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Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set

Page 25

by Silvey, Melissa

  Killian grabs my hands, and tries to pull me toward the door. I spit in the guard’s face, and he wipes it off with one finger, then licks it. I fight against Killian, and he calls out to Riley. It takes both of them to pull me out of the interrogation room, kicking and screaming, and into the observation room.

  When they throw me in there, Tony is waiting for me patiently.

  It’s not the first time I’ve been thrown into a room with him in this prison, while my emotions were causing a tornado to swirl inside me. Gently, he puts his big hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Lani. I’m so sorry.”

  I fall into him, and he catches me and holds on tight. “I swear to God, Tony. If Killian wasn’t in that room, I would have killed him.”

  “Shhh,” he whispers, as he kisses the top of my head. He rocks gently, back and forth. “Shhh.” I feel so safe with him. I feel like the evils of humanity will never touch me while he’s with me. I sob loudly, and fall to my knees. My arms are wrapped around his thighs, and I’m crying all over his new khaki pants.

  “I love you, Lani,” he murmurs, and joins me on the floor. He cradles me in his arms, and I feel his love rush over me. The scent of bleach wafts around me, and the grey cinderblock walls are almost comforting. No, it’s not the scents, or the sights. It’s Tony. He’s home to me now. He’s my home, and my life. He’s everything to me.

  I can’t lose him. If Killian tries to send him back to jail, I won’t let him. I will do everything in my power to keep him safe. I have to. I can’t lose him. I can’t.


  She’s crying against me, and I feel so sad for her. I never thought I’d feel this much tenderness for a woman. My heart is genuinely breaking for her.

  “That fucking crazy bitch attacked me. What are you gonna do about it?” I hear the guard in the other room, and I want to rip his head off.

  “I’m not going to do anything. I didn’t see a thing,” Killian counters. “We’ll be in touch,” he says, before I hear the door close behind him, and then the door in this room opens. He’s standing in the doorway, as he looks in on us.

  “Lani, that stunt you just pulled, we can’t have that. This is a serious investigation. You could have ruined all the hard work we’ve put into it.” His tone is harsher than it needs to be. I throw a dirty look his way.

  “Hey, your sister, I bet she died screaming, you bitch. Just like you will if I ever see you on the outside. I’ll make sure the same thing happens to you! I’ll make you suffer, you fuck-…”

  Killian turns off the speaker, but the damage is already done. That man just signed his fucking death warrant. I mean, I already wanted to kill him, now I have a damn good reason.

  “Ignore it, Lani,” I say it gently, masking the emotions flooding through me. “He’ll never touch you. He’ll never hurt you.”

  Killian sighs loudly. “Maybe I can get him for terroristic threats, after he signs the plea agreement.”

  “Don’t deal with him, Burke,” I insist. Because if he gets immunity, I’ll have to kill him. And I’d hate to screw up the rest of my life with Lani and my kids over this piece of shit.

  “I don’t know, Roman. We’ll have to see how the case comes together without him. Those threats were pretty inflammatory, but Lani’s actions were uncalled for.” I want to slap him so badly, just like Lani did to the guard.

  When Lani finally stops crying, I ask her, “Are you gonna be okay?”

  She wipes her cheeks, and nods. The look in her pretty green eyes is almost worse than the tears. She looks so helpless, and hopeless. I can’t tell her I’d do anything for her, even kill that asshole in the other room, because I’m not sure if the room is bugged. And of course, an FBI agent is listening.

  “Come on, let’s go.” I help her up, then walk her out of the room. Burke and Riley are waiting on us, right outside the door. She leans on me heavily, and if I had two good arms I would have picked her up and carried her out of the building and to the car. By the time we get there, she’s a little better. She’s walking mostly on her own.

  “I know you two think this is wrong. Hell, I feel dirty just talking to creeps like that,” Killian begins, as we drive away.

  “Psychopath,” Lani states weakly. She’s got her head resting on my right bicep.

  “What?” Burke asks, and looks at her through the rearview mirror.

  “He’s not a creep. He’s a fucking psychopath,” she replies, louder this time so everyone in the car can hear her.

