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Blood Rush

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  Glancing at Lana, Kayla saw her shrug. “It is kind of like I’m in a dream, a dream with really hot guys that drink your blood and own clubs.”

  Smiling, she glanced at Lana again, saw her grinning, and couldn’t help but start to laugh.

  Lana pulled into her driveway, next to Kaleb’s truck. “When is he coming home again?”

  “Actually, I think he gets an extended leave in about a month.” Kaleb left his truck at the house whenever he left on a mission, not that Kayla minded, because just seeing the heavy-duty vehicle was comforting to her, almost as though her twin was watching over her.

  “Really? That’s great. I assumed he might be gone for quite a while because he was just here.”

  “I know, I thought that, too, but I’m not going to complain.” Kayla slipped out of the car and grabbed her bags. She leaned against the open passenger-side window. “Thanks for coming with me. I had a really great time.”

  “Yeah, me, too. Let’s do it again.”

  Kayla waved goodbye and made her way to the front door once the Mercedes was out of sight. She unlocked the door and opened it, the instant feeling of being alone a heavy weight upon her.

  Her home was where she and Kaleb had grown up. When their parents died, they had left them everything, which to their surprise, was quite a large inheritance. She remembered her mother and father, remembered the love they had for each other and for them. She pushed the thoughts away, because if she let herself go there, she would end up breaking down. She didn’t want to put a damper on the wonderful afternoon she had just spent with Lana.

  There were still several hours before sunset, and therefore, before Adrik would be picking her up. Kayla knew they were just friends, but there was a little part inside of her that ached for more. She still harbored feelings for him, but she wasn’t going to let her feelings ruin the friendship they could have.

  Setting the bags on the kitchen table, she noticed the blinking red light on her answering machine flashing brightly. Sitting down, she pushed the button on the machine.

  “Hey, Kayla, it’s Molly at the hospital. Susie wanted me to call and see if you wanted to pick up an extra shift tonight. I think they were going to float you to a tele floor. Anyway, don’t know if you have plans, but if you want to come in, they’re offering double time. Talk to you later.”

  When she had first decided to become a nurse, she thought of how wonderful it was to help people. Now, that may be true a lot of the time, but lately she was getting stuck with the critically ill patients, and it was just so depressing.

  She grabbed the phone and dialed the hospital to let them know she already had plans. Double time did sound good, but there was no way she was canceling tonight. When she was done talking to Molly, she hung up the phone and headed upstairs to get ready.

  Adrik took the elevator down to the lowest level of the club. The cheesy elevator music grated on his nerves, and he clenched his teeth, thankful when the stainless steel doors finally opened. He wore a pair of light track pants and a pair of running shoes. He made his way through the tunnels that ran below the club and into the training area.

  He pulled out his iPod, stuck the earbuds in, and cranked up the volume. Hard and angry rap blasted into his ears and had his blood pumping. He pushed open the double doors that led to the training room and looked around for an empty treadmill. Many of his brethren were down here tonight working out, the smell of sweat and testosterone thick in the air.

  Adrik walked over to an empty treadmill and started his routine. He started a slow jog, working up his heart rate and warming his muscles. He needed to work off the adrenaline that was coursing through his veins. He anticipated tonight, and because of that, he needed to make sure he stayed on the level around Kayla.

  It had taken every bit of willpower and strength he possessed all those years ago not to be with her. The feelings he felt for Kayla were like nothing he had ever experienced. At first it confused him, even frightened him on a level, that a female could make him feel helpless. The kinds of things he wanted to do to her seemed lewd and illicit, completely inappropriate for a female as soft and gentle as Kayla. He wanted to be with her in the most elemental of ways, to claim her, mate her. Those thoughts should have been absurd for a warrior to have.

