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A Mommy for His Daughter

Page 13

by Amy Ruttan

  “Aren’t we going on the boat, Daddy?” Mo asked.

  “Not at the moment.” Derek pulled into a parking place. “I’ll go in with the tickets and find out what’s going on.”

  Evelyn nodded. “Sure.”

  “I’ll be back.”

  The line wasn’t too long. The ferry terminal had everything moving swiftly and accommodation had been set up at motel further up the road that was formed of a series of small cabins. The only problem was that the three of them would have to share a cabin. There wasn’t a separate cabin for Evelyn. At least the cabin had two rooms. He could stay with Mo in her room and Evelyn could have the other one. But they were stuck until the fog bank cleared, and that wasn’t likely to happen until the morning.

  He headed back to the car and slid in the driver side. “We have a cabin.”

  “A cabin?” Evelyn asked.

  “That sounds like fun!” Mo said excitedly.

  “Nothing to do but wait it out.”

  “I hope they have television,” Mo said.

  Evelyn shared a secret smile with him.

  “Well, I was thinking we’d check into our cabin and then maybe drive up the coast to where the road ends and see if we can spot the sea lions in Point Bridget State Park.”

  “That sounds like fun!” Evelyn said.

  Derek turned back to Mo. “Is that okay?”


  “Okay, sea lions it is.”

  It was just a short drive to the cabin motel and they checked in, dropping off their bags. There was a small café in the motel, where they grabbed a quick bite to eat and Evelyn bought some sandwiches to eat later in the park.

  Driving along the coast was amazing, but they were soon headed north, toward Skagway—and there was no road to Skagway. The road ended at the beautiful, rugged Point Bridget National Park.

  It had been a long time since Derek had been there, and as they all laughed and chatted on the drive up he was actually excited to go there again.

  He hadn’t been there since he was dating Vivian. He had always meant to bring Mo here, but had never got the chance, and then it had slipped his mind. Of course Vivian wasn’t here, but he was glad he was bringing their daughter and he was glad he was sharing it with Evelyn.

  When they got to the state park they took the easy three-and-a-half-kilometer trail that made its way down to the rocky shore of the Inside Passage. The mountains all around them were reflected in the crystal-clear water and it was enough to take his breath away.

  Even though it was densely foggy toward Sitka, here at Point Bridget it was sunny, and as they approached the final bend down to the water they heard the barking call of the sea lions out on the large rocks, sunning themselves.

  Mo squealed, but kept her distance as she picked her way across the rocky shore, with Evelyn following close behind her. They were searching for rocks—colorful rocks that had been smoothed by the tides.

  Derek couldn’t help but smile as he watched them.

  He wanted her. He wanted Evelyn and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this way. It was a long time since he’d let himself feel and though he was terrified by the emotions coursing through him it was hard to ignore them. Especially now, watching her as she knelt down beside Mo, their heads together as Evelyn showed her how to skip a stone across the water.

  He didn’t deserve to be this happy. Only he couldn’t help himself. Try as he might to stop her, Evelyn kept wiggling her way in. It was hard to push her away when she brought him to life again.

  “Daddy, watch!” Mo shrieked.

  Derek waved and watched as Evelyn bent over Mo and helped her skip a stone across the water. The stone bounced three times before disappearing under the water with a plop.

  “Good job.” Derek clapped.

  “You try, Daddy,” Mo said.

  Derek chuckled. “Okay. I’ll try.”

  He shook off whatever doubts were eating away at him. Right now he couldn’t think about those things. Right now he was just going to enjoy this stolen moment in life, because it might be the only chance he would get before Evelyn left.

  * * *

  Evelyn sat down on the couch in the cabin. She felt a little sunburnt, but her shower had felt good and Derek had now retreated into the shower while Evelyn sat with Mo in the living room. Mo was in her pajamas and watching a cartoon movie. She was really quiet, and Evelyn had the feeling that Mo was exhausted.

  She understood that because she was beat too. But the day had been wonderful. They’d hiked, had an impromptu picnic and watched the sea lions frolic down by the water.

  All the awkwardness that had crept between her and Derek was gone. It had been as if they were a family today. Evelyn had forgotten what that was like. It was breaking her heart, knowing that this would probably be the only time she’d ever feel like she belonged.

  You could change that.

  She closed her eyes, trying to relax.

  Tomorrow the fog would most likely lift and they would head back to Wolf’s Harbor. Back to being doctors. And she would have to monitor Jennifer Yazzie like a hawk. She also knew she’d be on edge until those amnio results came in.

  She opened her eyes and checked her phone, but there was nothing.


  Mo giggled and Evelyn glanced at the television.

  “What’re you watching?”

  “The Unicorn Princess,” Mo said, not looking at her. “It’s so funny. The unicorn is crazy.”

  “I can see,” Evelyn said, and she could see, by the googly-eyed expression of the unicorn as it pranced after a very annoyed princess.

  Mo yawned, and then to Evelyn’s surprise curled up beside her.

  “You smell nice, Evie. I like that,” Mo said.

