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Return Of The Prodigal Daughter [Wayback Texas Series]

Page 4

by Marguerite Arotin

  "I'm not your love bird. Not anymore. Heck, I keep trying to figure out what I want from you. I don't know, to tell the truth.” She took a swig of tamarind soda, savoring the sweet taste, set the bottle on the flannel blanket, and continued, “What do you want from me?"

  "Sherrie ... Why does everything with you have to be so complicated? Why do you always demand answers?” He ran his fingers through his dark blonde hair. “All I want now is the pleasure of you company. Is that too much to ask?"

  "No,” she admitted with a sigh.

  "Good,” Jake replied and then crunched into another chip. “Look I already apologized once. I left you in California because that's what I thought you wanted.” He clenched he reached for a plastic spoon. “Damn it, Sherrie. I didn't think you'd find trouble there. What were you thinking? I know you loved those photos, but—"

  "Oh, so you're gonna bring that up are you? Look...” Glaring at him, she stuck a spoonful of cowboy hash into her mouth, swallowed, and then continued. “Maybe if you'd been with me I wouldn't have...” Her words trailed off once she realized she had no right to blame Jake for the biggest screw up of her life. She grimaced and continued, “I never said I wanted to stay in California. All I ever wanted from you was ring on my finger ... or some sort of promise. Of course, the minute I put you on the spot about commitment ... Jake, I'm not your mama. I wouldn't have run out on you. I'm the kind of girl who when she truly loves someone, she loves them forever.” She fought back the tears stinging her eyes. “And I thought you knew me well enough to know that."

  He stroked her cheek. “Sherrie, oh honey, don't cry. I hate to see tears in your pretty eyes."

  "I ... I'm not crying. I won't shed a single tear for you cowboy. I'm a big girl, not the same silly little schoolgirl who followed you to California."

  Jake didn't reply and Sherrie didn't want to argue any more. She just stared Jake down as the two of them ate. She barely heard the rumble of thunder in the distance, didn't pay a passing glance to the flash of lightening, but when the skies opened up in all their fury, she quickly jumped to her feet. Jake took her hand and she didn't want to fight him as the ice cold raindrops pounded on her skin. She trusted him enough to lead her to shelter, and he did.

  He opened the door to a rickety old barn. “My family only uses this for storage now. It's the oldest barn on the property, built in 1890, when my great-great-grandfather purchased the land."

  Sherrie glanced around and rubbed her arms as she shivered. There was one hole in the roof, and the rain dripped down onto a tractor below it in steady pitter-patter rhythm. Other than that, it looked sturdy and safe enough. “It'll do."

  "Come here, darling. I can't let my girl shiver."

  "I'll get by,” she replied as her teeth chattered. She wasn't ready to give into Jake just yet.

  He opened his arms. “Would you come to me if I apologized? I didn't mean to say that about what happened in California. I'm sorry that I left you. I'm just a man who makes mistakes around the most beautiful woman in the world because ... Heck Sherrie, it's all because I don't think I deserve to have a woman like you in my life."

  She knew it took a lot for him to admit that. Slowly, she walked toward him, and kissed his cheek. “I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world. Jake, after you left I tried to be with other men. No one else could compare to you. Don't push me away again, cowboy. We deserve each other because we're only half-alive when we're apart."

  Jake took her into his arms, rubbing the small of her back as she rested her head upon his broad shoulder. His checkered shirt was soaked through, but she found solace in the warmth of his arms and his rock hard chest muscles. That is, until he moved his hand to skim her breast.

  "Why is your hand there?” she demanded.

  He gave her that half-grin that made her knees weak. “Isn't that where it belongs?” His fingers circled around a hardened nipple.

  Oh God, she couldn't pull away from him. Not now. Not when he knew just how to touch her and certainly not when he kissed her. Everything felt so perfect, familiar, and right. Her body reacted as if he had never left, when his tongue caressed the palate of her mouth, when one hand wandered down to squeeze her behind, and when she felt the hardness of his crotch ignite a flame she thought had died.

