Book Read Free

Phil Parham

Page 18

by The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids

  Tip of the Day

  Learning is a wonderful thing. On your path to good health, check out health-and-fltness books and magazines and keep learning more on how you can be healthy.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Do you like going on vacation? Of course you do. Everyone does! It’s fun to get away with your family and have a good time. I encourage you, however, not to forget about being healthy even when you’re away from home. We never need a vacation from eating better and exercising more. Even when we’re far from home, we can always take time to be active and make sure we’re eating good foods.

  Vacation should be a relaxing time, but you should make sure to include activity while you’re away. If you’re staying at the beach or in the mountains, there are plenty of fun things to do to keep active. You can run on the beach, swim, bike, hike, ski, or surf. These are just a few activities that can make vacation memorable. After all, what’s the point of going somewhere if you’re going to sit around a hotel room and play video games all day. You could do that at home.

  Also, just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you can eat lots of junk food. It’s okay to have an occasional treat, but too much is not good. My kids like to go out for ice cream when we go on vacation, but we don’t do it every day. It’s a special treat reserved for one night.

  Parents, be sure to pack healthy snacks for your family just as you do when you’re at home. And when you go out to eat, make healthy choices. Vacation is no time to make an excuse to have unhealthy habits. Stay on track and have fun.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What are some active things you can do on vacation that are healthy?

  2. What are some ways to avoid eating junk food and playing video games when you’re away?

  3. How can you eat healthy on vacation?

  Tip of the Day

  Before you go away, take some time to plan fun activities with your family. Do some research and see what neat things are offered in the area you are traveling.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  If you were an astronaut, you wouldn’t go to the moon without a space suit. If you were a soldier, you wouldn’t go to war without your weapons. And if you were an athlete, you wouldn’t exercise without the right shoes. Well, you are an athlete, so you need to take care of your feet.

  Taking care of your feet means wearing the right shoes. When you’re playing sports, walking, or riding your bike, flip-flops just won’t cut it. They’re way too flimsy. You need to wear the right athletic shoes. Ask your mom or dad to take you to a store that specializes in running shoes. The people who work there can look at your feet and properly fit you with the right shoe. They can tell you if you have a foot with a high arch or if you have a flat foot. Different shoes work with different feet.

  You may find that if you haven’t been very active and you start doing more activity than usual, you may feel some pain in your feet and knees. If this happens, you need to remember RICE: Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. Rest your feet, put ice packs on them, wrap them up, and elevate them (or put them up). If you do this at the first sign of pain, it will help you protect your legs and feet from injury.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What does RICE stand for?

  2. Why should you have the right shoes when you are exercising?

  3. What can a store that specializes in running shoes do that other stores might not be able to do?

  Tip of the Day

  When you’re doing RICE, you can use a bag of frozen vegetables, such as peas or corn, instead of an ice pack. The cold vegetables wrap around your leg better, and you can eat them later.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Has your mother ever told you not to eat between meals? Well, I’m not telling you not to listen to your parents, but did you know that the right snacks are an important part of staying healthy? Eating between meals is good for you provided you’re eating the right foods. We talked earlier about how your body is like a car that needs gas to run. Well, healthy snacks are the gas that keeps you going.

  When I talk about snacks, I’m not talking about cookies, candy, or chips. I’m talking about nutritious foods, such as fruits, veggies, and nuts, that are good fuel for your body. Keep in mind that you should always mix proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Here are some examples of snacks we eat regularly:

  • apple and almonds

  • Wasa cracker and Laughing Cow cheese

  • yogurt with fruit

  • orange slices and pistachios

  • carrots, broccoli, celery, and hummus

  • blue corn chips and salsa

  • granola or Kashi with almond milk

  • air-popped popcorn with nuts and fruit

  • rice cake with peanut butter

  • banana and almond butter

  Eating snacks such as these twice a day will keep your energy level stable. Pack some in your lunch box so you can have a snack in the afternoon. If you play with friends or go to sports practice, make sure you take a healthy snack with you.

  Don’t skip any meals on this challenge. Eat, but eat well.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What are some snacks you like from the list above? Can you name some of your favorites that aren’t on the list?

