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The Fine Line Book One Between Worlds Series

Page 24

by Tracee Ford

  Olivia’s room came up on the screen. Jennifer held the flashing devise and Gabbie spoke. “Who are you?” A voice replied, “Emma.” Gabbie spoke again. “We’re not here to hurt you. We want to help you.” Gabbie turned to Alice. “She’s here.” An orb flew passed the camera.

  The next screen showed a voice recording with sound waves on the laptop screen. Jennifer explained she completed this EVP in the study.

  “Who are you?” It was silent. “Who are you?” Jennifer continued. “What do you want?” More silence and then a guttery voice answered, “Souls.” Jennifer’s voice could be heard. “Can we help you in any way?” Plainly heard were the words “Get out.”

  Robin and Matt sat speechless and looked each other.

  “What now?” Matt asked.

  “Remember how we talked about tribal leaders coming in or if an exorcism would be more appropriate? You decided for an exorcism. You made the right choice. This is one powerful demon. I will get in touch with a minister,” Jennifer clarified.

  “This house is so dark. If the exorcism doesn’t do the trick, you will likely have to leave. When you started with the new construction of the home you probably disturbed the wandering spirits, but they are harmless really. It’s the demon we’re worried about. I do think the spirits need to be helped so they can cross over. Olivia will actually be useful for that if you don’t mind that she be used in that capacity.”

  “How long do we have to wait before the ritual can be performed?” Robin asked.

  “I will call the pastor tomorrow morning. By the end of this week you should hear from me,” she concluded.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Cleaning House

  Robin sat in her office at work anxiously anticipating a call from Jennifer. Things at the house were quiet for now. It was hard to stay focused on cases and employees and all of the other thousands of responsibilities she had. A knock came to her door. She looked up to see Matt’s smiling face.

  “Hey,” she said with surprise in her voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to take you out to lunch.”

  “You’re off work?” she asked.

  “I took some time off.”

  He closed the door and sat down on the sofa across from Robin’s desk.

  “Listen, I just want you to know that I understand exactly how horrifying this has been for you,” he began. “When I think of all of the things you’ve shared with me, all of the traumatic things that have happened in your life, I just want you to know how strong I know you are. With the loss of Bryan and all of the craziness at the house, you’ve really held up well; much better than me actually. Robin, no matter what happens I want you to know how much I admire you. You are so strong and you make me strong.”

  Caught completely off guard by his encouragement, she blushed.

  “You’re blushing again. I remember the first time I saw you blush. We were sitting at the café.”

  “It was easy to fall in love with you. In spite of everything I’d been through, you were the one,” she began, “I just melted right into you. No matter what you think or believe, I know that we were destined to find one another. I know that we have walked paths together many times. I know you don’t understand my beliefs. I also know that while we’ve been married and even before, the Creator used every moment, whether it was good or bad, to teach me and to make me stronger spiritually. You’re strong too. I know you don’t believe the way I do and that’s okay, but no matter what… I believe in you. I always will. I will always have faith in what we have.”

  He stood and leaned over the desk kissing her forehead tenderly.

  “Let’s go to lunch, okay? Enough of the heavy.”

  “Absolutely. Let’s go eat,” she concluded.

  The week passed without any word from Jennifer. With all of the research Robin had done about cleansings and other rituals, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She knew a cleansing could be performed without the assistance of a priest or a pastor. She purchased some sage and had salt on hand. Olivia’s gift would be useful, but she had to convince Matt, once again.

  On Friday night, Olivia spent the night at the O’Bryan’s. Matt decided to take Robin out to dinner and dancing. They both agreed that normal things may help them.

  Robin stood in the master bedroom staring into the mirror. It felt so familiar. It reminded her of how she felt on her first date with Matt. Oh, it seemed like a distant memory now.

  Robin put on a pair of boot cut jeans and a purple tank top with a matching cardigan sweater. On her knees she rummaged through her closet for silver sandals. Suddenly, she felt hot. Instead of drastic cold, the room temperature rose. She peered into the closet, but behind her she heard a deep, low growl. She knew instantly she wasn’t alone.

  “You’re not going to do this to me now,” she whispered. “You know what’s coming.” She heard nothing in response. She continued, “You’re not going to beat me. With the help of my Creator, I’m going to get through this.”

  The room temperature stabilized again. It felt like progress to her. The entity didn’t attack her this time, so she stood up and looked in the mirror unsure what might stare back at her.

  She heard Matt coming up the stairs. He stood in the doorway smiling. She turned to look at him. He wore a pair of dark washed boot cut jeans, his leather flip flops, and a burgundy v-neck t-shirt; casually handsome.

  “You look awesome,” she said as she put a necklace on.

  “You always look awesome,” he complimented as he walked to her. He reached out for her and brushed her hair away from her neck, offering a sweet kiss.

