe someone else can.”

  Tears threatened to fall. Chloe blinked, willing them back. Here was this wonderful man, standing before her, talking about the love of his parents and their dream. A dream he would risk anything to keep alive...even his own happiness.

  She’d never discussed dreams with her parents. Would they have had any? Would they have listened to hers? She seriously doubted both questions. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Marcus shook his head and sighed. “I didn’t mean to burden you with my problems.”

  Placing her other hand on the other side of his face, Chloe smiled. “It’s no burden. I just wish I could help you.”

  “Me, too.”

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs, and both Marcus and Chloe turned to the door to see a very unhappy Luke filling the doorway.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded. “There’s a For Sale sign in front of the house. Want to tell me why I wasn’t asked my opinion about this?”

  Chloe released Marcus and stepped toward Luke. “Luke, keep your voice down. Sara worked all night and is sleeping down the hall.”

  Luke ignored Chloe, his furious, dark eyes focused over her head on Marcus. The tension shooting between them suddenly had her concerned for their safety—and her own. It occurred to her that she stood in the middle of two colossal men.

  “Chloe would you excuse us for a moment?” Marcus asked politely even though his fists were clenched and his eyes shot daggers to Luke.

  “No.” She looked from brother to brother. “I won’t. If the two of you want to fight, then go outside. Your sister is exhausted, she doesn’t need this, and I seriously doubt your parents would have wanted you fighting over something that should be discussed. Like adults.”

  “Does Sara even know?” Luke asked with bitterness to his voice. “Or did you take it upon yourself to decide what’s best for everyone?”

  “You son of a bitch.” Marcus stepped forward, advancing on his brother.

  “Cut it out!” Chloe hissed. “I mean it. Either go to your separate corners until you’ve cooled off eno
ugh to discuss this, or go outside and beat the shit out of each other.”

  “What on earth is going on?” A sleepy-eyed Sara stood in the doorway, her scrubs already wrinkled from her short nap.

  Luke didn’t hesitate to tattle. “Our big brother here decided he’d make decisions without asking us for input.”

  Sara shook her head. “What are you talking about?”

  “He put the house up for sale,” Luke bit off.

  “Marcus?” Sara looked at him, her eyes filled with disbelief. “Why?”

  Marcus stepped around Chloe. “I can’t run the Bed and Breakfast anymore, it’s too much. It takes more money that we provide, and I can’t go to work because I have to stay here.”

  “I told you I had some money saved back,” Luke barked.

  Marcus glanced back at his angry brother. “It wouldn’t be enough to keep the place going. I don’t want to take it now and in two years have to sell anyway. Taking your money would be in vain.”

  Chloe felt each of their hearts breaking. Hers included. “Listen, I’ll be downstairs. This is a private family matter.”

  As she brushed by Marcus, he reached down to take her hand. He bent to brush his lips across hers. “Thank you.”

  The heat of a blush crept up her neck and face as she exited the tension filled room. He’d kissed her. Right in front of his family. Great. Now Luke and Sara thought she and Marcus had something serious going.

  Maybe they did.

  Chapter Eight

  The following day the For Sale sign remained in the yard, and Chloe could only assume the threesome had come to some sort of understanding. Thank God. She didn’t like confrontation or family squabbles.

  This house and family had somehow gotten under her skin and little by little worked its way into her once empty heart. It saddened her that Marcus felt he had to sell it.

  All her life, Chloe had tried to find her place—her purpose. And here he was selling his because he couldn’t hold on to it. Fate had a nasty way of putting life into perspective.

  Fate. It slapped her in the face.

  Hot damn! Chloe jumped off her bed and ran out onto the second-story porch to look down at the Real Estate sign.

  Why hadn’t she thought of this before? It was a brilliant idea, perfect for everyone involved. The only catch would be keeping it a secret.

  She looked over her shoulder as Marcus stepped onto the balcony with her.

  “What are you all smiles about?” Marcus wrapped his arms around her middle and nuzzled her ear. The masculine, fresh scent he wore encased her, filling her senses and as usual, making her wet.

  Chloe turned to snuggle against his firm, solid body. “I was thinking of you and me, and...” Not yet. She couldn’t tell him her plans yet. She wanted to see how everything panned out. In case it didn’t work out, she didn’t want him to get his hopes up and be disappointed all over again.

  She reached between them to cup him through thick denim. A smile played across her face as he twitched under her hand. It excited her even more to know she had this power over him.

  “I like how you think.” He bent his head to capture her mouth. A quick, promising kiss cut too short the second he pulled back.

  “I’m sorry, Chloe, but the realtor is bringing someone by to look at the house in about an hour so we need to be gone. I feel silly asking you to leave for a while, considering you’re the guest and all, but...”

  Dumbfounded, Chloe blinked. “Already? You just put the house on the market yesterday.”

  “I know, but they said someone called last month, from Kentucky, I think, and described the type of house they were looking for to start a Bed and Breakfast in this area. The realtor called them yesterday, and they’re coming today. I guess it’s a sign this is meant to be. I mean, what are the odds?”

  Chloe stepped back. Damn it. She needed to work fast before this whole plan of hers went up in smoke—along with the Delaneys’ dream.

  “What would you have done if there had been other guests here?” she asked, forcing a smile. “Make them leave also?”

