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Crashed (Entangled Indulgence)

Page 12

by Sherilee Gray

  “Can you feel how deep I am?” he gritted out. “All mine.”

  He changed rhythm, his thrusts deep and slow, and she whimpered, so close. “Deacon…please.”

  His fisted her hair, still buried deep inside, and forced her to turn her head. “Say it.”

  She knew what he wanted to hear. She also knew what saying it would cost her. But right then she was powerless to fight his hold over her. “Y-yes. I’m yours.”

  He made a sound between a growl and groan, then withdrew and slammed back in. Her inner walls quivered, right on the edge. “That’s right. And no one touches what’s mine, do they, Alex?”

  “No,” she gasped.

  He released her hair and gripped her hips, increasing the speed of his thrusts. God, still so deep. She knew he was right—she would feel him for days, and she loved that idea, wanted to feel him every time she moved, every time she sat down. One of his hands came around, cupping her between the legs, teasing her clit. He pressed down firmly, then circled her slowly.

  His other hand slid under her, over her belly, up to her ribs, then lifted her so her back was flush against his chest. The small buttons of his shirt pressed into her bare skin, making the whole thing hotter somehow. He reached up and cupped her breast, massaging her oversensitive flesh. “Come for me, Alex. I want to feel you squeeze my cock nice and tight.”

  At those needy words rasped against her ear, she had no choice but to obey, crying out his name as wave after wave of intense pleasure slammed through her. Deacon’s thrusts became erratic, then he planted himself and came, shot after shot hitting her deep, setting off tiny aftershocks. He groaned against her hair, his body shaking behind her.

  If he hadn’t been holding her upright, she would have fallen on her ass.

  He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head to the side so he could see her face. “All right?”

  He slid from her body, and she nodded, turned in his arms so she could rest her hands on his chest. “Well, I think you got what you wanted. I’ll be feeling you for days.”

  Those warm hands slid down her back to cup her butt and squeezed. “Good. My work here is done.”

  “You’re such a Neanderthal.”

  He shrugged. “I’ve told you before, I don’t share. I wanted to leave you with a reminder.”

  She tensed. Okay, that stung. She’d promised not to sleep with anyone else, but it was obvious he didn’t trust her. This wasn’t the first time he’d said something like that, accused her of looking elsewhere. She pulled away and tried to back up, but he grabbed her upper arms and held her where he wanted her.

  “Whoa, what’s going on?” He frowned, looking genuinely confused. “Why are you pulling away?”

  She crossed her arms. “You’re obviously used to sleeping with lying bimbos. So I’m gonna spell it out for you. When I make a promise, I keep it. I said I wouldn’t sleep with anyone else during our arrangement, and I meant it. You need to stop with the accusations.”

  He dragged her up against him. “I know that. I do.”

  “You sure about that? Cause I’m kinda getting the impression you think I’ll jump on the first dick that pops up in front of me.”

  He tucked her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry. I know that’s not you. I just hate that I have to go away. I’m taking my crappy mood out on you.”

  She wasn’t buying it—there was more to it, a hell of a lot more, but she decided to leave it alone. He was going away, and she didn’t want to argue before he left. So instead she smiled up at him. “How can you be pissed after that?” She tilted her head toward the table, and he chuckled.

  “Because now I want more of you and I know I can’t have you. Not till I get back.” The sincerity in his gaze made her chest tight. She could see more than just lust, there was warmth and affection there as well. Don’t read more into it.

  They had a long history. The look in his eyes said nothing more than that, meant nothing more than a shared past with his kid sisters’ best friend. And that’s how she wanted it, right? Fuck buddies. She could do that. She’d been momentarily thrown off course, had let those old feelings, the sad kid with the stupid crush, rear their head. This was nothing. It was fun, a mutually beneficial agreement and nothing more.

  Deacon had made his feelings about commitment and relationships clear, and she didn’t want more than that from him, didn’t want more than that from anyone. Suddenly she felt lighter than she had all week. She didn’t need to get all twisted up in knots about this. It was simple. Fun.

  She grinned up at him. “How about I cook you dinner when you get back? Would that improve your mood?”

  He smiled wide, flashing white teeth and his elusive dimple that only made an appearance when he was really happy. “I’d love that.”

  She gripped the side of his neck, needing to touch bare skin. The action was unconscious, a result of letting go of all the angst, all the what ifs, and embracing the moment. Taking pleasure from one another without all the messy feelings. “You up for a little cloak and dagger?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Maybe you could borrow Martin’s car or something? That way your sisters won’t get suspicious and I get to cook in my own kitchen, tiny and crappy as it is. You okay with that?”

  His hands slid down her waist, back to her butt. “More than okay.”

  “Awesome.” She knew she had a goofy-assed grin on her face but didn’t care.

  He gave her butt cheek a light squeeze, and she bit her lip, still deliciously sensitive. “Now go get dressed.” His voice dipped lower. “I want to take you shopping. The real reason I came here in the first place, before you seduced me.”

  “Mmm-hmm, just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.” She patted his chest. “I know the truth.”

  “Oh, yeah, what’s that?”

  “You’re a dirty old perv.”

