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Crashed (Entangled Indulgence)

Page 7

by Sherilee Gray

  Piper narrowed her eyes. “I’m sure we can spare a few minutes.”


  “Do you have plans with our girl?” Rusty asked.

  “Actually, I came to talk to Alex about doing some restoration work for me. I have a couple cars that need rebuilding, and she told me you could fit me in.”

  The wary looks vanished, along with their desire to interrogate Jarrod. Alex was pretty sure she could see the dollar signs flash above their heads.

  Piper grinned, giving her best Vanna White impersonation, and motioned back to the workshop. “Please, step into my office.”

  Good God.

  They all traipsed into the workshop, Jarrod keeping her plastered to his side the entire time. And if he’d had his way, she would have spent the entire meeting in his lap.

  By the time they finished discussing Jarrod’s cars and what he wanted done, it was close to lunchtime. As they stepped out of the small office, he took Alex’s hand and tugged her close, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He was enjoying this whole role-play thing a bit too damn much.

  Rusty and Piper stayed in the office, but she could see them pretending not to look when he led her over to the Super Bee.

  “Thanks for doing this, Jarrod. You helped me out of a tricky spot. And for bringing the work our way. You won’t be disappointed.”

  “I wouldn’t have brought them here if I thought otherwise.” He brushed his thumb across her jaw. “And I’ll play your lover anytime, though the real thing would be far more enjoyable, I can assure you. If your situation with Deacon changes, give me a call.” He slipped a card from his breast pocket and slid it into her hand.

  Then, before she knew what was happening, he slid his other arm around her waist and pulled her into him. She turned her head as his lips descended, and they thankfully missed their target, hitting her jaw. She jerked back. “Right, well, thanks.”

  “I hope you do call, Alex. I think we could have some fun together.” Then he climbed into her dream car and drove off.

  She shoved the card in her pocket and blew out a shaky breath as his car disappeared into traffic. “Holy crap.”

  As she turned to head back inside, she spotted the silver Mercedes sitting on the other side of the parking lot. The door opened and Deacon stepped out, face hard, jaw clenched.

  He was in Mr. Chill mode, and those cold eyes never left her as he strode in her direction.

  Shit. She’d just ruined everything.

  Chapter Seven

  Jarrod fucking Prescott was a dead man.

  He’d decided to give Alex a day, had stupidly thought that’s what she needed after running from him in the middle of the night, again. Worried that he’d pushed too hard, too fast.

  Idiot. The woman had made a complete fool of him. He’d left her alone for twenty-four hours, and she’d already found his replacement.

  Alex shoved her hands in her pockets and took a step back as he strode toward her, paling before his eyes. Control a thing of the past, he gripped her upper arms when he reached her. “What. The. Fuck, Alex?” She gaped at him; her lips moved, but nothing came out. “Is this you trying to punish me?”

  “What? No, I—”

  “Yo, big bro.” Rusty chose that moment to come flying out of the workshop. She flew at him, forcing him to let go of Alex, and dived straight into his arms. “We didn’t know you were coming.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “It feels like forever since you’ve come to the garage.”

  Try six months.

  He tore his eyes from Alex, who looked like she wanted to throw up, and gazed down at his insanely beautiful, hard as nails sister. “I missed my sisters. Thought you might like some lunch?” It wasn’t a lie, not totally. He hadn’t seen them as much lately, and he hated it.

  “Sweet. I’m starved.”

  “I’ll take Alex with me to Tate’s. She can help me carry everything.” He locked eyes with her, and she scowled.

  Rusty still had her arm flung around his waist, staring up at him. “Hey. You just missed meeting Alex’s new man. He drives her dream car.”

  “Is that right? What’s he like?”

  “You’ll have to ask Alex that,” she said, so full of innuendo he wanted to punch something. “Seems nice, though, couldn’t keep his hands off our girl. Almost told them to get a room when he pulled her into his lap and started making goo-goo eyes at her.”

  “Is that so?”

  Alex shook her head and forced a laugh. “That’s bullshit, Rusty, and you know it.”

