Book Read Free

Phil Parham

Page 10

by The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Have you ever been accused of daydreaming in class? Maybe you were thinking about what you were going to do after school. Maybe you were thinking about scoring the winning run at the baseball game. It doesn’t matter what you daydream about, what matters is that you are taken away to another place and into a world of possibilities.

  Many times we get in trouble when we daydream, but today I’m giving you permission to daydream with me for a minute. I want you to think about your future. What do you want to do when you grow up? I believe that God often gives us a clue about our future in what we daydream about the most. It’s our job to play detective and figure out what that plan is.

  Get a picture in your mind about what that will look like. What do you see? When you think about your future, I hope you see yourself doing big and mighty things. I hope you won’t set any limits on what you can do. When you daydream, know that if you make good choices and don’t give up, you can make those daydreams real!

  Something to Talk About

  1. How important do you think your health is in making your dreams a reality?

  2. What steps can you take to make sure you are healthy?

  3. What kinds of things do you daydream about? Talk about them as a family. Encourage each other as you share.

  Tip of the Day

  Rest is an important part of being healthy. When you get plenty of sleep every night, you are able to think more clearly and have more energy. When your parents set a bedtime for you, it’s because they want to you to feel good the next day. So don’t stay up late playing video games or watching TV. Get a good night’s sleep instead.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  When I was a little girl, my mother owned an ice cream parlor. The cool thing about that was I could have ice cream anytime I wanted. The bad thing about that was also that I could have ice cream anytime I wanted. Because of making bad choices, I ate too much ice cream and before I knew it, my clothes wouldn’t fit anymore. I was chubby.

  Being overweight caused me to feel bad about myself. Some of the kids started to make fun of me, and it made me feel sad and lonely. I wasn’t as outgoing as I had been, and I didn’t participate in activities that I once enjoyed because I was too self-conscious.

  I’m not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me. I’m telling you this because you have the power to make good or bad choices in your life. Your choices make the difference between whether you see your dreams come true or not.

  I encourage you to remember that you have the power, every day, to decide whether you are going to do the right thing. And I believe that you will choose the right things so you can live your dreams!

  Something to Talk About

  1. How have your bad choices in the past affected your life? For example, maybe you didn’t study for a test and got a bad grade. How can you make better choices in the future?

  2. What are some good choices you can make where your health is concerned?

  3. Think about the dreams you talked about in yesterday’s reading. Discuss some good choices you can make that will help those dreams come true.

  Tip of the Day

  Substituting mustard for mayo is an easy change that can make a difference in your health. Mustard has virtually no calories or fat while mayo is high in fat and calories. Simple choices matter!


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Thirteen-year-old Jordan Romero is the youngest person to climb Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. This mountain is just over 29,000 feet high. It’s as high as almost 97 football fields.

  Getting to the very top of this mountain is an amazing feat for most people, and even more amazing for a young boy. It didn’t come easy. Jordan wasn’t able to climb that mountain overnight. It took a lot of time, training, practice, and preparation so he could see his dream come true.

  In his blog, Jordan wrote, “Every step I take is finally toward the biggest goal of my life, to stand on top of the world.” Accomplishing his goal required him to take one step at a time. His dream wouldn’t become a reality in the blink of an eye. It would take time.

  All good things take time. It takes time for a seed to become a tree. It takes time for a puppy to become a dog. It takes time for a baby to grow up. On your journey to becoming a fit child, parent, and family, you have to remember that gaining health takes time. If you haven’t been eating healthy or exercising, you can’t expect to make huge changes fast. Pace yourself. Just as with making dreams come true, getting healthy will take time.

  Something to Talk About

  1. As a family, share some of your health goals with each other. Maybe you, the parent, want to lose 20 pounds. Maybe you, the child, want to be more active and play sports.

  2. Do you get frustrated when you want to do something, but it takes longer than you think? Such as learning to ride a bike? Or reading a book?

  3. How can you be more patient with yourself and understand that sometimes you will need more time to get something done?

  Tip of the Day

  Instead of grabbing some chips or a candy bar as a snack, grab a piece of fruit. It’ll give you energy and make you feel great.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  If you have a dream or goal in mind, write it down. Writing down your goals will help you accomplish them.

