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Page 13

by Chantal Fernando

“Can we go out for dinner?” he asks me. He stands with his hands resting on the table, dressed in fitted, worn jeans and a white shirt. He’s playing with his lip ring, blue eyes unwavering.

  To say things have been slightly strained between James and me would be an understatement. I’d like to think they're slowly getting better, but I’m not so sure. His annulment was finalised but the damage it caused was still lingering.

  “Actually, I’m kind of tired,” I tell him honestly.

  “Okay, I’ll order in,” he instantly says.

  I walk past him and into Jye’s room. We play for a little while and I read him a few books. I always make sure to spend time with him on the days I’m at work, since I don’t get to see him all day.

  The food arrives and we all eat together, making small talk. After Jye goes to bed, I have a shower, get dressed and then read in bed while James watches TV next to me. I know this was the wrong book to pick when a sex scene piques my interest. James and I haven’t had sex in awhile. A soft moan escapes my lips, and I cringe, hoping he didn’t notice.

  “What are you reading?” he suddenly asks, his voice a deep rumble.

  I clear my throat. “Just a romance,” I evade. One minute my Kindle is in my hands, the next James has it. I see his eyes quickly read the scene and I want to die of embarrassment. James' eyes widen, and his lips curve into a knowing smile. The atmosphere in the room changes, the air getting thick. He places the Kindle down on the side table and then stands up, lifting his top off in one swift move. I eye his rippled chest, the hard curve of his torso, and finally the deep indentured V. The man is a god.

  “Clothes off, Sasha. Now,” he demands. He removes his own pants, standing there in all his glory as I undress. He kneels on the bed, and starts to stroke himself. It’s then I know that he's re-enacting the scene that I was just reading. Heat pools in my lower belly, as I wait for his next command.

  “Lie down on your stomach, Sasha.” I lie down and hear him open and close a drawer.

  “Put your hands above your head,” he orders, and I instantly comply. He takes my wrists and binds them together with what feels like my stockings.

  “Good girl,” he praises, just as the male lead did in the book.

  Then he makes my fantasy come true.



  I had no idea Sasha would be into anything like that, but it was so fucking sexy. Now that I know that she’s into this stuff, I have plans for her, boy, do I have plans. We made love slowly afterwards, and I hope I showed her through my body how much I love and adore her. We're now cuddled together, and I’m enjoying the feel of her skin against mine. It was a long few weeks that I didn’t have this, and I missed it. Not just the sex, but the connection.

  “I missed you,” I tell her.

  “I missed you too, James,” she says with a content sigh.

  “You were so sexy tonight,” I say, chuckling.

  She rolls her eyes.

  “And greedy. My pretty girl was so greedy,” I say, amused.

  “It was a long few weeks,” she agrees dryly.

  “It was. Let’s not let that happen again. The distance between us, I don’t wanna do that again, Sasha,” I tell her, nuzzling the hollow of her neck. My hand roams down her body, cupping and kneading her ass.

  “Again?” she asks breathily, as she feels me harden.

  “Apparently I have some time to make up for,” I say huskily. I’m already thinking about what I want to do to her this time. Different scenarios race through my head.

  I claim her lips with my own, swiping my tongue across hers. Then I flip her over and pin her down.

  Time to play out my own fantasy for the night.


  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I open the front door, and start screaming when I see who it is. I wrap my arms around him and squeeze. Hard.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually here,” I tell him, bouncing on my feet in excitement.

  “I had to come and see my two favourite people,” Trey says with a grin. He looks handsome, wearing faded jeans and a black sweater. His hazel eyes are shining and his hair is styled messily, longer in the front and shorter in the back. I jump up again and kiss him on the cheek.

  “Sasha, who is this?” James demands from behind me. I roll my eyes as Trey puts his arm around me possessively, I’m sure just to annoy James.

  “This is Trey, my cousin,” I say proudly. James’ eyes widen with realisation and he steps forward to shake Trey’s hand. Trey is slightly hesitant so I give him an inconspicuous nudge.

  “Where’s Jye?” Trey asks when we're seated in the living room.