  After years of abstaining from his desires to have her, he knew what she was to him. She was his Chosen, the one female destiny had created to be his alone. Fate was a cruel bitch, showing him what he could have, but never allowing him to experience it. Although he had never tasted her blood, and that was the only way a Blood Breed could be absolutely certain he had found his Chosen, Adrik went with what his heart told him. His feelings for her weren’t just pure animalistic attraction. No, they were so much more than that. He wanted her to be his forever, to carry his children.

  He may have stayed away for all those years, but the possessive male inside of him had been determined to watch over her, to make certain she was safe. What would she think of him if he told her he watched her house nightly? How would she react if he told her how he truly felt, what he truly was?

  If she only knew why he had left all those years ago. The fact that she didn’t even know what she was, what her heritage was, put them on a perilous cliff for a relationship. If he revealed he had been watching her, that he could separate his spirit from his body and actually watch her sleep every night, she would probably scream and run to the police. He didn’t consider himself a stalker, just a very determined male ensuring his female was safe.

  Running faster, he thought of what a coward he really was, a weak male who couldn’t even be with the one female he wanted. He didn’t deserve her, and he sure as hell didn’t know why he was even seeing her tonight. He knew damn well he couldn’t be with her, but he was a selfish bastard. If only she knew what she was, if only their kind could be together, it would be so much easier.

  The loud music pounded through his head, and he focused on working the tension from his body, channeling all of his anger and frustration into his running. His mind was so wrapped up that when he felt a light tap on his shoulder, he jumped off the treadmill and slammed the body that was behind him to the ground. When his mind cleared and he was brought back to reality, he saw Youri watching him quizzically. He loosened his hold on the Breed male and pulled out the earbuds.

  Breathing heavily, Adrik cast a glare at Youri. “Don’t you know better than to sneak up on a Breed male?”

  Youri laughed uneasily, his flesh turning a shade of pink. “I didn’t know you were that concentrated. I called your name several times, but I guess your music was blastin’. I was just getting a head count on who was in on a little hand-to-hand.”

  Adrik grabbed a bottle of water and took a long drink from it. He wiped his mouth and nodded. He needed a good fight, needed some pain. He still had a few hours before he was to pick up Kayla. Plenty of time to kick a little ass.

  Adrik followed Youri to the mats, where a dozen other Breed males were gathered around in a loose circle. Adrenaline and testosterone were thick in the air.

  Adrik was first to go up. He stood in the center and waited for his opponent. Breed males parted and let through Luca. Grinning, Adrik cracked his knuckles and stretched his neck.

  “It’s been ages since I fought a prince.”

  Grinning, Luca flashed his fangs menacingly and stopped a few feet in front of Adrik. “Are you referring to the time I kicked your ass when you called me a pussy?”

  Like Adrik, he, too, wore only a pair of track pants and nothing else. Their native language was tattooed around his biceps and forearms, the spiraling words telling a tale of war and death.

  “I think you forget who the real victor was in that match. If I recall, you were so drunk you couldn’t even swing straight.”

  “We’ll see who truly comes out victorious when liquor isn’t in play, brother.”

  They both lunged for each other at the same time, their limbs clashing together in a tangle of flesh. Fists were thrown, t
he sound of flesh against bone loud. The only problem with fighting Luca was the fact that he used his gift as an advantage. Luca’s ability to mist, or to teleport from one area to another, proved he was a difficult Breed to fight, especially when liquor wasn’t involved.

  Luca swung out, connected with Adrik’s jaw, and then misted behind him. Cheap shots as they may be, Adrik couldn’t deny he would use it if he possessed the same talent.

  Adrik fell to his hands and knees when Luca threw in a few kidney shots from behind. He didn’t stay on the ground very long, not when the thrill of the fight was pumping through his veins. Adrik was on his feet and facing his opponent in the next second. He swung his arm back and slammed his fist into the side of Luca’s jaw. Luca’s whole body spun around, and blood sprayed out of his mouth and onto the blue mats.