  Maybe as your mother or father is reading this today, you’re thinking, But I don’t know what they are, or I don’t think I have any. Did you know that God cares about you so much that He has placed special desires in your heart that are unique to you? That’s right! Psalm 37:4 tells us, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Well, He knows all about your heart because He created you. And because He created you, it means He created those desires too.

  Ask God what His purpose is for your life. You should pray as a family, but also take some time and pray on your own. It doesn’t have to be a long prayer and you don’t have to use big, fancy words. Just spend time with God and ask Him.

  Something to Talk About

  1. How does it feel knowing that God cares about your dreams?

  2. Is there something you think He may want you to do? Do you feel a tug on your heart to do something specific?

  3. Spend some time speaking into each other’s life. Tell each member of your family something you think they are really good at.

  Tip of the Day

  Go through a magazine and find a picture of something or someone who inspires you. It could be an athlete, a doctor, or a youth leader because those are things you may want to do when you grow up. Paste it on the refrigerator so you can be inspired to dream.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  The Bible tells us that “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). Do you understand what that means? I admit I was confused about this verse for a long time.

  One pastor explained that the faith in your heart is like a blueprint for what you hope for. It’s a plan that shows what something will look like after it’s made. If you draw up a blueprint for a car, for example, the blueprint is not the actual car. It’s proof that you are planning to build a car, and when you are done building it, that’s what it will look like.

  So what exactly is faith? Faith believes without a shadow of doubt that the dream in your heart will happen. You may have been too afraid to believe big things for your life. You may have tried and failed before. You may have been disappointed by other people letting you down. Let me encourage you today to never give up the faith.

  Keep the faith. Why? Because dreaming takes faith.
You can’t dream if you don’t have faith. Maybe today you need a faith boost. Maybe you feel tired or sick or afraid or don’t believe that God has something special in store for you and that He will give you everything you need for your dream to become real.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What does faith mean to you? Is it something you don’t understand yet? Is it something that you only hear your Sunday school teacher talk about?

  2. What are some things that you have faith in? For instance, do you have faith that your mom and dad will shelter, clothe, and feed you? Do you have faith that God will take care of you?

  3. The Bible tells us that “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Do you believe this? Why or why not?

  Tip of the Day

  Are fruits and vegetables too expensive to buy at the store? Check to see if any local farms in your area sell produce.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Life comes with challenges. Bob Wieland is less than 3 feet tall, but his spirit is 300 feet tall. Bob lost both legs in a war that happened many years ago. When he returned home after his injury, he was sad for a long time.

  Here’s the good news. Bob didn’t let his injury stop him from living out his dreams. In time, Bob completed a couple of marathons (26-mile races), was named the “Most Courageous Man in America,” and even became the strength and motivation coach for the Green Bay Packers football team. What’s even more remarkable is his biggest success. Bob actually walked across the entire United States…on his hands. That’s right! He attached some leather shoes to his hands and pushed himself forward, step by step, with his arms.

  It took him a long time, but Bob accomplished his goal. It took him three years, eight months, and six days. He walked an average of three to five miles a day. Bob’s message is simple: Despite the obstacles and challenges life may present, you can always find a way to win.

  Don’t let your dreams die because getting there might get tough. Don’t stop believing in yourself when you are tired or weak. Keep going. Keep believing. Keep dreaming.

  Something to Talk About

  1. How does Bob’s story inspire you?

  2. What are some things you are having a rough time with while you dream big for yourself?

  3. How can you encourage one another as a family when the going gets tough?

  Tip of the Day

  Praying together is a great way to encourage one another in life, especially as we look to the future with our dreams. Take a few minutes today and pray for one another about specific needs each person may have that may be preventing them from realizing their dreams.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  When you are dreaming big things for your life, you might find that some people around you aren’t as excited as you are. They may say discouraging things like, “Who do you think you are?” or “Are you sure you really want to do this?” or “You’re wasting your time.”

  One of our favorite Bible characters is Joseph. Some of you may remember him as having a coat of many colors (as in the Broadway play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat). Joseph was a dreamer. He also had a lot of brothers who hated him for it. See, God gave Joseph a special gift of having dreams that meant something in real life. And they were dreams about Joseph having authority over his brothers. Every time he had a dream and shared it with his brothers, they would get upset at him. They were really jealous of Joseph, and one day they took their jealousy too far. Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave and lied to their father about it.