  She danced out of reach when he tried to grab her, and his low chuckle followed her into her bedroom. “I’ll make you pay for that when I get back, you know that, right?”

  Oh, she was counting on it, and she couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I told you to stop looking at the price tags.” Deacon frowned and pulled the dress out of Alex’s hands, then passed it to the shop assistant hovering behind them. “Take this to the changing room as well, please.”

  His little viper crossed her arms and threw him a pissy look. He didn’t dare tell her she looked cute and sexy all riled up. “No one can see the labels when I’m wearing them.” She leaned in, lowering her voice. “So why are you insisting we shop where a single dress costs more than…than…shit, I can’t think of anything to compare it to. What does that tell you?”

  “That you’re not very imaginative?”

  She released a drawn-out sigh that made his dick stand up and take notice. But then, all the woman had to do was look at him and his dick took notice. “No, wise-ass, it tells you that you’re wasting your money. I work in a filthy garage, elbows deep in grease every day. Getting me stuff like this is a waste.”

  He quirked a brow. “Can you repeat that please?”

  She crossed her arms and scowled.

  “You know, the part after you called me a wise-ass.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “The part where you said I’m wasting my money.”

  “God, you’re annoying.”

  “I know. Now stop acting like a brat and get in the changing room and try on those extremely beautiful, obscenely expensive dresses and pretend you’re enjoying yourself.”

  A grin lifted the corner of her mouth, just a bit, but enough. “It’s that important to you?”

  He’d seen the way her eyes had lit up when they’d walked in the door. The designer clothes were more on the edgy side, unique, like the woman standing in front of him, and he’d hoped more her style than the places he’d been shopping for her so far.

  Alex could deny it all she wanted, but he knew
she was full of it. “Yes. It’s that important to me.”

  “Fine.” Lifting the small leather bag she’d strung across her shoulder over her head, she thrust it at him. “Here, hold my purse.” He didn’t miss the wicked glint in her eyes as she all but stomped to the dressing room.

  Oh, yeah, she’ll pay for that, too.

  He’d had her bent over her kitchen table less than two hours ago, and he could hardly wait to have her in his bed again, to take his time, to savor every minute. The last few times had been hard and fast—his desperation to quench his need for her hadn’t allowed anything else—but he intended to show her how good it could be when he took his time…when he made love to her.

  He grinned. And he’d do just that, as soon as he got back.

  He glanced over to the changing rooms and shook his head. Despite her protests, she was enjoying herself. The afternoon couldn’t be going better. He’d taken her to lunch first, and they’d talked the whole time, laughed, and when they’d left, she’d let him take her hand, had actually kissed him as a thank-you. The first kiss she’d initiated, for no other reason than she’d wanted to. It was perfect and had driven him damn near crazy, especially when she’d slid her tongue along his bottom lip before pulling away.

  His blood fired at the memory, but he reined it in. Today wasn’t about satisfying his lust for her. He wanted to show her how good they were together, and not just in bed.

  He moved to the far wall, where the shoes were displayed, and waved the assistant over. “I’ll take these boots as well. Size seven.” Alex had picked them up and all but drooled over them, but after checking the price had shoved them back like they were on fire. He’d seen her cast longing looks their way several times since. The black boots were knee-high and had a row of silver studs around the top of each spiked heel. They were extremely sexy, sleek, edgy. They were made for Alex.

  He wanted to see her in these sexy, kick-ass boots, and nothing else. Talk about torturing himself.

  “Silver studs, Deacon? I didn’t think they were your style.”

  He turned at the sound of his ex-wife’s voice, taking in her appearance. There was no trace of the emotional breakdown from his office that morning. She was perfectly put together, not a hair out of place. Tammy stood beside her, a vicious smile lifting her glossy red lips. “I’m surprised to see you out and about, Emily. I take it you’re feeling better?”

  She straightened her shoulders. “Don’t tell me you’re concerned.” She looked at her friend, then back to him. “And how is it any of your business?”

  “It’s not, you’re absolutely right.” He turned his back on them and headed to the dressing rooms just as Alex stepped out in the purple satin slip dress she’d spotted as soon as they’d walked in. Shit. She looked amazing. The woman stole his breath.

  Her nose crinkled in a cute way that made him want to pull her into his arms and never let her go. “What do you think? Not too short, too clingy?”

  Her face was flushed with pleasure. That expression on her face was the reason he’d planned this excursion. Alex had grown up with nothing, even when her parents were alive, and after, well, she’d worn other people’s castoffs, and he remembered a time or two when she’d been forced to wear boys’ clothes.

  She’d been through a lot, had suffered unimaginable pain in her life. She deserved nothing but the best now, and he wanted to be the one to give it to her. He wanted to put that look of pleasure on her beautiful face every day. “You look spectacular. You take my breath away.”

  Alex’s blush intensified, and his protective instincts fired to life. He wanted nothing more than to make her believe it. Make her see herself the way he saw her. She was a knockout in a designer dress, but she was just as stunning in a pair of cutoffs and a tank top.

  She screwed up her face. “You think?”

  He stepped closer, couldn’t stop himself, and cupped her face. “You are—always have been—the most exquisite woman I have ever laid eyes on. You’re beautiful, Alex, inside and out.”

