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Now My Life Begins

Page 11

by Shirley Roe

  Amy looked toward the sales girl. “By the way, the Lord Provost John Murphy is paying for this dress.” The sales girl's head swiveled around toward Amy.

  “The Lord Provost?” She looked at Jenny with new respect. “Well then, we must look over on this rack.” Amy winked at Jenny. The sales girl quickly ushered Jenny to the other side of the room where the more expensive dresses were hung. The dresses of the elite were lace covered and very feminine. Some were two- piece with low cut bodices; many were covered in tiny jewels. Soon more dresses appeared from the back room. The clerk was measuring her, holding pieces of fabric up to her chin to test colors, and finally directing her to the very elegant change rooms. Jenny felt that the entire experience was surreal. Could this really be me? Jenny Barstow from Watsworth?

  She tried on several gowns, always looking to Amy for approval. Jenny stared at herself in the mirror. She could barely recognize herself. Dress after dress, on and off again, it was as if she were in a trance. Amy didn't like the first two, had the third put aside, ordered three more to be brought and the entire afternoon disappeared like magic. Ultimately, Jenny chose a royal blue gown that Amy said was definitely ‘the one’. The dress had a low sweetheart square neckline. The skirt was gored and created an elongated trumpet bell shape, with width at the hemline. It was the most beautiful gown Jenny had ever seen.

  “Perhaps it is too expensive.” Jenny whispered to Amy.

  “Nothing is too expensive for the Lord Provost. He wants you to go with his nephew and he is going to pay.” Amy just laughed. The two women left the shop laughing.

  Exhausted, the two arrived at the French Café where they were meeting their beaus for dinner. Amy mentioned that Harry seemed to be very busy these days at the hospital. Jenny agreed, “I haven't seen much of Harry lately. Something to do with a large grant is all I know.” They waited in the reception area for the men.

  “At least Gordon has a normal job at the law office. Research suits him perfectly.”

  “Did he not want to be a lawyer? He seems very clever.”

  “No, Gordon likes to work alone and in peace and quiet. Research is his passion. As a researcher he can work for law offices, corporations, even doctors or hospitals. This makes him much more desirable in the industry.” Amy gushed when she spoke of Gordon. Jenny could see he was very important to her friend.

  “At least we all love what we do.” Jenny looked toward the door for Harry.

  “You know it really bothers me that you are doing all the work in that office and Ian Murphy is getting all the credit. Women really are treated badly in the workplace. I mean, look around, how many women do you see as head of their department?” Jenny was getting used to Amy's tirades on the rights of women.

  “I am just happy to have a job and if I had gotten the job I was offered, I would have been the head of my department,” Jenny reminded Amy.

  “True, but in the end you didn't get it. I am sure it was all down to the city wanting a man as head. Besides they would have paid you half of what a man's wages were for the same job. Oh look, here come our handsome fellows now.”

  “How was the shopping expedition, ladies?” Harry took Jenny's cloak and held her chair for her. She smiled at him. “Better my pet?” She had told him of her first experience.

  “Much better. Amy is amazing, but I still can't believe it is all real.” Harry leaned over and pecked her cheek. She was so innocent and he loved her with all of his heart. He knew that this was all new for Jenny and it had angered him when she told him about her first experience at the dress shop. Of course, he blamed the Murphys for the entire incident. He looked over and nodded his appreciation to Amy. Harry knew that Amy would take care of Jenny.

  “Jenny was like a fairytale princess. Wait until you see her at the Gala. She will be fighting the men off like flies.” Amy sat beside Gordon. He was a very quiet young man, which suited the chatty Amy perfectly.

  “Just as long as she fights them off. You are mine, dearest Jenny, and I am not about to lose you.” Harry kissed her hand. “I wish you were going to the Gala with me instead of that horrid Ian Murphy.”

  “So do I, Harry. I would give anything not to have to go with Mr. Murphy, but you will be close by the entire night.”

  “You better believe it, my dearest. I will be like your shadow, following your every move.” She squeezed his hand.

  “That is the only reason I am going. I will feel much better knowing you are with me. Now enough of that, what are we having to eat? I am starving. Shopping is a very exhausting pastime.” They all laughed.

