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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 42

by Leah Brooke

  His thrusts came hard and shallow now, digging at the spot inside her that he’d already learned so well.

  Moaning around Nick’s cock, she tried to push back the orgasm threatening to overtake her, determined to make them come first.

  Nick groaned hoarsely, his hands around her head forcing her to slow down, holding her gaze as he came. His eyes narrowed, becoming even darker as he groaned again, his cock pulsing against her tongue.

  Julianna continued to suck him gently, swallowing every drop of his seed, thrilled at the tremble of his lean muscle under her hands and the hoarse groans that seemed to come from somewhere deep inside him.

  Her own cries, muffled by his cock, came almost continuously now.

  Her pussy gripped Steve’s cock, her moans growing louder. His forceful thrusts against that spot inside her felt magnificent and combined with the glide of his fingers over her clit, created those warning tingles that seemed to come from everywhere to settle at her slit. Rocking her hips in time to his thrusts, she felt as if her clit swelled even more, the hot sizzles growing stronger.

  Gripping his cock tighter, she groaned at the full, stretched feeling and pushed back against him. Just as she thought she’d go over, Steve changed the angle of his thrusts. Suddenly, he slid deep, and with a low growl, emptied himself inside her, his cock pulsing his release.

  Julianna released Nick’s cock, digging her nails into his thighs in frustration while her pussy milked Steve dry, desperate for the orgasm that loomed just out of reach.

  Nick ran a hand over her hair.

  “Poor baby. It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  Julianna licked her lips, still tasting him, her eyes widening when he slid down to the floor in front of her and placed her hands on his shoulders. “Yeah, but I made both of you come first. Now let me come.”

  Nick inclined his head. “As you were ordered to. But the only reason you haven’t come yet is because we didn’t let you.”

  Steve slid from her pussy and sat behind her, wrapping his muscular arms over hers to pull her arms back, effectively thrusting her breasts out. “And we’re still not going to let you, until you beg.” One hand covered her mound, and a devious finger tapped her clit, making her cry out and jolt.

  Nick grinned and reached out to tug at her vulnerable nipples. “That defiance has to be overcome, of course.”

  Spread wide and incredibly aroused, Julianna moaned and dropped her head back against Steve’s shoulder. “Not gonna happen.” Another tap to her clit had her struggling to close her legs against the too sharp sensation, but with Nick sitting between them, she couldn’t.

  Steve chuckled and parted her folds wide with one hand while teasing her clit with one devious finger of the other, his strokes too light and fleeting to send her over. “Oh, I think we can.”

  With her arms pulled back, she was wide open for them to play with and didn’t think she could take much more. Her thighs shook, her arousal so intense she knew that the right touch would send her over.

  A touch they purposely denied her.

  She could see it in their faces, the amusement and heat in their eyes. The bastards knew exactly what they were doing to her.

  Gripping Steve’s forearms, she dug her heels into Nick’s sides to push her hips upward, hoping to rub against Steve’s finger, but he avoided her, chuckling against her ear.

  “Not so fast, baby.”

  Nick cupped her breasts, the friction of his thumbs over her nipples, already sensitive from the rings, shooting sparks to her already needy clit.

  Kicking her feet, she bucked in Steve’s arms. “I’m begging, you bastards. Make me come.”

  Using two fingers, Steve rubbed her clit hard, the sharp pleasure exactly what she wanted. Parting her thighs, she arched, lifting into his caress, her body tightening as the first sizzles began.

  Steve lifted his hand, leaving her hanging.

  She couldn’t stand it. So close that she teetered on the edge, she fought him, struggling to get her hands free so she could do it herself, and screaming her frustration when she couldn’t. Already in the beginning throes of release, she couldn’t come down.

  “No! Pleasepleaseplease. Touch my clit. Please. So close. Please don’t stop.” She bucked. She screamed. She kicked and fought both of them to be free.

  With a groan, Steve kissed her shoulder. “Now that’s begging.”

