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You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3)

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by Terra Kelly

  On impulse, he walked toward where the boutique was located. He stopped and bought a bottle of white wine and two glasses, then drummed up the courage to go see her. He could see there was a light on and it looked like someone was pacing back and forth. The windows were covered with brown paper and several signs were plastered all over the paper about the opening. He knocked on the door and noticed the shadow pacing stop. “It’s me, Kenzie. Joshua.”

  When Kenzie left The Clam Bake, she made-up an excuse to Annie so she could be on her own for awhile. Could tonight get any crazier? What are the odds she would stumble upon Joshua and his family tonight? And at the bar where he worked? Yup, she needed to grab a lottery ticket first thing in the morning. She was pacing back and forth in the front room of her boutique trying to take-in what happened. When she heard the knock, it startled her… but then he spoke. She froze in place. When her legs cooperated, she worked her way toward the door. She opened the door, and the wind blew his scent of bourbon and fresh soap. He was too intoxicating for her.

  “Joshua? What’re you doing here?”

  “Um… Can I come in? I brought wine,” he said, then he held up two wine glasses in one hand, and a bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc in the other. “I was walking home, but my feet took this route instead.” He was trying to decide if this was a bad idea. Then decided it was a terrible idea. As much as he loved seeing her standing there at the bar tonight, he still couldn’t let go of the past.

  Kenzie smiled and motioned for him to follow her to her office. Since there was minimal furniture in the space she made herself at home on the floor. The office was huge, one corner had her desk, the rest of the room was open and spacious. The walls were painted a light blue with a dark blue trim. There was a tall floor lamp by her desk and boxes against one wall. Several papers and books were scattered around. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor; her head was bent down. In a low voice, she said, “I’m glad your feet took you this way.”

  Joshua felt a little shaken by her words. He sighed and poured them each some wine. “Me, too. This place is huge; you could almost live here,” he said, pausing for a beat. “You don’t live here, do you?”

  “No, I need a life still,” she said, taking a long swallow of her wine, loving the tart citrus flavors as they slid down her throat. Looking up at Joshua. “Your feet took you to my new shop? We don’t sell men’s clothing here, you know that, right?”

  He chuckled. “I had a feeling that was the case. I’m trying to not feel slighted.” He glanced around. “So, you’ll have bridal stuff here too, like Izzy mentioned?”

  She was tracing the rim of her wine glass with her index finger. “Yup, in a separate room though. I’m excited to offer a little of everything here,” she said, taking another sip of her wine. “That was exciting to get to meet Isabel tonight. So, who is she to you, your sister?”

  Joshua shook his head. “No, my future sister-in-law. She’s marrying my older brother Drew in April. You remember my three brothers, Drew, Grant, and Alex. Today, Alex and Alyssa got married on the beach.” He looked beyond Kenzie toward the wall, lost in thought, and felt uncomfortable. As wonderful as it was to be sitting there talking with Kenzie after all these years, he needed to work on letting go of the past first. He stood. “I gotta get going, I have math tests to grade. I work at The Clam Bake Thursday, Friday, and every other Saturday. Stop by and grab a drink sometime.”

  Kenzie felt a little speechless at the moment. She nodded to him and watched him leave. Joshua Winters, holy shit. Well, one thing was for sure, she wasn’t waiting another ten years for this opportunity. It was now or never.

  Joshua looked back at the door as it closed, shook his head, then turned to walk home. As he walked down the side-walk, he thought about Kenzie and how she looked amazing just like back in high school. His “grumpy/sexy girl,” well, okay not his, but maybe someday she would be his. Her chocolate-colored eyes could lure any man in and that smile with her full, lush lips could bring anyone to their knees. He had difficulty keeping his body in check as he sat there talking to her, so he kept answering algebra problems… which was only partially helping. Her brunette tresses were long, wavy, and looked so silky to the touch. He didn’t dare touch her tonight, any part of her.

