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Page 30

by Candace Blevins

  Gen’s arms went around his neck as she finally managed to say, “Yes. God, yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  “Heck no, I’m not signing that!”

  “Gen, listen to your attorney. This isn’t about making plans for us to divorce, because that isn’t going to happen. This is about making sure my shit doesn’t run downhill to you. It keeps your business interests legally separate from me, and mine legally separate from you.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not signing a prenup!”

  “And I’m not saying ‘I do’ until I know we can do it and keep you protected from my business practices.”

  “God, you’re stubborn!”

  “Perhaps,” said Gen’s attorney, “we should step outside and let the two of you work this out?”

  “No,” Duke told him. “It’s your job to explain to her why she needs something legal to protect her.”

  “If Duke should get arrested for certain activities,” Gen’s attorney told her, his voice professional and succinct, “the government could freeze all of his assets, and in many cases confiscate them, permanently. If we’ve legally separated your assets from his, so it’s clear he has no claim and no control of anything belonging to you, then no government agency will be able to touch your assets. Marriage protects you in some ways, because you can’t be obligated to testify against him. However, it leaves you open in other ways, so we need to create documents to protect you and your assets.”

  * * * *

  “Are you sure?” Duke asked, his eyes incredulous. “I assumed you’d want a huge fairy tale wedding, with flowers and candles and live music and god knows what else.”

  “No. I want to get married on my brother’s property, by the water. Bethany’ll stand with me, and I’m assuming Brain with you, and that’s it. I know we’ll have a lot of guests, but I want the ceremony to be simple. I mean, I’ll probably go extravagant with the dress, but otherwise, simple.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, and you don’t want a big Catholic wedding, do you think my old MC president in Atlanta can marry us? Bud has his minister’s license. He isn’t a preacher, and he’s certainly more spiritual than religious. If you need someone better qualified to make your mom happy, I’ll understa—”

  Gen put her finger to his lips and stopped him with, “He’s important to you, so it’s perfect. My mother adores you, she’ll deal with it.”

  * * * *

  The day dawned beautiful, with clear blue skies. Gen spent the night at her brother’s house, sleeping in Cassie’s bed, since Cassie was in the big bed with her three men.

  Frisco fixed her a huge breakfast when she awoke, and Gen watched out the window as the giant white cloth canopies were erected for the reception. She was having the food catered, and had hired a wedding planner to take care of all of the minutiae. Pebbles had taken over most of the work with the planner, which was fine with Gen because Pebbles had excellent taste.

  The morning was a whirlwind, with Cassie, Bethany, and Pebbles keeping her occupied as they helped her get ready.

  She knew they were getting close on time when she heard what sounded like hundreds of Harley’s make their way down Frisco’s driveway. They’d only invited around fifty bikers, but they must’ve all come together.

  Gen wore a tea-length couture hand-beaded dress, with Valentino crystal-and-lace heels. Duke and Brain wore their leather vests with the cut over their tuxedos, and Gen had gone to great lengths to get it exactly right, so it was dressy and yet still Duke, without looking ridiculous.

  Bethany was also in couture, a tea-length simple, cream dress. With her red hair and curves, Bethany rocked the look.

  “I am so happy for you,” Bethany told her as they stood just inside Frisco’s front door, ready to walk out for the ceremony. “You finally found someone worthy of your love, Gen. Take care of him.”

  “As much as I didn’t want the two of you together at first,” Frisco agreed, “he’s good for you. I’ve never seen you so happy, but I still can’t believe you asked me to give you away.”

  Gen laughed and hugged her big brother, and then prepared to walk to Duke as she heard the music start to play.

  Chapter Forty

  Duke had refused to tell Gen where he was taking her for their honeymoon, he’d only told her to pack for the tropics.

  When they landed on Key West, he grinned and said, “It’s as close as I could get, and still carry my gun.”

