Book Read Free

Phil Parham

Page 14

by The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids

  Three macronutrients are needed to run your body well. I like to call them the “three amigos” of nutrition. They are protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fat. Each of these macronutrients is like a piece of a puzzle needed to make a healthy meal. Each of them has a specific job to do to make your body run at its best.

  Protein repairs your muscle and helps it recover from exertion, and is found in such foods as lean meat, turkey, fish, chicken, eggs, skim milk, low-fat cheese, and cottage cheese. Carbohydrates give you energy and help your brain function properly. Complex carbohydrates come from fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole-wheat bread, wheat pasta, quinoa, and sweet potatoes. Fat has the job of keeping your cells healthy. Your hair, nails, and skin are healthier when you have a little healthy fat in your diet. Some good sources of healthy fats are peanut butter, almonds, walnuts, olive oil, and sunflower seeds.

  When the three amigos are together on your plate, they give you energy and keep your blood sugar stable so you don’t feel tired all the time. When your body is working properly, you feel better. Get healthy and start making friends with the three amigos.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What are the three amigos of nutrition?

  2. What does protein do for your body?

  3. Why should we combine these three “friends” at every meal and snack?

  Tip of the Day

  Work with your mom and dad to plan meals that combine protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fat.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  We cannot live without water. God created our body to be made of over 50 percent water. Here are some reasons that water helps us (and why we should drink lots of it every day):

  • It flushes out toxins (chemicals and poisons that aren’t good for us).

  • It keeps our body temperature and metabolic rate normal.

  • It helps our organs to work properly.

  • It aids the production of enzymes that help us digest our food.

  • It maintains healthy skin and hair.

  • It helps our body absorb essential vitamins and minerals.

  Water also keeps us hydrated. Over 50 percent of Americans are dehydrated. Here’s how you can tell if you’re dehydrated. (I’ll warn you, though, it may be kind of gross.) The next time you go to the bathroom, check out the color of your urine. If it’s pale yellow or clear, you’re probably hydrated (good job!). If it’s a deep yellow color, you need to be drinking more water. Here’s a tip. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty. Drink water all day. When you’re thirsty, it’s too late. You’re probably already dehydrated.

  Have your mom or dad pack a water bottle in your lunch box so you can keep filling it up at school. If you go for a walk, a bike ride, or play a sport, always have water with you. Did you also know that sodas actually make you thirstier? Water is the only thing that can truly quench your thirst. So don’t forget to drink your water.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What are two reasons you should drink water?

  2. What are some ways you can make sure to drink more water?

  3. What color should your urine be if you are hydrated?

  Tip of the Day

  Do what the doctors recommend: Drink eight glasses or more of water every day.

  Activate Your Kids

  Fitness can be fun. It can be a time where you bond with your kids, get your heart pumping, and enjoy some laughs. Don’t think of fitness as a chore or something you have to do. Think of it as giving your body boosts of energy with activities that are fun. In this section, you’ll learn about all sorts of cool things to do that will make you feel good inside and out.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  I got my first bike on my seventh birthday. My mom and dad took me to Sears to pick out the one I wanted. It was pink with a white basket covered with multicolored plastic flowers. When my dad finished putting it together, I jumped on it and rode up and down the driveway all day until it got dark. My mom had to make me come in!

  That summer I spent almost every day riding around the neighborhood on my bike. I fell off many times and have many scars to prove it. But I never stopped riding. At that time, there were no video games to play and no cable television to watch. It was just me and my bike, the great outdoors, and the wind in my face.

  When I got older, my cousin and I rode our bikes to the nearby woods and made our very own secret clubhouse. On one of our bike journeys, we discovered a creek and built a mini dam and pond. We felt like Robinson Crusoe with our own little world. We didn’t need television to tell us about adventures because we were making our own.

  Maybe you’ve never had the wonderful feeling of exploring and having adventures on your bike. If not, I challenge you to put down the video controller and the TV remote for one week and do something outdoors. If you don’t have a bike, you could ride a scooter, skateboard, or get on some inline skates. There’s a whole world out there waiting for you to explore.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What adventures could you have if you played outside more?

