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You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3)

Page 5

by Terra Kelly

  She smiled. “Okay, okay! So, how is Gage?” They continued to talk for another few minutes. She always felt better after talking to her dad.

  She sat back in her chair and sighed. Simple? No, not simple, more like terrifying.

  As she walked out of her office, a flash of movement caught her attention. She walked up front and saw Joshua sitting on a chair. He had his head bent and was looking at his phone. She stopped and looked at him. Damn he was gorgeous. Somehow, she had to tell him about her degrees or lack thereof, but how? She walked toward him, and at the same moment he lifted his head. They both never took their eyes off each other, Kenzie stopped just inches from him.

  With just a hint of a smile, she asked, “I thought you were heading to The Clam Bake with Izzy and Drew?”

  He stood and filled the space between them. “I waited to walk over with you. Is that okay?”

  She had her hands knotted together, and her thumbs were moving back and forth. “Of course.”

  Joshua was only about four inches taller than her, so he bent to look into her chocolate-colored eyes. “You want to talk about what has you distracted?”

  “Not right now. Let’s go get a drink.”

  He would not push; he didn’t know her enough to push. “Whenever you’re ready, you know I’m here,” he said, squeezing her hand.


  “Why what?”

  “Why would you want to be here for me, after all I did to you? I was horrible to you in high school and then never apologized- until ten years later.” She stopped talking and turned away from him, and whispered, “Shit, I still haven’t apologized.”

  Joshua walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist. He could get used to this, the feel of her next to him. “I’m working on letting go Kenzie and you should, too. Only forward, right?”

  She leaned her head back onto his chest and let out a deep sigh, “I don’t think I can let go just yet, there is a few things I need to resolve first.” She turned into his embrace, loving the way it felt in his arms. She hoped he would still want to be near her once he knew about her, and her past.

  Kenzie was laughing as she walked into The Clam Bake. Joshua was behind her poking her sides and trying to make her laugh. She turned and grabbed his hands in hers. “Oh my God, paybacks are a bitch!”

  Joshua couldn’t stop smiling, with their hands still joined, he tugged her closer to him. He whispered for only her ears, “Yeah, what will you do, spank me?”

  Kenzie flushed at his words. “Maybe?”

  Joshua pulled her even closer. “I think we have a problem?”

  “What kind of problem?”

  But before he could answer her question, Izzy hopped over and stuck her head in between theirs. “Hi there, chick-a-dees, you plan on joining us for dinner or giving the restaurant a show of a lifetime?”

  Kenzie pressed her head to Joshua’s chest, her mouth was facing his chest. With a muffled voice, “What are you doing to me, Joshua Winters?”

  Isabel let out a full belly laugh. “Sweetie, it’s called the Winters charm… and they’re all freaking hot.”

  Joshua wrapped his arms around Kenzie. “My charm and looks have you flustered? Well, now you know what you do every single time you walk into a room,” he whispered in her ear. He bent and kissed her temple. “Want a bourbon on the rocks to calm your nerves?” Then he poked her side again to get her attention.

  She lifted her head to protest, but instead was lost in his eyes. Just inches from his mouth and all she wanted to do was kiss those gorgeous full lips. Then he smiled, full teeth showing and all, and that was it for her. She leaned up and claimed what was hers. It was not a thank you or how are you kiss- it was a kiss that heated the whole room up.

  When she pulled back, they both had glazed looks, and half grins plastered on their faces. He put his arm around her waist and walked them toward Isabel and Drew.

  Isabel smiled. “I ordered you both a bourbon on the rocks. You need it.”

  Kenzie found her voice. “Thank you, Izzy. Did you make it a double?” They all laughed.

  After about an hour, they all had stuffed their faces with some fantastic dishes. Drew reached for Isabel’s hand. “You ready to head home, sweet Izzy?”

  “Yes, I believe I am.” She turned to Kenzie, and asked, “Would you like to take a walk on the beach with me tomorrow. I try to exercise, oh maybe once or twice a week. You could join me?”

  “Well, now I know we will become great friends. I hate exercising but do it occasionally, too. What time are you heading out?”