  Nick rolled her nipples. “It certainly is.”

  Steve placed his fingers over her clit again and gave her what she needed.

  Julianna screamed his name, her body tightening unbearably as she came, the waves tumbling her over and over in their grasp. Pushing against both of them lifted her higher, her body bowing in completion.

  Spread wide with their hands all over her, she couldn’t control their caresses and buckled under them. The sharp pleasure stole her breath, the ecstasy so sublime she couldn’t breathe.

  Screaming their names, she let herself go, wishing she could feel this way forever.

  It seemed to take forever to come down, and even when she did, she couldn’t stop shaking.

  Like a rag doll, she collapsed against them, moaning at the tingles still raging in her clit. “I think I’m going to kill both of you the first chance I get.”

  Nick chuckled and bent to kiss her. “I’m sure you will. But for now, we’re getting out of here. We have some people waiting for us.” He stood, smiling as Steve drew her back against his chest and kissed her shoulder.

  Snuggling against Steve, Julianna turned to watch Nick’s magnificent butt as he walked away. “What people?”

  Cupping her jaw, Steve bent to touch his lips to hers, the emotion in his eyes captivating her. “Your friend Kelsey and Gabriel are coming to the island for the wedding.”

  He slid his fingers through her hair and sighed. “I’m sorry your parents don’t want to come to the island. If you want to marry one of us here—”

  “No.” Julianna turned on his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist. Seeing Nick standing in the doorway to the bathroom, she smiled at him and turned her attention back to Steve.

  “I’m selfish. I want to marry both of you. I want to belong to both of you.”

  Running her hands down his chest, marveling at the bulging muscle, she pressed her slit against his cock, jolting at the feel of his velvety cock against her still swollen clit. “I want to get married on the island.”

  At Steve’s slow smile, she grinned mischievously. “And I want to wear my new outfit.”

  Steve rolled her over and pressed his weight on top of her. “I’ve been imagining you in one of those things. Knowing how easy it’ll be to get my hands on you has been driving me nuts.”

  Nick spoke from the doorway. “Don’t forget the other things. As soon as her clit and nipples have a little time to recover, we’ll put them on her.” His eyes flared, and even from this distance, she felt the heat.

  “When we get married, she’ll be wearing them.” With a satisfied grin, he turned away.

  Turning her head to meet Steve’s grin, she narrowed her eyes. “What other things?”

  With a laugh, he rolled off of her and lifted her effortlessly to her feet. “You’ll see. Come on, let’s get cleaned up so we can have our honeymoon.” He hurried toward the bathroom.

  Struggling to keep up, Julianna laughed. “I thought we already had.”

  Nick must have heard them because he waited in the shower, opening the door and holding out his hand to her. “And this is only the beginning, little one.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Once on the island, Julianna stood in the master bedroom, hardly able to believe that the woman in the mirror was her.

  Her eyes seemed darker and sparkled with happiness. Her long hair had been left loose to flow down her back in waves, making her look and feel young and carefree.

  Wearing the two-piece cream and gold beaded silk, she thought she looked like a harem girl. Swaying her hips, she spun, loving the way the silk flowed aroun
d her. In her imagination, she was a pleasure slave just waiting for her masters.


  Julianna whirled at Nick’s voice, embarrassed to have been caught.

  “I was just admiring my clothing. It really is beautiful.”

  Nick came forward, his slow steps giving her the impression of a tiger stalking its prey. “I meant you.”

  He paused only a few feet away, his eyes raking her from head to toe. When he twirled his finger in the air, she obediently turned, grinning at him saucily and shaking her ass at him.

  His eyes seemed lit from within as he closed the distance between them. Fisting a hand in her hair, he pulled her head back and bent to nuzzle her jaw. “I never realized what was missing in my life until I found you.”

  Incredibly touched, Julianna blinked back tears, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you so much. I can’t believe this is really happening. It’s like a dream I’m scared I’ll wake up from.”