  2. Why should you get out into the great outdoors instead of staying inside all the time?

  3. How do you think that staying outside more could be helpful to your health?

  Tip of the Day

  Plan an adventure outdoors in your neighborhood today. Pack a lunch and plenty of water, grab a friend or family member, and go see how many new places you can find.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  I don’t know when, but somewhere along the way, I formed an opinion about myself. It could have been the time I tried out for basketball in junior high and didn’t make the team. Or the time I joined a new gym and the trainer worked me so hard that I was throwing up before the session was over. Whenever it was, I had lived all my life thinking that I was not a winner. I didn’t think I could excel at any sport because I was never good enough. Though I had a good attitude, I never excelled physically.

  I found I was limiting myself with this attitude. Why can’t you have both? Why can’t you have the best attitude and be the best on the team? I’m here to tell you that if you believe you can, then you can!

  When I started working on my health and working out a lot, I realized that I was competitive. I loved a challenge. I loved to work hard and I loved to win. I didn’t let my old mentality stop me from enjoying success at whatever I was doing. I believed I was a winner, and I was going to prove it.

  Don’t let a self-defeating attitude stop you from becoming good at a sport. Don’t allow negative thoughts, such as I’m playing just to have fun or I’m just the nice person on the team, keep you from being the best. Play with all your heart and see yourself as a winner.

  Something to Talk About

  1. Has a certain thought ever kept you from getting fit?

  2. Can you be a good sport and a good athlete?

  3. What can you tell yourself to make you work harder at a sport?

  Tip of the Day

  Listen to your coaches and parents. They have lived longer and have more experience than you do. If you listen to what they tell you to do, you may learn something.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  On the last day of spring term, my school held an annual event called “Field Day.” The students were always gushing with excitement when this day came. On Field Day, each class competed against the other classes in such games as the sack race, the three-legged race, tug-of-war, and the egg toss. The winners would get blue ribbons, and the rest of the kids would get ribbons of other colors. It was so much fun, but it was also a chance to exercise. At the end of the day, we students were tired but happy after being active and competitive.

  What if your family org
anized your own Field Day right in your backyard? Wouldn’t that be a great way to get active and help you be healthier? You can do a three-legged race. You can do an egg toss. You can play tug-of-war. And you can play all these games using common household items.

  Today, plan a Field Day for your family. Encourage your friends or neighbors to join in the fun. Everyone will have a great time and have an opportunity to activate their body.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What are some other games you can come up with for your Field Day?

  2. What items do you have in your house that can be used for these games?

  3. How can Field Day activities help make you fit?

  Tip of the Day

  Go to the dollar store and buy cheap ribbons or prizes you can use to reward the winners of your Field Day games. It will inspire friendly competition.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  The first challenge I had on The Biggest Loser was to climb a steep hill behind the ranch. The trail was a mile long, up and back. Before then, I hardly ever climbed the stairs in my own home, so you can imagine how overwhelming the task was. It was far more exercise than I was used to.

  I remember that day well. It was hot, and we contestants were sweaty and thirsty. As we walked, we found it hard to breathe and our legs really hurt. But we kept walking until we reached the summit. Once we got there, we looked around us, and my breath was taken away. A beautiful valley down below stretched as far as my eye could see.

  We immediately forgot about the struggle to get up there because the picturesque setting was incredible. At that moment, I realized I had been limiting my life. I spent most of my days sitting on the sofa and not moving my body, when I could have been visiting places like that mountain and enjoying the beauty that God has created for our enjoyment.

  Can you relate? Have you been keeping your sofa warm and missing out on all those places you could be exploring? I’m sure you know Miley Cyrus’s song “The Climb.” It talks about how life is like climbing a mountain and the moments in life that you remember are in the challenges you face. If you never get off the sofa, then you really aren’t living your life. So get up and get active and take the climb to enjoy a little beauty.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What are some things you haven’t been able to enjoy because you haven’t been active?

  2. In what way is mountain climbing good for your body?

  3. Why is climbing a mountain a lot like facing life’s challenges?

  Tip of the Day

  Before you spend a day outdoors doing any vigorous exercise, make sure you eat a healthy meal loaded with complex carbohydrates for energy.

  DAY 45–P.E. IS FUN

  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  When I was in elementary school, I loved gym class. We did such fun things as square dancing, kite flying, and bowling. Of course we also played the standard games of kickball and softball and had fitness tests, but our teacher always made sure we had fun. She understood that we could get physical activity from all kinds of movement, not just the traditional ways.

