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Jedi Quest 9: The False Peace (звёздные войны)

Page 9

by Jude Watson

  "Coordinates," Siri rapped out.

  Anakin gave them to her, and she turned to Ferus. "Stay here with the Supreme Chancellor. I'll contact you if you're needed."

  Ferus nodded. He did not seem to have the same conflict about the order that Anakin did. Siri raced down the hall.

  "You go, too, Anakin," Palpatine urged him. "One Jedi is enough protection."

  Anakin hesitated. He would be disobeying a direct order from Obi-Wan.

  But Obi-Wan had given the order before Ferus had shown up. And even though Palpatine had dismissed the idea that the water valve malfunction could be a security breach, Anakin felt in his bones that it was Omega, just as Obi- Wan had.

  "If it is Omega, he is too dangerous an opponent to allow to escape,"

  Palpatine said. "The future of the Senate is at stake."

  Ferus said nothing. His dark eyes moved from Palpatine to Anakin. He knew that whatever he said, Anakin would not take it into consideration.

  Anakin made his decision. He turned to Ferus. "I have to go. Don't leave his side."

  He didn't have time to wonder if Ferus was annoyed that he had given a fellow Padawan an order. He felt the urgency of his mission. Everything in him pointed the way to a showdown with Omega. And it was just as Palpatine had said: Only he knew what he was capable of. Only he knew the right thing to do.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Obi-Wan splashed through the water tunnel. There were only a few centimeters of water on the bottom, but the tunnel was sweating water, and it dripped steadily on his head and down his neck. He had examined the valve that caused the malfunction alarm, and he was almost certain it had been caused by a blow, probably from a tool. There was a deep, fresh scratch on the valve, and part of the edge of it was bashed in, lying flush against the tunnel itself, making it impossible to open it. Had Omega and Zan Arbor attempted to open the valve and failed? Was the damage a result of frustration, or miscalculation?

  It didn't matter. What mattered was that they were here.

  The sound of dripping water magnified in his ears until the soft plinks sounded like loud clangs. There were so many branches of the tunnel that he wasn't even sure where the main tunnel ran. He wasn't lost, exactly — not yet — but he wasn't terribly comfortable with his sense of direction at this point. Obi-Wan splashed down another quarter-kilometer. He had to go slowly, for fear of making too much noise, but at this rate, he'd never find them. The Senate complex was as large as a mid-sized city on some planets. If Omega and Zan Arbor decided to hide, it could take some time before he could find them.

  Obi-Wan's comlink signaled, and he grabbed it. It was Tyro. The reception was poor, and the corn line crackled.

  "Obi-Wan, I must meet with you. Where are you?"

  "In the water tunnels. Tyro, I don't have time — "

  "Listen to me. I've dug back, looking for links. And I stumbled on something. Something… much more… terrible."

  Even through the poor connection, Obi-Wan heard the fear in Tyro's voice. "I know about the assassination plot on Palpatine," Obi-Wan told his friend.

  "What? No…" The comlink crackled again."… can't talk about it over a comlink. We must meet. This involves the highest level… great evil…"

  "I know, Tyro!" Obi-Wan hissed into the comlink, exasperated. "Sano Sauro!"

  ". only you can truly understand…" Tyro said through the static.

  "Tyro? I can't pick up what you're saying! I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Obi-Wan shut off the transmission. He saw a schematic blueprint on the side of the tunnel, and he hurried over to examine it.

  The blueprint was fashioned by raised laser lines that responded to touch. When Obi-Wan touched one part of the blueprint, it lit up in far more detail.

  Just like the blueprint at the factory on Falleen.

  They had used the same system to map the tunnels. Did that mean that the tunnels in the factory on Falleen corresponded to the Senate tunnels?

  Obi-Wan touched the area he was standing in. The tunnel design appeared, with all the different branches.

  He didn't recognize the design. It was different from the one on Falleen. But that didn't mean that another quadrant wouldn't match. If he found the quadrant that they'd built on Falleen, he'd know which way Zan Arbor and Omega were going.

  Which meant he would have to flash through each quadrant of the Senate water system until he found the one that matched. Obi-Wan scanned the menu.

  There were five hundred and seventy-two separately designated quadrants to the system. It would take too long for him to stand here and try to match them.

  Obi-Wan studied the tunnel around him in frustration. The answer was here. Somewhere. There was something he wasn't seeing.

  He closed his eyes, remembering the tunnel on Falleen. Had there been a clue there that he had missed?

  In his mind, he saw the tunnel he was standing in and matched it to the one on Falleen. Something was different, he knew. What? Suddenly, he realized something crucial.


  The Senate water tunnel had no vents. Of course not. It had valves to regulate water flow.

  The tunnel on Falleen had vents.

  Obi-Wan bent forward and accessed the grid again. He saw on the menu that the air and water tunnels were stacked on top of one another. There were several linking passageways for workers to get from one to the other.