  When Nick lifted his head, she rubbed against his chest, lifting her face for his kiss. “Pinch me. Tell me this isn’t a dream.”

  Accepting her invitation, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her deeply, the slow slide of his tongue over hers and the possessiveness and love in it, making her head spin and bringing more tears to her eyes.

  The feel of a hard, muscled chest against her back, and the feel of two warm hands sliding around to unclasp her top, drew a moan from her. Tightening her hold on Nick’s shoulders, she leaned back against Steve.

  The top fell away and Steve’s hands covered her breasts. Bending low, he kissed her shoulder. “I think we can manage to convince you this isn’t a dream.” He pinched her nipple, smiling at her gasp.

  “You told me to.”

  Nick raised his head, staring into her eyes before his gaze lowered to her breasts. “We bought you a little wedding gift, something you’ll wear for us often.”

  Not trusting the gleam in his eyes, Julianna looked over her shoulder to see Steve holding up two small rings with crystal beads dangling from them.

  Steve turned her back to face Nick, the emotion in his eyes holding her transfixed. “Stay still. I want to put these on you.”

  Julianna watched as he attached each to a nipple, tightening the screw until she gasped.

  Turning her toward him to inspect his handiwork, he smiled and looked over her shoulder to Nick. “She looks beautiful. I can’t wait to see the rest of it.”

  Julianna spun to Nick. “The rest of it?”

  Nick said nothing, but his eyes glittered with intent. Reaching out, he released the clasp at her hip, letting her skirt fall to the floor.

  Julianna eyed the single loop he held, watching the play of light on the crystal. “What’s that? Why did you even want me to get dressed if you were just going to undress me again?”

  Steve wrapped his arms around her from behind, jerking her back against him and sending the crystals attached to her nipples swaying. “Be still.”

  He used a bare foot to widen her stance as Nick crouched in front her, his eyes holding hers as he put the loop in his mouth.

  With no warning, Nick bent forward, parted her folds, and sucked her clit.

  Her knees gave way, and she would have fallen if not for Steve’s hold on her. “Nick, oh, God!”

  Just as abruptly, Nick released her, but to her amazement, she still felt pressure on her clit. It felt too swollen, too exposed that she felt even the air that seemed to swirl around it. “What did you do? Oh, God.”

  Instead of answering her, Nick pulled another chain out of his pocket with more of the same crystals dangling from it on one end.

  She watched in fascination as he attached it around her waist, trying not to think about the crystals swaying from her nipples or the throbbing of her clit. After a few adjustments, the chain rested at her hips, the crystals hanging from it swaying over her clit.

  With a smile, Nick slid his hands over her hips and moved her, sending all of the crystals in motion.

  Julianna cried out at the slight tug on her nipples and the crystals bobbing over her clit, grabbing on to the front of Nick’s shirt. “What did you do?” Her eyes widened when they started dressing her again, staring at each of them in disbelief. “You can’t leave me like this!”

  Steve slid a hand over her silk-covered ass. “We can do whatever we want to do with you, remember?”

  Even though the silk now covered her, she felt naked and far too exposed. “You expect me to wear this? While we get married?”

  Nick smiled and tweaked a nipple. “You’re still going to be wearing this later, when Steve and I take you together. You won’t need shoes. We’re getting married on the beach. Come on, darling. Everyone’s waiting.”

  * * * *

  A judge from somewhere, Julianna couldn’t remember where, married them on the beach in front of the house, with Gabriel, Kelsey, and Nick and Steve’s friends all gathered around them.

  Julianna had trouble concentrating on her vows, each movement, each breath she took, moving the crystals. Nick and Steve had to help her through them, their eyes lit with love and indulgent amusement.

  To her surprise, Kelsey wore a garment similar to hers, this one in green that almost exactly matched her eyes.

  And she didn’t look happy about it. She glared at Gabriel often, her jaw clenching when he merely raised a brow and toyed with the clasp between her breasts until she slapped his hand away.