  Time passed quickly for Jenny. The Gala was the next day. Jenny was so nervous she could barely eat. “Eat your lamb chops, Jenny. Here have more mint sauce.”

  “They are delicious really, Miss Abigail. I just don't seem to have much of an appetite. All I can think of is tomorrow night.” Jenny pushed the food around on her plate. ‘What if I make a fool of myself? I don't know how to act at such functions. Why the only function I have ever been to is the weekly dance in Watsworth. They were more like a charivari. I don't even know how people dance at Galas!”

  “Don't you worry about that. Zachariah will be here shortly and he has a plan.”

  “It seems to me that Zachariah always has ‘a plan,” Jenny laughed.

  After supper, Zachariah arrived with a large suitcase. Soon he disappeared to the kitchen, reappearing in full fancy dress. Jenny stared at him in surprise. “Zachariah, you look very handsome!”

  “Tonight, I am your prince charming, my dear.” He bowed elegantly to Jenny. He offered his hand; she took it unsure of what he was doing. “Tonight, you will learn to be a princess. Now, there will be no more talk of exogamy. Mitchell is the lucky one to have a talented, beautiful fiancée like you Jenny. Shall we begin, Princess?”

  Zachariah spent the next few hours tutoring Jenny in the ways of the elite. He showed her how to make an entrance, how to greet her hosts, how to stand demurely, and how to dance. Jenny was overwhelmed with appreciation. “Zachariah, you truly are my prince charming. I never could have done this without you.”

  “Abigail will make you beautiful tomorrow night. She will put your hair up, and help you with your powder and your dress. This is my contribution to your evening. Jenny, we love you very much. I shall forever thank the Lord for bringing you into our lives.” He was close to tears, and it touched Jenny deeply. She hugged him, so filled with gratitude. When Abigail joined them, Jenny was happier than she had ever been. She felt so loved.

  The next evening, all dressed and ready, she stared at her reflection. She could not believe it was Jenny Barstow staring back. Her hair was upswept, with tendrils falling at the sides and back. Abigail had put tiny pearls in her hair, and the effect was beautiful. The royal blue dress did accentuate her blue eyes, and it fit her like a glove. Her face was powdered and her cheeks blushed, Jenny truly was transformed. If only it was Harry coming to whisk me off to the ball. The thought of Ian Murphy taking her to the Gala made her feel ill and a terrible foreboding was forming in the pit of her stomach.

  She did not wait long. At precisely eight o'clock, Mr. Ian Murphy dressed in his tuxedo arrived at number five Rose Street. Before knocking on the door, he slipped a silver flask from his pocket and took a long drink. This evening was going to be a total bore. He was not looking forward to being with his mousy assistant for hours, but Ian knew that he would have to appease his uncle. I will escape with one of the lovelies before the night is over. I am sure someone will take Miss Barstow home for me. With a heavy sigh, he knocked on the door.

  “Mr. Murphy, please come in.” Zachariah moved aside so that Ian could enter. He noted the cocky, self-assured swagger of the younger man and he was not impressed.

  “Jenny, Mr. Murphy is here for you.” The kitchen door opened and Jenny stepped into the foyer. Ian Murphy turned cockily toward her. He stopped short, staring at her.

  “Miss Barstow, I must say that you look very different this evening.” He con
tinued to stare which made Jenny very uncomfortable.

  “Mr. Murphy.” She watched as Zachariah handed her cloak to Ian. Ian stood dumbfounded; he could not believe that this was his dull, plain assistant. The woman standing in front of him was stunning. Zachariah nudged him and he seemed to give his head a shake. Taking the cloak he placed it gently on Jenny's shoulders as he inhaled the deep scent of roses emanating from her neck. Jenny moved toward the door, Ian quickly rushed to open it for her. Zachariah watched the entire scenario with interest.

  “Have a lovely evening, Jenny. Mr. Murphy, I would appreciate it if you had Miss Barstow home before midnight.” Zachariah was stressing the word “home.” Ian responded with a nod. Abigail and Zachariah watched as Ian opened the carriage door and assisted Jenny into the carriage. He quickly followed and the horseman moved the carriage down the street.

  “He was shocked with our Jenny,” Abigail said to no one in particular

  “He was more than shocked. I think he was enchanted. There might be trouble brewing.”