  “You smell nice too,” Evelyn whispered.

  She reached down and tenderly ran her hand over Mo’s curls. Mo snuggled in closer and it wasn’t long before her laughter at the crazy antics of the unicorn disappeared and was replaced by a light snore.

  Evelyn glanced down and saw that Mo was fast asleep, her head on her lap. Tears stung Evelyn’s eyes and she stroked Mo’s back.

  Derek came out of the bathroom and his eyes widened in surprise. Then his expression softened as he looked at Mo.

  “She’s tired,” Derek whispered, squatting down in front of them.

  “She’s not the only one.” Evelyn smiled and then looked at Derek, whose eyes were sparkling the same way they had last night when they’d kissed.

  She shivered as she recalled the way it had felt to be in his arms.

  “I’ll get her to bed,” Derek said. He stood up and gently scooped Mo into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  Evelyn shut off The Unicorn Princess.

  Get control of yourself, Evelyn. He’s off-limits.

  Derek came out of the bedroom and shut the door. He headed for the kitchen and then produced a small bottle of wine.

  “Where did you get that?” Evelyn asked.

  “In the café when we got dinner. We have a nice little kitchen here, and I thought that after today, and you having to endure The Unicorn Princess while I showered, you could do with an adult beverage.”

  Evelyn chuckled. “Thanks. Yes, I definitely could.”

  Derek poured white wine into two tumblers and joined Evelyn on the couch. “Cheers, then.”

  Their glasses clinked and they both took a sip.

  “Hey, I want to thank you for watching Mo. I rarely get a chance to be away from her and I never have was nice that she had someone else to focus on today.”

  “I don’t mind. She’s wonderful—tiring, but wonderful.”

  Derek laughed softly. “Did you never want to settle down and have kids? I mean, you mentioned not even picking another job.”

never really thought about kids.”


  “No serious relationships since Nathan?” he asked.

  She downed the rest of her wine. “No. Still not ready.”


  “Oh.” Derek finished his own wine and settled back against the couch.

  “And what about you? How long has Mo’s mother been gone?”

  “Five years.”

  “And?” Evelyn asked.

  He shrugged. “I haven’t had much time, what with raising a baby on my own and my work... My wife died during a snowstorm after giving birth to Mo in our kitchen. Uterine rupture and she bled out. There was nothing I could do to save her. She died in my arms. By the time we got her to Sitka she’d lost too much blood and she went into organ failure. And I was left with this tiny baby...this little girl...and I was alone.” Derek clenched his fist. “I didn’t get a chance to grieve. Mo was a newborn and I just had to keep going.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  And she was. Taking care of a practice and a newborn must’ve been hard. She’d watched her father for years doing the same and she’d been older. She was sympathetic.

  “I understand,” she said.

  His expression softened to one of appreciation. “I know. You don’t pity me and I appreciate it.”

  “Why would I pity you?”

  “So many do.” He sighed. “It’s tiring.”

  “I admire you.”

  Their gazes locked and her cheeks flushed with warmth from the blush she was sure was there.

  Derek cleared his throat. “This is why I fight constantly for a hospital—so other people don’t have to feel the agony that I felt when I lost Vivian. When I wasn’t a good enough doctor to save my own wife.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, Derek. What happened to Vivian was rare, but it happens. I’m sorry that it did. I understand.”

  “I appreciate you listening to me,” he said. “No one seems to want to listen. They just offer condolences, pity, and move on.”

  “No problem,” she said gently. “I’m here.”

  “Yeah and it’s been nice.”

  Her pulse quickened. “Yes. It has been nice.”

  So nice.

  “It’s not just that, though, that’s been bothering me.”

  He took her glass and set it down. His eyes were intense again and she trembled as he moved closer to her.

  “What else is bothering you?” she asked, blood thundering in her ears.

  “It’s wanting you. I want you, Evelyn, and even though I know you’re leaving, and I shouldn’t... I want you.”

  His admission caught her off guard, and made her head spin. “What...?”

  “I have been numb for so long and you—you make me feel something again. Anger, frustration and yearning. Dammit, Evelyn, you’re the most beautiful, stubborn, sexy woman who’s walked into Wolf’s Harbor in so long, and I’ve been trying to fight the urge to kiss you again.”

  The butterflies in her stomach were swirling around and her body burned with need. Something she’d never really felt before with any other man.

  Don’t let him in. Keep him at bay. You’re leaving. You can’t stay.

  Only she didn’t listen to that voice in her head. She wanted to feel as well. She’d been numb for so long too. Derek was the only man to evoke this kind of intense, burning desire in her and she wanted him too.

  Even if it was for just one night.

  She stood up and he touched her face, pushing back her hair before leaning down and kissing her.

  Only this time there was no interruption. This time the light kiss which had ignited the flame when she’d first arrived burned hotter, deeper, as he pulled her tight against him, his arms around her as his tongue slipped past her lips, turning her legs to jelly.

  She wanted to be close to him. Nothing between them. If she was going to have him only once she wanted to savor it, even if a part of her was telling her right now that once would never be enough.