  She rolled her eyes, but smiled when he showed her the paperwork with her gun listed as being in their checked luggage, as well.

  “You didn’t even bring your cut, Duke. No one’s gonna cause problems on our honeymoon!”

  “And if they do, they’ll wish they hadn’t. Come on, Beautiful, it’s way past time I buried my cock in my new wife.”

  Gen blushed, as she always did, but let him lead her out of the airport and into a cab.

  Duke had rented an adorable house on the beach, and she let him carry their luggage in while she took her shoes off and ran down to the water, lifting her sundress so it wouldn’t get wet as the waves rolled in.

  She laughed as she noted Duke only walked to the edge of the wet sand, watching her play in the water with a smile on his face.

  “I hope you brought a bathing suit, because I wanna play! Let’s go get changed!”

  Duke shook his head. “You, naked in the house, first. And when I’m done playing with your body, we can play in the ocean.”

  Gen’s insides heated as she saw Duke’s wolf looking out of his eyes, and she walked to him with a nod.

  He stroked her cheek, ran his thumb over her lower lip, and said, “Open.”

  She let her lips part, her gaze locked with Duke’s as his head angled and came towards her, so slow, so controlled.

  When the kiss ended, Gen’s heart beat like it was trying to escape from her chest, and she leaned into him for support. “God, Duke. Just like that, I want you so bad. No one’s ever made me feel this way.”

  “And no one else will. C’mon, Beautiful. Time for me to officially make you my wife.”

  When they made it to the bedroom, Duke unzipped the suitcase as he said, “Take your dress off, Beautiful. Make it good for me.”

  Gen turned sideways as she pulled the fabric over her head, and then wrapped her arms around her breasts before turning to him, leaning forward a little as she slowly moved her arms out of the way. She’d bought a matching panty and bra set, more lace than silk, and it appeared both Duke and his wolf liked what they saw.

  “Mmmm, I think we’ll keep those on for a bit. Bend over the bed, Beautiful. I’ll be right back, and I want to see your ass spread and waiting for me, when I return.”

  Just the act of bending over and spreading her feet wide had her wanting to reach down and play with herself, but she reached her arms over her head, as she knew Duke liked to see her all spread out and vulnerable, waiting for him.

  She felt the vibrations of his growl, more than she heard it, as he stepped back into the room.

  “Love having you spread for me. Knowing I’m the only one who’s had this view, the only one you’ll ever do this for.”

  His hand caressed her bottom over her panties and she went on tiptoe, offering herself. She heard him take a deep breath and then growl as he let it out.

  “God, love the way you smell when you want me.” He patted her bottom, pulled her panties down, and said, “Up on the bed, on your back, and grab your ankles.”

  He dragged her underwear the rest of the way off as she obeyed his order, and within moments his mouth was on her and she was begging him to make her come.

  Duke tortured her with his mouth, bringing her to the edge of an orgasm and then backing off, but she knew better than to smart off to him about it. He liked control in the bedroom, and she’d long ago realized she liked giving it to him. Or, at least, she liked the things he did to her when she gave it to him.

  When he moved down with his mouth, she whined
in complaint, followed by a gasp and a moan of bliss as his tongue massaged her most private spot. Duke couldn’t get sick, so all of her reasons for him not putting his mouth there had gone out the window.

  When he finally rose, leaned forward, and entered her, their eyes locked as he sank into her, inch by inch.

  When he was all the way in, he paused, and she could see the wolf, so near the surface.

  “Please tell me you’re gonna let me come?”

  “Eventually, but feel free to keep begging, Beautiful.”

  Duke once again took her to the edge and backed off, over and over, until Gen thought she’d go mad. He sucked her nipples, nibbled her earlobes, and kissed the side of her neck. And he fucked her, made love to her, claimed her, and it was beautiful. No one was likely to believe her big, bad-assed motorcycle dude was a romantic, and he wasn’t, always… but today he made Gen’s heart melt as he insisted on eye contact, and claimed her — heart, body, and soul.