  He wanted to stay longer, maybe ask her more questions, but tonight he was struggling with letting go. It was hard to not think about how she ignored him in high school and then left unannounced. Kenzie had found a way into his heart for ten long years. He had thought about trying to find her, but created every excuse in the book for why that would be a bad idea. They never even got to know each other in high school because Kenzie made it clear she didn’t care about him the same way. His thoughts were always of Kenzie, his dreams were erotic and he always wanted more. Now he had just talked to her… in person… was it really happening?

  He shook his head, turned, and walked toward his house. The January air was crisp and cool with clear skies. He put his hands in his suit jacket and tightened it around him to warm-up some. As he rounded a corner, he heard a little bell chime and turned his head to see where the sound came from. He noticed Kenzie walking toward him. She had a look of determination and maybe sadness in her eyes? Joshua stopped walking and turned to wait for her. He wanted to go home and absorb what happened today. As much as she played a big part in his days, his heart still felt very guarded and cautious.

  When Joshua walked out of Kenzie’s shop, she wasn’t ready for him to leave yet. She needed more of him, wanted more of him. She had a feeling it would take time to convince Joshua that she planned to stay in Wilmington always. If she had her way, she would ask him to be hers forever. For now, one step at a time. The first step, dating. So, she caught up to him and took in a deep breath.

  She was still a little out of breath. “Sorry, I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner one night this week? Or if your schedule is too busy, I might make you dinner?” Boy, could she sound any more desperate?

  Joshua looked up at the starry sky, then back into those delicious chocolate-colored eyes. “I don’t know, this week’s crazy.” A part of him wanted to have dinner with her, another part said, too soon.

  She sighed, feeling defeated. “Well, if you change your mind, here’s my number,” she said, and handed him her business card with her cell number on the back. She looked around, the streets were quiet. Only a few cars had passed by and most of the shops had all closed for the night. She turned to walk back to her shop. Then glanced back at those mesmerizing eyes. She wanted to tell him, sorry. Instead, she stood there looking at him, lost for words. She smiled. “See you around, Joshua.” Then before Joshua could say anything, she turned to walked back to her boutique.

  Joshua stood there feeling flummoxed. The look in her eyes said so much, she seemed sad, afraid, and lonely. What could that all mean why did she have this look like she wanted to apologize? Tonight just kept getting weirder and weirder.

  Chapter 2

  “We need more ice; can you grab me some?” Stacy said, filling three pint glasses with beer. The Clam Bake was busier than normal for a Thursday night.

  “Yup, heading there now. I’ll grab bottles of tequila while I’m back there. Tonight is Margarita night apparently.” He glanced around, all the seats were filled inside and out. Good ol’ Southern rock was blaring from the speakers. There was a table full of sorority girls all laughing and drinking way too much. Several tables with people in their suits and fancy dresses celebrating happy hour. His brother Drew and several of the firefighters were playing darts and blowing off steam.

  Joshua headed to the kitchen to grab ice and a few bottles of tequila in the storage room. When he walked back up front, he had his head down and didn’t notice some of the new arrivals. He filled the ice bin, then looked up and smiled. Kenzie was standing right in front of him. She had her elbows resting on the bar with her phone resting in her hands. A part of him felt bad he never ended up calling her, but he couldn’t drum up the courage

  Kenzie wished Joshua had excepted her invitation to dinner. When he declined, she decided on Plan B. What Plan B was, was not clear just yet. “Busy night tonight,” she asked. “I hope it’s okay I stopped by to see you?”

  Joshua’s insides were doing a little dance. He was excited to see her, more like elated. He seemed calm and collect on the outside. “Yeah, first week back for the college kids, but not sure about everyone else.” He made a few more margaritas to help Stacy, then asked, “Did you want anything to drink?”

  Kenzie sat down on the barstool, she planned on playing stalker tonight. “That Margarita looks delicious.”

  Joshua shook his head. “Please tell you like other cocktails? Margaritas are so 90’s.”