  “Don’t be coy now, girl. It’s about time you got some action.”

  Deacon had heard more than enough. Releasing his sister, he wrapped his fingers around Alex’s wrist and started toward his car. “Be back soon,” he called over his shoulder.

  He yanked the door open. “Get in the car.”

  Alex glared up at him. “Jesus. Calm the hell down and let me explain.”

  She climbed in, and he strode around and got in the driver’s side, started the car, and peeled out of West’s. “Deal’s off.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop himself; his pride had taken a hit. Not to mention the way his chest had felt like it was going to fucking explode when he saw them together. He’d already had one screwed-up relationship in his life, a relationship full of lies and hurt and infidelity. He couldn’t do that again, not with Alex.

  She spun to face him. “What?”

  He wrenched the car to the right and pulled into the loading bay between Carter’s Mufflers and Dalton’s Auto Parts and Repairs before he caused an accident and turned to her. “I stopped playing these games in high school, Alex. I told you how it was. I don’t share. Ever.”

  “But I didn’t—”

  “Is this about me taking your virginity? Did I hurt you that badly? Is this you trying to hurt me back?” He didn’t know where the words came from, but right then he needed to know the answer. She stared at him, wide-eyed, biting her goddamn bottom lip in that way that made him want to kiss her, strip her bare. “Answer me.”

  “No, Goddammit. I—”

  “What?” he yelled. She froze, eyes narrowing. She stared him down, fire in her gaze, as pissed off as he was. “Did you call him right after you ran out on me the other night? Did you go to him?” He sounded like a crazy person, but Alex had that effect on him. Drove him fucking insane.

  “Wow. I knew you could be a dick, Deacon, but this is a whole new level even for you.” She jabbed a finger at him. “I’m not seeing Jarrod. Jesus. If you must know, he came to West’s to discuss the cars we were talking about the other night…”

  “He kissed you. I saw him with his filthy lips all over you. Are you denying it? Am I hallucinating?”

  “Yeah, he kissed me, and yeah, he was all over me,” she fired back.

  Boom. He lost it. “I’ll fucking kill him.” He smashed his fist against the unforgiving dash so hard he thought he heard bone crunch.

  “Christ, Deacon, stop it.” She grabbed his wrist and held on. “We were pretending, all right? He arrived, and Rusty put two and two together and came up with fifty-seven. She knows I’m seeing someone. I had to have an excuse for being out all the time. Jarrod agreed to play along when I freaked out. End of story.”

  Air hissed between his teeth, partly to calm himself and partly because his hand hurt like a bitch. “Pretending?”

  She scowled harder. “That’s what I said. Shit.”

  “So there’s nothing going on between you and Prescott?”

  “No, there’s nothing going on, you overbearing asshole.”

  They stared at each other, both breathing heavily. She couldn’t hide it—she was as turned on as he was. That’s when he lost it again. He hauled her over the seat, into his lap, and smashed his mouth down on hers, thrusting his tongue into her sweet mouth, taking back what was his. Her fingers immediately slid into his hair, fisting it, pulling hard, punishing him for the way he’d treated her. He deserved it.

  But after seein
g another man put his hands on her, the thought that she might actually welcome Jarrod’s touch? He’d become a jealous dickhead. Shit, he’d loved her for so damn long, the thought of her wanting someone else, being with someone else, fucking cleaved him in two. Pulling back, he kissed along her jaw to the shell of her ear. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.”

  Alex moaned as he undid the button of her shorts, then worked down the zipper. She spread her smooth legs wider for him, giving him better access, and he shoved his hand inside her panties. Fuck, she was wet, drenched. He pushed a finger inside her, and she whimpered against his throat, tongue darting out to taste his skin.

  The windows were tinted. No one could see what was going on inside. So he allowed himself to get lost in her.

  “Oh, God.” She kept her head against his shoulder and gasped as he fucked her with his finger. He slid in a second, taking her deep and hard.

