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Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set

Page 20

by Silvey, Melissa

  “Jerk,” I murmur, and reach down to touch the button on my phone.

  “I’m still here, Lani,” he says.

  I roll my eyes. “I mean, thank you for your help, Killian. Call me when you hear anything. Please. Please call me when you hear anything.”

  “That’s better, Lani. You’re welcome,” he says, with a hint of a chuckle in his voice. Jesus Christ, I hate owing that man, and I keep racking up the red.

  I groan, throw the phone, and almost hit my partner in the process.

  “So, you’re not pregnant?” my partner, James Johnson asks from the passenger side of the unmarked police car. I’m driving toward the local dairy farm, because I always drive. Jamie doesn’t seem to mind, and even if he did, I’d still drive.

  “Yea, no, false alarm,” I reply, with what I hope Jamie doesn’t realize is false happiness. I’m not happy, but there’s really no reason for me to want to be pregnant right now. I’m just confused about my feelings. I want Tony’s baby, I really do, but now doesn’t seem like the right time.

  “I’m so glad you’re back on the job. That newbie Barrett set me up with didn’t know his dick from his middle finger.” Jamie’s always been creative with his bad jokes. But he’s cute, so I overlook it.

  “Yea, Dad told me I’d had enough time off, and ordered me back. Like it’s more important to investigate who is stealing cow chips than finding out who falsified my sister’s death certificate.” I sigh loudly, and he laughs. He’s used to my sarcastic sense of humor.

  “How’s your new boyfriend?” I’m not sure if Jamie really cares, or if he’s just trying to make conversation. “When are you gonna bring him by the station to meet me and Connie? Maybe we can get a drink, or have dinner together.”

  “The first Tuesday of never,” I say with an exaggerated eye roll. He chuckles at my jab. I’ve missed him, but I’d never admit it. “He’s fine, really. Hey, give me a hint where I can find men’s clothing.”

  He stares at me until I feel uncomfortable, then he says, “I’ve been waiting for years for you to fall in love. You look adorable. Your cheeks are even flushed.”

  I flash him an evil look, but he just laughs harder. “I’m going to get you back for this, Jamie. You know that, right?”

  I pull up to the dairy farm, and glance around. “It sure does smell like cow shit. I didn’t miss this,” I proclaim.

  “I don’t even want to know why he thinks it’s missing,” Jamie agrees, as he exits the car. I follow right behind him.


  I pace around the room like a caged tiger. I don’t know if Max is okay. I don’t know if Lani is okay. I mean, I assume Lani is okay. She’s been a cop for a long time. She can take care of herself. But still, she’s out there, and I’m in here. Trapped. Because of my arm, I can’t even exercise. I have all the luxuries you can think of, including room service. But I can’t leave. A gilded cage is still a cage.

  I wish Lauren would call me and let me know everything is okay in Pittsburgh.

  I pick up the phone, and call Lani. It’s noon, it should be her lunch hour, right?

  “Tony? Have you heard from Lauren?” She answers the phone saying my name. That makes me a little less nervous, for some reason.

  “No, have you heard anything on your end?” I try not to sound as nervous as I am, but I’m sure it’s not working.

  “Tony, it’s only been a few hours. He’s seventeen, and he’s angry at his mother. He’s playing hooky. I’m sure he’ll be okay.” She’s trying to calm me down. She’s probably right. I’d cut class more than once, and not even for good reasons, just because I could. He’s seventeen, he’s not a child anymore.

  Wow, that blows my mind. My son, the little boy I remember, the one I left with my watch and my medals so he would have something to remember his daddy by, is almost a man.

  I sigh loudly at the thought. “Okay, you’re right. He’ll be fine. I’m sure I’m just overreacting, and Lauren will call me and let me know he’s okay any time now.”

  “I love you, Tony,” she says into the phone. She doesn’t just say it as a routine action. I can tell she means it, and somehow it makes me feel better, and reassures me that everything will be okay at the same time.

  “I love you too, Lani,” I tell her, before I hang up the phone.