  Isabel smiled. “Depends on how late he keeps me up,” she said, pointing to Drew. “Want to say 11:00 a.m. and we could change it to 12:00 p.m. if we need to?”

  Kenzie covered her ears and sang, “La la la la la la.” Shaking her head. “Let’s say 12:00 p.m. I can already tell 11:00 a.m. won’t work.”

  Drew and Isabel headed out for the night walking hand in hand. Kenzie smiled and looked over at Joshua, who was staring right back at her. “I need to head back to the boutique for a few minutes.”

  Joshua stood up and held out his hand for her to take. “I need to head home; school starts at the crack of dawn. What are you doing tomorrow night?”

  Kenzie squeezed his hand. “Just last minute touch-ups to the boutique. I can’t believe it’s almost opening day.”

  “Have dinner with me tomorrow night?”

  “Okay. Who’s cooking? You?”

  Joshua looked shocked. “I am. You don’t think I can cook?”

  Kenzie laughed. “I don’t know, but I’m game. How about seven-ish?”

  Joshua walked her to her boutique but decided against going into her shop. Every time they were close together- sparks would fly, windows would shake, and the earth would have a slight tremor. At the front door, he leaned in and gave her the sweetest kiss. “I will see you tomorrow night.”

  Kenzie wanted more of him, needed more of him. When he didn’t walk into the boutique, she felt hollow inside. She watched him leave and decided to be spontaneous. She walked to her office, packed up a couple things that were scattered on her desk, shut down the computers, turned off the lights, and set the alarm. She walked toward Joshua’s house, the air was still cool with hints of humidity. When she reached his house, she walked up the steps and knocked.

  Joshua had just arrived home, sat his keys on the end table by the door- and was walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He heard the light knock and looked toward the door confused. Then his body hummed with desire and he knew it was Kenzie. What was she doing here?

  Kenzie had her hands on the door frame for support and her head bent. When Josh opened the door, she looked up and knew at that moment she was making the right decision. She wanted him, needed him: Now. She straightened-up, walked toward him- placed both her hands on his chest and pushed him inside. She kicked the door closed with her foot and then pushed him up against the wall.

  Joshua wanted this, he did. But was it the right choice? In a low growl, “Kenzie?”

  “Shhhhh, don’t talk, just feel.” Then she slid her hands up his chest and fisted her hands in his hair. She pulled his face down just mere inches from hers. “This, right here, right now. Perfect.” Then she slammed her mouth against his. Their tongues explored, getting entangled, but they never let go.

  Joshua could remember wanting Kenzie in high school but the need now had increased tenfold. She was demanding, needy, rough, and goddamn sexy. He took one hand and cupped her hip and his other hand cupped the back of her neck. One moment he was feeling unsure and the next moment he couldn’t get close enough to her.

  She pulled back, breathing heavily. “Please tell me you have condoms?”

  He smiled. “Do I need them?”

  She growled, grabbed a fist full of his shirt, then pushed him toward his living room. She pushed him onto the couch and straddled him. “So, what do you think?”

  He grabbed her ass and squeezed. “I think I like this
side of you, it’s sexy as hell.”

  Kenzie laughed. “It’s your fault you know, you bring it out in me. When I’m near you, I want to be touching you, have you on me, and in me.”

  His eyes turned black with desire. “Kenzie.” He pulled her shirt up and raised an eyebrow. “A front hook. How did I get so lucky?” He then unhooked her bra and her gorgeous full breasts spilled out. He cupped them both, rubbing each nipple with the pad of his thumbs. Her nipples where so hard and he loved the rough feeling as they brushed across his thumb. Then he leaned up and took one taught nipple in his mouth.

  Kenzie had goose bumps that covered her whole body from the contact. She loved the feel of his mouth on her as he nipped, sucked, and devoured each nipple. She fisted her hands in his hair and moved her hips back and forth. She could feel his long hard erection through his jeans as she moved. Suddenly, she was on the floor and he was removing her jeans.