  She broke off the kiss, closing her eyes and reveling in the feeling of Derek’s strong hands over her body.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered.

  “I won’t unless you want me to,” Derek said against her ear, which caused a shiver of delight to course down her spine.

  She wanted Derek to possess her.

  His kisses trailed down from her ear to her neck and to her collarbone, his hands caressing her breasts under her scrub shirt.

  “Too many clothes,” Derek muttered.

  “I can help with that.”

  Evelyn unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands over his bare chest, then worked on his belt, pulling it out of the loops and snapping it as she tossed it over her shoulder. It caused his breath to hitch in his throat as she slipped her hands down the front of his jeans.

  He slid his hand down her back and cupped her bottom. “You’re taking too long,” he moaned.

  He pulled her close, kissing her, then pushed her away, pulling down his jeans so he was naked in front of her.

  She ran her hands over him, felt his body stiffening under her touch.

  “Your turn,” he whispered.

  She pulled off her shirt and shimmied out of her leggings. Derek stepped forward and removed her bra, leaving her in her pink cotton underwear.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, sliding his hand down the front of her undies and stroking her. Making her moan in pleasure. Then he moved his hand and she took off her underwear, so she was standing there naked, exposed to him.

  “You’re blushing,” he murmured, touching her cheek.

  “It’s been a while for me.”

  He smiled at her. “Me too.”

  He cupped her breast and the heat from his skin seared her flesh, making her body ache with need. Her body was so sensitive and she was completely lost to him. No man had ever had such control over her senses. It was scary and thrilling at the same time.

  Derek scooped her up and carried her to the bed, pinning her to the mattress. Each time his fingers skimmed her flesh her body ignited. She wanted more from him. She wanted to catch fire and burn.

  He stroked between her legs, making her wet with need, and her hips thrust up at him as he touched her.

  “I need you, Evelyn.”

  “I want you too,” she murmured. “There’s a condom in my bag by the nightstand.”

  He rolled away and found the condom. She helped him put it on, stroking him.

  Derek pressed her against the pillows and settled between her thighs, the tip of his erection pressing against her. He thrust into her quickly, filling her and making her cry out, cling to him.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked.


  He made her feel like she’d never felt before.

  “You feel so damn good.”

  Derek began to thrust and Evelyn urged him to go harder and faster. He unleashed something inside her. Something she’d never felt before. A coil of heat was unfurling in her, singeing her soul and possessing her.

  Then it came—pleasure like she’d never had before. And she clung to Derek, crying out as she came. Derek quickened his pace and joined her, then held still over her, breathing heavily before slipping out of her and rolling to his side, his eyes closed.

  Evelyn curled up next to him, felt his arm around her. They said nothing, because exhaustion had won over the euphoria, and as Evelyn drifted off to sleep she realized she was falling hard for Derek.

  Heck, she’d already fallen hard for him.

  She was angry at herself. He was vulnerable and she’d taken advantage of him. She was the worst. She didn’t want a family because she didn’t want to lose it. She knew that pain all too well.

  But another part of her wanted it all. She was lonely and she was tired of running. She was tired of having
no place to call home.

  This could be your home?

  She rolled on her side away from him.

  She couldn’t have it.

  She couldn’t risk it.

  Why not?

  And she rolled back to look at him, watching him sleep and recalling the way his lips had felt against hers, feeling the taste of him still branded there. She touched her lips, as if trying to imprint the feeling onto her fingertips.

  Maybe she could stay?

  There was nothing stopping her. Maybe, just maybe, she could be happy if she’d just take the chance.


  “I APPRECIATE YOU staying on, Tim,” Derek said as he handed a file back to Dr. Vance.

  They had gotten in late last night. And still all he could think about was what had happened in that cabin, the feeling that they were a family, and seeing Mo sleeping on Evelyn.

  He couldn’t help himself.

  And even though he knew it shouldn’t have happened, that night in the cabin had been wonderful. Amazing. It was hard not to think of the way her body had felt under his. The taste of her lips and the scent of her hair, the softness of her skin.


  He had to be careful.

  He’d been lax in letting Evelyn in when he should’ve been guarding his heart. But it was difficult to do that around Evelyn. She got under all his defenses. But he couldn’t let Mo get hurt.

  She smells like coconut and tastes just as sweet.

  He shook that thought out of his head.

  “It’s no problem, Derek,” Tim replied. “I had some family stuff to attend to anyway. Besides, I enjoy my visits up here, and I wouldn’t have given up the opportunity to watch Dr. Saunders in work.”

  Derek’s stomach dropped as he saw the way that Tim was looking at Evelyn. Not that he could blame him in the least. Evelyn was beautiful, and a world-class doctor. Although Tim supposedly had a girlfriend in Sitka...

  And even though he shouldn’t let it bother him, because he had already made up his mind that he wasn’t going to pursue Evelyn, he was jealous of another man looking at her. Because the simple fact of the matter was that he wished he was free to go after her. He wished she would stay. He wished he deserved her.


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