  “He’s napping. Are you staying here with me?” I ask, hoping that he is.

  Trey stares at James for a second before returning to me. “No, I’m staying with Ryder.”

  I can see how that would be a million times more fun for him, but still. “How long are you in Perth for?”

  “A month, but we'll see how it goes,” he says.

  “Who’s taking care of the bar?”

  “Landon is,” he says with a grin. Landon is Trey’s best friend, and a total dreamboat.

  “Can I get you something to drink or eat?” I ask him.

  “I’m fine, Sash. I came here from Ryder’s house. I met Saxon and we hung out for a bit, got some food and stuff. He seems real nice,” he says.

  “He is nice,” I say, my lips curving.

  Trey stands up. “Okay, I can’t wait any longer, I wanna see him,” he says impatiently. I laugh. We walk into Jye’s room, and I feel the emotion pouring off Trey. He really loves my son. Truly.

  “He’s gotten so big. I’ve missed so much,” he says softly, his eyes on Jye’s slight form. I reach my arm out and squeeze his bicep. I notice when Trey’s eyes land on the framed photo of the two of them together. He smiles, pleased that I kept this where Jye can see.

  “You didn’t think I’d let him forget you, did I? The first man that was always there for him?” I say quietly.

  “You did say you would brainwash him into remembering me,” he says, giving me a crooked smile. Jye’s eyes suddenly pop open, and he instantly sits up.

  “Mama,” he says with a smile, his gaze then darting to Trey. His whole face instantly lights up as he quickly gets out of bed and runs towards us. Trey lifts him into his arms and they both embrace each other. I notice James standing at the door, watching intently. He doesn’t seem upset or mad, but he doesn’t seem happy either. I have no idea what’s going through his head right now. I leave Trey and Jye alone as Jye starts showing off all his toys to Trey. I take James’ hand in mine and we walk into the kitchen together. I start to make us all coffee.

  “You okay?” I ask him when he says nothing.

  “He really loves your cousin,” he says, staring out the window.

  “He does. He loves you too, though,” I quickly amend, not wanting him to be upset.

  “I know he does. I’m glad Trey was there for the two of you,” he says, and he leaves it at that. I know there are more emotions inside him on the matter, but he says nothing else and I don’t pry.

  I pour three coffees, not able to stop the smile on my face. Trey is here, life couldn’t get any better right now. I see James’ body relax, a faint smile playing on his lips. “My woman and son are both happy right now, and I couldn’t ask for more,” he says.

  Even if he wasn’t the one giving it.

  “I can only imagine what Trey is going to get up to with Sax and the rest of them,” I tell him, shaking my head.

  “I can imagine,” James mutters under his breath, causing me to throw an apple at his head.

  “Hey what was that for?” he asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

  “Oh, please. I heard about you, Mr. Sleeps-with-anything-with-a-pulse. I bet you can imagine, because you’ve already done it!” I tell him, my eyes narrowed.

  “Hey, we weren’t together! And you dated a lot, too, don’t even
deny it,” he growls back.

  “Yes I dated, that doesn’t mean I slept with everyone,” I say dryly.

  “How many men did you sleep with?” he asks in a hushed tone, so no one but me can hear.

  “I don’t think that’s-”

  “Don’t you even try to tell me it’s none of my business, Sasha Steele,” he says heatedly.


  “Is it just me or does Sasha Steele sound like a porn star's name?” I think aloud. James’ eyebrows hit his hairline at that comment.

  “What? It does,” I shrug.

  “How do you know what porn star names sound like?” he asks curiously.

  “I've watched porn before, you know,” I scoff. James' eyes widen, then an intrigued look passes over his face. Pervert.

  “So, how many men?” he repeats.

  “How many women?” I throw back at him.



  Trey and Jye walk out, ending our standoff.

  “Hey, Sash, how about we all go out to the park?” Trey asks.

  “Sounds good.”