  Marcus laughed. “Of course not. But I thought this would be a good opportunity for us to get out of the house for a while. Grab some lunch. I don’t want to worry about anything today. What’s meant to happen will happen. It’s out of my control now.”

  She couldn’t agree more. “Give me fifteen minutes to freshen up.”

  Once she was safely locked in her room, she pulled out her cell to make one of the most important investments in her life. For the first time, Chloe was glad she had the money to use. She’d never wanted her parents’ funds before their death or after, but now she knew this money would benefit a family who truly deserved some happiness.


  “Something has you awfully happy today.” Marcus drove down the winding, two lane road with one hand on the wheel and the other holding Chloe’s in her lap. His thumb stroked her bare leg, sending tremors through her body.

  She had no idea where he was taking her and really didn’t care. She wanted to keep his mind off selling the house. For now.

  “I’m always happy on beautiful summer days. The sun is bright in the sky, I’m spending the day with the sexiest man in the world...and the best lover.”

  With her free hand, she rubbed provocatively up his thigh until she came to the area between his legs. He let go of her hand to grip the steering wheel with both of his, and she let out a deep, throaty laugh.

  Slowly, boldly, her hand roamed up until she found the top of his zipper. She unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans then reached into his grey cotton boxers to free his erection, smoothing her fingertip along the bead of moisture that had formed on the thick head.

  Chloe dipped her head and took him into her mouth. His shaft jerked in excitement. Sucking, tasting, teasing, then slightly blowing, she proceeded to drive him wild.

  Continuing to stroke him with her hand, she sat up to trail kisses along the side of his neck. She noticed the speedometer had decreased somewhat and his knuckles were white from grasping the wheel so hard...speaking of hard.

  “Have you ever done it in a pickup?” she asked, running her tongue along the outer edge of his ear.

  “Not since I was sixteen,” he offered through clenched teeth. “Betsy Billings.”

  Chloe couldn’t help but laugh. “Betsy Billings? Was she a wanna be porn star?”

  “Hey, Betsy was a nice young lady. She had wonderful assets and all the qualities I was looking for in a woman at that time.”

  “Like what? A set of boobs and an easy lay?”

  This time, Marcus forced a laugh. “Absolutely. And now you have the qualities I’m looking for in a woman.”

  “Boobs and an easy lay, again?”

  “You got it.” Marcus pulled the truck off onto a deserted dirt road.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We were going to eat, but my appetite suddenly changed.” He grinned at her with heat in his eyes. “And apparently so has yours. I can’t wait to get you back to the house later. I want you now.”

  Thick trees formed a canopy around them as the truck came to a stop at the end of the narrow, dusty road. Marcus rolled the windows down halfway before shutting off the engine. Silence surrounded them as the smell of desire filled car.

  Chloe rubbed her aching thighs together in anticipation of what was to come. Hopefully, both of them.

  “Take off your shorts.”

  Without a reply to Marcus’s demand, she had her shorts and damp panties off in seconds. Miles back she had slipped off her sandals, which left her wearing a white lacey bra and a cotton tank. Neither garment, however, proved a barrier to her hard nipples.

  Marcus reached across her, purposely brushing his arm against her firm, taut breasts, in order to release the back of her seat. She was so glad this truck boasted an extended cab.

  Once he had her reclining, he wasted no time in bunching her shirt up around her neck. Impatient hands pulled both bra cups down.r />
  “I need to taste you,” he growled.

  Chloe arched her back, and he filled his palms with her aching breasts then slid his tongue along her cleavage. How could this man bring her to near orgasm with only one touch?

  A light summer breeze drifted through the truck, gliding across her hot, steamy body. He continued to torment her breast while his lips found their way to hers. He claimed her mouth with passion and control.

  God, how she loved being attacked by Marcus.

  Chloe broke free from his sexy, demanding mouth. “I want you inside me.”

  She reached to caress his pulsing cock, then forced his denim shorts down further to cup his sac. As she kneaded him gently, his tongue shoved through her open mouth again to tangle with hers.

  They were lost in another world as they fondled, kissed and tortured each other.

  As his hand eased down her body, her legs instantly opened. He plunged two fingers into her silken, ready heat, causing her to moan into his mouth. She bucked against his hand, needing to feel more...needing to feel him.

  “Please,” she cried against his lips.

  He slowly pulled his fingers out and, with his eyes locked on hers, licked them. “Mmm. I never get tired of tasting you.”

  Settling back in his seat, he pulled Chloe with him to straddle his legs. The light wind teased her damp nipples, sending shivers throughout her body as she sank onto his full, thick shaft.

  There were no words, no kisses, no stroking...just hard, sweaty, I-need-an-orgasm, sex. Chloe rolled her hips vigorously. She was on a mission.


  With her breasts bouncing wildly in Marcus’s face, he had to feast on one—or both. He sucked a taut, pink nipple into his mouth, tugging ever so slightly before engulfing her full, lush globe. His tongue swirled around it while she continued to ride him.

  As her hips rocked, her muscles squeezed. She was close, and he wanted her to come. Now.

  His hands encircled her waist, holding her still and forcing his cock further into her tight, slick sheath. From this angle, he knew the moment he’d found her G-spot. He slid one hand down to rub on her swollen clit. Chloe threw her head back, riding him harder. She screamed his name, bucked and came.


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