  “I want to take your ass without changing anything, Beautiful. I’ve never gone in at full thickness before, but I want you to ask me for it.”

  Gen closed her eyes a second, heard his low growl, and opened them. He wanted eye contact. “You aren’t going to let me orgasm if I don’t ask for it, are you?”

  One corner of his mouth tilted up. “Love how fucking smart you are.”

  She closed her eyes again, and ignored his growl this time. Keeping them closed, she demanded, “Tell me what you want me to say.”

  “Open your eyes, look at me, and ask me to fuck your ass, Beautiful. You know what I want.”

  Feeling a little bratty, she kept her eyes closed and asked, “Please put your penis in my rectum?”

  He slid out, pushed back in slow. “Someone doesn’t want an orgasm on her wedding night.”

  Her eyes flew open, she looked at him a few seconds to see if he were serious, and asked, “Please fuck my bottom?”

  “Mmmm. You’re getting warmer, but not enough for a happy ending, Babe.”

  Gen squeezed her eyes closed and whispered, “Please fuck my ass.”

  “Mmmm. Love you so much, Gen. How do you want it, Beautiful?”

  Gen’s eyes flew open again, and she studied his face, but then realized he was giving her a reward for asking.

  “Spooning? On my side?”

  Duke let her see the wolf in his eyes again, and Gen said, “I love you both, you know.”

  He closed his eyes, opened them back to his crystal clear blue eyes, and said, “And we both love you, Genesis.”

  He pulled out of her, oh so gently, and let her watch him rub lube on his cock. He reached to her bottom, got her slick, their gazes still locked on one another.

  “Don’t want to hurt you, just want both of us to know I own you, Babe.”

  Gen nodded, watched as he used a baby wipe to clean his hand, and then let him roll her over and snug her into the front of his body.

  “Lift your right leg for me, Beautiful.”

  “So bossy,” she said as she lifted it.

  “Guilty as charged. Relax for me.”

  She gasped as the head of his cock pushed in. Duke touched her leg to let her know she could lower it, and then kissed the side of her neck as he pressed farther in.

  She knew he was keyed into how she was handling it, and every time it hurt, he slowed or backed up a little and gave her a chance to deal with it.

  He reached around, slid his fingers alongside her clit, and Gen stroked his forearm, needing to touch him, to reciprocate in some way.”

  “Breathe for me, Beautiful. You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock. Little more, Babe. Relax and breathe. Let me in. Take me.”

  “God Duke, it’s so much.”

  “I know, but you’re doing so good.”

  When he was finally all the way in, he held still, played with her clit, teased her opening, and waited until she started moving before he pulled out a few inches and pressed back in.

  Gen moved her head to the side to give him more access to the side of her throat, and whimpered as he kissed and nibbled. His strokes in and out were lazy, unhurried, and she felt every inch of him.

  Eventually, his mouth and his hips grew more demanding, and Gen moaned in bliss as she felt him losing a little of his iron control, taking his pleasure.

  “Yes, Duke. God, so much, but I want you to!”

  “Still can’t tell me to fuck you, Beautiful? I can smell it, I know you want it.”

  He lifted her leg, readjusted her hips, and suddenly he was going deeper, faster, and Gen could only scream, words weren’t possible.

  “Come for me, Genesis. Let me feel you tighten around my cock, spasm around me, squeeze my dick with that ass.” His fingers on her clit grew more demanding, his hips sped even faster, and Gen’s world imploded in a rainbow of colors and smells as Duke let her into his head enough to know what he was smelling.

  This time, she picked up more than his olfactory sense, she also got a sense of how he felt in the moment, his body inside of hers, taking possession of her, owning her… but only because she was letting him in. His claim on her body was only possible because she gave herself to him, and he not only appreciated the gift — he revered her, adored her, and loved her with all of his heart.