  They spent their evening at the movies and afterward at a sports bar. They were able to leave the perils of the home just for a few hours to enjoy being in love. The escape, although short lived, gave them an appreciation for the way things once were.

  When they arrived home, the kitchen door stood open. Matt grabbed his gun out of his truck. “You stay here,” he said as he pointed at Robin.

  “No. You’re not leaving me in here,” she protested.

  “What if someone is in there?” he whispered.

  “Matthew, you and I both know that there’s no one in the house; it’s toying with us.” Matt still had his gun in his hand moving quietly through the house, Robin following closely behind. Again, the dining room chairs were turned upside down. The pots and pans had been taken off of the wrack and put on the island. The lights were flashing on and off as they continued walking through the house.

  Matt had moved the study downstairs into the parlor. To prevent anymore destruction of pictures and frames, Robin had purchased digital picture frames. One had been sitting on Matt’s desk, but now lay in pieces on the parlor floor. They looked at each other blankly.

  “Matt,” she began, “I need to ask you something.”

  He put his gun on his desk and began cleaning up the mess.

  “What do you need to ask?”

  Robin crouched down with him making her best effort to help him clean up.

  “I am going to start the cleansing tomorrow. I need Olivia’s help to do it. Because she can communicate with the spirits, I know she can help the three that are trapped here move on. I know she can’t deal with the demon, but I just know she can help the others.”

  Matt shook his head. “You know how I feel about that. I don’t want her in the middle of this. She’s still a child.”

  “Matt, she has a gift.”

  “What if she gets hurt?” he asked.

  Robin grabbed his hand and her eyes met his. “You know how much I love her. I’m never going to teach her to be afraid.”

  “I don’t want her to ever be afraid,” he agreed.

  “While we’re doing the cleansing, if you see something or feel something that makes you uncomfortable, we’ll stop.”

  “The whole damn thing makes me uncomfortable.”

  “I’ve researched cleansing very well. I feel like we can do this part without
the investigators.”

  He still needed convincing.

  “Please let us try this,” she pleaded. “I don’t want to move. I want to stay here with you.”

  Fervently he looked into her gentle brown eyes.

  “I trust you. You know that.”

  “Then let us do this.”

  Unable to respond verbally, he only nodded.


  The next day, after Olivia arrived home, Matt and Robin decided to talk to Olivia about the plans first. They sat at the dining room table.

  “I already know,” Olivia said.

  “Know what?” Matt asked.

  “I know you need my help to send the three ghosts into the light.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “I just know,” she answered.

  Robin looked at Matt.

  “Olivia, are you okay with this?” Matt asked.

  “I can talk to them and help them leave, but the scary one… I can’t do that.”

  “We’re not asking you to deal with that,” Robin said clearly.

  “Can we do this now? I want to go back to play with Amanda at the O’Bryan’s.”

  Both Robin and Matt realized that even though she possessed the discernment of an adult, she wasn’t one. Childhood activities were still a priority for her, which was exactly how they wanted it.

  Robin walked to the kitchen and grabbed the sage, a lighter, and a feather. She asked Matt to open the windows in the house. She walked into the family room with the sage burning. She used a feather to spread the sage through the air hoping to release the spirits in the home.

  Robin explained the ritual. She also explained that if and when they were able to get rid of the demon she would cleanse the house again but would spread salt on the land.

  Robin looked at Olivia as they stood quietly. “Can you call them?”

  Olivia nodded. “I don’t need to. Emma is already here.”

  Nothing in the room changed. The temperature remained constant.

  “She says she doesn’t want to stay long because she’s afraid of it.”

  “Tell her she doesn’t need to be afraid,” Robin encouraged.

  “She can hear you. She has always heard you. She really likes you because you remind her of her mom. She was really sad when Bryan died, too. She said that she has been very scared.”

  Robin nodded. Olivia took over as Robin continued spreading the sage throughout the room. “Emma,” she said softly, “you need to go to the light. You’ll be safe there.”

  It was quiet for a moment as Matt and Robin observed. Olivia shrugged. “She says she’s still afraid.” She continued talking to the little spirit girl. “Emma, the light is where you need to go.”

  Olivia smiled. She nodded. “She sees her mom and dad.”

  Robin’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Go to your family Emma. They miss you,” Robin interjected.

  “She says she misses them, but she will miss us, too.” Olivia turned her attention back to Emma. “You don’t belong here; not anymore. You need to be with your family. You need to be at peace.” She looked back at Robin and Matt with a smile across her lips. “She says she is going.” Olivia turned slightly to the left. “Bye Emma. I’m glad you were my friend. I will miss you a lot.”

  She waived at the empty space in the room. After a pause, she said.

  “She’s gone.”

  Tears ran down Robin’s face as she continued with the ritual. They moved about the house together. When they walked outside, Olivia stopped. She stood on the porch motionless.

  “There’s a woman here. She says she wants to go, too.” Olivia nodded. “Yes, that light is for you. You can go.” There was a pause. Olivia smiled. “I’ll tell them.”