  “I promise, Lani, I’ll see what we can do without him. Would that make you feel better?” Burke’s voice is conciliatory, but I don’t think Lani buys it.

  “Maybe,” she says. But I know she’s thinking the same thing I am. She’s planning a murder.

  “Why can’t Riley guard me at Lani’s?” We’ve returned to the federal building, and Lani is in the ladies’ room. I have a feeling she’s probably crying again.

  “Listen, Roman. I’ve been very nice to you and Lani. I’ve been very accommodating. But I can’t do this. It’s a step too far.” Burke shakes his head as he speaks.

  “You heard the man threaten Lani. A man with a gun tried to kill her, or have you forgotten that?” I’m not sure I’m as persuasive as I once was, when I had my SEAL team with me, and they always had my back. Lani picks that moment to walk into the room, and all of her eye make-up is gone. She makes my heart ache.

  Burke can see her distress. “Lani, do you want this baboon staying in your house with you?”

  “He is house trained, isn’t he?” She tries to laugh through her sadness. I want to hug her.

  “I guess it would save the Bureau money, since he wouldn’t need a hotel room any longer.” All it takes for Burke to cave is Lani’s tears. What is it with women crying, and then getting whatever they want? Lani’s tear-filled doe eyes turn to me, and she gives me a weak smile. I’d give her whatever she wants. Yea, I’m whipped, but not by her pussy. Well, not just by her pussy, anyway.

  “So, you’re coming over to stay with me and my mom?” She comes up close, and says it in a low voice.

  “I’ve changed my mind. I’m staying at the hotel.” She frowns at me. I hate her frown nearly as much as her tears. “I’m teasing, baby. I’ll stay with you, if you’ll have me.”


  Jesus, those eyes of his slay me. They’re so expressive. They say so much. He’s worried about me, and not just about the threats. He’s worried that I’ll be sad, or frightened, or maybe just lonely. But he’s worried, about me. No one’s really ever worried about me. Everyone thinks Lani can take care of herself. Not this man. He’s trying so hard to get under my tough exterior.

  He wants to be in my house, to protect me, and doesn’t mind that my mom is staying there. I may have found the most amazing man on the planet.

  Chapter Nine


  Riley drives me to Lani’s cottage. I see why she calls it that. She’s got the cutest bungalow. It looks like it might have been a guest house at one time, but there are no really big houses near it, just several houses about the same size as hers. It’s stucco, with a burnt red tile roof. That alone makes it stand out among the brightly painted wood houses. Hers looks like a miniature villa. Whoever did the landscaping did an amazing job. Flowering plants bloom alongside artistically trimmed hedges, and several trees provide shade for the house and the yard. I see what must be her convertible in the driveway, and another, even more expensive, midnight blue luxury crossover vehicle parked beside it. That must be her mother’s car.

  Suddenly I’m more nervous than I’ve been in years. I’m invading her home, uninvited. Her mother is there. What if she hates me, like her husband does? What if she decides she doesn’t want a convict spending the night with her?

  Riley has already taken me to the hotel to gather my things. I put everything I own in the hotel’s laundry bags. That’s when I realized the only number Lauren and Max have for me is the hotel’s number. So I’ve decided I’ll call them from Lani’
s house, Lucy be damned.

  All of these things are going through my head as I’m staring at her house. And then Lani opens the door, and steps out onto her tiny front porch. She waves to me, and I open the door and step outside. I feel like I’m home, now that I see her. I gather the bags out of the back seat, and walk toward her.

  “You don’t have to sit outside in the car. You can come in and sit in the living room,” Lani says to Riley.

  “No, ma’am, I have my orders,” he says. “But you could refill my coffee cup every few hours.”

  “Deal,” she calls out, as she takes a few of the bags.

  “I’m nervous,” I admit, as she waves me through the door.

  “Don’t be. Make yourself at home,” she offers, and reaches up on her tiptoes to try to kiss me, so I bend down and let her. I realize just how much I love this woman.