  They were both breathless when he ended the kiss, but she somehow managed to smile and say, “You were wrong, Jake. You're hand doesn't belong there.” Slowly she unbuttoned her soaked silk shirt, tossed it onto a heap of hay, then removed her bra and let that fall to the ground. As she watched Jake's gaze smolder, she flashed him a coy smile, and then cupped her bosom. “This is where your hand belongs."

  "N-nope,” he stuttered out and then swallowed hard. “My mouth belongs there."

  He fell to his knees, suckling her nipple and caressing her left breast with a slow hand. That old familiar flutter of pleasure made her heart race. A voice of caution warned her that this might be a mistake, but she pushed that voice out of her head, remembering her promise to live in the moment. If making love to the one man who did it better than any other man she'd been with wasn't living in the moment, she didn't know what was.

  "Jake, honey...” She grabbed at his hair as he unbuttoned her jeans. “I don't care about what happens tomorrow. All I know is that I need you now."

  He rose to his feet, swept her into his arms, and carried her to a soft bed of hay. “I can't deny my woman her needs. Tell me what you want, my beauty.” He bowed before. “Your cowboy is at your command."

  "Hmm...” Sherrie was about to raise her left hand to scratch her chin, but then dropped it at her side when she realized that the burn would be too obvious. She clutched at her arm. “I can tell you one thing I don't want. Don't look at my arm, Jake. Don't ask me to remove my glove."

  He collapsed beside her, removed her daddy's hat, and ran his fingers through her hair. “Sherrie, your scars don't make you any less beautiful.” Slowly and gently, he removed the hand covering her arm. “These burn marks remind me of how feisty and stubborn you've always been. I wish I could have been there to talk you out of sticking your arm into the flames, but I'm here for you now."

  She gasped as he placed a trail of little butterfly kisses from her elbow, down to her wrist. His lips were gentle and they didn't hurt at all. They felt a heck of a lot better than the lotion she worked into her burns every night.

  When he stopped at the glove with a questioning glance, she nodded at him. “Go on. Kiss my fingers too. You always did know how to make me feel better, Jake."

  His lips caressed each fingertip, while with his other hand he pushed down her jeans and underwear. After he finished kissing her scars, he moved down to her ankles, removed her boots, socks, and soon she lay before him in nothing more than what God had graced her with. She felt vulnerable as his gaze moved across every inch of her body.

  All her fears were pushed aside when he finally said, “Honey, you're beautiful. I've missed you so much."

  She smiled. “Me too. Now undress for me. I want to see my naked cowboy."

  "As you wish, darling,” he replied with a wink.

  Jake didn't take his time undressing. He had all his clothes removed by the time the next rumble of thunder sounded outside. A flash of lightening illuminated his tanned, rugged flesh. She couldn't resist running her tongue across the tight mass of muscles in his chest, savoring the musky taste of him. He groaned when her fingers rubbed a tight male nipple, hidden within a thin line of chest hair.

  "Sherrie, oh, God...” He moaned as she reached down to give his balls a little squeeze and ran her thumb across the head of his shaft. “Sweetie, we need to stop a moment. I'm supposed to be pleasuring my woman.” He pushed her back into the pile of hay. “Not the other way around."

  Not wanting to argue when he stroked the apex of her thigh with his middle and forefinger, Sherrie parted her legs for him, and gasped as his fingers entered her. “Oh, hell yeah, Jake! God, how I've always love riding your hand."

h steady strokes, his thumb caressed her clit, while his fingers pumped in and out in time with the sound of the raindrops on the roof. He suckled her neck and she nearly went over the edge when his tongue moved downward to her breast. But she didn't want to come this way.

  "Jake ... I need you inside me ... now,” she pleaded.

  "Okay, if that's what you want, then that's what she'll get. Only I need to make sure I have raincoat for my stud."

  She had to laugh. Only Jake would use the term, ‘raincoat for his stud,’ to describe a condom. “Do you still keep rubbers in your wallet?"

  "I'll take a look sweet thing,” he said with a wink. “If I can find my pants, wallet's in the pocket."

  Sherrie pointed to the rusted John Deere tractor. “Your jeans are on the seat, hon."

  "Thanks.” He grabbed his wallet and sure enough, pulled out a small square blue package with the familiar logo on the front. “Hold on, it's been a while since I used any of these. Want to make certain, it didn't expire.” Squinting his eyes, he examined the package, and then grinned. “Nah, we're good. And, hey, this one's ribbed, for your pleasure, darling."