  Olivia turned to Robin and Matt.

  “She says she is sorry for scaring both of you. She said she just wanted to be close to people. She said Mr. Sims promised her everything would be okay, but he lied. She said she stayed because he wouldn’t let her go into the light.”

  “What about Sims? Where is he?” Matt asked.

  “Sims won’t come to me,” Olivia replied.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “He’s in the basement. He won’t come.”

  “We’re going to the basement,” Matt insisted.

  Robin and Matt followed Olivia to the basement. They stood in the middle of the basement.

  “Mr. Sims,” Olivia started, “I can see you. I can help you.”

  Robin and Matt continued watching, awestruck by the divine gift Olivia displayed.

  “He says you know all about him,” she continued. “He says that he’s done so many bad things that he’s afraid he will be punished in the light.”

  “He has to leave,” Matt said sternly. “We don’t want him here anymore.”

  “He sees the light. He says he doesn’t want to see what is there. He says he is sorry for everything he’s done to those women and to us. He says that the dark thing took over his mind.”

  Matt just stood silently.

  “Mr. Sims,” she continued, “there is peace in the light. No… you have to go. This is not your house anymore.” She sighed. “If there’s judgment, then that’s something you’ll have to face… Leave now…”

  Silence fell and then Olivia said,

  “He’s gone.”

  After Olivia confirmed that the spirits were gone, Robin sprinkled salt in the corners of each room. She then walked outside letting the breeze carry the sage across the land. Afterward, she salted each corner of the property.

  Finally, the three roaming spirits found peace. Still, a greater problem existed and the Gregory family needed help facing it head on. The dark entity still occupied the house.

  For Robin and Matt, the fine line Richard spoke of had never been clearer for either of them. It became evident how blurred the barriers were between this world and the next. The fine line between the afterlife and this earth; between spiritual things and non-spiritual things; all of these dividers seemed to be easily conquered with faith.

  Matt impatiently waited on Jennifer’s call. Weeks had passed since the investigation. He sat in his office contemplating everything that had happened. All this time he believed there could be nothing more than this life; there could be no heaven, no hell; nothing. He realized how wrong he had been. He still wasn’t completely convinced of things, but he certainly believed there was some kind of hell because at times he felt like he had been living in it.

  Matt looked through his wallet for the business card from the Ghost Hunters. Before he found it, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He looked down at the touch screen. It was Jennifer. “This is Dr. Gregory,” he answered.

  “Dr. Gregory. This is Jennifer with Midwest Ghost Hunters.”

  “I was wondering if we’d ever hear from you again,” he responded curtly.

  “I apologize for the delay, but the minister I needed to track down was on a missionary trip. He returned this past weekend. I discussed your situation with him and he has agreed to come to your home.”

  “Good. When can we do this?” he asked anxiously.

  “He said he can come tomorrow if you like. The team is going to video record the exorcism.”

  “That’s fine. I just want this over with so we can get on with our lives.”

  “We will also work on getting rid of the other three spirits.”

  “That’s already been dealt with,” he continued. “My daughter took care of that.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Jennifer exclaimed.

  That evening after dinner and after Olivia went to bed, Robin and Matt sat on the porch swinging. The couple remained quiet, holding hands. Matt peered over at Robin. Behind her, he could see into the living room. Standing in the window was the large black entity. He turned his body toward it. He saw what he perceived to be its face with red, glowing, hate-filled eyes. The darkness started taking shape. The solidification caused more concern.

  “You can�
��t have her,” he blurted out.

  Robin jumped.


  “She has more faith than I could ever have and that’s why you hate her. I won’t let you steal my wife.”

  “It’s here isn’t it?”

  He nodded.


  Jennifer and the team arrived at 4:30 p.m. the next day. Cameras, video equipment, and wires ran throughout the house. Pastor Dean Williams walked into the home and when he did, Matt and Robin felt the tension building.

  The Pastor wanted to walk through the home first. Jennifer followed him. The others waited patiently in the living room.

  After the walk-through, everyone was asked to come upstairs to the former study. The couch that once sat in the parlor seated 4, so Matt, Olivia, Robin, and Jennifer sat there. The others stood at different places about the room. The pastor smiled as he began the ceremony.

  “The gospel of Mark talks about the incredible miracle of Jesus and how he cast out a legion of demons from a man who was possessed. The demons struggled against the authority of Christ, but they could not win. The Bible teaches us that ‘Greater is he that is in you,’ and what this means is that if we have faith, that faith takes control of us and we don’t need to be fearful. The spirit and the authority of God is much greater than any demon. We are taught to pray with authority and submit ourselves to the Lord. We are told to resist the devil, and he will flee. Let us pray.”

  Everyone bowed reverently. Matt felt completely out of his element. He didn’t know what to think or do. Instead of listening to the pastor’s prayer, he said a prayer of his own:


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