Bourbon & Bonfires

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Bourbon & Bonfires Page 21

by Andrea Johnston

  No further words are necessary, and we walking out hand in hand. Instead of getting in my car, I allow Landon to guide me to his truck. Before I can climb into the cab, he picks me up by the waist and sets me in the passenger seat. I’m sitting in a similar position to the one I was in when he parked in front of his parents’ house that first night. We’ve come so far since then, but I feel like I just opened the flood gates to so much more.

  “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Landon. I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier.” I don’t manage another word before his lips are on mine. His kiss conveys every unspoken word between us, each shared emotion I’ve held tight and not shared, and promises I can’t wait to unravel.

  I’ve given my mother the title of cock blocker multiple times in my adult life. Today, that title is bestowed upon my dad. After what would be classified as a heavy petting session on Main Street this morning, I took my girlfriend—who had just proclaimed her love for me—home and planned on showing her how much I appreciated the sentiment when my dad pulled up behind us in the driveway. Then he didn’t leave. He’s been here, sitting with me on the back deck, telling me about the great fishing I missed out on while Addison is inside talking to Mason.

  I knew it was a gamble showing up at Roasters this morning, but I also know as much as Addison plays it cool, she was a mess. I wasn’t sure exactly what she was up to, but I had a feeling it was big, and I wanted to be there for her. I didn’t exactly stalk her, but there are only so many places to go in our town, so by process of elimination I ended up at Roasters. From the look on her face when I arrived, I should’ve gone straight there instead of stopping at Rosa’s and the diner first.

  “You’ve created quite the little family here with Addy and Mason,” my dad says, interrupting my thoughts.

  “I suppose so. I love them like family.”

  “As do we, son.”

  “Thank you for that, Dad. I know mom wanted me to meet someone and get married, give her grandkids. I hope she’s okay with a teenager.”

  “Landon, your mom didn’t want you to marry someone to give her grandkids. Hell, we’ve got more than we ever expected already. All she’s ever wanted, what we’ve both wanted, was for you to be happy. To find a love that is everlasting and real.”

  “I have,” I declare.

  “You have what?” Addison asks as she walks out to join us on the deck. I pat my leg for her to sit on, but she shakes her head no, glancing to my dad. I roll my eyes, and she smiles, taking the seat closer to my dad than me. Brat.

  “I was just telling Landon he needs to take you and Mason camping and fishing. That boy in there is a natural outdoorsman.”

  I shoot a grateful smile to my dad for his quick save. It’s been only a few hours since Addison publicly declared her feelings for me, I doubt she’d be thrilled to hear my dad and me talking about our relationship so freely.

  “Camping? I mean, I could go for some glamping. After last time I realized I’m not exactly a camping kind of gal. Maybe it can be a guy’s trip?”

  “Where’s Mason?”

  “He’s talking to his father.”

  “And that’s my cue to leave. Sounds like a family discussion. Addy, thank you for sharing your son with me. I had a great time with him. We’ll see you guys for dinner this week?”

  Nodding, we say our goodbyes. Addison waits until we hear the front door close before rising from her seat and taking the spot on my lap I tapped earlier. Resting her head on my shoulder, my hands go around her waist and hold her to me. Breathing in her scent, I relax.

  “He agreed with me about the summer. I told him I’d talk to his dad, but he insisted on handling it himself. I’m not sure when he matured, but it’s like looking at a different person. Maybe the brief time he was sat at the jail did help him.”

  “I think Dan needs to hear it from Mason. And don’t get too excited about the maturity thing. I’m pretty sure I saw him trying to put on deodorant with the plastic top still on it.” That makes Addison laugh, and I tug her closer. “What about dinner?”

  “He asked if Dan could come over here,” she whispers. My back goes rigid before she taps my forearm. I didn’t realize I’d tightened my grip but loosen my hold a little. “And I said no. I’m not interested in that level of co-parenting. I’d really like him to show an interest in his son. I suggested he take him to Rosa’s, and if his dad is still in town this week, they can hang out a little more.”

  “You’re a better person than me, Turnip.”

  “You cannot be back to that awful nickname.”

  “I wish I’d used it in front of Dickhead Dan. I bet it would have driven him crazy.”

  “Dickhead Dan?” She giggles.

  “Seems appropriate.”

  We continue to sit in silence, her sitting in my lap with my arms wrapped around her, until my butt goes numb and I have to shift. Eventually, we move into the house and settle into the couch while we wait impatiently for Mason to appear after his phone call. By the time he does, we’ve made a tray of cheese and crackers and are watching one of the shows on the DVR.

  Addison sits up when he comes out to grab a handful of crackers, stuffing them in his mouth. I can tell she wants to ask what he and Dan talked about, but she doesn’t. Instead, she pushes play on the remote and the three of us settle in for an afternoon of television, and it’s pretty damn perfect.

  I’m in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I hear Mason come out of his bedroom. He pauses at the door, and I catch his eye in the mirror. Stepping aside, I make room for him at the sink with me. Without a word, he squeezes the toothpaste onto his toothbrush and begins his nightly routine.