  If they had been humans, a shot like that would have cracked Luca’s neck in half, but seeing as they were Blood Breeds, a little pain and a quick recovery were all Luca would endure. Luca fell to the floor, blood pouring out of his mouth, laughter ringing out of him.

  Slowly, Luca rose and faced Adrik. Blood poured out of his mouth and nose and down his chin. A large gash had split his lips, and several of his teeth were cracked.

  “You bastard. It’ll take a whole day for my fucking teeth to grow back.” Luca held his hands out in surrender. He turned around, muttering about not being able to see a female tonight because of his fucking teeth.

  Holding his arms out in challenge, Adrik made sure to look at each Breed. “Who’s next?”

  Kayla headed downstairs with her clutch purse in hand. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, and her palms were sweaty. Glancing at the clock, she wiped her palms on her skirt and licked her dry lips. She watched as the sky turned from pink and orange to a murky gray. Butterflies were a constant feeling in her belly and her nerves were shot. The doorbell rang, and her heart slammed harder, her pulse reaching her ears and drowning out all other sounds. Closing her eyes for a moment of solitude, she willed herself to calm. This was, after all, the same man she had known for years. There was absolutely no reason for her to be so nervous.

  Kayla grabbed her clutch off the counter and headed to the front door. The brass handle felt chilled to her touch, or maybe it was because her body felt so overheated? When she opened the door, her breath stopped.

  Chapter 4

  Kayla stood on the other side of the door like an angel. The dress she wore fit her body perfectly, tight in all the right places and showing off her very well-endowed assets. Her honey-blonde hair flowed around her slender shoulders, and every time the wind picked up, it teased the strands and gave him a delectable view of her slender neck.

  “Miss Reilly, you take my breath away.”

  Her cheeks became the most beautiful shade of pink, and he could almost smell the sweet scent of her blood just below the surface. He clenched his hands behind his back and prayed she couldn’t see the growing erection behind his trousers. He held his hand out for her, and she tentatively took it.

  The sound of her little heart beating quickly was like a drum to his ears, pumping all of her tantalizing blood through her body and driving him mad. He felt ashamed for the illicit images that came to mind, ones that had her spread out before him, her pussy wet and swollen, her nipples hard and topping the luscious mounds of her breasts. His cock grew another inch, and he gritted his teeth.

  She closed the door behind her, and he led them to his car. “What is that?”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle when he saw her shocked expression. “That, my dear, is the Combat T-98.”

  “It looks like something that should be in the military.”

  Her eye for detail was uncanny. “It is a military-grade armored SUV from Russia.” He admitted it was the safest thing for her to be in, but he wouldn’t say he didn’t also bring it to impress her.

  After what happened to Aleksei’s female, Lana, just weeks ago, Adrik wasn’t going to take any chances with the one person he held most dear. The fact that they still hadn’t found Dorian or Stefan, and didn’t sense them in the area, didn’t mean they didn’t have minions lurking around, just waiting for an order to do their dirty work.

  Adrik helped Kayla into the vehicle, having to grip her around the waist and lift her into the high cab. She made a small noise in the back of her throat, a noise that he could imagine her making while in the throes of passion, while his cock was buried deep inside of her hot, wet cunt. Her dress rode up ever so slightly, giving him a teasing glance of her creamy-colored thighs. They were smooth and flawless, long and slender. He found himself captivated by them, so enthralled that he didn’t realize he was staring until she cleared her throat. Muttering an apology, more so because he had been caught, he quickly shut the door and went to the driver’s side.

  As much as he wanted Kayla, he couldn’t have her the way he would like, at least not without a shitload of repercussions. He got into the SUV and started the engine, keeping his eyes off Kayla as he backed out.

  Kayla swallowed a few times as she held her clutch in a death grip. When she had opened the door, she lost her breath. He was dressed casually, with dark slacks and a crisp white button-down shirt. Although his attire was casual, the underlying power and strength he emitted was tangible.