  Chapter Two


  “Have you heard from Max, or Lauren?” It’s the first thing I ask when I walk through the door. It’s what I’ve been thinking about all day, and I’m sure he has too.

  “Nothing yet,” he replies with a frown. “Have you?”

  “I’ve talked to a detective in Pittsburgh twice. I’ve talked to Killian twice. They assure me he’ll be found. He couldn’t have gotten far. I’ll call again.”

  I hand him the bags that hold the clothes I bought him earlier, during my lunch hour. Jamie helped, but I won’t tell Tony that. He glances through them, but he isn’t as happy as I thought he’d be. He does have a lot on his mind, though.

  “I love you, baby, and I’d do anything for you. You have to know that.” Tony is lounging on the couch in his hotel room, wearing only a pair of dark heather grey sweatpants. Doctor Dad ordered Killian to buy some clothes that he could put on and take off easily with the sling on his shoulder, so Killian bought ten pairs of sweats, and ten zip up sweat jackets. It is too warm in the hotel room for him to wear a sweat jacket, so most of the time he is shirtless. Lucky me. “But I’m not wearing underwear.”

  I frown at him, but he’s unfazed by my anger. His sparkling onyx eyes narrow, and I know he’s trying to get a reaction out of me. It’s funny how well I already know the expressions of his beautiful almond-shaped eyes, and we’ve only spent six nights together. “Do you like the cargo pants?” I hold them up, so he can get a good look at the plain, khaki garment. “I can’t believe your waist is this small.”

  He’s acting like he doesn’t care, but I know something’s wrong. I can feel it, even though he won’t come right out and say it. And it’s pissing me off, a little. It’s hard to be mad at him, when he’s just sitting there, looking like a living, breathing statue of a Roman god. “I can’t wear those,” he finally says.

  “Are they too small?” I ask. I stretch the waistband again, then hold them up in front of me. I could probably wear them, if I grew a foot taller. “You don’t like khaki? What about the black ones?” I hold those up too, and they’re the same style, just a different color. I bought four different colors for him to choose from, shirts to match, and four pairs of jeans in varying shades of blue. I also bought some shorts, socks, and underwear.

  “No, they’re not too small. I just can’t wear them.” His scowl does not detract from his sexiness. I gaze at him for a moment, waiting for him to tell me why. “I only have one functioning hand, Lani.” He waves at me with his right hand.

  “I’ll help you dress before I leave for work.”

  “What about when I need to go to the bathroom?” he challenges me.

  “I’ll help you,” I explain. It shouldn’t be that hard for him to figure out. I’ve helped him bathe, and dress, and everything else, since I sprung him from prison four days ago.

  “What about when you’re at work?” And now I know what’s wrong. I hear it in his voice, the smallest hint of emotion. “How am I supposed to take a piss and then button and zip those pants afterwards?”

  Now I’m not sure what to say. I pick up the long sleeve, button down shirts that I bought to match the pants, and fold them to place them back in the bag. “I just thought you’d look really hot in them. I’m sorry if that’s wrong.” I glance at him from under my lashes, to see if he feels chastised.

  He exhales loudly, then moves quickly and athletically to stand behind me. “I’m sorry, baby. It’s not you. I love the clothes, really. It’s just so frustrating being stuck in here. I’m useless. I’m going out of my mind!” He wraps his right arm, the one that wasn’t shot, around my waist and pulls me closer.

  I feel
his huge cock rub against my backside, and I giggle. “Aren’t old guys supposed to have a hard time getting it up?” I keep my voice light, teasing him. If he needs me to distract him, that’s what I’ll give him.

  But it just makes him grumble. “It’s your hot, young body that does it to me.”

  “You can come to work with me if you want. I’m sure they’ve got a jail cell waiting with your name on it.”

  He growls, and spins me around. “I just have too much nervous energy, and I can’t even exercise to release it. Everything is still so damn up in the air. Mr. Worthington called earlier, while you were at work, and said he hasn’t heard from the Attorney General, or the publisher about the book deal. I haven’t heard from Lauren, so I have no idea if Max is okay. And I sit here alone all day, with the TV. At least at the prison the guard talked to me when he brought my meals, even if he did it just to annoy me, and I still hate his guts.”