  He handed her the package and she ripped it open with her teeth. She held the rubber in her hand, but didn't slide it on just yet. She used to love watching Jake's reaction when she took the length of him into her mouth, and just for a few blissful moments, she wanted to see that again. Jake gripped her shoulders when she sucked on his shaft. Running her tongue across the tight veins, she loved watching the way he gritted his teeth, and the way those hot, sterling eyes filled with a mixture of lust and gratitude.

  "Sherrie ... Damn woman ... I hate for you to stop..."

  She grinned and rolled the rubber over the length of his erection, pinching the tip with her fingers. “Are you ready, my rocking cowboy stud?"

  He pushed her down onto the hay and smoothed a strand of hair away from her brow. “I sure am. I love your hair like this. I love the way one loose strand falls over your face...” He entered her with one quick thrust. “I love the way you look at me. Will you keep your eyes open as you come? I want to see those baby blues shine."

  "O-okay.” She couldn't deny him anything as he increased his pace. If Jake asked for the moon and stars, she would have found a way to give them to him.

  Damn, he felt so good in her arms. The way his hard, lean muscles pressed against her, the sultry, musky scent of his sweat, the feel of his stubble rubbing against her cheek ... She'd missed it all so much. She pressed her fingernails into his broad shoulders when the first tingling of pleasure moved through her.

  "Jake ... Jake.” Her voice was a plea, a little prayer on her lips. “So close ... so..."

  "That's it honey. Keep those eyes open. Oh Sherrie ... Yes darling. Press those fingernails into me. Damn that hurts so good."

  She lost all control and bucked like a bronco in his arms. Jake's body stiffened as he called out her name, over the rolling thunder. He collapsed at her side and kissed her cheek.

  "How long do you think the storm will go on for Jake?"

  He kissed the nape of her neck. “I don't know sweetheart. We could just lie here and wait it out."

  "I'd like that.” In fact, there was no place else she'd rather be. Riding out the storm in hay pile, embraced by her cowboy's strong arms, was a little slice of heaven on Earth.

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  Chapter Six

  Jake hoped the storm would go on forever. He didn't want to release the fair skinned angel in his arms. If he had his way, he'd hold her forever. Within minutes, however, the thunder and lightning died out, and the first rays of sunshine created a golden halo around Sherrie's hair.

  Sherrie sighed and rolled over. Her warm, supple curves collided with his body. “Looks like the storm's over. We should get dressed."

  He kissed her forehead. “I don't want to. Can't we just stay here forever?"

  She traced a finger across his lips. “Hmm ... wish we could, but sooner or later someone will open that barn door."

  He kissed her fingertip. “You're probably right, darling. Oh, and Soledad should be home from school soon. I do want you to meet my half-sister."

  Sherrie cocked her head. “You have a half-sister? When did this happen?"

  "Seventeen years ago. Only Pa and I didn't know until two years ago. Just before I came home, her mama dropped Soledad off, saying that she had some business to take care of and that their daughter needed to stay with her daddy. Remember that dark haired beauty who conned Pa out of fifty bucks, Lana Charro?"

  "Yeah. I remember how your pa moped for weeks after she left. She's Soledad's mama?"

  "Yep. She's a sweet kid, but almost everyone in town gives her hard time. They all think she's no different from her hustler mother. I think what she needs is a real woman to talk to and I was wondering—"

  "What about your grannie and Aunt Grace? They are both wonderful women and probably the closest thing I had to a mama after mine died."

  Jake shrugged, rose, and grabbed his pile of clothing. “See the thing is that Aunt Gracie and Uncle Miguel's kids aren't very nice to Soledad. I reckon she doesn't trust Aunt Grace because of that. Grannie's tried to talk to her, but Soledad won't open up. Will you talk to her, Sherrie? She's a bit of a tomboy, just like you were, and I thought maybe...” He slipped into his shirt and began buttoning it up. “I thought maybe she'd listen to you."

  Sherrie nodded as she reached for her bra. “I'll try."

  Jake buttoned up his faded Levis and kissed Sherrie's cheek. “Thanks. Soledad can use all the help she can get."

