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Blind Love

Page 18

by Kishan Paul

“He’d love to.”

  When she started to walk off, he grabbed her arm. “Just Evan?”

  “We’re going to watch The Lion King and eat pizza. You and your mom are welcome to come.”

  “Will Officer Dawson be there?”

  She smiled. “He should be leaving for his night shift at the precinct soon. So, no Ben.”

  The idea of not having her around didn’t sit well with him. A feeling he couldn’t quite describe was crawling its way from deep in his stomach into his chest. “I’ll be there.”

  She tried to pull away again, but he tightened his grip. “What about Sunny hiding your toilet paper?”

  “Ehh.” Her eyes filled a second before she blinked the moisture away. “There are way too many people trying to run my life. To hell with them.”

  She flashed him a smile and winked. “Anyway, I have a hidden stash.”

  The chatty woman who was beside him when her parents were present had disappeared into one who kept her face down.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Nope. But nothing I can’t handle. See you in a couple hours.” She pulled away. This time, he let her go and stared on as she disappeared into her house.

  When Gabe got to his garage a few feet away, his mom stood there waiting for him with a big grin on her face.

  “Stop smiling, your face might stick like that,” he said as he put Evan’s bike and safety gear away.

  “She invited us over for dinner, of course I’m excited.”

  “Didn’t know you liked pizza.” He headed for the door and opened it, knowing she was far from dropping the subject. “Anyone ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop, by the way?”

  “Why aren’t you happy about this?”

  There were so many things bothering him. The bracelet. The sadness he saw in her face. He shrugged and pointed out the one on the top of his list. “She’s leaving.”

  “What do you mean, leaving?”

  “I mean on Tuesday morning, she gets on a plane and goes away to parts unknown, indefinitely.”

  “Are you going to let her?”

  Gabe laughed and grabbed a beer from the fridge. “Lauren Baxter doesn’t let anyone tell her how to do anything.”

  She snatched the bottle from his hand and put it back in the fridge. “Go give her a reason to change her mind.”

  “Not my place. Just like it’s not your place to take my drink.”

  “Like hell it’s not. I’m your mother. I don’t want you reaching for the poison, ’cause it won’t make things any better and she deserves to know how you feel.”

  He shrugged and went to the one place he knew she wouldn’t follow, the bathroom.

  Lauren lounged on the couch with her feet resting on the coffee table. As she tried hard to detox from her day, Ben came clomping down the stairs. He sat down, his leg rubbing against hers.

  She pushed her sadness aside and flashed him a smile. “Ready for work?”

  “Yup. How’d it go?”

  The fact Jack hadn’t left her side since she got home was clear indication of how it went. She patted the dog’s head and shrugged. “They’re buying me a house.” She waved her arm. “Bought me this bracelet. And did you know you are the cause of all my problems?”

  “What?” He laughed. “They haven’t changed much, I see. How did the doctor’s appointment go?”

  Lauren leaned her head back against the couch and closed her eyes. “I had two of them. The first one told me my ligaments are torn, hence the boot.” She lifted her ankle to show off the lovely synthetic support wrapped around her leg. “And I need to take it easy the next six weeks.”

  “And the second?”

  “Said what I expected. The tunnel vision is a natural progression of the RP and we have no clue how long it will take, but blindness is inevitable.”

  When he tucked her hair behind her ear and ran his fingers across her cheek, Lauren stiffened.

  “Ben, we need to talk.”

  His hand froze. She sat up and took a breath. “I’ll always care about you and I missed you, more than I realized, but…”

  “I know.” He interrupted her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. “Just don’t say it, okay?”

  The sadness in his voice made her throat tighten. Guilt welled inside of her until finally the emotions she’d fought all day seeped out.

  “Hey.” He cupped her chin and kissed her nose. “Don’t cry because of me. I’ve made you do too much of that already.”

  Lauren shook her head. “I don’t like hurting you.”

  “You didn’t do this, Cat. I did.” Ben’s voice cracked.

  “And I don’t want to lose you again,” Lauren whispered.

  He laughed. “You won’t, I’ll keep coming back until you tell me to stop.”

  She didn’t respond, just smiled and nodded. He kissed the top of her head and held her tight. “Just promise me if you ever decide different, no matter when or how long it takes, you’ll tell me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Don’t Think

  Throughout the whole movie, Gabe sat on the couch observing Lauren. She laughed, smiled, knew each scene by heart, and even pointed out things to Sprout. A few times, she had Evan snickering and singing the songs with her. To anyone who didn’t know any better, it would look like she was watching the movie, but she wasn’t. Any other time, he would have found the whole thing amazing, but his attention wasn’t focused there. It was on the sadness in her eyes. How her smile never seemed to get very big and how at some points she seemed lost in thought.

  His mind flooded with possible reasons. She had decided to get back together with her ex. She believed he killed Autumn. Gabe itched to pull her aside, hold her close and beg her to stay, but decided against it. If he was the reason for her sadness, the last thing he wanted was to make it worse.

  Afterward, when they said their goodbyes, Evan asked if the dog could spend the night.