  Chapter Forty-One

  In the following days, Duke played with Gen in the ocean, let her drink until she was drunk in the local bars, and even gave her a handful of one dollar bills to poke into g-strings at an impressive drag queen show.

  The two also got better at letting each other sense what they were feeling, as more than simple scent was transferred now, when one or the other opened up with intention.

  The more Gen saw, the more she realized how much Duke loved her, and the more concerned she became about some of the changes he’d made.

  One afternoon, the couple were walking on the beach, Gen deliciously sore, so every step created heat, when she realized a cloud in the distance was a rain cloud, and could see the texture of the beach changing under it as the rain hit the sand. She slowed, looked at Duke, and the two of them grinned, turned around, and laughed as they ran.

  Duke opened up so she could smell the rain behind them and know how close it was without turning to look, but before long she could hear it behind them, getting closer and closer, and she pulled his hand and dove into a restaurant just before it reached them.

  Gen was too out of breath to talk to the hostess, but Duke asked for a table with a view of the ocean, and within minutes they were seated at a booth, watching the surf pound the beach as the rain came down, dark clouds blotting the sun.

  “If you hadn’t been dating me,” she told him as they ate, the rain still coming down outside, “you’d have made different decisions about your participation in the club.”

  Duke put his fork down, his eyes grew shadowed, and he leaned back in his chair. “Possibly.”

  “No, not possibly. I’ve seen it. You’ve put your energy into the gun store, and getting the second bar running smooth. Bash is handling the girls almost exclusively. You wouldn’t have backed off so much if I hadn’t been in your life.”

  “I would’ve thought this would please you, but you seem upset.”

  His face was still shadowed, guarded, and Gen didn’t like seeing him this way.

  “I don’t want to change you, Duke. I knew who you were when I fell in love with you, and whether I approve or not, it’s who you are. I know, or at least have an idea, of how important the club is to you. If you have divided loyalties then eventually it’ll cause problems.”

  Finally, he lost the wary look, and smiled. “And that’s why I can make the decisions I have, Beautiful. You aren’t insisting I do, and you aren’t trying to change me. I made a promise to you that I’d do everything in my power to make sure my shit doesn’t get on you. Five years ago I wasn’t afraid of doing time, but now, I don’t want anything to take me away from you. My hands aren’t totally clean, and you know they aren’t, but if I can stic
k to mostly running our legal income streams, I will.” He rubbed her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed her knuckles. “I’m not changing for you, Gen. I’m making decisions based on how I want my life to go, and I’m gonna do everything I can to stay by your side.”

  “And when the club picks up on this? What will you tell them?”

  He shook his head. “Brain knows and is good with it. No one else is gonna figure it out. Bash got a promotion out of it, and a pay raise commensurate with his risk level. I haven’t hesitated to go on excursions and help make an impact when someone didn’t treat one of the girls right — they know I still have their backs and no one is questioning my loyalty to the club. It’s all good, Beautiful.”

  They’d been sitting opposite each other in the booth, and Duke moved to her side of the table, slid beside her, and kissed her forehead. “Something else is going through your head, Gen. Talk to me.”

  “You’ve been in the MC a while now, counting your time in Atlanta, and you’ve had charges against you twice in Georgia but have always been found not guilty. I know there’s a possibility you can get in trouble you can’t get out of, and I made the decision long ago to love who you are, and take the risk I won’t have you in my life for a while if you…”

  She trailed off and he finished her sentence. “If I go to jail?”

  Gen looked down as she nodded, and when he didn’t say anything, she looked up and said, “I thought I was happy, before I started seeing you. My life was exactly as I’d planned it, and it was… satisfactory. Now that I’ve had true happiness though, now that I have someone to come home to, someone to hold me in my sleep, and the most awesome sex ever… living without you would be hard, but I don’t want to change you. So, I’m taking the risk. I love you, all of you, even the parts I don’t completely approve of.”


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