  Years later, even as a slave and in prison, God used Joseph and his gift of dreams, and eventually Joseph became the second-in-command of Egypt. Even though this young man had to go through a lot of hardship, he never stopped dreaming. And even though his life probably looked different from what he imagined, God still used his dreams.

  Don’t let others discourage you from your dreams. Don’t listen to people who tell you that you are not good enough. Always remember that God believes in you!

  Something to Talk About

  1. Are some people in your life discouraging you from your dreams? What can you do to not be influenced by their negative words?

  2. Who are two or three people in your life who believe in you? Make it a point to tell them how much you appreciate their encouragement.

  3. As a family, how can you encourage one another to go after your dreams and to pursue a healthy lifestyle?

  Tip of the Day

  Don’t eat in front of the TV. Eat at the kitchen or dining-room table so you can take your time and really enjoy what you are eating.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Have you ever had to save up your money to buy a toy or video game you really wanted? Maybe you had to cut grass or babysit, but whatever you did took a lot of work to buy that prized possession. When you bought it, I bet you took really good care of it. I bet you made sure that your brother didn’t get his hands on it and break it. I bet if it was a video game, you always stored it in its case so it wouldn’t get scratched. You cherished that item because it was valuable to you.

  Did you know that you are God’s prized possession? Did you know that He paid the highest price ever for you? He gave His only Son to die on the cross so He could hang out and have a relationship with you. God has big plans for your life, and you are what He dreams about. How cool is that?

  Since you are so precious to God, shouldn’t you take really good care of yourself? The Bible actually says that your body is a temple or house of the Holy Spirit. Not the church building you go to, but your body! You want God’s house to be healthy, right? God has big dreams for you, so remember that when it comes to taking care of your temple.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What are some ways you can take better care of your temple?

  2. Why do you think that you matter to God? What price did He pay for you?

  3. Name some things that you cherish. How do you treat or take care of those things?

  Tip of the Day

  Look under your bed and see if you have stuffed any junk under there. Take a few minutes to clean and organize that stuff. When you have less clutter, it helps you to feel better.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Have you ever been given a present for your birthday or Christmas that was wrapped so pretty you couldn’t wait to see what was inside? Maybe when no one was looking, you shook it a few times to figure out what it was.

  Guess what? You are one of God’s presents to the world. There are gifts inside of you that only you have. You are unique and special, and your dreams are the clues to what is inside God’s “present.” What do I mean by that? When you dream about something you want to do or be when you grow up, it’s as though you are shaking that wrapped gift. Your dreams are the clues to the plan God has for your life.

  What are your clues? Do you dream about traveling to other countries? Do you dream about flying an airplane? Do you dream about being a mom or dad? Whatever your dreams are, they are a part of what makes you you. They are your desires, and the Bible says that God gives us the desires of our heart (see Psalm 37:4). When we realize that some dreams are given to us by God, we can use them to help guide our future.

  I’m sure that your dreams include being healthy and happy. That’s why it’s so important to start now and make your health a priority. No one wants to open a present that has been broken. Make sure you don’t let anything come between you being the best present you can be.

  Something to Talk About

  1. How can what you dream about hold a clue to your future?

  2. What do you want to be when you grow up? How could being unhealthy prevent you from doing that?

  3. Why do you n
eed to be healthy to live out your dreams?

  Tip of the Day

  Make a “Life List” of things you want to do in your life. If you want to go to Europe or climb Mount Rainer, write it down. If you write down your goals, you’ll be more likely to try to achieve them and mark them off the list.

  Face the Facts

  Good health is a big deal. When we are healthy, we have more energy. We are more fit. We have less of a chance of getting sick or getting diseases. And being healthy means we generally feel better inside and out. Some days can feel like a chore when it comes to focusing on your health, but through these challenges, you’ll learn more about why you need to keep going and not quit.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  When I tried losing weight before the show, I didn’t do it for the right reasons. I just wanted to wear pretty clothes and look skinny. What I didn’t know about being overweight was all the bad stuff that was happening inside my body where I couldn’t see it.

  I went to a doctor one day and he took a picture of my insides. I was shocked at what I saw. The extra fat was not only showing on the outside, but it was right there on the inside, crowding around my organs and keeping them from working properly. My lungs had so much fat around them I couldn’t breathe well. This is why I got out of breath so quickly when I would try to run. The extra fat was also crowding around my heart, intestines, and stomach. All these organs need to work properly for you to be healthy and feel well.


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