  I reach down into the bag, and pull out the treat I bought for him. “I brought you chocolates.” I grin at him as I say it. He growls at me, and his eyes squint up.

  “I don’t want to eat chocolate, Lani,” he murmurs in my ear. He has that tone in his voice again. His right hand wanders up and down my ribcage, outside my shirt.

  “You’re insatiable,” I groan back, as I try to pull away. “And I’m still on my period.”

  “I don’t care. We haven’t had sex in two days.” His lip juts out in a pout. He’s so big, and masculine, it should be ridiculous. But he’s so beautiful it works on me. I feel bad for him, and I reach out and touch his smooth cheek. He closes his eyes, and exhales, as if he’s been waiting for me to caress him all day.

  “We’ve both gotten off,” I remind him, while trying to hide a smirk. “Remember what I did this morning?”

  “No. I’m old, and I think I might be going senile. Why don’t you remind me?” He’s touching my hip, right where my waistband meets my skin. He only has to touch me to get me turned on; well, that, and his sexy voice always seems to be teasing me.

  I reach up on my tiptoes, and move my hand up and around his neck at the same time. He stands up straighter, and tenses his muscles. “Why are you resisting me?”

  “I like making you work for it. If I’m too easy, you might get bored.” So I do what I know gets to him. I brace both my hands on his shoulders, then gently trail my fingertips downward, until I reach his nipples. He inhales loudly with a low hiss. I circle both pink pebbles slowly, while looking up into his eyes. “That’s not fair, Lani,” he groans. I flick my thumbnails against both of them, and he cringes.

  “Still want to fight me?” I whisper, as I lean toward his chest. He’s watching me, because he can’t look away. I extend my tongue, and just as I gently lick his left nipple, he grabs my bicep with his right hand and tries to push me away.

  “Baby, don’t,” he pleads, but I’ve locked my lips around the sensitive bud, and sucked it into my mouth. The low growl that escapes from his chest is exquisite, and it makes my muscles clench. Yes, those muscles. He takes a step back, and I hear him bump against the table. “Ow!” he cries out. I stop immediately, because I don’t want him to fall and injure his shoulder again.

  I jump away from him, and glance up. “Are you okay?”

  He chuckles, wraps his arm around my waist, and tosses me onto the couch as if I weigh nothing. “You’re such a sucker. All I have to do is fake being hurt, and your feminine side comes blazing through.”

  I might actually be mad, if he wasn’t going down to his knees in front of me. I pout down at him. “I thought you wanted me to show you the thing.” He flicks the button on the trousers of my pantsuit, and it opens easily. “You don’t have any problem getting buttons open,” I observe. I start to struggle a little when he begins to unzip them. “Not while I’m on my period.”

  “Leave me alone. I know what I’m doing,” he sighs, as he kisses my belly button. I reach my hands out, and bury my fingers in his short, black hair. His tongue dips into the tiny hole, then he flicks it and moves upward. He’s watching me.

  One of the best parts about being with Antony Roman is that he is completely focused on me and my pleasure. While we’re together, he devotes himself to being with me. I know he’s worried about other things, his kids being the main issue. But when he’s kissing me, and touching me, that’s his main concern. And I love that.

  He nudges my shirt up with his nose, as his hand creeps into my pants and pushes them down my thighs. I moan loudly as I pull my long sleeved t-shirt up, to expose my tummy and my beige bra. He gasps as his eyes travel over my exposed skin. “You’re so perfect, Lani. I’ve never met anyone who looks like you.” His lips move toward my breasts, as his hand firmly presses against my crotch, outside my underwear.

  That’s probably the second best part about being with Tony. He’s very vocal, especially with his compliments. He makes me feel treasured. He makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. I wonder if that’s what he said to all the women he’s had sex with. Not that he has in the last decade, until me anyway.

  His grasp becomes tighter on my pussy, and I wiggle my hips against him. I pull my bra up, giving him access to my already hard nipples. He licks the underside of my breast, then blows on the tight, sensitive bud. I groan as I watch every movement he makes. I couldn’t take my eyes off him if I wanted to.