  “Look at me, Alex.” She did, lifting her face to him, and he took her mouth again in a kiss that was hot and wet. He used his thumb, pressing it against her clit, massaging until she cried out against his mouth. She was perfect and tight, spasming around his fingers, hips working against his hand. He lifted his head to watch. Beautiful. It was impossible to take his eyes off her, the way her kiss-swollen mouth opened, eyes squeezed tight. The hot sounds she made along with the aftershocks he was still wringing out of her.

  When she slumped against him, eyes still closed, he did up her shorts, kissed the top of her head, and reluctantly shifted her back to her own seat. It was either that or fuck her right there in the car.

  Her lashes fluttered open, and she looked over at him. “You’re goddamned crazy, Deacon West.”

  “Crazy for you.” If he didn’t fuck her soon, he’d go insane.

  She snorted. “Wow, that was seriously cheesy.”

  He sobered and inwardly winced at the way he’d behaved, his loss of control. “I really am sorry.”

  She glanced out the window, not meeting his eyes. “Why did you act like that? It’s like you’re…jealous or something?”

  He forced a mirthless laugh. He had to be careful how he handled this, couldn’t risk scaring her away. Maybe it was already too late after that fucked-up display, his utter lack of self-control. Deal or no deal, if Alex thought real emotions were involved on his part, she’d run a mile. Though how she could believe otherwise after that was beyond comprehension. But then, Alex didn’t want to see the truth, not of his feelings and especially not her own.

  “I told you. I don’t like to share. Not in any aspect of my life. Plus, Jarrod is a business rival.” He forced a careless shrug, trying to dial it back. Did she believe the bullshit coming out of his mouth? He fucking hoped so. If she didn’t, he’d blown it.

  Was that hurt in her dark brown eyes?

  “That’s fine with me. Glad we’re on the same page. I don’t like sharing, either.” Then she repeated his words back to him, and he hated it. “Not in any aspect of my life.”

  They went to Tate’s and grabbed the lunch he’d promised his sisters, then spent an hour he didn’t have catching up with them. He loved every minute. Their enthusiasm over their business, their plans, was infectious. Still, he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off Alex. She’d eaten a sandwich, then left them in the office and gotten back to work.

  Her coveralls were tied around her waist, and the black tank she wore clung to her curves. There was grease smeared on her forearms, and her hair was pulled back, exposing her neck. She’d never looked sexier.

  He didn’t know how much longer he could hold off taking her, sinking inside her, owning her. But in the end, restraint was all he had, the only weapon in his arsenal. Since he couldn’t say in words how he felt, he was determined to show her. Show her just how important she was to him. That he gave her pleasure because it made him happy to do so, and not because he wanted something from her in return, despite the deal they’d made.

  Deep down, she knew what this was, knew he would never hurt his sisters like that. He was sure of it. The only explanation for her going along with his proposition was that she wanted him, too. For now, if she chose to believe it was only lust, he’d take it. She couldn’t fool herself forever, and when she came to the realization of her true feelings for him, he’d be there to hold her down when she tried to run scared. Because she would.

  After losing her parents, the only people she’d let herself get truly close to were his sisters. He saw the way Alex checked on them, worried about them. She was terrified she’d lose them one day, terrified she’d end up on her own again.

  After kissing his sisters good-bye, he stopped by the car Alex was working on. “Can you come to my place tonight?”

  She didn’t look at him. “Are we going out?”

  “For drinks, nothing too formal. I’ll have something for you to wear when you get to my place.”


  “I want you to stay tonight, Alex. No slinking off when I’m asleep.”

  “Fine. Whatever.” She carried on working, and dammit, he wanted to touch her, pull her into his arms and kiss all the stress and worry away.

  He leaned in. “I want to bury my tongue inside you again. Feel you come against my mouth. Don’t deny me what I want, Alex. I’ll starve without another taste of you.”

  She sucked in a shaky breath, and he gave in to his desire to touch her, running his fingers down her arm. “See you at seven.”

  Then he left her, hopefully aching for him as much as he was for her.