  2. Why do you need to eat between meals?

  3. What three things should you mix with each snack?

  Tip of the Day

  Pack several snacks in individual bags ahead of time so that if you’re in a hurry, you can grab them and go.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Do you love to go out to eat with your family? I know my family does. When you’re trying to get healthier and eat things that are good for you, going to a restaurant can seem like a challenge. What do you order? What is healthy? Can you just have a slice of pizza? Here are some tips that might help you and your family make better choices when you go to a restaurant:

  • Make friends with your server. Let them know you’re trying to eat healthier, and they may recommend some healthy menu items. Ask if they have a nutrition guide.

  • Don’t eat the bread that usually comes before a meal. Tell the waiter to take away the bread basket as soon as you sit down.

  • Drink water instead of soda. Water is also free, so you can save money while being healthy!

  • If you have to choose a side item, choose rice or steamed veggies over french fries or mashed potatoes.

  • Order your meats or fish grilled instead of fried.

  • Avoid creamy sauces, gravy, and oils that add fat.

  • Skip the dessert.

  • Eat sensibly. When you get your food, immediately pack up half of it to take home. This way you can clean your plate without eating too much.

  It’s easy to overeat when eating out in restaurants, so be careful. Order healthy meals in a healthy amount wherever you go.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What should you do when you get your food?

  2. What extras should you avoid on your food?

  3. Name some examples of healthy options for side items.

  Tip of the Day

  Before you go out to eat, go online and see if you can find a copy of the restaurant’s menu or nutrition guide. Spend a few minutes deciding what might be a healthy option to order.

  Make a Difference

  One of the greatest things we can do in this life is to give back to others. We can do this in many different ways. We can help someone in need by giving them money, volunteering our time, or even encouraging them. Be inspired to make a difference in the lives of others, and be a blessing.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Everyone wants their life to count. God placed inside each of us the desire to do great things. I like to think about my life as a little seed planted in the world. God has a purpose for my life, and as I grow and try my best to be led by Him, I will do what I am made to do. One purpose we all share is to help other people. We are all created to make a difference in the lives of others.

  One way we can make a difference is by sharing our gifts. No, I’m not talking about a beautifully wrapped package. Do you know we all have something special we can do that someone else may have trouble doing? You might be good in math and your brother might be good in English. You can help your brother in math because it’s easy for you. Maybe you’re a really good artist. You could draw a picture for someone to cheer them up. There is always something we can do to help someone else.

  The Bible says in Galatians 6:7-10 that we reap what we sow. This is a spiritual law drawn from a natural law that says when we plant something, the plant that grows from it is determined by the kind of seed we planted. What we put into the ground, we will get back. If we plant a watermelon seed, we will get a watermelon.

  Think about what you are sowing into the lives of other people. Are you sowing seeds of kindness? Are you sowing seeds of love? Are you sowing seeds of a good attitude? Whatever you plant will be what you will harvest. So be sure to plant good things.

  Something to Talk About

  1. Why is it good to do things for other people?

  2. What does making a difference in the lives of others have to do with being fit?

  3. What are your gifts that you can use to help others?

  Tip of the Day

  Take a minute to think about the gifts you have that you could use to help others. Look for an opportunity to use one of those gifts to help someone today.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  One part of this journey into good health is to use what you’ve learned to make a difference in the lives of others. I am truly blessed to have a wonderful sister-in-law who is a giver. Recently, she gave of her time to help me move and even organized all my kitchen cabinets. She is always there if we need someone to watch the kids. But the cherry on top of her giving sundae was when she gave me almost an entire wardrobe when she sorted out her closet. She has great taste in clothes, and some of the items she gave me were ones I always liked when she wore them.

  Have you ever had a friend who gave you something really special? Did you feel warm and fuzzy inside? Did it make you feel valuable? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could make others feel that way? Well, you can.

  You have the power to make others feel special by being a giver. Just think of some things you can give to others. Do you have a special talent you can share? Can you say an encouraging word to make someone’s day? Can you spend time with someone who is sad?

  When you’re a role model to your friends and family, you are making a difference. See, it’s easy to do! Keep up the good work and keep making a difference.