  Lauren gave the beast’s head a rub. “I’m sure he’d love to.”

  “Something’s not right. You need to go back in there and talk to her,” his mom said after Evan and Jack went upstairs.

  Gabe grabbed his untouched beer from the fridge. “She probably needs to be alone.”

  “I know what I’m talking about.” She pulled it out of his hand for the second time. “Space is not what she needs. Go talk to her before you both regret it.”

  She went upstairs, leaving him confused and unsure of what to do. Gabe grabbed the damn bottle and this time gulped down every drop of the cold drink.

  Liquid courage now swooshing in his gut, he found himself knocking on Lauren’s back door.

  When she poked her head out, his mouth went dry and he considered going back for another beer.

  “Gabe? Something you need?”

  When he searched her face, he loved everything he saw there. The way her hair fell across her shoulders. How her head tilted to the side. Yes, there was something he needed. He took a breath and stepped closer.

  With the back of his hand, he traced the side of her jaw. Lauren closed her eyes and he watched as her chest filled. When he outlined her lips, warm breath blew against his. The heat from it made his mouth water. Gabe leaned forward, his lips a thread away from hers. He looked for any signs indicating not to proceed. When her mouth parted, he closed the gap between them.

  He let his hand graze across her skin as his lips pressed against hers. Long, slow, sweet, but hungry. It was a kind of hunger he’d never felt before. One he wanted to savor for as long as he possibly could. He pulled back, to make sure she felt the same.

  With her eyes still closed, she leaned her head into his hand, which palmed her cheek. “Gabe, I’m not in a place where I can think clearly.”

  “Then don’t think.” His lips pressed against hers for a brief
moment before he pulled away and proceeded to do it again. “Just feel.”

  She placed her hands on his stomach and moved them up. He closed his lids, savoring her touch. When she pulled back, he grabbed her wrists and brought them back. “Don’t stop. Please.”

  Lauren pressed into the dips of his chest, up to his shoulders. With each part of his body the pads of her fingers traced, his hunger intensified and lengthened. By the time she had reached the sides of his neck, his pulse heightened and his breathing came out ragged. When her hands molded around his face, she pulled him forward.

  “I don’t want to be alone,” she whispered. Her lips opened and neared. They brushed lightly against his before she pulled away and hesitated.

  “You don’t have to be.” Gabe held back, letting her take the lead.

  She stepped into his space and when her hips brushed against his hardness, he lost his capacity for self-control. No more erotic dreams. He wanted her. Her mouth. Her skin. Her body. Everything she was willing to give for as long as she’d allow.

  Gabe kissed her hard and when he did, Lauren wrapped her arms around his neck, opening her mouth to him. He picked her up and carried her inside, kicking the door shut behind them. Pushing her against the wall, he pressed his ache against her, all the while deepening their kiss.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he groaned as she rubbed her stomach into his erection.

  Eyes closed, her chest rose a little faster, a little higher. Each time her clothed breasts brushed against him, he imagined tearing the fabric off of her, feeling her nipples on his skin.

  “Tell me what I do to you,” she whispered and busied her mouth on his throat. The warmth of her breath, the way her lips and tongue traced a path along the side of his neck, and the way she ground her body into his arousal had him holding on to the wall for support.

  “I’d rather show you.” He moved her hair out of the way and planted his lips on the side of her neck. Soft, sweet skin. She smelled of vanilla. “I want you.”

  Lauren put her hand on the back of his head and pressed him closer. She shuddered. “Gabe.”

  As he traced the side of her neck with his mouth the way she had done to him, he moved his hand under her shirt and cupped her breast. “I want to be inside you.”

  Lauren arched her hips, creating friction in the right spot. He nipped her ear lobe while she ran her hand across his cheek and onto his head. When he pinched her nipple, she groaned and grabbed his hair, tugging his mouth to hers.

  A hand still playing with her breast, Gabe slid the other to her leg and pulled up the fabric of her skirt.

  Her breathing got heavier. Lauren kissed him harder and ran her tongue over his teeth. He dipped his finger into her panties and was welcomed with wet heat. They both moaned at the experience. She spread her legs as he played with her intimate parts. His dick throbbed to replace his fingers. “I need to be inside you, now. Yes or no?”

  She panted out a yes before he silenced her with another kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Feeling Complete

  A blanket of heat surrounded Lauren.

  No, surrounded wasn’t the correct description.

  It smothered her. She tried to shift but when a strong, masculine leg and two arms were wrapped around her, hugging tight, movement was impossible. To top it all off, one of Gabe’s hands cupped her breast possessively. The crazy thing was, for the first time in a long time, she didn’t mind being used as a human body pillow.

  Her eyes sealed, she listened to his breathing and tried to let it lull her back to sleep. The little curls scattered across his very firm upper body tickled her skin each time his chest rose and brushed against her side. She leaned her cheek against his face and savored the warmth of his breath against her lips. No, she didn’t mind at all.

  Every inch of her was exquisitely sore. He had touched, kissed and loved all parts of her more times than she could count. A heat rose to her cheeks at the thought of how she had screamed out his name.