  “Now someone is wearing way too many clothes, and it’s not me.” she teased, lifting her leg up and rubbing her foot over his ever growing erection.

  “Did you want me to remove this?” he asked, as he lifted his shirt over his head.

  Kenzie laughed. “Nope.”

  “How about these,” he teased, and bent down to remove his socks.

  She sighed. “Heck no.”

  “So then you wanted these removed, as he unbuttoned his jeans, and removed both his boxers and jeans in one swift motion.”

  Kenzie gasped, he was erect and so beautiful. “Oh my, yes, that is just perfect.” She leaned up onto her knees, looked up into his eyes- then took him into her mouth. She loved the way he felt, the way he tasted. She moved her tongue back and forth, and then she moved her tongue around the tip. She felt him shake and smiled while taking him deeper into her mouth.

  Joshua was struggling to not let go right there. He wanted… no... needed to be inside her. He pushed her back onto the floor, grabbed his jeans and pulled a condom from his wallet- and sat it next to them. Then he leaned up and kissed those swollen, gorgeous lips. Leaning back on his knees, he slid her panties down over her legs. He threw the panties behind him and moved his hands up her legs and separated her thighs. She was lying there on the floor with her hair fanned out to the side and her breathing increasing. He surprised her by sliding a finger down her heated core. She jerked at the touch and lifted her body toward his hand in a silent plea for more. He heard her loud and clear, then pushed two fingers inside. He moved his fingers back and forth as she whimpered for more. Then he bent his mouth down, and with his fingers still inside her, he nipped, sucked and licked her. She smelled delicious and tasted even better. He couldn’t get enough of her intoxicating scent.

  Every sensation imaginable was happening to Kenzie’s body at that moment. She loved how he made her feel. Within a matter of minutes, she leaned forward crying out his name, and then fell back, feeling satiated. He crawled up her body, leaving a trail of hot kisses. He was looking at her smiling, his erection pressing into her core. She felt spent, yet energized. She smiled back at him, then reached over and grabbed the condom. They both worked to get the condom on in record time. Then just like that, he was sliding into her inch by inch. They both looked into each other’s eyes, feeling the intensity between them. This was ten long years of pent-up energy being released. He continued to move inside her and at the same time reached down between them- and made circular motions on her most sensitive spot. Their breathing increased and minutes later Kenzie cried out his name for a second time. Joshua was fast on her heels and cried out from the sheer pleasure of it all.

  He fell on top of her, kissing her neck, and then leaning up on one elbow to look down into those chocolate-colored eyes. “I was just going to grab water and go to bed, but I have to say this was so much better.”

  She giggled. “I was going to order shoes for the store, so yeah, this is way better.”

  He didn’t want to leave her yet, but he slowly pulled out. The moment he was out, they both moaned a sound of disapproval. Joshua laughed. “I have more condoms in my bedroom. I mean, no pressure.”

  She leaped up, grabbed his hand, and said, “Lead the way.”

  There was a quiet rustling and then a dip in the bed. Kenzie pulled the pillow tighter around her head and mumbled something inaudibly. Joshua rubbed Kenzie’s back. “Hey sexy stalker, I’m heading out.”

  Kenzie pulled her head out from under the pillow, squinted at the bright sunlight shining through the window. She flopped her head back on the pillow. In a groggy voice, “What time is it?”

  He combed his hand through her silky hair. “Early. It’s 7:00 a.m. and classes start in about an hour. I wanted to say goodbye and see if we’re still on for dinner tonight?”

  Kenzie rolled over and sat up, and at the same moment the sheet fell off her delicious curves. Her body was perfect, shapely, and made his body ache to be with her again.

  She yawned, rubbed her eyes, and smiled. “What time did you let me go to sleep?”

  Josh loved how she never tried to cover herself back up. She looked gorgeous even after just waking up. All he wanted to do was kiss her and hold her, but he had to work. Laughing, “Let you sleep? I think it’s more like, when did you stop ravaging me?”