  She shook her head, and her long dark hair slid over her shoulder, brushing the back of his hand. She inhaled deeply, eyes bright. “Deacon—”

  “Alex?” Emily’s voice came from behind him, and he cursed.

  Seeing Alex looking like that, he’d momentarily forgotten his ex-wife and her friend were in the shop.

  Alex’s gaze darted over his shoulder and stuttered before she crossed her arms. “Wow…Emily, hey. Long time no see.”

  His ex strode forward, and he recognized the look in her eyes. This was the side of Emily that had eroded their relationship in the beginning.

  “Well, I’ll hand it to you, your persistence paid off. It looks like you got what you wanted in the end.”

  “Emily,” he growled and stepped in front of Alex, blocking his ex’s line of fire. “Do not say another damn word.”

  “God, you’re so blind. I told you this morning, she’s not good enough for you,” Emily said in a surprisingly calm voice. “It’s your money she’s after. You know that, right?”

  He heard Alex suck in a sharp breath behind him a second before she charged forward. “You spiteful cow.”

  He grabbed Alex around the waist and hauled her back.

  “Have you finished?” he said to Emily, looking down at her and wondering what he’d ever seen in her. And how the hell he’d ever escape the twisted cycle they were locked in, allowing this woman to mess with his life. Emily shrugged, looking extremely pleased with herself. Her gaze moved to Alex, and she smirked.

  When he turned to face Alex, he knew why. The look on her face terrified him, made his gut twist. What are you thinking, baby? Emily was a bitch, but Alex had dealt with far worse.

  Jesus, he needed to get her away from these vultures. “Would you mind giving me a minute alone with Emily?” Alex didn’t say a word, just pulled out of his arms and headed back to the dressing room. Her easy compliance alarmed him more than anything else.

  “Oh, look, she’s obedient as well,” Tammy said.

  He spun around and pinned his ex-wife’s friend with a look that had silenced more than one asshole in the boardroom. “You’re a nasty—”

  “Deacon.” Emily placed her hand on his arm and squeezed, successfully cutting him off. She stared up at him, the wounded innocence back, plastered on her face. It took all his control not to shake her off, shove her away. “I’m just worried about you, that’s all, darling.” Then she took her friend’s arm and left the shop.


  He wasn’t quite sure what to do. Should he go in after Alex, explain? But what could he tell her? He had to keep Emily’s secrets or risk the unthinkable. Despite their differences, what she’d done to him, he didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. He sure as fuck refused to be the reason she took her own life. In the end he decided to stay put and wait it out. He knew Alex well enough to know she’d need a minute. If he went after her now, she’d retreat—her default when something didn’t go to plan or she was hurt.

  Alex came out a short time later, and thankfully the haunted expression was gone. “Well, that was fun.”

  He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her into his side. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea they’d be here.”

  “Why are you sorry? It wasn’t you calling me a gold digger.”

  He tightened his hold, turning her so she faced him fully, and slid his fingers under her chin, tilting her head back so he could look in her eyes. “They don’t know what they’re talking about. They don’t know you. Now let’s forget about what just happened and get back to having a good time.”

  She crossed her arms. “Spending your money?”

  “Don’t.” He held her gaze and hated the distance he saw there. “Do not let her get to you. That’s exactly what she wanted.”

  “I’m fine.” She held out her hand for her bag, and as he handed it back, accidentally upended it. “That’s the last time I leave you to hold my purse.”

  Chuckling, he knelt besi
de her to help pick everything up. “You promise?”

  She smiled, and relief washed over him. It was probably cheesy, but that’s all he wanted. To make her smile. He was leaning forward, handing her her phone, when her gaze moved over his face and traveled down his throat to his chest. Her smile vanished.


  She reached out and yanked open the first two buttons of his shirt. He’d completely forgotten about the scratches on his chest. “It’s not—”

  “What I think?” She swallowed hard and looked down, shoving everything back in her purse. “You saw Emily this morning?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “She gave you those?”

  “Yes, but—”

  Alex stood abruptly, spun on her heel, and bolted for the door. “Alex, wait.”

  “Your things, Mr. West?” the shop assistant called after him.

  “Send them to my office.” Then he raced after Alex. She was striding down the street, shoulders and back stiff. He caught up, grabbed her arm, and spun her to face him. “Dammit, Alex, let me explain.”

  “Whatever. You and your ex screw from time to time.” She shrugged. “I’d rather not hear the dirty details if you don’t mind.” She shoved out of his hold. “We also had a deal. No messing with anyone else, which means you forfeit and I win.”

  “Win? This isn’t about…” He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Right. I’m going to talk, and you’re going to listen. Do you hear me?”

  “I’m standing right here. I have ears. So yes, Deacon, I hear you. Whether or not I listen is another thing entirely.”

  “Would you cut the attitude for one damn minute?”

  “Is that all you wanted to say?”

  His brows shot up. “What the—”

  “The answer is no. No, I will not cut the attitude.”

  “Alex.” He made sure she heard the warning in his tone.

  Martin pulled up at the curb beside them, and he could have hugged the man for following them.


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