  * * * *

  As they walked from the lake, Sherrie spied a dark-haired figure wearing a pair of faded jeans much too big for her slender frame, a sweatshirt, and a baseball cap, stroking the mane of chestnut horse.

  Jake pointed to the figure. “That's Soledad. She loves to ride bareback, and she usually handles the pony rides at the farm or birthday parties. I think the only time that girl is truly happy, other than when she's sneaking out to pool halls, is when she's working with a horse or pony."

  As they neared Jake's half-sister, Sherrie noticed that she seemed to be whispering to the animal. She remembered a time when she could relate more to horses than humans, but that had been before she realized how cute Jake was, and before she started hanging around the in-crowd at school.

  "Soledad,” Jake shouted. “I have someone I'd like you to meet."

  The girl glanced up, and Sherrie saw her green eyes sparkle as she removed her sunglasses. She had a great facial structure. Sherrie would give anything to have Soledad's high cheekbones. Her short hair shone like black silk. The girl had the makings of a great beauty. All she needed was a little more confidence. Right now she slouched and shyly glanced at the muddy ground. But her potential was amazing. With a little work, Soledad could even take the title of Wayback Rodeo Queen.

  "Are you two back to together again?” Soledad asked, pushing her glasses back onto the bridge of her nose.

  Sherrie held her breath and glanced at Jake. Would he deny everything that had happened to them in the barn?

  Jake wrapped his arm around Sherrie's shoulder and grinned. “I reckon we are. As long as Sherrie will have me, and as long as she stays in town."

  What would happen between them if her agent found her another job? If Sherrie had the chance to return to California and smile for the cameras, she wanted to take it. It wasn't so much the fame and fortune that went with being a supermodel that she loved, it was dressing up and showing the world her stuff. Once Sherrie had stepped into the spotlight, she'd never wanted the high that came with her career to end. But it did ... Stop it! Live in the moment. Let the future take care of itself.

  She knew that part of living in the moment meant taking care of the shy teenager with so much potential standing before her. “Jake told me he had a little sister, but he didn't mention how pretty you are."

  Soledad shrugged and kicked a rock at her feet. “No, I'm not. You're ju
st saying that to be nice."

  "I'm being honest. You have such pretty eyes. I bet you have a pretty smile too."

  Jake grinned. “She does. I've seen it once or twice."

  Soledad's cheeks turned bright crimson and shy flashed a little grin, showing off her nice cheekbones and pearly whites.

  Sherrie laughed. “Ah, there you go. There's that smile and it is pretty. You know, I have an idea that could be fun. Why not give the rest of town a chance to see that smile at work? I know the Miss Wayback Rodeo Queen pageant has to be starting soon."

  Soledad wrinkled her nose and frowned. “Why would I want I enter that? I'd never win. I don't like gettin’ dressed up,or wearing makeup. I'd rather hang around with horses than people. Well, except for at the pool hall I reckon. My one true talent is that Momma taught me how to hustle at the pool table. I can't show off that talent at some dumb beauty pageant."

  "Don't think of it as a dumb beauty pageant, sis.” Jake shot a glance to Sherrie and continued, “Did you know that they give away scholarship money as first prize? Sherrie used that money as her ticket to get out of Wayback and attend Pepperdine University."

  Soledad cocked her brow. “You went to college? I thought you were always a model."

  Sherrie laughed and shook her head. “Doesn't work that way honey. I majored in journalism and minored in broadcast news. I wanted to be a newscaster. Going to school and trying to pay the rent costs a lot of money. The scholarship helped, but I never considered the cost of books, or how expensive everything is in California. I lived with your brother and I wanted to pay my share of the rent."

  Soledad cocked her brow and ran her fingertips across her thick leather belt. “So, how'd you become a model?"

  "A teacher who saw me on the college TV station said I look great on camera and that I should try modeling. Jake set me up with a photographer he knew so that I could headshots done and I made an appointment with the lady who would become my agent. Soon, I had to drop out of college because my modeling career took off like wildfire, but I loved smiling for the camera, strutting my stuff down the runway ... Suppose that's all I ever wanted, to show the world what I'm made of."


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