  I open the door to Ryder’s house, frowning when I realise its unlocked. I didn’t see Trey yesterday, so I thought I’d drop in and say hello. I walk in and hear music pumping. I suddenly don’t think this was such a good idea after all. I prove my theory right when I see Trey sitting on the couch, a woman in his lap, straddling him. Luckily they are fully clothed, but still.

  “Ewww,” I say childishly. I can’t help it, Trey is my family and I don’t wanna see this right now.

  Trey’s hazel eyes immediately find me and he gently pushes the girl off, visibly cringing before he addresses me.

  “Who's this?” the girl sneers.

  “Sasha, you could have called, you know. A warning maybe next time?” he complains.

  “I didn’t know this was turning into Trey’s den of debauchery,” I say with my hands on my hips.

  He whispers something to the girl and she walks away, to Treys room, I assume, shooting me a nasty look as she walks by.

  “She’s charming,” I say sarcastically.

  “You don’t like any of my girlfriends,” he points out.

  “You’ve been here three days. I doubt she’s your girlfriend,” I say.

  “Not the point.”

  “I’m pretty sure it is,” I say.

  “You wanna hang out?” he asks, changing the subject.

  “I did. At least now I know not to bring Jye here,” I mutter.

  “What? No. Jye can come here, just let me know when you’re coming,” he instantly says, looking worried.

  “Trey, you can just come to my place to see him or pick him up, it's no big deal,” I assure him.


  “When does Ryder get back?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Today. We’re gonna pick him up at the airport at six,” he says.

  “Awesome. Where’s Sax?” I ask.

  Sax chooses that moment to walk down the stairs. He’s wearing a pair of navy blue shorts, and that’s pretty much it.

  “Do you ever wear a shirt?” I ask him, ogling his nipple rings.

  “You complaining?” he asks.

  “Nope,” I say popping the P.

  Sax laughs.

  Trey frowns.

  “What do we owe the visit?” Sax asks as he hands me a can of passion fruit soda. I eye the can warily. It used to be my favourite drink until I spilled it on my laptop and broke the keyboard. It became sticky and the keys wouldn’t work. I’ve been holding a grudge ever since.

  “It’s not the drink's fault, Sasha” Trey chuckles. Oh shit, I forgot I told him about that. Sax looks at me like I’m crazy. Which I possibly am.

  “So, I think we should have a family event, for everyone to come and see Trey. Maybe next week,” I announce. I also haven’t seen Jet in a long time. I feel bad, I’m not as close to him as I am to my other cousins. I should really make more of an effort. I haven’t seen Uncle Finn in ages either.

  “You gonna have it here?” Trey asks.

  “Sure. Ryder won’t mind,” I beam. Ryder adores me.

  Trey glances at Sax for affirmation. Sax nods. “Ryder won’t say no to Sasha.”

  I give them my mega-watt smile.

  “You’re such a brat,” Trey says, sipping on his drink.

  “You love me.”

  “Unfortunately, I do,” he grumbles. I kiss him on the cheek, and then do the same to Saxon.

  “You better go attend your… plaything,” I tell Trey. Saxon laughs, walking over to wrap his arms around me.

  “Your cousin has needs, just like everyone else,” he advises.

  “Too much information,” I scoff.

  “The women here love my accent, too,” Trey adds, wearing a shit-eating grin.

  “Of course they do,” I deadpan.

  “Aussie women are hot. You never told me that,” he chastises.

  I rub my forehead. “Right. I must have forgotten. Just make sure you wrap up your willy, Trey.”

  I walk out to the sound of their thundering laughter.


  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I get home from my new job as business manager for one of Chase’s new companies, grinding my teeth when I see Tatiana’s cop car parked in my driveway. I have no idea why she'd be here, but luckily Sasha’s not home. She'd probably be getting arrested right now if she was. She gets out of her car when she sees me, shutting the door behind her.

  “What are you doing here, Tatiana?” I ask her.

  “Just need to talk with you about The Safe House. Will only take a second James, okay?”

  I nod and unlock the front door. We walk inside and I tell her to sit at the dining table where we can discuss things.

  “What’s the problem? You could have called me, you know,” I tell her. She suddenly stands up to take off her jacket. She drops it to the floor.