  Kenzie let out a full-belly laugh. “90’s, huh? Well mister bartender, what do you recommend?”

  “Try the Chenin My Bourbon cocktail. You like bourbon, right?” He stopped, leaned his body against the bar. “If you live in the South, you have to like bourbon.”

  She gave a surprised look. “I have to like it, huh? Well, I better work on that love affair. Chenin My Bourbon, please.”

  Kenzie new if she played stalker, she had to go easy on the booze. She sipped her drink while enjoying the show; the Joshua Winters show that was. A few hours later she was looking at her phone and answering a few emails when a hand touched her shoulder. Looking up, she was surprised to see Joshua standing right next to her.

  Joshua was feeling confused tonight. Kenzie was still at the bar and she didn’t look like she had plans to leave soon. “You okay?”

  She turned in her seat and brushed up against him. There was that feeling again that intense surge of energy and crazy flutter in her stomach. Oh, this man, this gorgeous man. “Fine, you?”

  He sat down in the barstool next to her. “Kenzie, you have not moved for two hours. Well, for a restroom break but otherwise you have been sipping on the same drink and playing on your phone. Did you want me to set-up a charging station for your phone?”

  Kenzie sighed. “I’m not leaving until you’re done with work.”

  Josh seemed confused by that statement. “So, you plan to be here till 2:00 in the morning?”

  “If that is how long your shift is, then yes.” She looked toward the door and remembered back to high school. Joshua would wait outside by the main doors every day for Kenzie. Of course, she was a horrible person and would walk past him every time. Turning back to Joshua. “Do you remember in high school when you would wait outside for me? I think you waited for me every day.”

  Joshua stiffened. “Yes, it was every single day.” To this day he still couldn’t understand what he was thinking. Why did he wait for her every day and crush his soul into little tiny pieces?

  “Well, I plan to wait for you now. I will be here tomorrow, too, if you decide to not talk today.” She grabbed her cocktail and took a sip.

  Joshua didn’t know what to think. “Kenzie, what’s this about? Why the need to set up shop here where I work?”

  She wanted to touch him, feel his hands on her, but she had to keep her cool. “I want you to understand why I’m here in Wilmington, but with more than just words.” She looked at his hands that were holding a towel. His knuckles looked white, his stance looked uncomfortable, and his face looked confused… or maybe it was frustration. “So, can I have another Chenin My Bourbon, please?”

  He sat there looking at her, feeling very confused. Now, ten years later and she planned to play the stalker game. “Well, at least eat something, 2:00 a.m. is far off.”

  Kenzie ended up drinking three Chenin My Bourbon cocktails and ran to the restroom four times. It was safe to say, she was becoming a fan of bourbon after tonight. It was 1:45 a.m. and Joshua was packing up to head home. She stood and headed outside to wait by the front door for him.

  If Joshua was being honest with himself, he felt a little pang of need for Kenzie. After she reminded him about waiting by the door in high school and now here she was doing the same. Did she come back to Wilmington for him? That couldn’t be true, could it? He grabbed his keys, phone, locked everything up, and walked outside to see her sitting on a bench by the front door. “I have to get home; I have to teach at 7:00 a.m.”

  She stood and faced him. “I understand. Will you be here tomorrow?”

  He smiled. “Yes. Will you be here, too?”

  She walked toward him. “Pretty much.” She was just a few inches from him. She was so close and yet she still couldn’t touch him. She reached her hand up to touch his face but decided against that move. Instead, she clasped her hands together. “I will see you tomorrow, Joshua. Have a wonderful Friday.”

  When it looked like Kenzie would reach-up and touch his face. He took a few steps backwards and away from any possible contact. As he walked toward his house, he looked back.

  “See you tomorrow, Kenzie.”