  I spit in the sink, turning the faucet on to rinse the sink and cup a little water to my mouth before spitting that out as well. Mason does the same and when he’s done, I slap a hand to his back.

  “You okay, kid?”

  “Yeah. It’s been a long day.”

  “That it has, my man. I’m glad you got to spend time with your dad.”

  Mason turns to me, brows furrowed. “You are?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t know, my dad said you guys kind of had it out today.”

  Fucking Dan.

  “Look, Mason. All of this is new for everyone. I don’t want you to worry about the adult stuff. Just enjoy having your dad in town. Okay?”


  “I’m going to hit the sack. I’m exhausted,” I say, motioning for the doorway. I’m blocked into the far side of the sink and can’t get by so I wait for Mason to move out of my way. When he steps into the hall, he pauses before walking toward his bedroom door.



  “Thanks for making my mom happy and for loving her. And, me.”

  “Ah, man, you don’t have to thank me. I love both you and your mom very much. You’re my family. Family sticks together, right?” I swear I see his eyes glisten, and if this kid cries, I’ll cry, and neither of us needs that moment in our life so I’m grateful when he nods and quickly turns toward his door.

  Following suit, I walk into Addison’s bedroom and close the door behind me. The light of a small lamp fills the room, and I take in Addison lying in bed on her side, e-reader in her hands. She looks up from her book and smiles at me, and right now, standing before her, this is what I’ve waited for. Not only this woman but this life.

  I take my place in bed as Addison reaches over and turns out the light. Rolling onto my side, my body supported by my elbow, I allow my free hand to linger on Addison’s hip. She lets out a noise that reminds me of a cat’s purr as she snuggles into her pillow, both hands resting under her cheek.

  “We didn’t talk about earlier,” she whispers.

  “Which part?” I ask. It’s been an eventful day, she could be talking about anything.

  “When I said I love you.”

  “Ah yes, the single best part of the day,” I say, nudging her closer
with my hand on her hip. As she scoots closer, my hand slides to cup her ass.

  “I didn’t plan to tell you like that.”

  “How did you plan it?” I ask, moving my body closer to hers, placing my lips on her bare shoulder.

  “Truthfully, there was no plan. I just wanted to tell you when we were home.”

  “Home. I like that.”

  Addison moves her head, exposing her neck to me as I make a trail of light kisses up to her earlobe. When I suck it between my teeth she shivers and I smile. “Tell me again,” I say.

  “I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier. And I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to say it to you in the first place. I think I fell a little in love the night you took me to your parents’ house for dinner.”

  Her words take me by surprise, and I pull back to look at her. “That was our first date,” I say, the confusion evident in my tone.

  “It was.”

  “I can one up you on that,” I tease as I roll her onto her back. Her brow rises as she smirks. “I think I fell in love with you on New Year’s Eve.”

  Instead of a response, Addison laces her fingers through my hair and tugs me to her. Her legs spread slightly, allowing me to settle between them, and I kiss her until kissing isn’t enough. Tugging her tank top down, I watch as her perfect breasts pop out and her nipples pucker. Sucking one then the other into my mouth, her purrs and moans encourage me to continue as I worship her body.

  Like the words we shared, each stroke and touch is full of promise. A promise to love her forever, a promise to never let her go.

  “I’m scared, Landon.” Her words are a whisper, and I pull back to look her in her eyes.

  “Baby, there’s nothing to be scared of.”

  “What if I’m not enough?” she asks as a tear glides down her cheek. I capture it with my thumb, my hand cupping her face.

  “If I know anything, Addison, it’s that you were put here for me. You are the one I’m meant to be with. Your heart is so big and open. Open to love but not open to hurt. I’m not perfect, babe, but I can promise I will never let a day go by that you don’t know what you mean to me, and I will do everything in my power to make sure you never hurt again.”

  Another tear falls, but this time the expression on Addison’s face isn’t one of distress and fear, it’s one of hope and love.

  When I went to Lexington last fall to be my brother’s date to a wedding, I never expected to meet a man who would completely turn my life upside down. But I did. I met Landon Montgomery, and that moment set forth a series of decisions that have brought me here.

  Standing in our kitchen, trying to figure out why three people need this many glasses and wonder why we didn’t donate half of this stuff. Do people really use this mandolin thing? I don’t even know where it came from, yet it’s in my must-keep box.

  Since the day we both said the words “I love you,” life picked up at a rapid pace for Landon and me. His dad came back to work at the family business, taking over the office end of things, leaving Landon more time to be in the field and finish a lot of the furniture orders he’d postponed while he adjusted to being a business owner.

  Dan held up his end of the bargain to call Mason more, and their relationship is better than it has been for years. There hasn’t been another mention of Mason spending the summer with him, but now that Dan and Lolly are expecting, I’m waiting for Mason to ask to visit his dad. That’s not a bridge I’m looking forward to crossing.

