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Marked - Prophecy of Aries - Book 1

Page 17

by D. N. Leo

  “I’m a scientist,” Emily shot back, fuming. “I don’t believe in paranormal. But even if this place is full of them, then so what? Vampires are creatures too. Why can’t they co-exist with us?”

  Antonio snorted, looking at his sister as if she’d just grown two heads.

  “It’s irrelevant how you classify species, Emily,” Ciaran said to her, interrupting the sibling squabble. “People have different beliefs, and I have learned to respect that. Trust me, it was a hard lesson. We need you to guide us to the ghost stations, then we can take it from there. Once we’re done, I can arrange another place for you to live safely for the rest of your life.”

  “Who do you think you are, Ciaran?” Emily sneered at him. “Why—?”

  “Antonio is on a kill list,” Madeline interrupted her, growing irritated. “You’re in some sort of a tangled mess that you’re not telling your brother. What we are offering here could get you out of this problem.”

  “I don’t have a problem…” Emily growled, but grew quieter, more thoughtful.

  They heard a faint sound of footsteps. Before they could register what was going on, shadows flew at them.

  Four vampires jumped out from another dimension and grabbed at them, clawing and flashing their teeth. Ciaran glanced at Madeline quickly, to signal her to stay in human form. This was a dangerous fight and things could get messy. It was less dangerous to be injured as human, because they can heal using the silver blood. But if they were hit at a critical point when the eudqi was on, it was fatal.

  As human, still, they fought off the vampires on them easily. It took a little longer than they had wanted, but they knocked down the rookie vampires with a few swift moves. The combat training and all the battles they had been through in their universe made this encounter trivial.

  It wasn’t the same story for Emily and Antonio. Ciaran grabbed at Emily when a vampire tried to drag her away, but he couldn’t get to Antonio in time. He was dragged away quickly. What was left of Antonio was a blood trail and track marks in the snow, which soon disappeared.

  “Antonio!” Emily cried out. “How could he just vanish like that? Antonio!” She kicked and screamed while Ciaran held her back.


  T raveling as humans in Antarctica wasn’t easy. Emily notified the research station and a search and rescue process for Antonio had begun. It was a small team, but fully equipped with snowmobiles, medical equipment and a helicopter to fly when the weather condition allowed.

  Ciaran took Madeline to the main bunker at the research station. He glanced around and predicted that the creatures weren’t around. Neither of them had their eudqi switched on, so there was not much from the other dimension that he could see.

  As human, Madeline’s natural psychic ability was the most valuable asset for them now.

  “Are there any creatures or unusual appearances in the room, Madeline?” Ciaran asked.

  Madeline listened carefully and after a moment, shook her head.

  The bunker was like any ordinary cafeteria. People were everywhere. A table located in the middle of the room. A small kitchen tucked in a corner where hot tea and coffee were stocked. The search for Antonio had made the place busier than usual.

  At a quiet corner, Emily was packing some light gear to go with the search team. Ciaran approached her, followed by Madeline.

  “What did you tell the search team?” Ciaran asked.

  “That my brother is missing,” Emily said through her teeth, anxiety creating lines on her face. Her eyes had teared up and she was furiously blinking them away.

  “You know what took him,” Madeline said gently. “Human search and rescue won’t work.”

  A tear ran down Emily’s face. “But we can’t see them. Those creatures. Only when they allow us.”

  Ciaran glanced around to ensure no staff was lurking nearby. “They aren’t invisible, Emily. Vampires can travel with supernatural speed and because of that, they can cross dimensions. They co-exist with us, here, but in a different dimension. That’s why we can’t see them. You’re a scientist. I am sure you understand that.”

  Emily looked into Ciaran’s eyes. “And who are you two? Really?”

  Ciaran looked at Madeline, who nodded and gave him a little smile. He turned back toward Emily. “Not long ago, we were just like you, human, living on Earth. Now, we are still human, but we have several special abilities, and we live in another universe. Another world that is far from here.”