  He pressed the key for the air tunnel quadrant nearest to where he was standing.

  It was the same grid.

  Obi-Wan realized then what he should have realized on Falleen. Zan Arbor had attempted to transmit the Zone through water to a large population. She had failed.



  Track A had been transmission through water. It had failed. Four deaths were the result.

  Track B had been transmission through air. Obi-Wan's conclusions thudded through his brain with sickening logic.

  Zan Arbor and Omega knew he was expecting them to attack through water.

  They had wanted the Senate water tunnels to be shut down.

  It was their way in. And while the water tunnels were being searched, they would release the Zone into the air.

  He studied the blueprint again, then whipped out his comlink as he ran. He could not get through. He was too deep in the system now.

  He ran along the tunnel until he saw the light indicating a pass- through to the air tunnels. He accessed the door and rushed through, then jumped on a constantly moving platform that took him up to the air transport systems. Obi-Wan raced through a circular door into the air tunnel.

  He remembered the blueprint perfectly. If he took a left turn, then a right, he would arrive in the main air tunnel. The one that went to the main Senate chamber.

  He ran down the tunnel, his footsteps making no noise. Before long he heard a faint humming noise.

  A speeder bike.

  He took the next turn and saw them. Zan Arbor and Omega, traveling at low speed through the tunnel.

  He accessed the Force and leaped, throwing himself through the air, straight at the speeder.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Obi-Wan hit the end of the vehicle and grabbed on to the edge of the backseat. The speeder lurched with the impact and collided with the wall in a shower of sparks.

  In the pilot seat, Granta Omega took a backward glance and saw him. A look of rage transfixed his features into a snarling mask.

  "Grants, watch out!" Zan Arbor screamed.

  The tunnel curved and now the speeder was heading straight for the wall. Omega jerked the controls. The rear fishtailed wildly, tossing Obi- Wan back and forth. He scrambled toward the third seat in the rear.

  Zan Arbor took out a blaster. Obi-Wan activated his lightsaber while she lifted it to aim. He swung, deflecting fire, but it was hard to hold on with one hand and he knew he wouldn't be able to do it for long.

  "Faster!" she shouted to Omega. With the other hand, she took another b
laster out of her belt. "Just drive!"

  To his surprise, she did not aim the second blaster at him. Omega piloted the speeder bike closer to the walls of the tunnel, and she took aim at the side.

  At the vent.

  Obi-Wan realized she wasn't holding an ordinary blaster. It was likely packed with pellets. She was going to shoot into the vent. And right about now, if he remembered the blueprints correctly, they were on a direct line to the main Senate chamber.

  "Get closer!" Zan Arbor screamed. She half-stood, half-crouched on the seat, lining up her shot, ignoring Obi-Wan for now. She would only get one chance at the vent.

  But Obi-Wan was well aware that Omega had two problems: He had to get close enough for Zan Arbor to shoot, but he had to keep Obi-Wan off balance enough to prevent him from reaching Zan Arbor.

  The Force hummed in the tunnel and around him. Time slowed down. Only a second remained until Zan Arbor would take her shot, but that second broke down into smaller pieces of time that Obi-Wan could use.

  He could see the vent approaching. He waited until he knew Omega would have to get the speeder closer to the wall. At the moment Omega made the adjustment, Obi-Wan threw himself forward, knocking Zan Arbor off position.

  With a swift, precise kick, Obi-Wan dislodged the blaster from her hand. It flew out, bouncing against the tunnel wall.

  Zan Arbor crouched in the bottom of the speeder, her face contorted in a scream.

  "Do it now!" she screamed at Omega.

  Of course. Omega would have a blaster, too. He always had a backup.

  Omega threw the speeder into reverse. It was careening now, almost out of control, but his arm was steady as he aimed the blaster at the vent.

  Again, time moved for Obi-Wan just as he wanted it to move, with spaces in between the seconds for him to exploit. He reached over and pushed the speed lever forward. The speeder went into maximum velocity in resverse.

  Obi-Wan was prepared, but Omega and Zan Arbor were thrown forward with the lurch of speed. Omega let go of the blaster. Obi-Wan reached up and snatched it out of the air, then tucked it into his utility belt.

  Omega tried to push the engines into forward again, but the speeder finally protested and stalled. The engine cut out and the speeder spun crazily, then bounced on the bottom of the tunnel and slammed against the wall.

  Omega was already jumping out as the speeder bike died. Obi-Wan leaped after him, but found himself suddenly contending with a dozen miniature seeker droids hammering blaster fire at him. Omega had released them from a compartment on the speeder even as it came to its final stop.

  The first dozen were joined by another dozen. Then another. And, Obi- Wan saw in dismay, another. The blaster fire kept Obi-Wan moving, but he could not get anywhere. He had to leap and defend himself against the blaster fire while taking down the elusive droids, who were now between him and the two criminals.

  Zan Arbor ran toward Omega. "Let's move on to the exit plan."