  The other fantastic thing about being Tony’s lover is that it’s not all about him. Although the first time we were together he took what he wanted, he still made sure I enjoyed it too. And he doesn’t mind teasing me to get me ready for his huge cock.

  “Stop torturing me,” I moan.

  “Are you going to let me fuck your hot, wet pussy?” His pillow talk drives me wild.

  I say, “Maybe,” but his fingers somehow find my clit, and I shiver with pleasure, and the anticipation of more to come. “Go get a towel, and a condom.”


  I linger a few seconds more, acting like I’m going to resist her request. I suck her pink bud into my mouth, and grab her panties and tug on them. I want to remind her who is in control here.

  “Now,” she groans.

  I scramble to my feet, which is hard with only one hand, and especially when it’s in her pants. I’m getting used to it, though. I release her panties, and her nipple pops out of my mouth. I’m rushing to the bathroom, as we both hear a knock on the door. We both sigh loudly, and I turn my attention to her. She stands, and rearranges her clothing. When she’s dressed again, she nods at me.

  “Coming,” I exclaim, when the person knocks again. It has to be Burke, he’s the most insistent, impatient person I know.

  I open the door, and he’s standing on the other side. He’s a good looking guy, I’ll give him that. He’s about six-foot-one, and he’s in pretty good shape. He’s not freakishly large, like me. “Hello, Agent Burke,” I say, as I step back to allow him to enter. Burke’s eyes immediately search out Lani, and I hold my breath so as not to inhale. I don’t want him to even get a hint at what I’m thinking about, which is punching him in his face for even looking at Lani.

  “Hey, Roman. How’s it going?” he asks, but he doesn’t even glance in my direction. “How are you, Lani? How’s the search going for Max?” He looks at Lani, though, and it grates on my nerves a little. Okay, it pisses me off.

  I knew that Lani had called Burke, I just didn’t expect him to come visit me in my cage just to find out how the search was going. He could have called.

  “I called the Pittsburgh PD, twice, and they assured me his mother has already called them and filed a missing person report. They have his picture, and they’re searching for him. But they’ve put it down to him running away. He’s seventeen, after all, and there was an argument.” She’s looking at me as she says it. She’s already told me all of this on the phone, with her constant updates.

  “I’ve reached out to some of my contacts as well. I’ve also put out feelers to the bus station, the train station, and even t
he airport. He’ll turn up,” Burke assures me. “And I have this.” He pulls an envelope out of his inside jacket pocket, and hands it to me. I open it, and inside it it is the APB for Max, with a recent picture. He looks like me, when I was younger and had more hair.

  “Thanks, I appreciate this. It means a lot to me.” I’m being completely sincere. He didn’t have to go out of his way for me, but he has, and I’m being a jealous prick. Lani walks toward me, takes the picture, and looks from me to it and back again. She smiles, and nods.

  “The federal prosecutor for our district is happy with how the case against Drake is going. He wants us to continue to dig, but we’re getting some political resistance. Thankfully the prosecutor isn’t backing down.” His eyes move from Lani, to me. “Have you two eaten yet? We could order a pizza.”

  I close my eyes for a second, and when I open them I look to Lani. “I could eat,” she says. My eyes narrow, trying to convey my frustration telepathically.

  “Great, I’ll order,” Burke says, and pulls out his phone. “Pepperoni and sausage good for everyone?”

  “Fine,” I groan, and walk toward the couch to sit down. The most amazing woman I’ve ever met smiles as she joins me.

  “Veggies for me,” Lani says. “No mushrooms.”

  Burke nods, and begins to speak into his phone.

  “Sorry,” Lani mouths the word.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper back. I inhale several deep, cleansing breaths before I take her hand and kiss it.

  “Later,” she assures me silently, and licks her lips.

  My eyes narrow again. “You better.”

  Chapter Three


  As we’re finishing up the pizzas, and the guys are finishing up their beer, I get a call on my cell phone. “Detective Vaden.”


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