  An undeniable supercharge of chemistry existed between them. One she would allow herself to enjoy for a little while. A pang of guilt shot through her when the voice in her head started up again. It told her using him in no way changed her life situation. As usual, it was right, but she refused to listen. For once, her conscience would not be allowed to talk her out of this.

  She needed to feel wanted, desired—even if only for a few days. Just as much as Gabe needed her to do the same for him. Soon, they’d both go their separate ways. Until it happened, they could find comfort in each other.

  He now had a child to consider and she had her own pitiful mess. Neither of them were in a place in their lives where serious commitments were possible. A short-term fling allowed them a chance to enjoy each other for a little while and leave before things got messy—at least it was what she told herself. Funny how knowing her life was about to change impacted her decision-making abilities.

  Fear wrapped itself around her throat. At some point, she’d need to open her eyes and figure out if her vision had gotten worse. She swallowed the anxiety and inched her face a little closer to Gabe’s.

  Whatever happens, I’ll get through it. I always do.

  Slowly, she cracked her lids. When bright lights greeted her, her muscles relaxed. Lauren let out the breath she held and opened her eyes all the way. A single tear spilled out. Nothing had changed. One side was still the same colorful blur it had been since she was fifteen. The other’s visual field was a smaller circular version of the first, at least it hadn’t telescoped any further…yet.

  Gabe’s lips pressed against her cheek as he kissed the tear away. He ran his hand up and down her stomach, soothing her. She rested her face against his mouth and in return, he held her tighter and kissed her again. “Want to talk about it?”

  He was someone who kept the promises he made no matter what it cost him. Marrying a seventeen-year-old woman and supporting her and her child for the past eight years was testament to that. Which was why she’d never tell him about her vision degenerating. She had no interest in his pity or in feeling like he was with her because he felt she needed him. The thought of it made her stiffen. She needed no one.

  “Sometimes forgetting for a while works better.”

  As if on cue, his erection tapped against her thigh. Lauren smiled. “Mmm, speaking of helping me forget.”

  “At your service.” Gabe played with her nipple while he lightly traced circles around her belly button with his other hand. “No job’s too small,” he said as his fingers descended toward her core. Each movement sent waves of heat pooling between her legs.

  Lauren grabbed his hand before it went any farther. His protests were silenced when she rolled on top and kissed him. Soon she moved lower, her lips planting lingering caresses against his neck during her descent. It was her turn to explore and love all parts of him.

  He shuddered as she teased. Slowly licking and nipping at his body, Lauren approached her goal. When she kissed against the inside of his thigh, the bed shook and he seemed to have stopped breathing.

  She wrapped her hand around his erection and caressed him.

  “Fuuuck,” he hissed.

  A smile tugged at her lips. That was exactly what she intended on doing.

  Deciding he had invited her to do so, she wrapped her lips around the top of his erection and glided her tongue over the salty tip of him. With every gasp he made, each whisper of her name, her fears about her vision dissipated and her hunger for him intensified. Soon, her mouth filled with his length and his hips lifted to push himself deeper. Yes, forgetting was exactly what she needed.

  Between his incoherent moans of appreciation, a foil wrapper ripped open. Gabe pulled himself out of her, handing her the condom. “Put it on. I need to be inside you now.”

  She unrolled the latex slowly down the length of him, nipping
at the base. Before she could do anymore, he lifted her up and laid her on her back. Her cries and his growls filled the silent room when he pushed his shaft into her.

  The world seemed to stop spinning and for a while, neither of them moved, instead savored the connection. Every time they had made love, it was the same. An indescribable blanket of completeness overcame her. For a brief instant, she wasn’t alone in the world.

  Gabe intertwined her hands into his and planted them over her head. He pressed his forehead against hers and whispered her name. The hunger and need she heard in his voice made her ache for something she knew she couldn’t have. Instead, she arched her back, forcing him in deeper.

  “You feel so good,” he said.

  Words were beyond her capacity. Lauren wanted to savor him and this moment, to numb her mind and soul to all other emotions.

  When Gabe drew himself out, she shuddered at the void he left behind. He shifted his weight and pushed in again. Lauren gasped at the heat, the pressure, the fullness of him.

  He moved in a slow smooth rhythm. All her senses focused on their union and each time his tip brushed against her in just the right spot, Lauren called out to him. When he released one of her hands, she reached for his face and kissed him. Every part of her ached to feel connected to him, her body, her soul.

  He grabbed her waist, angled her hips, and seconds later sunk deeper than she thought humanly possible. Her mouth went slack. Lauren was losing control. Everything tightened as she felt herself climb with each thrust of his hips. When he tried to slow things down, she squeezed her legs around him and pushed him in harder.

  Like a rollercoaster deliberately approaching its descent, she inched higher and higher toward the sky. Her body tightened in anticipation. Lauren’s nails dug into his back. As if sensing where she was, he began to pump harder, faster.

  Lauren screamed out his name and arched her hips as her body detonated in the most exquisite of spasms. Tears escaped from her eyes while wave after explosive wave hit her. The more she fell, the harder he crashed into her, until he screamed for her and exploded deep within.


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