  Emily looked back and forth between Madeline and Ciaran. She contemplated. “What is it called; the universe you live in?”

  “Eudaiz. The native Eudaizians are beautiful and happy people. It’s a place of peace and happiness. We govern that universe.” Ciaran glanced at Madeline after he spoke.

  “Govern? At what level?”

  Ciaran said nothing. Madeline smiled. “Let’s say, we have some authority. We can take in new people if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

  “What about access? How secure is your universe?”

  Ciaran smiled. “Eudaiz belongs to native Eudaizians. It’s exclusive. We can take individuals in from other universes, Earth included, but they have to be worthy. They have to contribute. It’s not easy to get in. But once you are one of us, we promise you ultimate protection.”

  “So, it’s totally safe from the outside world? I mean from all other creatures?” She looked around, eyes wide.

  Ciaran smiled. “It’s a promise. Not a guarantee. We are mortal.”

  “What do you want me to do to get two spots in your universe?”

  “You mean two passes to our universe? For you and your brother?”

  She nodded.

  “You need to do two things for us,” Ciaran said. “I can tell you the first one now and the second one later.”

  Madeline narrowed her eyes, staring at the girl. “Wait, I’m sensing that one of the spots is for Antonio. But… the other spot is not for you. Who is it for?”

  Ciaran looked surprised, then smiled and looked at Madeline. His wife wasn’t the First Councillor for no good reason.

  Emily looked startled, then frowned and glanced out the tiny round window on the bunker wall. She blew out a breath and said, “When you’re about to give me the second task, I’ll tell you who the second person is. Then you can still decide whether or not you want to take that individual in.”

  Ciaran nodded. “Sounds like a fair deal. Now, we need to find a ghost research station. I understand there are no maps or directory to get there. So, you will take us there. Consider it the first task.”

  Emily nodded and opened her mouth, but Ciaran held up his hand. “But first things first, we’ll search for Antonio,” he promised her. “I have an impression I know where they are taking him.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ciaran smiled and laid a hand on her shoulder. “Antonio is Madeline’s friend. That’s what we do for friends, Emily.” Then he strode out of the station. Madeline trailed right behind him. When they were out of earshot, he asked, “How do you know about the other person?”

  Madeline smiled. “Not just a person. She loves that individual, and he’s a creature. I don’t need much of a psychic ability to tell when a woman is in love. The question is, why didn’t she just ask for three passes?”

  Ciaran chuckled. “There is no need to find the answer for that question. When the time comes, we can offer three passes.”

  Ciaran walked around the corner in between the two large bunkers. He grabbed at Madeline, put her against the wall and lowered his mouth to hers.

  She closed her eyes and lost herself in the kiss. He knew she enjoyed it, he felt her body melt against his.

  He loved the look on her face. Passion. Love. And lust. She always gave it all when they were intimate.

  There, he used the only natural connection to Madeline that no technology and paranormal creatures could interfere with. They were soulmates. This was one of the perks.

  In his mind, he spoke to he
r, “They’re coming for me. Let them.”

  Madeline’s eyes flew open. At the same time, two vampires jumped out of the other dimension and struck Ciaran from behind.

  He fell, hitting his head on a low platform at the base of the steel enforced wall of the bunker. The other vampire struck him when he attempted to sit up.

  Ciaran let himself pass out.

  The vampires took him into the other dimension. In his mind, he still heard Madeline screaming for help…


  M adeline accelerated the snowmobile. It jerked, skid and spun around for a distance and stopped a few inches before an elephant seal. The seal popped his head up, looking at them, annoyed. Then he lay down to sleep again.

  Emily jumped off the vehicle. “Jesus Christ, have you ever driven a snowmobile before? There is no speed limit in Antarctica, but we still can break our necks.”

  “I can walk faster than you drive,” Madeline snarled. “We’ve seen three ghost stations and haven’t found the one we need.”