  Ian ushered Jenny into the Gala. He helped her remove her cloak, glancing longingly at her cleavage. Her soft skin appeared pearl white against the royal blue material. Offering his arm he escorted her into the room. Jenny was in awe of the entire Gala. People milled everywhere. Ladies in beautiful gowns chatted. Gentlemen in their finest tuxedos were discussing business and exchanged stories along the west side of the room. Some couples danced to the soft music coming from the band on the stage in the corner. All eyes turned to the doorway when Ian and Jenny entered, Jenny heard someone say her name as they were introduced. Many eyes were upon her, but she searched the room for Harry. Ian stood proudly displaying his partner.

  Jenny was demure and modest, smiling innocently and speaking politely when spoken to. He was delighted with her. Ian's grip tightened on her arm, moving her into the crowd. Several people whispered, nodding toward the couple as they moved through the room. Jenny could not see Harry anywhere.

  “Ian, Miss Barstow, there you are.” Jenny turned her head to see Lord Provost John Murphy moving in their direction. “My, how lovely you look this evening, Miss Barstow.”

  “Thank you, you are very kind.” Jenny was not used to flattery. She didn't know where to look.

  “Ian, what do you think of Miss Barstow this evening?” John watched Ian carefully.

  “Miss Barstow looks stunning. I was very surprised when I went to fetch her. Miss Barstow, if I have not said so, you look very beautiful this evening.” Ian lifted Jenny's hand and kissed it. Jenny looked away, sickened by his touch. John was very pleased. He left the young people for now.

  “May I have this dance?” Ian bowed before her. Jenny stared at Ian.

  “You don't have to dance with me. Remember, I am only here as your assistant. You may go and dance with one of your other women. I will just sit over here.” Jenny started to move towards the empty chairs at the side of the room, but Ian pulled her back.

  “I would very much like to dance with you, Miss Barstow.” He bowed, gesturing toward the dance floor with his other hand. Jenny felt several eyes upon her. She took his hand and moved onto the floor, not wanting to make a scene. Ian quickly took possession of her and they glided around the room. When he took her into a graceful dip and sway about the room, it was evident that Ian was intrigued with her. She was happy to have been given the dance lessons. Zachariah's training was coming in very handy as the evening got underway. She was twirled around the room. Ian was a very good dancer. She made sure the distance between them was proper as her eyes searched. Where is Harry?

  Finally, she spotted him. He had just arrived, accompanied by Amy and Gordon. Their eyes met across the room and he smiled widely. Within minutes, he was tapping Ian on the shoulder.

  “May I cut in?” Ian was astounded by the man's gall. He ignored him at first, but soon realized that Mitchell was not taking ‘no’ for an answer. Graciously, he handed Jenny's hand to Harry. Ian bowed and moved toward the bar.

  “Where have you been? I was getting worried.” Jenny looked into Harry's eyes; he was staring at her in a strange way.

  “ I was delayed at the hospital. This grant committee is taking all of my time.”

  “What are you staring at?”

  “I am staring at the most beautiful woman in this room. Jenny you look absolutely breathtaking.” She beamed with delight. “Now I am more worried than ever about Murphy.”

  “Don't you worry about him. I am doing this because I want to keep my job. It is you that I am dancing with right now. Let's forget Mr. Murphy for now.” Harry laughed and twirled her about the room. Jenny was in heaven. She leaned into her fiancé and the room disappeared. For Jenny it was her and Harry alone in a loving embrace.

  Several people watched, wondering whom this new woman was. Amy also watched, both Jenny and the others at the Gala. She was soon making her way through the crowd with Gordon in tow, letting everyone know that Jenny Barstow was Harold Mitchell's fiancée. If someone asked why she was here with Ian Murphy, Amy quickly explained that Jenny was Mr. Murphy's assistant at the city offices. “Strictly business.” She assured everyone. Some were not convinced. Especially when Ian made a point of recapturing the new belle of the ball, after one dance with Harold.

  The evening progressed uneventfully. Jenny chatted with Amy, who introduced her to several young women at the Gala. Jenny was enjoying herself immensely. “I feel like Cinderella at the ball.” She told Amy.

  At 11 o'clock, Harry approached Ian and Jenny and told Ian that he would be happy to take Miss Barstow home. “I am the one that brought her, and I shall take her home, old chap.” Ian was having none of it. Harry started to feel his anger growing.