  “So, where are we going?” She looked over at Adrik and noticed how his throat worked when he swallowed. Even his neck was attractive, all hard muscles under golden skin. She let her gaze travel along all of that skin, feeling a warmth bloom inside of her that had nothing to do with embarrassment.

  “I hope you like French cuisine. I thought I’d take you to La Lennet.”

  She had heard of the exclusive French restaurant just outside of Stone Brooke, but had never actually gone there.

  Glancing at him, she had a hard time not admiring the pure, masculine aura that wrapped around him. Her pussy grew wet at the thought of all that masculinity on top of her, dominating her, showing her the power he held. Squeezing her legs together, she turned and looked out the window.

  “Is everything okay, Kayla?”

  Oh, God, if you only knew. She turned and looked at him, saw that he kept switching his eyes from the road and then back to her.

  “Everything is fine. I’m just lost in my own thoughts.” She hoped her smile looked sincere.

  There was a bout of awkward silence before he spoke. “I find myself also…lost in my thoughts.” He cleared his throat again. “I hope you like the restaurant.”

  “I’m sure I will. I’ve heard great reviews.”

  They drove for another twenty minutes before the lights of Asterwall, a town even smaller than Stone Brooke, came into view. Adrik slowed once in the city limits and took the small streets with care as he navigated the beast of a vehicle toward the very posh restaurant.

  He pulled into the parking lot and parked in front of the covered porch. A skinny man walked quickly over to Kayla’s side. His red valet jacket was tight and neatly pressed. Opening the door, he held his hand out for her. She climbed out of the vehicle and smoothed her hand down her dress. Adrik held his arm out for her, and she eagerly slipped her hand into the warm crook. Another young man stood by the entrance and opened the door for them.

  A small podium was set up right inside the entrance, a balding man standing behind it wearing a toothy grin. “Bonsoir, Monsieur Draykavich, table pour deux?”

  “Oui, je vous remercie.”

  Stunned when Adrik spoke French with the maître d’, she glanced between the two of them. They were escorted to a secluded table overlooking a lake. The chair was pulled out for her, and she thanked the man.

  “Wow, impressive.”

  He looked up from the menu and raised an eyebrow. “Really? Why’s that?”

  Shrugging, she waited until the waiter showed Adrik a bottle of wine. He nodded and took the offered glass, going through the motions of smelling and tasting the sample. Adrik nodded to the waiter, and both of them were handed glasses filled with ruby-
red liquid.

  She took a sip of the wine, the sweet taste of it slipping down her throat and teasing her senses. “You take me to this posh French restaurant and even speak the language. I’m impressed.”

  Setting the glass down, Kayla looked at him. She noticed a light pink tinting his cheeks and couldn’t help but smile.

  “Did I embarrass you, Adrik?” Laughing, she reached across the table and set her hand atop his. She instantly regretted doing it.

  She only meant for the act to calm his embarrassment, but for her, it was doing quite the opposite. That simple touch warmed her to the point that she felt her cream slip out of her pussy. Her skin grew tight, and her cells felt alive. Quickly withdrawing her hand, she grabbed her wineglass and downed a healthy dose. Great job keeping your emotions in check.

  “I’m really glad we’re having dinner.” She stuttered out her words and felt herself flush. There was a stunted moment of silence, and she felt the awkwardness increase.


  Swallowing, she glanced up at him, his deep voice almost commanding. The sound of it always made her feel weak and breathless. Was that yearning reflected in his eyes? It seemed like it, but Kayla wasn’t about to explore that, not when the possibility of her being wrong weighed on her.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  His voice, so calm, soft, it made her want to relax, made her want to push away her girly ideas of what they could have had, of what she still wanted. It wasn’t fair to either one of them.

  “Yes, I am.”

  The waiter cleared away their empty plates, and Kayla wiped her mouth, her belly full and satisfied. “That was incredible. Thank you for taking me out.”

  The corner of his mouth tilted in a small smile. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Would you care for dessert?”


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