  She playfully pushed him. “You’re just too delicious, it’s not my fault.” She was waking up and looked at what he was wearing. He had dark gray slacks, a long-sleeve button down charcoal dress shirt, and an ocean blue tie on. His hair was still damp from the shower which she was sad to have missed out on.

  “I missed taking a shower with you?”

  “More like, I was very lonely in my shower this morning without you.”

  She reached up and brushed her hand across his five o’clock shadow. “I love you didn’t shave, this looks so good on you.” She leaned in closer and brushed her cheek across his. “Yeah, you better go, or I might ravage you again. Dinner here tonight, sounds good?”

  He moved his mouth close to hers. “Sounds perfect. Who’s cooking?” Then he moved in and kissed her soft, delicious lips. “Damn it, I want you so bad right now.” He kissed her one more time, then rose from the bed. She was still sitting there with nothing covering her beautiful body. “This will be the visual I will have running around in my head all day.” He brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. “See you tonight, my sexy stalker.” Then he turned to head out for the day.

  Kenzie flung herself back on the bed, threw a pillow over her face, and slept for a few more hours. Her libido was in over-drive, so as she slept she only dreamt of Joshua. When she woke up, she needed a release, and now. She got up and headed to take a long, and very warm shower. On the way to the bathroom she grabbed her phone to send a text to Joshua. She took a picture of herself in the nude by the shower. “Just taking care of something, since you’re not here to help.” Adding a winking emoji.

  When she got out of the shower, her phone was beeping. She laughed as she grabbed her phone to read the messages. Joshua had shared three messages. “What? Already?” Then he had a picture of him pouting, followed by. “I want you now.”

  Kenzie smiled and got ready to go for her walk with Isabel. She sent a picture of her smiling and another one of her blowing him a kiss. She loved how natural it felt to be at his house, in his bed, using his shower. She could get used to this. Then the thoughts of the many things she still needed to share with him came tumbling forward in her brain. Somehow, she would have to convince him to stay, even after he found out about her past. He felt too good in her arms to just let it all disappear.

  Chapter 4

  As Kenzie pulled into Isabel’s driveway, she looked out her window and about did a double-take. Isabel and Drew’s house was amazing and right next to the beach. A ping of jealously wanted to surface, but she ignored the feeling. She could have this too, maybe, someday. First, she needed to get her past and Joshua straightened out. She parked her car and headed to the front door.

  Isabel flung the door open before Kenzie knoc
ked. “Good morning. Did you get more rest than me? I’ve been trying to talk myself out of a walk for the last hour,” she said, laughing. “I need food and coffee more than a walk.”

  Kenzie winked. “I have a feeling we both got about the same amount of sleep. You can talk me out of the walk, I won’t protest.”

  Isabel looked closer at Kenzie, then gasped. “You didn’t? Did you?” Then she motioned for Kenzie to come in.

  “I did what?” She followed Isabel through her house and peeked at how everything was decorated. Each room was full of bright cheerful colors adorning each wall.

  Isabel smiled. “Had some playtime with gorgeous last night?”

  Kenzie stopped. “What? Did you say playtime?”

  Isabel laughed. “I did,” she said. “And I’m right!” She walked to her kitchen and went to grab two coffee mugs from the cabinet. As she poured them each a cup, she said, “You and Joshua are doing okay?”

  “I think so. We still have things to work out.”

  Isabel walked around her large kitchen island and sat down next to Kenzie. “I’m so happy you both are doing okay. He needed you in his life.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Drew said he dated one girl in the last ten years. Otherwise, it was always you.”

  Kenzie just sat there for a moment, unable to process that sentence fully. They both wanted each other, had never dated, and waited this long to be together. This was crazy. Why did they wait so long? Why didn’t one of them try find the other?

  Isabel called her name. “Hey there Kenzie, Earth to Kenzie. I thought I lost you there for a moment. Want to talk about it, I’m told I’m a great listener!”

  Kenzie looked over at Isabel and sighed. “I guess I feel confused. Why did we wait so long to be together if we wanted each other this much?” She shook her head. “Well, I guess I know why I did, but why did he wait?”

  “Can I ask why you waited?” she said, taking a big gulp of her coffee.


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