  “Need I remind you that Miss Barstow is my fiancée, Murphy?”

  “No, but as I said, I brought her here, and I shall take her home. Good night, Mitchell.” Jenny didn't know what to do. She remained silent so as not to create a scene. John Murphy arrived and both young men turned to him. “I was just telling Mitchell that I shall escort Miss Barstow home, Uncle.” Ian was very careful to emphasize the word “Uncle” just to remind Harold whom he was dealing with.

  “Wonderful Ian. Mitchell, I wanted to discuss with you, the large grant that the city is about to give the hospital. Come and sit with Dr. Jamieson and I.” He ushered Harry away against his will and Jenny could only watch him go.

  “Miss Barstow, shall we go.” Ian offered his arm and Jenny went reluctantly. Harry watched them over his shoulder. He knew the Lord Provost was controlling the situation, but there was nothing he could do. Keep your hands off of her, Murphy. He stared daggers into Ian's back as the couple left the room.

  In the carriage, Ian sat a little too close to Jenny. She felt claustrophobic. Edging away as much as she could, she adjusted her dress and leaned against the window. It seemed to take hours before Jenny and Ian arrived at number five Rose Street. Ian turned toward her, pulling her into his arms. Jenny resisted. He tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away. “Mr. Murphy, please. This is most unacceptable behavior.” He tried again more roughly this time. She could smell the liquor on his breath, and it brought back the terrifying memory of Mr. Brown. She trembled with fear. Panicking, she shoved him forcibly away from her. “I said no. Now please let me out of the carriage.”

  Again he grabbed for her, his grip hurting her arm. He threw himself on top of her and she felt her dress tear against his grip. Jenny pushed against him, but he was too heavy. Now she was horrified. What was she going to do? She shrieked as his hands groped her body.

  Suddenly, the carriage door opened with a jerk and Ian was pulled abruptly from the carriage. Jenny almost toppled out behind him. She quickly grabbed the seat to balance herself and tried to focus. All she saw was two men struggling on the ground. She didn't know what was happening. “Jenny, get out of the carriage quickly.” Jenny looked up in surprise to see Amy standing at the door to the carriage. Amy reached for her hand and she exited as quickly as she cou
ld. “Go in the house,” Amy insisted.

  Jenny moved toward the house realizing that Gordon had lifted Ian off the ground and shoved him back into the carriage. “Take this man home and away from me, before I kill him.” Gordon shouted at the driver who had sat silently ignoring the goings on. The carriage moved away. Gordon's face was flushed. Amy brushed the dirt from his tuxedo.

  “Oh, Gordon, you were magnificent.” Amy was hugging Gordon and fussing over him. He quietly fixed his coat and turned to Jenny, who stood open mouthed at the door.

  “Gordon, I didn't know you were there. I was terrified.” Jenny was shaking. The quiet Gordon had some hidden talents. “Thank you so much. Amy is right, you were magnificent.”

  “I was college boxing champion, Jenny.” Short and sweet, no wordy answers from Gordon, thought Jenny. She was so grateful. Her hands were still trembling.

  “We followed you, because we knew Murphy was up to something.” Amy picked up where Gordon left off. “What we need is a nice cup of tea?” Amy mimicked Abigail breaking the tension. The others laughed. All three of them went into the house where Abigail and Zachariah were waiting. Amy put her arms around Jenny.

  “Zachariah was about to come outside when we saw Amy and Gordon arrive. We were not going to leave you in that carriage for long, Jenny dear.” Abigail held Jenny's shaking hand.

  “Harry will be along shortly. Lord Provost had him cornered, but Gordon told him in private, that we were going to follow you. Ian Murphy is such a beast, nothing, but a drunken beast. I hope you hurt him, Gordon.” Amy looked at Gordon with adoration.

  He beamed. “I think Mr. Murphy will have a few aches and pains in the morning.”

  “Did he hurt you my darling?” Amy moved to sit next to Gordon.

  “No, he was too drunk to even get a punch in. Jenny, are you alright?” Jenny nodded.

  “I don't know what might have happened if you didn't arrive when you did, Gordon, thank you again. I do hope he didn't hurt you in any way.” Her hands would not stop shaking.


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