  Something to Talk About

  1. Has someone given or done something to you that made you feel special?

  2. What is something you can give to others to make them feel special?

  3. How can you use this fitness challenge to help others?

  Tip of the Day

  Clean out your closet. Give away some of your old things to people who might need them. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  Like many students, when I was in college and Bible school I worked as a waitress. It was a tough job. I spent long hours on my feet, carried heavy trays, and relied on the kindness of strangers to give me good tips, since that was where most of my earnings came from. Many of the waitresses would grumble and complain about the customers when they were out of earshot. I’ll admit, it was tempting to do if someone was rude or they didn’t leave you a tip.

  One day at work I started to feel bad about talking about the customers. I decided to change my attitude and serve them as Christ would want me to. It was amazing that with this mental change, I started enjoying my job so much more. It also made a difference in the tips I got. I started making more money than any of the other girls in the restaurant.

  When we do things God’s way, we are rewarded for it. He made us, and He knows what is best for us. We are made to serve and to help each other. So find ways today to help make the lives of the people you come in contact with better. There are plenty of negative complainers in the world. Be the positive light that makes a difference in a good way.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What are some ways you can serve others in your life?

  2. What tasks can you do with a better attitude?

  3. What happens when you grumble and complain?

  Tip of the Day

  When you go to a restaurant and you get good service, make sure you give the waitress a generous tip. Remember that many of them are taking care of their families with the money you leave on the table.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  What does it mean to be a good citizen? Does it mean that you need to say the Pledge of Allegiance every day and put your hand over your heart when you hear the national anthem? That may be part of it, but being a good citizen is about serving the people in your community who need your help.

  Serving others is another way you can make a difference. Here are a few ideas how you can do that. You could pick up trash on the side of the road or plant trees. You could volunteer at a nursing home and read to an older person. You could serve at a soup kitchen or you could give clothes and food to a relief organization. There are a number of ways to give back to your community.

  When my son Rhett was younger, he was a part of an organization called the Miracle League. This organization was for kids with special needs who couldn’t play regular baseball. They had a special field made of recycled tires so that wheelchairs could roll on it. Each child had a buddy who helped them hit the ball and assisted them around the bases. My older sons decided to become buddies for the team. They enjoyed helping the kids, and it helped them to be thankful for their health.

  Think about how you can help those around you in your neighborhood or school. Enlist the help of your teachers or parents to give you some ideas. You’ll be blessed when you use your time to make a difference.

  Something to Talk About

  1. What does it mean to be a good citizen?

  2. Is there an organization you would like to serve?

  3. In what ways do you think helping your community can also help you?

  Tip of the Day

  Picking up trash around your neighborhood is a good way to start helping your community. Grab a couple of your friends and do it today.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  The Bible is filled with verses that tell us to be thankful. Several passages talk about prayer and thanksgiving in the same sentence. Thanking God for things He has done or has given us shows Him how grateful we are. It’s funny, but the more thankful we become, the more things we find to be thankful for.

  I’ll be honest. Some things in my life I am not thankful for. I am not thankful for bills that come every month. I am not thankful for dishwashers that don’t work. I am not thankful for fingerprints on glass or for family members who don’t always get along. However, I am thankful for the house I live in that creates the bills. I am thankful that I have food that makes our dishes dirty. I am thankful for my kids, the ones who make the dirty fingerprints. And I am thankful for the family that I love.

  Focus on being grateful for big things and little things, such as food and shelter, nice teachers at school, a loving family, good friends, and even the toys you have.
Nothing is too little to appreciate.

  What do you have to be thankful for? Start thinking about that question. Having a thankful attitude also makes your light shine brighter to those around you and helps them have a better day.

  Something to Talk About

  1. Name three things you are thankful for.

  2. How does being thankful make your day better?

  3. Do you thank God every day? How about your parents?

  Tip of the Day

  Singing praise and worship songs is a great way to thank God for what He has done for us. We can always be grateful to Him for saving us and giving us the gift of His only Son.


  A Word from Amy

  Something to Think About

  My dad has a creepy obsession with touring graveyards and reading tombstones. He has convinced me a few times to go with him on these adventures. Although I’m not as excited about this hobby as he is, I am interested in reading the tombstones. It’s amazing that a life is minimized to the dates of birth and death and maybe a few words, such as “loving mother” or “caring brother,” on a piece of stone. Every time I have visited these places with my dad, it made me think about what I want people to remember about me when I die.


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