  “There are many of them. I don’t know when we’ll find the one you want. I know you’re anxious because they took Ciaran. But my brother was taken too!”

  “Anxious!” Madeline sneered. “Try moving mountains and crossing oceans to marry him and not even having a day of peace with him. Try having twins as your first children in a totally strange universe. Try calming the kids when their first words were daddy, and he wasn’t even home to hear it, because he was busy saving another universe. Try answering to those billions of citizens who depend on his protection…”

  “Okay,” Emily said, more gently. “You’re not anxious. You’re royally pissed.”

  “I am multiple altitudes beyond anger. Do you know how many times he almost died in front of me? I’ve lost count. Madeline, do this. Madeline, do that. He never asked me if I could. And just now, all he said was ‘they are coming for me — let them’. That was ALL he gave me.”

  Madeline waved her arms in the air and walked back and forth. “Let them,” she said as she continued to rant. “That was all he said. And I stood there squealing like a useless pig when they took him.”

  Emily held Madeline’s shoulders firmly and looked into her eyes, which were filled with tears now. “Madeline, you’re scared. And it’s natural.”

  Madeline wiped at the tear that ran down her face. “I’m not scared. I’m Ciaran’s wife. I can’t be scared. That trait doesn’t fit in the LeBlancs.”

  “Come on. Deep breaths. You’ll be fine. He’ll be fine. Didn’t you say he did that because he knew they’d take him to Antonio?”

  Madeline nodded and wiped at her eyes. “I know. Sorry. I’ve just lost it for a bit.” She wiped the rest of the tears from her face and proceeded toward the snowmobile.

  A short moment later, they arrived at the front of an imposing structure in the snow. An enormous round structure the size of a football stadium and the shape of a spaceship loomed over them.

  Madeline didn’t need to pull out the list Ciaran had given her, nor did she need to check with the built-in computer in her wrist unit for extra-terrestrial energy; she just knew this was the one. “This is it,” she muttered.

  “What?” Emily asked, looking at the building with wide eyes. “This is the research station with the key you are looking for? Are you sure?”

  “Very sure.”

  Emily walked back and forth, shoving her hands in her pockets. “Madeline, there are many more stations that I can take you. Are you sure this is the one?”

  “Earlier today, you denied the existence of ghost stations and now, you say there are many others. What’s going on, Emily? Why the denials and lies?”

  Emily shook her head. “Don’t ask. It’s complicated,” she muttered. They proceeded toward the steel door.

  It slid open as soon as they arrived.

  Madeline jerked back. “How does it recognize us?” she asked.

  Madeline turned to look at Emily. Emily didn’t seem surprised. Her eyes had darkened. She clenched her jaw and her hands had curled into fists. “It’s me it recognized. This is my off-the-record base station. If my brother was taken because of what they are doing here, I’ll burn them alive in the middle of Antarctica.”

  Madeline took one more step back away from the door.

  From inside the station, a man stepped outside. He nodded at Emily and smiled. “Emily, I thought you wouldn’t come until tomorrow.”

  “And I thought you are away for another two days,” Emily said, her face now lifted into a fake smile. She glanced at Madeline “This is Adam Rodriguez. The chief researcher and manager at this station. This is Madeline, my friend.”

  “A friend? You know we don’t allow casual visitors …” Adam narrowed his eyes.

  “Listen…” Emily lowered her voice and approached Adam. When she was close enough, she pulled out a knife and slid it under his thermal jacket. “I need you to make an exception. We just want to come inside for a cup of tea…” she pushed him back inside the building.

  Madeline followed. The door closed behind them.


  A cool hand brushed over the wound on his forehead. It worried Ciaran. The first thought that came to his mind was that he needed to heal the injury that was causing him excruciating headaches. But through the haze of physical pain, the basic instinct he possessed, and the silver blood running inside him had given him a good resistance to reacting naturally to his surroundings.

  Someone might be reading his mind right now.

  The second thought that came to his mind was, “This hurts like a bitch. What the hell?” He let out a small groan and slowly opened his eyes.