  Omega stood, watching Obi-Wan contend with the droids. Obi-Wan heard him clearly. "I want to see him die. Not even a Jedi can escape this many seekers."

  "Don't be a fool. Come on! Security will be all over us in another minute!" Zan Arbor started to run.

  Taking a last look at Obi-Wan, Omega grinned. "Have fun."

  Then he turned and started after Zan Arbor. Obi-Wan leaped into the air, barely missing blaster crossfire. The tunnel was filling with smoke from the heavy fire. He began to regret charging off alone to hunt Omega.

  Maybe he'd been wrong not to wait for backup…

  Jedi do not second-guess.

  Especially when they are in a tunnel with thirty-three flying, firing droids.

  Three droids in one blow. But there were thirty others, and it would take time.

  Instead of running forward, Obi-Wan retreated. He dashed back to the speeder and threw himself underneath it. His face was directly against the hot metal, his arms and legs squeezed inside so that the blasters could get not direct shots at him.

  He heard the blaster fire rake the speeder, front to back, searching for his position. He waited until he heard the distinctive sound of several rounds of blaster fire penetrate the fuel tank.

  He had enough time, he had more than enough time, thanks to the Force, but Obi-Wan felt the hair on the back of his neck singe as he flew through the air, escaping the exploding speeder bike. The fireball took out twenty- eight seeker droids at once. Obi-Wan slashed the remaining two as he moved through the air, propelled by the Force and the extremely hot air thrown off by the explosion.

  He landed on his feet — singed, but fine.

  He started to run, whipping out his comlink as he moved. He knew where they were going. The Senate landing platform.

  He tried his comlink, but the heat of the blast had fused it. Obi-Wan tossed it away as he doubled his speed. The landing platform must be ahead.

  Omega and Zan Arbor had mapped out a plan that would get them inside the air tunnel and then out of the Senate as fast as possible.

  Obi-Wan saw an air vent dangling off its hinges. He rushed forward and peered inside. Only a few meters of crawl space separated him from the vast landing platform. He crawled through.

  The landing platform was kilometers long, big enough to park space freighters in, though most often it was used for the smaller transports of the Senators and important guests. Vehicles were parked in orderly rows.

  There was no sign of Omega or Zan Arbor. They were undoubtedly racing toward their transport and he could waste an hour looking for them and never find them. Omega would escape again. He had prevented the Zone from penetrating the Senate, and had stopped the assassination of Palpatine — he hoped. Omega was leaving in defeat.

  None of that mattered. Defeat or not, Omega was still escaping.

  Obi-Wan gathered the Force around him. He had never needed it more. To his surprise, he felt it move like a gathering storm, already powerful but hinting at the greater strength to come.


  His apprentice moved out from an aisle of transports, racing toward him. Siri was by his side. "Palpatine?" he asked Anakin.

  "I left him with Ferus," Anakin replied. "Omega?"

  "Here somewhere." Anakin had left Palpatine? He'd given him a direct order! Of course, Ferus must have arrived, and the situation had changed.

  But he had wanted Anakin to stay with the Chancellor because if he had missed something, Anakin would still have a chance to foil an attack.

  "We tracked you through the tunnel," Siri said.

  Anakin was turning, his eyes raking the platform. Obi-Wan felt the Force build. He reached out, looking at the platform, searching for the dark Force that was here, concealed, trying to hide.

  "There." Anakin pointed. "Third aisle over. Thirty-seven transports down."

  They raced down a parallel aisle, hoping to surprise them.

  They stealthily moved around a gleaming transport. Across the aisle, Omega and Zan Arbor were already seated in the cockpit of a sleek space cruiser. Omega was quickly instituting takeoff procedures.

  No time for delay or to make a plan. The Jedi charged. Anakin accessed the Force and leaped straight onto the windscreen, startling Zan Arbor, who screamed. Obi-Wan landed on the roof and leaned over. He withdrew his lightsaber, ready to cut a hole in the door panel below. Siri leaped up next to him.

  "It really gets tiresome to be continually underestimated."

  The voice was Omega's. He was transmitting outside the cockpit.

  Grimly, Obi-Wan started to cut.

  "Do you really think you have foiled my plans, simply by showing up here? If you cut through that door panel, Obi-Wan, you will kill thousands of Senators."

  Obi-Wan continued to cut.

  "Obi-Wan," Siri whispered.

  "That's right, Master Tachi. This will be a day the Senate will long remember. A bloodbath."

  "He has a transmitting device," Anakin said from his position outside the windscreen.

  Obi-Wan stop
ped his effort.

  "Ah, better. Let me explain. I have programmed hundreds of seeker droids with the vital information to key Senators as well as to Palpatine.

  All I have to do is push the button."

  Obi-Wan felt rage build up inside him. He could not, would not let Omega blackmail him into letting him escape. But he had no doubt that Omega was telling the truth. It was similar to the way he had orchestrated the death of Jedi Master Yaddle.


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