  Chapter Eight

  “So, who are we meeting tonight?” Alex tried her best to sound bored but was nervous as hell. She hated walking into any situation blind, always had. She’d been forced to do that every time she was moved on to another foster home, new people, new everything. Now she actively avoided surprise situations wherever possible. In her experience, surprises sucked ass. Always.

  “Some business associates. I would’ve rather given this one a miss, but they’re persistent.” He smirked. “They want money, so prepare yourself. What you’re about to witness may induce nausea.”

  “What’s it for?”

  “A charity fund-raiser. There’ll be an event as well, one I’ll be required to attend. We go through this every year. They insist I come out for drinks, so they can convince me to part with my money. I, of course, agree.” His fingers flexed around her thigh, which he hadn’t let go of since they got in the car. “Though this is the first time I’ve donated to this particular charity.”

  “So who gets this money?”

  A shadow moved across his face, and his jaw tightened. “This one’s for heart disease research and ensuring as many health care workers as possible get the specialty training they need. Specifically, emergency care providers.”

  He rattled it off like he was reading from a brochure, but she saw the emotion in his face, the change in his posture. Without analyzing her actions, she placed her hand over his and gave it a squeeze. Nothing she could say would ease the pain of losing his father. Jacob West had died after suffering a massive heart attack, taking him from them suddenly and denying them a chance to say good-bye. “Good cause,” she said into the silence.


  God, she couldn’t bear to see him suffer this way. She would give anything to go back in time and give him the chance to heal the wounds between him and his old man. “So how many charities do you donate to, hotshot?”

  His lips lifted on one side. “A couple.”

  She turned to face him. “Huh, so you’re not hard and stingy after all.”

  He laughed, dark and low. “Oh, I’m hard…”

  She slapped her hand over his mouth and shot a look to the front seat. “I’m sure Martin could go the rest of his life not knowing how hard you are,” she said under her breath.

  “I’m hard”—he grabbed her wrist when she tried to cover his mouth again—“on those that deserve it. Otherwise I’m a pushover.” He arched a brow, that grin getting bigger. “Yo
u have a dirty mind, Miss Franco.” And before she could pull her hand away, he placed it over the massive bulge straining the front of his very nice, very expensive trousers. “And this is what you do to me.”

  Goddamn. Right now he was doing things to her as well. She squeezed the ridged flesh beneath her hand, and he sucked in a breath. “You’re such a perv.”

  He barked a laugh. “My condition is completely your fault.” He pulled her hand away and held it tight in his. “Now stop trying to seduce me.”

  She snorted. “I’m doing no such thing. You kind of remind me of that creepy kid at high school… What was his name again? Robert? Roger? Roger Edgar. That’s it. He spent all his time darting around corners, hiding the tent pole in his pants. Get some self-control, dude.”

  He released her hand. “Creepy? Roger freaking Edgar?”

  This was fun. She was actually enjoying herself. She shrugged. “You’re the one sitting there with a boner. You’ll terrify your charity guys, walking in with that thing pointing at them.” The look on his face was priceless, and unable to rein it in, she laughed her ass off. When she finally got herself somewhat together, she glanced over at him, and the remaining chuckles died a sudden death. The heat aimed her way should have turned her to ash.

  He slipped his hand around the back of her neck and leaned in, lips brushing the shell of her ear. “You can deny it all you like, but I know you’re wet right now, and if we were on our own, I’d pull the car over and fuck you with my fingers until I was covered in you. I’d make you scream my name until you were clenching helplessly around me, begging me to slide my cock inside you.”

  She was close to begging now. “Deacon…” she started.

  “So, how was your day?” He sat back in his seat, like he hadn’t just set her underwear on fire with those whispered words. “Have the restoration jobs come in?”

  Shit. If he could turn it off just like that, no way was she giving him the satisfaction of knowing he’d gotten to her. She did her best to appear unaffected and smirked. “Worried? Afraid we might actually prove you wrong?”

  He looked down at her, gaze so intense she shivered. “I know you don’t believe this, but I don’t want you to fail.”


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