  The room was enormous. He was lying on something soft and comfortable. Maybe a sofa or a day bed.

  A woman was looking down at him. Gorgeous. Brunette. Deep dark eyes. Mysterious. Intriguing. That was the third thought he had carefully manufactured. He sat up and let out another moan for the pain in his body. This thought might be genuine.

  “Sorry. My guys were a little rough,” a throaty voice came from the woman. “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

  Ciaran raked his hands through his hair. “You’re a vampire.”

  “Oh, so you know us?”

  “No, I don’t. One of your guys had his fangs popped out. It isn’t Halloween now. And I’m not stupid. So, what else can I guess?”

  “Clumsy,” the beautiful vampire hissed.

  “Yeah, I should have moved faster.”

  “No. Not you. Those useless rookies. I shouldn’t have sent them. And they hurt you. I really should do something to fix this. My name is Isabel.” She bit the tip of her finger and was about to press her bloody fingertip on the wound on his forehead.

  Ciaran jerked back. “No, thank you. I’ll be fine.”

  “No, you’re not. You thought ‘it hurts like a bitch’. And you thought I am beautiful.” Isabel smiled.

  “Oh, so you read minds. But you don’t have to read this because I am telling you now. You’re holding me against my will. I’d like to go back to the research station with my wife.”

  The smile faded on Isabel’s face. “What are you here for, Ciaran LeBlanc? I know you’re a very big deal in the human world. You know now that I read minds. So, don’t lie.”

  “Madeline always wanted to see Antarctica penguins.”

  “Is that right? Why didn’t you fetch some to London for her to see? I am sure that’s easy enough to do for a man like you.”

  “There are many things money can’t buy.”

  “Like Antarctica penguins?”

  “Yes. Like them.”

  Isabel smiled. “You always travel with an arsenal of anti-vampire weapons on your body?” she pointed her chin toward her desk, where all of his weapons were on display.

  “I’m paranoid about vampire attacks.” He looked her up and down. “For very good reasons.”

  Fast and fierce as a storm, Isabel grabbed Ciaran, flung him across the floor. He
crashed into furniture and whatever objects that weren’t friendly with his human body. He could hear his bones rattle.

  She darted over, picked him up from the floor and zoomed across the room. She pressed his face against the glass wall, looking out and down to the Vampire City.

  He recognized the tower he was in. The tower — the symbol of the city power. He was inside it. He had to be patient. Play the game.

  “I am the Mayor of this city. I am in charge and I always get what I want. I am sure a man of your caliber isn’t paranoid about anything as petty as vampire attacks. I heard you have supernatural power now. Why don’t you use it and fight me?”

  “I don’t hurt women. Having power or not is irrelevant.”

  “I ask for the last time, what are you here for?”

  “In addition to the penguins, I wouldn’t mind seeing some seals.”

  Isabel threw him across the room. His body smashed to the wall. He didn’t hear his bones rattle this time. Maybe there were none left.

  She picked him up again and squeezed at his neck. “Fight or die, Ciaran.”

  “I’m just a man. What hope do I have fighting a vampire bare handed?”

  She threw him over to the desk, crashing him on his own weapons. He saw stars. Every cell in his body wanted to depart from one another.

  “Pick up your weapons and fight me.”

  He gathered whatever human strength was left in his body, stood up, and wiped the blood on his mouth. He looked at her. “You’re an angry woman, Isabel. I told you why I am here. What else do you want? Money?”

  She flew over, grabbed at his neck and threw him to the opposite wall like he was a rag doll. He dropped bonelessly to the bottom of the wall. He lay on the floor, motionless, and he emptied his mind.

  Isabel’s voice whispered against his ear. “I know you can hear me. No human mind could be emptied like that. Open your eyes, then we can talk. I promise I’ll be gentle. Come on, you’re a tough guy. What if I make you a vampire now? How do you feel about that? If you don’t say anything, I’ll take it as a yes.”


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