  When Julianna commented to Nick about it, he bent to kiss her, his breath warm on her ear.

  “I told you that every woman that comes here must wear one. I offered her one of the ones I had made for you, but Gabriel insisted on having one made himself. I think he had someone working on it all night.”

  With her hand held in each of theirs, Julianna stared at the judge, hardly believing that she’d just been pronounced Nick and Steve’s wife. A sob broke free from deep inside her, and then another, and with everyone laughing and applauding, she found herself pulled into the arms of her husbands.

  Nick’s lips took hers in a kiss that curled her toes. Lifting his head, he smiled down at her, his eyes hooded as he brushed a tear from her cheek. “I love you, little one.”

  Smiling through her tears, she touched his cheek. “I love you, too. So much. Oh, God, you’re my husbands.”

  She knew it would be a long time before she really believed it.

  Steve laughed and picked her up, kissing her as he strode up the steps to the house behind the others. “We definitely are. And when we get done feeding all these people, we’re going upstairs and stripping you out of this thing. Thinking about what you’re wearing under this is driving me insane to have you.”

  He looked down to her breasts. “I want to see you wearing just the jewelry when we take you together. Is that pussy nice and wet for me?”

  Julianna cuddled against him, happier than she would have ever thought possible. “Oh, yes. Always. I’m so happy I think I could fly.”

  From beside them, Nick ran a hand up her thigh. “Wait until tonight when Steve’s in your pussy and my cock is buried balls deep in your ass. You will fly then, darling.”

  * * * *

  Hours later, Julianna stood in the middle of the bedroom she now shared with Nick and Steve, knowing her heart was in her eyes as she watched them undress.

  They were hers!

  Steve tossed his shirt aside, drawing her attention to his gorgeous chest. “Lose the top, baby.”

  Julianna wrinkled her nose at him. “That’s not very romantic.”

  Reaching for the fastening of his trousers, he took a step forward, his eyes lighting with excitement when she grinned and took a step back.

  “I’ve been watching you swing your fine ass in that getup all day, knowing that all I had to do was reach in to get a handful of your naked ass. Knowing what you’re wearing under it, that you’re wearing jewelry on your nipples and clit, my cock has been hard as a fucking rock all day. All I can think about is
sinking it into that soft pussy. Now, lose the top. I want you naked.” He tossed off the last of his clothes and took another step toward her.

  Julianna backed up, darting a look at Nick, who approached, naked, from the other side. Lifting her chin, she bit back a smile. “First I want to see both of you naked. I never get more than a glimpse.”

  Adopting an arrogant look, she twirled her finger in the air, copying Nick’s silent demand for them to turn, and had to bite back a laugh when they looked at each other in astonishment.

  She knew she didn’t have much time before they advanced on her.

  She couldn’t wait.

  She’d been thinking about this for hours, unable to get the picture of herself surrounded by both of them out of her head. Her pussy and ass tightened, the trepidation and desire to have both of them fill her at the same time nearly overwhelming her.

  Steve’s slow smile filled her with anticipation. “It appears our wife wants to play.”

  Something warm flowed through her, a feeling she wondered if she’d ever get used to. A sense of belonging and the knowledge that she had their undivided attention.

  And their love.

  Even though their eyes glittered with need for her, their love shone through.

  It gave her the confidence to tease them, something she’d never had the nerve to do with any other man. Somehow surrendering to them freed her in ways she’d never imagined. She took another step back and reached for the clasp between her breasts, giving in to their demand, but her way. Her breath hitched when their eyes flashed with heat and followed the movement.

  She couldn’t look away from them, her eyes darting from one to the other, not wanting to miss a thing.

  Nick folded his arms across his chest, his hard cock rising magnificently toward his flat stomach. Dark and exotic looking, he looked like a fantasy, his size and magnetic presence seeming to take up too much space in the room and making it difficult to breathe. His hooded eyes stayed steady on hers as if waiting for her next move, but filled with the knowledge that he would soon be deep inside her ass.


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