  Her living room is very warm and inviting, and frankly more feminine than I imagined it would be. The couch, and two comfy looking recliners, are a light cream color and look so comfortable, with accent pillows of yellow and green. One wall is yellow, with several wooden crates painted green hanging on the wall, holding knick-knacks and pictures. Two other walls are painted cream, with an open wall into the dining room. Her dining room table is white, as are the chairs, with pretty yellow gingham placemats and pillows. Sunflowers are everywhere. It’s so cheerful, and happy, and…

  I hear someone behind me, and I turn quickly.

  “Hello, I’m Liberty Foster.” This can’t be Lani’s mom. She doesn’t look much older than Lani herself. “I’ve heard a lot about you, but none of it did you justice.” Her eyes are a darker green than Lani’s, her hair a lighter blonde, and her skin is somehow a lighter shade of porcelain. She has the dewy look of youth, or a woman who has spent a lot of money to retain her youth. It was money well spent, because she’s gorgeous.

  “I see where your daughter gets her stunning good looks,” I say, although I feel a little foolish saying it.

  “You’re not the first person to suggest my oldest looks like me, but I’ve always thought she favors her father; especially when her hair was brown.” She approaches me, and I put my hand out for her to shake. She takes it, daintily, and squeezes it once. “You must be very persuasive, Mr. Roman, to go from a Federal prison to my daughter’s home in about a week.” She isn’t crude, but she makes her point.

  “I wish circumstances were different, ma’am. But Lani’s been threatened, and she won’t accept an armed guard. If I can get her a guard by being here, then this is where I want to be.”

  She examines me for several moments, then she glances over at Lani. “So, he’s here to protect you? Is that what you think?”

  “I don’t care why he’s here. I’m just glad to have him.” Lani doesn’t hesitate. She lets her mom know she’s sure of her feelings. That gives me confidence, and it makes my heart swell.

  Until her mom continues, “He’s a criminal. He has nothing. How is he supposed to take care of you, Lani?”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me,” Lani insists.

  “I signed the papers for a book deal this morning,” I pipe up. “I’m not worthless. I can support Lani. And as soon as I’m cleared of the bogus charges I’m in prison for, we’re getting married.”

  Liberty turns quickly toward her daughter. “I asked him, and he said yes.” Lani grins at her triumphantly. I’m fairly sure Liberty is not in the mood for Lani’s sarcasm.

  “Just make sure it’s not while he’s still a convict. I could never face the girls in the book club if you married a prisoner.” With that comment, Liberty Foster waves her hand like the queen bee that she most certainly is, and promptly disappears into what I can only assume is Lani’s spare bedroom.

  “So, is your mom always like this?”

  “No, she’s not usually that relaxed.” I’m staring at her in shock, with my mouth gaping open, when she laughs. “She’s just worried about me. I can’t blame her. Are you hungry?”

  “No,” I say, but I’m really starving. “Are you hungry? I mean, if you are, I could eat.”

  “Ummm… I had to go shopping, since Mom showed up on my doorstep. I have organically grown fruits and vegetables.” Her frown tells me she’s not a vegetarian. “I also have pork chops and potatoes. We could put them on the grill.”

  “That sounds great.” I move to put my arm around her, but I’m still holding several bags full of my belongings.

  She leads me toward her bedroom, which is kinda girly in shades that echo a sunset, and we place my stuff by her closet. “Let’s get you settled in,” she murmurs.

  “Is that code for let’s have sex in my bed?” I can’t help but ask, as she’s leaned over gathering my new clothes. I scoot up behind her, place my right hand on her hip, and rub my hard cock against her beautiful, round ass. She wiggles against me, and lets a little moan escape her lips. It makes my stomach muscles clench.

  “Tony, we can’t be too loud, my mom is in the other room,” she whispers, as if her mom can hear her now.

  “You mean you can’t be too loud, baby. You’re the one who screams.” My hand lingers over the small of her back, exposed between her trousers and her shirt. Watching her body respond to me, with shivers and sighs, makes me even harder. And when she unbuttons her pants, and shimmies out of them, I wonder if I have any blood left in my brain at all.

  She hands me a condom she’s found in one of the bags, and says, “We can do it wherever you want, honey.” I quickly unsnap my pants, and unzip them, and that’s when I remember I’m wearing the underwear she bought me, and how in the hell am I going to get those down and open the condom with one hand and my teeth? She turns, gracefully like a dancer. “Let me help you.”