  I still love my job and working for Doc Burning. He’s struggling to understand why Landon and I aren’t getting married and only living together but has accepted it. Sometimes I feel as if I have half a dozen parents in this town with double the amount of opinions. The Montgomerys have welcomed both Mason and me into their family and he’s even taken to calling Willa Grandma.

  “Babe, do you think those idiots brought all of the boxes over? I swear some of these were for donation.” Landon sets a box marked “breakables” on the island, and I peer into the box and confirm he’s right.

  “I think so.”

  “I swear I’m not sure how we were all raised in the same town, with the same education. Those bozos can’t read simple directions.”

  I step away from where I’m standing and walk to my boyfriend. The title still seems silly at this age but really, what else do I call him? When I’m close enough, I wrap my arms around his waist and stand on my toes to kiss him.

  “Be nice to our friends. They’re helping us move in together, how about we focus on that?” I ask as his arms circle my waist.

  “They are. Are you still okay with all of this?”

  “Of course,” I say.

  He does that, checks on my feelings and how I’m adjusting to our new arrangement. I thought he was the one with second thoughts at first. Why else would he ask me daily if I was sure this is what I wanted. Then I realized I’d planted that seed in his head for months with my fears and concerns about our age difference. Sure, I worry somedays that he’s sacrificing too much to be with me, but I’m selfish enough to push those thoughts out of my mind.

  For years I lived in a sea of self-doubt and blame. I lived a life I didn’t enjoy with a man who left me without a second glance. I wasn’t sure love was in the cards for me, and I certainly didn’t believe a man would want to take on a single mom with a teenager. I realize I didn’t need a man; I needed Landon Montgomery.

  I’m not one to buy into the stars aligning or the moon being in this house or another. But I do believe in fate and destiny when it comes to finding love a second time. Landon takes my face in his hands and looks me in the eye. His expression is serious, and my pulse races as I wait for him to speak.

  “I love you, Addison.”

  “I love you too, Landon. Thank you for making me happy and loving both me and Mason.”

  “There was never another ending for us. It’s you and me forever, babe.”

  As he places his lips to mine, I know he’s right. There’s never been a more perfect ending than happily ever after.

  Before I became an author, I always wondered where story ideas came from. Surely, a simple moment in a day, a single word or phrase, or even a love song couldn’t spur an entire book. Then one day I heard a song on the radio and a scene of a man and a woman kissing flashed before my eyes.

  That single song and vision became a series about four friends, the women who love them, and the small town that molded them into a loving and caring family. When I first planned this series, I always knew it was centered around four friends but unbeknownst to most, I always planned for a fifth book. A book about a mysterious bar owner. To my surprise, many of you also want that fifth book. Lucky for you it was always in the plan.

  What wasn’t in the plan was the need to continue that story. I wonder about Taylor Cain often. Who is he? Where does he come from? What happened to him? Like the friendships established in the small town of Lexington, Taylor has his own family, his brothers in arms.

  I know of no other town than Lexington to embrace the men and women who sacrifice and fight for our freedom. And maybe if they’re lucky, they too will find love on a country road.

  Taylor & Scarlett’s love story coming soon

  You guys!! We did it! We made it to Landon’s story. What a whirlwind this series has been for me. I’ve said it over and over but Thank You! Thank you for taking this journey with me and for loving these characters and the town of Lexington as much as I do. Which is why I’m so excited to keep these characters around while we meet a few newbies. I hope you’ll stick with me as the adventure continues.

  To the talented Kyla Ellison - Thank you for another amazing cover. Your talent blows me away and I’m grateful to have you on my team.

  Karen L.—The biggest hugs to you for your patience and help. I promise, one day I’ll figure out this comma thing.

  Alyssa—I cannot believe how far we’ve come in such a short time. I’m honored to have you in my corner and blessed with your frie

  Megan—I don’t know there are words for me to convey my appreciation for all you do to help me. I know I say it all the time but—I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I believe great things are ahead.

  Stefanie G.—You’ll never understand how much your suggested title helped fuel this story. Thank you for being so supportive!

  Andee, Chelle, and Kiersten—Where would I be without you? Thank you for helping me when you have so much going on. I know I was more high maintenance than usual with this story and I’ll never be able to say thank you enough.

  Kate S.—Thank you for your attention to detail and your never-ending support. I miss you and send virtual hugs daily!

  To my girls—I can’t name all of you because that would be a chapter in itself. For each of you who tolerates my messages, my anxiety, my high stress days, and my chaos Thank You! I know I’ve done one good thing in my life to have you all on my side.

  Karin E.—Thank you for your help understanding the greatness that is your true love, bourbon and your fresh eyes! Xo

  To my husband—I never truly believed it was possible to fall in love with the same person over and over. Your patience, support, and love inspires me every single day. Thank you for loving me and for supporting my dream.

  To my children—Never give up your dreams and remember to love unconditionally.

  Andrea Johnston spent her childhood with her nose in a book and a pen to paper. An avid people watcher, her mind is full of stories that yearn to be told. A fan of angsty romance with a happy ending, super sexy erotica and a good mystery, Andrea can always be found with her Kindle nearby fully charged.


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