  When I got to middle school, it was a different story. Gym class was about being competitive, and because I was overweight and had low self-esteem, I felt as if I couldn’t compete. I wasn’t as good as the other kids. I couldn’t run as fast or throw a ball as far, so I got easily discouraged. I dreaded class and couldn’t wait for it to be over. Gym wasn’t fun anymore.

  How about you? Do you hate going to gym class or do you look forward to it? If you’ve started believing, for whatever reason, that gym isn’t fun, you may have built up a wall in your mind. I encourage you today to break down that wall. Go to class and give it your best shot. If you put your heart into it, you’ll do great, and you’ll have fun in the process.

  Something to Talk About

  1. How can your attitude make gym more fun?

  2. What are some fun things you do in gym class?

  3. If there are activities in class you don’t enjoy, explain why you feel that way.

  Tip of the Day

  Always go to gym class prepared. Make sure you have an extra pair of socks, your gym uniform, and tennis shoes.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  When I was a little kid, my sisters and I would have races in our backyard. I loved the feeling of running with the wind blowing through my hair. I also loved to win (and since I was the oldest, I won most of the races!). Now that I’m older, I still like to run in races. I’m not trying to win first place, but I run my best. And I love the feeling I get when I cross the finish line. I know that I’ve accomplished something many other people haven’t.

  If you haven’t signed up for a race, I want to motivate you to go for it. People of all ages run, and they are usually doing it to support a worthy cause. Gather together your parents, siblings, and even your grandparents to run. It’s a fun family activity, and running is great exercise for your heart and lungs.

  I ran my first 10-kilometer race (10K) in New York. At one point, I ran over the George Washington Bridge. It was amazing to run over that great landmark. It was also a great feeling knowing I was doing something that was benefiting my body and my mind. When I crossed the finish line, people were cheering for us and handing out bottles of water. I felt so proud.

  I want you to have that same feeling, so make up your mind to run a race. Most of them are advertised online, so go on the Web and see what’s offered in your area.

  Something to Talk About

  1. In what ways is running good for your body?

  2. What is a good reason to run a race?

  3. How can you find out if there are any races in your area?

  Tip of the Day

  When running a race, make sure you pace yourself. You don’t want to run really fast at first and use up all your energy before you reach the finish line. Take your time and have fun.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  If you’ve already started activating your body, you probably noticed you have a lot more energy than when you started. Now I want you to push yourself a little harder. You always want to challenge yourself, because once your body gets used to a certain level of effort, your fitness progress slows down. Also, if you are anything like me, you probably get bored easily. Sometimes just walking every day for a month doesn’t cut it. You want to be constantly looking for different types of cardio exercises that are fun.

  There are a bunch of cardio options to choose from. Some you may not be able to do well in the beginning, but after a couple of times, you will build up your stamina and your muscles. Here are some activities you can try to get your body moving:

  • running up stadium bleachers

  • swimming

  • exercise DVDs

  • dancing

  • football

  • racquetball

  • basketball

  • tennis

  • baseball/softball

  • boxing

  • stair-climber

  • stationary bike

  • hiking

  • gymnastics

  • karate

  • soccer

  • kickball

  • cycling

  • chores such as raking leaves, moving furniture, and cleaning your room (your parents will love that one!)

  Open yourself up to the exercise possibilities and keep that body moving.

  Something to Talk About

  1. Look at the list above and pick three activities you would like to try.

  2. What are some other activities you can think of to get cardio exercise?

  3. Why do you want to continue to push yourself when it comes to exercising?

  Tip of the Day

  Jumping on a trampoline is gr
eat exercise. If you have one, jump on it for 15 minutes and see how much fun it is.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  When my kids were little, I signed them up for all kinds of sports. We tried soccer, basketball, and baseball, to name a few. Baseball didn’t work because my oldest son played outfield, and he wouldn’t pay attention and would never notice when the ball came his way. In soccer, my kids were known for running the wrong way. Basketball wasn’t good either. They got tired of running up and down the court and would just stop in the middle of the game.

  After some time, I let them choose the sport they wanted to try. One of my sons tried skateboarding, and it helped him with his balance, agility, strength, and confidence. Another son tried cross-country running. He loved it. It took some time, but eventually they all found a sport they liked and were really good at.

  Playing sports is a fun way to exercise. It’s good for your development and growth, and it builds confidence. Maybe you’ve had a hard time finding a sport you can play well. You may have thought you weren’t athletic because the sports you tried weren’t right for you. I encourage you today to keep trying new sports. Eventually, just like our boys, you’ll find what works for you.


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