  She pulls her t-shirt over her head, and she’s gazing up at me. She’s wearing a bra that doesn’t hide anything. I can see her pink nipples are hard and demanding my attention. She deftly unbuttons my shirt, and gently pulls it off my shoulders.

  “I love you, Lani.” The words come easily, unprompted, because she is so loving. I place my finger under her chin, and bring her eyes up to meet mine again. “Lani, you’re better than I deserve, and you’re more than I could have ever hoped for.”

  “Don’t let my mom fool you. My dad was a rookie cop when she married him, because she was pregnant with me. He knocked on the door at her sorority house to tell them to turn the music down, and it was love at first sight.” She grins up at me as she’s assisting me out of my clothing.

  “I can’t wait to hear you telling our kids the story of how we met. They threw me into his cell, blindfolded and gagged. Your dad wanted me to stay that way, so I couldn’t see how old and ugly he is.” I’m again fishing for compliments. Why do I feel so insecure around her? She scoffs, and bends down to her knees. I shudder as I exhale, because I know what she’s going to do. My bottom lip quivers as I watch her take my cock in her hands.

  “All I saw was the sexiest, biggest, baddest man I’ve ever seen,” she murmurs, as she licks along the deep line at my hip. “This is so sexy, honey. How did you get this?”

  Does she expect me to answer her? Her hand grabs my cock at the base, and I want to fall to my knees with her. “Baby, just…” I start, but she licks from the base to the tip. “Let me…” Her other hand strays to my balls. “Ooooohhh,” I groan. I can’t think when she’s working her magic with my wand.

  “I’m tired of being the loud, out of control one. Why don’t you lose control, just once?” She extends her tongue, and flicks it against the hole.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for, baby,” I warn her.

  “You keep threatening that, but you have yet to deliver.” She pulls her hand up my cock, then twists around the head.

  “I’m gonna make you gag on this cock, then I’m going to throw you on the bed, roll you over… Fuck that, let me show you.” My fingers grab her still blonde ponytail, and she jerks away and smiles up at me. So I grab hold of it again, and pull it. That
gets her attention. She inhales loudly. “I’m getting tired of asking you to dye your hair back.” I bend down, and shove my hard dick against her face. “Open up, baby. I’ve got something for you.”

  Her eyes grow wide. She looks almost afraid now. I kinda like it. She licks her lips slowly, and rubs them together, before she opens her mouth. I pull away to aim it, then I push it into her. She makes those gurgling sounds that make me even harder. I’ve teased her about it, but I actually love it. I love hearing her struggle to take my thick dick. She’s not all turned on yet, and she’s having a hard time taking even half of it.

  “Take it all, baby, and remember who’s really in control here,” I growl, as I wrap her ponytail around my wrist, and draw her in closer. She’s gagging now, and I feel my balls tightening. “Time to stop, because now I’m going to fuck that tiny little box of yours. Take those panties off, and climb on the bed.”

  I slide my cock into her mouth one last time, all the way to the back of her throat, then quickly release her. She has spit drooling down her chin, and tears in her eyes. “You look so beautiful, baby, just like that.” She wipes her face, and looks down at the ground as she stands up and slides out of her underwear in one motion. I love the way she moves her body.

  “Look at me Lani,” I order. She looks scared, and it touches that part of me I keep hidden from her. “You’re beautiful,” I groan, and reach down to kiss her. My tongue invades her mouth, just like my cock did. I taste her, and myself, and I shiver from the raw pleasure coursing through me. “I love you,” I whisper, as I pick her up and place her on the bed. I gaze down at her, the perfection of her. “Roll over on your side, and put your top knee on the bed.”


  I do as he asks. I can’t even think to ask why. My head rests on a pillow, with one hand under it, and the other on my hip. I watch as he puts the condom on, then joins me on the bed. His knees are right at the backs of my thighs, and he uses his right hand to angle my ass up. I’m almost afraid he’s going to try to shove his big cock inside it. His black eyes glitter wickedly as he looks into mine. “I’ve been waiting to do this. Bite the pillow, baby.”


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