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Devil's Vow (Devil's Martyrs MC Book 5)

Page 17

by Brook Wilder

  “Melody, the pregnancy test…”

  “I have to tell you something, Christian.”

  They had both spoken at once, and he froze, meeting her gaze for a long moment, before a smile cracked across his face, taking much of the tension away with it.

  “Look, whatever happens, whatever the test says, we’ll deal with it together. But…I think you should take it now. So we know what we’re dealing with.”

  “That sounds…surprisingly reasonable,” Melody said after a moment.

  He could see her fears, her nervousness. He could also see the way she took control of her fear, throwing her shoulders back and facing the situation head on, without flinching away.

  He wanted to pull her close and hug her, but he knew the time had come to find out the truth. Slowly, Melody pulled the test out of her pocket where she’d stashed it away earlier and swallowed hard before nodding once.

  “Okay. Well. Here goes nothing,” she said with a weak laugh, as she made her way down the hallway to the bathroom.

  “Hey, Mel. I mean it. Whatever happens. We’ll deal with it,” Christian told her just before she shut the bathroom door. Her dark eyes were enormous in her face. “Together.”

  Chapter 29

  Melody shut the door with trembling fingers. The trembling only got worse as she fumbled to open the box and take out the small plastic stick. She followed the directions, which she’d read at least five times, and the minutes ticked by interminably slowly as she sat on the edge of the bathtub.

  She tapped her thumbs together, waiting for the time to elapse, and she was pretty sure she didn’t breathe the entire time. Her emotions were at war inside her and her thoughts were in little better shape.

  It seemed like an eternity of waiting. But all too soon it was time to look at the test and get her results. With numb fingers Melody reached for it, almost too afraid to look, now that the time had come.

  With a gasp, she stared at the tiny plus sign and the test slipped from her fingers to land soundlessly on the tile floor.

  She wasn’t sure how long she stood there, just like that, unmoving, all thoughts frozen.

  “Mel? Mel, are you okay? Can I…do something?”

  Christian’s voice shouting through the bathroom door jerked her back to life, and with a deep breath she stepped forward and pulled it open. She just looked up at him. She didn’t need to say a word. It was written all over her face.

  “Holy shit. We’re pregnant,” Christian whispered.

  Melody watched a gamut of emotions flicker and flash across his face. Shock. Surprise. Panic. And then something that she wouldn’t have expected in a million years. Happiness.

  Christian let out a giggle, and then a full-blown laugh, and all Melody could do was stand there and stare in shock.

  “A baby!” he finally gasped. “We’re going to have a baby!”

  Then, before she could even process it, he was reaching towards her, pulling her into his arms in a hug that lifted her off her feet as he spun her around.

  Melody was dizzy when he set her back on her feet. Christian was already talking a mile a minute, making lists of everything they would need to do. The doctor, the baby classes, the books they should read. It was so much that she could hardly keep up, and after a few minutes she finally stepped forward, raising her hands.

  “Wait a minute, Christian,” she said, interrupting him mid-sentence. “You’re…okay with this? I mean…It’s a big shock and I know you never wanted…well, you never planned on me or getting married or…this.”

  Suddenly, he was in front of her, cupping her face in his hand, and she had no choice but to meet his gaze, no way to escape the intensity in his eyes.

  “Mel, listen to me. You’re right. I never expected any of this. You dropped into my life and caught me by surprise, but…” He paused, shaking his head as if he could hardly believe it himself. “I don’t regret a moment of my time with you. I’ve felt more alive, more myself, in the past weeks with you than I ever have in my entire life. And I told you, we would take care of this baby together and I meant it. We can handle anything.”

  He said it with so much conviction that she almost believed him.

  “But, Enrique…”

  “We’ll take care of that too,” Christian said, his voice deepening with emotion, “Together.”

  There was only one thing Melody could do then. She reached up, holding him tight, and kissed him, putting everything she felt into it. All the things she couldn’t say out loud, all of the emotions that were filling her to the brim, she wanted to show him everything that was inside her.

  Christian angled his head, spearing his fingers through her hair as he deepened the kiss, drinking in everything she had to give him, and giving back so much more.

  It left her breathless and trembling, not with panic this time, but with pure, undiluted need. The type of need that’s so much more than a quickie or a one-night stand. The type of need that settles deep inside and demands nothing less than total and complete honesty.

  Before she could even make a move, Christian was stripping off her clothes. They tore at each other, desperate and drowning in a desire so rich and sweet that it tasted just like the chocolate ice cream that still lingered in her tongue.

  Somehow, they made their way to the bedroom, stumbling and laughing breathlessly as they went but never breaking apart.

  There was no hesitation here, no uncertainty or doubt. Just two people who needed each other like air, like food, like sustenance.

  They came together in a storm of gasps and moans and dark desires that dragged them both deeper together. They were tangled so tightly that Melody wasn’t sure where she stopped and Christian began. And she didn’t care.

  All she knew was that, for the first time in a year, hell maybe the first time in her entire life, she finally felt like she was exactly where she needed to be. In Christian’s arms, she was exactly where she belonged.

  In the blink of an eye, they were both naked. She wasn’t sure where her clothes had gone, and she didn’t care about that either.

  With desperate fingers she pulled Christian towards her and they toppled towards the bed. He laid down and she fell on top of him, ravenous, starving for him.

  She couldn’t wait for him. There was something deeper driving him forward, something that she could only tell him with her body. And as she took him deep into herself, deeper than anyone had ever been, she felt it crash over her.

  She was in love with him.

  Melody threw her head back, crying out in pleasure and desire as they moved together.

  She rocked her hips against him, riding him like a wild thing until they were both on the edge of that dark abyss.

  She squeezed her eyes shut tight, but Christian pulled her back towards him.

  “Look at me,” he growled fiercely and all she could do was obey.

  They hung like that, the entire world narrowing down to their bodies moving in tandem in the dark, Christian’s blue eyes like sapphires burning into her own.

  He kissed her then, and it was a kiss that she would always remember. It was the kiss that broke her heart. It was the kiss that put her back together.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her mouth and she drank them in like sweet nectar.

  Over and over again, Christian ground out the words, just as his body ground into hers.

  “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  Something deep inside her shifted, and she broke apart. Again and again, shuddering until she didn’t have any more breath to scream out his name. Her climax tore her apart and she felt Christian tense beneath her as he joined her.

  She slid bonelessly against him, pillowed on his chest. He didn’t let her go and they lay there like that, twined as closely as two people could be. She listened as his breath slowed and dropped into the easy rhythm of sleep.

  Melody held him close in her arms, her body still singing with pleasure as Bianca’s words came back to her.

  There is happiness in the world. When you find it, it’s worth fighting for.

  She glanced up at Christian, his eyes closed and a small smile curving his lips. Maybe, just maybe, she was right. Maybe there was happiness in the world, but god knew she had a hell of a fight ahead of her if she wanted to hold on to it.

  She just had to be strong enough. Somehow, for herself, for Christian. And for their baby.


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