  She is wearing nothing underneath.


  I can’t help it when my gaze roams over the familiar curve of her breast, but its more shock than anything else. I don’t feel anything when I stare at Tatiana. There's no want, no need. I only want Sasha, and that’s never going to change.

  I turn around and clear my throat.

  “Get dressed. You need to leave, now.” I demand, my voice brokering no argument.

  “James,” she purrs, and the sound grates on my nerves.

  “Now!” I yell, my fingers clenching into fists. If Sasha walked in right now, there would be no second chance for me. The thought makes me panic.

  “Leave. Don’t ever come back, Tatiana,” I say in a lethal tone when she tries to talk to me again.

  “Your loss,” she hisses.

  She finally leaves, shutting the door behind her, and I lean onto the wall for support, relief taking over my body.

  Twenty minutes later, Sasha comes home. Talk about a fucking close call.

  “Hey,” she says as she sees me, walking over and giving me a kiss. I grip her hips with my palms and pull her closer to me.

  “Hey, you look beautiful,” I tell her. And she does. Tight jeans, showing off the roundness of her ass and a tight black t-shirt.

  “Thank you,” she says coyly.

  “Where were you?”

  “Stopped off at Ryder’s to see Trey,” she says. I can tell she wants me when her eyes linger on my mouth.

  “Listen, Tatiana stopped by-”

  “What did she want?” she asks, her attitude changing. I love the flush that turns her cheeks when she gets mad.

  “Well, I guess she wanted me, but-”

  “What the hell does that mean?” she fires.

  “She may have tried to seduce me,” I explain sheepishly. “I told her to leave and never come back. It won’t happen again,” I tell her, my eyes and tone conveying that I'll make sure it doesn’t.

  “I can’t even leave you alone for a minute,” she sa
ys, crossing her arms against her chest. The motion draws my gaze to her plumped breasts. I always thought they were the perfect size, a little over a handful.

  “Eyes up here, buddy.” She laughs, making the objects of my attention jiggle. In one swift move I lift her up and over my shoulder, ignoring her squeal of surprise. I head to our bedroom and throw her down on it, instantly covering my body with hers. I kiss her greedily, my tongue delving into her mouth, swiping at hers. I clasp our hands together, intertwining our fingers. I raise them above her head, pressing them into the bed as I move my mouth from her lips to the curve of her jaw.

  “James?” she says my name huskily, her voice raspy with pleasure.


  “Fuck me,” she begs.


  Soft and pliant in my arms, Sasha offers me a lazy, sated smile. I am so head over heels for this woman, it’s almost embarrassing. I brush a stray lock of inky black hair from her face, leaning forward to kiss her on the temple. Sasha is so precious. And all mine. I can’t suppress the sappy grin that I know is plastered on my face.


  “Yes, beautiful?”

  “You needa pick up Jye from daycare,” she says. I glance over at the clock, and what do you know, I have twenty minutes to get there. I jump in the shower first, cos I figure smelling like sex would be inappropriate, and head off to go and pick up Jye.

  I stop at the park on the way home, so Jye and I can have an hour or so of playing time together. He looks so adorable in his superman t-shirt, dark jeans and Converses. I push him on the swings, delighting in his chuckles and squeals of pleasure. When he's had enough of them, I lift him in the air so his face is level with mine. His eyes, so like my own stare back at me. I kiss him on the nose and then take him to the slide.

  “Weeee,” he shouts as he slides down, and I chuckle, pulling out my camera to record the moment. Yes, I am now one of those parents.

  On our drive home, I see him. I recognise him instantly. He walks with a quick pace to his car, looking around suspiciously before he gets in. I memorize the licence plate. I know in that instant, I need to get home.

  Right now.

  I drive there as quickly as I can, unbuckling Jye and taking him in my arms. I unlock the front door and as soon as it’s open, I run into our bedroom. I stand still when I see her lying in bed. Covered by red sheets, she lies there. Asleep. Perfectly fine. I put Jye down and drop to my knees next to the bed. I sigh in relief as I take her in, unhurt and safe.


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