  The next day during lunch, Joshua was in the teachers’ lounge. He was sitting at a table near the window eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Fridays were always tough for him if he had to close at the bar. So lunch the next day was always simple and quick to make. He took a bite of his sandwich and then looked out the window. Several kids were out running around, laughing, and some were playing basketball. This was the town he grew-up in and the school where he went as a kid. Some of the teachers that taught him were still here, which seemed crazy to him.

  He always had this innate ability to answer all math questions. It didn’t matter what type of math; he would have the answer in a flash. So, becoming a math teacher was not a surprise to anyone. The funny part, Joshua was that kid that liked to test the boundaries with the teachers and his parents. He was a wild child who was just given that special gift of understanding math.

  As he took his last bite of sandwich, something caught his eye. He stood and walked to the window to get a closer look. What the hell? Kenzie was sitting by their oak tree and reading a book. She looked comfortable, yet out of place surrounded by all the kids playing. He didn’t have time to go ask her why she was reading a book here at the school. But he would bet his last dollar she would be there when school was out. A part of him liked this stalker game she was playing, but another part of him felt unease. He packed up his stuff and headed back to his classroom. The kids had a major test to prepare for next week, so he wanted to make sure he had everything ready for it.

  Kenzie was playing the stalker game. She woke-up this morning and just wanted to hold Joshua. Somehow, she needed to feel him on her and maybe soon in her. She had nothing she needed to get done immediately for the shop. So, she packed a bag full of treats, her favorite book, and walked to Joshua’s school where he worked. This was borderline insane, but she didn’t care. She sat by the special oak tree that sparked this whole thing between them and waited.

  There was so much she wanted to share with Joshua, but she was too ashamed. It was easier to keep some of her past hidden, like the main reason she took so long to move back to North Carolina. At this point in her life, it was just easier to keep some of her demons hidden. Her family was so supportive and convinced her to come back to Wilmington. They told her that her past should not define who she was as a person. Mostly she agreed with her family, but she still had days where she felt the world falling all around her.

  When 3:00 p.m. hit, Joshua packed up and headed out. He knew she was still at the oak tree because he checked earlier. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He played out what happened ten years ago and walked up to her, and asked, “What are you reading?”

  His voice was like music to her ears. She looked up and smiled. “Definitely not ‘War and Peace,’ my brain wasn’t in the mood for that intense book.”

  He sat down in front of her and placed his bag next to them. “So, were you feeling nostalgic today- missing this old oak tree?”

  “No, only you,” she admitted, looking up and noticing his expression showed signs of confusion. He had a five o’clock shadow starting and his dark blo
nde hair looked wind-blown. She loved how tall he was and all legs for sure. She thought about those legs a lot over the years and how they would wrap around her so perfectly. He was muscular, but still tall and lean, and that smile- damn that smile. Reaching her hand out to touch his leg, she needed to make contact with him. “You done working for a few hours?”

  He looked down at her hand resting on his leg, then placed his hand on top of hers. “For a few hours, then off to the bar.”

  “You should play hooky and instead spend the evening with me.” She was crossing her fingers and toes he would say yes.

  He laughed. “Well, as tempting as that sounds, I can’t call in only a few hours before my shift. Will you be spending the evening watching me work again tonight?”

  “Would you like me to?” she asked, turning her hand below his and clasped his hand with hers. “Do you close again tonight?”

  He loved having her hand in his. “I don’t close tonight. I will be done at 11:00 pm... and yes.”

  Kenzie let go of his hand, then moved her body closer to his. Their knees were touching, and she reached forward and clasped both his hands in both of hers. She looked up into his hazel eyes. “You know, some would call me a stalker for watching you at your jobs.”

  “And some would be jealous that I have a gorgeous woman watching me.” He brought their clasped hands up between them and tugged her closer to him. “So, my sexy/grumpy girl, tell me, why are you watching me?”

  She laughed. “Sexy/grumpy girl? I’m not sure if I should feel touched or offended. Was this my nickname in high school?”

  “Yes, but I’m thinking we need to change it to my sexy stalker, seems appropriate.”


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