Testimony of the Blessed

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Testimony of the Blessed Page 3

by K. G. Reuss

  “I’ll let Lance and Zach know,” Jess stated, whipping her phone out.

  We started walking again, Jess trailing behind us as she gabbed away on her phone.

  “Let me take that for you.” Brax snatched my bag off my shoulder before I could say anything, taking me by surprise. He shot me a sweet smile that nearly melted my heart, making me forget about how overbearing he’d been in lab earlier in the day.

  “Is this your car?” Jess squealed as we stopped in front of a shiny, red sportscar.

  “Yes, do you like it?” he replied, his eyes glued to me. His expression was hard to read. It was almost like he was trying hard to suppress a smile, yet he was so serious.

  “It’s awesome!” Jess gushed. “Isn’t it awesome, Maggie?” Of course, she’d think a car was awesome. I was more interested in the enigmatic man in front of me. He was a strange one with his blue eyes and handsome face that gave away nothing. I didn’t know how to take him. On one hand, he made me extremely nervous. On the other hand, there was something about him that made me want to sit for hours and pick his brain, learning everything about him.

  “It’s pretty,” I answered softly, lost in my thoughts. I caught his eye for a moment, and it made heat flood my body again.

  “I’d love to give you a ride,” he continued, his eyes glued to me.

  Oh my God.

  He was full of innuendos. Or maybe I was overanalyzing things like I typically did. Regardless, I felt the redness seep into my cheeks, betraying me. He chuckled softly and opened the passenger door for me. I hesitated, chewing my bottom lip in contemplation.

  What if he kills us? What if he drives too fast? What if Alan finds out?

  “Hop in,” his deep voice was in my ear, his body brushing against mine ever so slightly causing my heart to hammer painfully in my chest. He was drawing me in, making me second guess myself. He was a bad boy with bad ideas, and I was a broken girl with a good heart. I knew the sort of guy he was. Yet, I couldn’t say no. He knew it as he gazed back at me with those impossibly blue eyes. Without knowing a thing about me, he knew that. Together, we’d be a dangerous pair. One simple word—yes—could destroy worlds. I wanted to catch a glimpse of his world, if only for a moment. He seemed so carefree. But so serious. It was like he was the devil on my shoulder while my angel was tied up and gagged somewhere. And I knew climbing into that car with him wasn’t the worst thing I could do with him.

  I blushed again at the thought.

  He’s not interested. Jess has more to offer him than I do! I’ve never even kissed a guy!

  I silently scolded myself.

  Just get in the car!

  I got into the car, opting to take the front seat, so that when he killed us, I could see how I died. His eyes lit up as his full lips tipped up into a smile. He must have thought I was going to bail. I smiled inwardly, pleased that I’d made him smile.

  Jess clamored into the backseat, bending over in front of him more than need be. And yet, his eyes stayed fixed on me. It was like he thought if he looked away, I might disappear. He walked around to the driver’s side and got in.

  I wish I could disappear.

  My head was snapped back, the thought leaving my mind as he revved the engine and squealed out of the parking lot.

  Oh, he really is going to kill us!

  I balled my hands into fists as we sped through town, taking turns way too fast and barely making it through the yellow lights. If I had a death wish, this was definitely the vehicle to be in.

  “Scared?” his voice was low and gravelly.

  “Only a little,” I managed to whisper as he whipped the car in and out of traffic. I was surprised when he slowed the car down to the speed limit.


  I nodded wordlessly, too afraid to talk because my body was still reeling from my near- death experience.

  “So, what kind of music do you like?” he asked.

  “Anything, really,” I whispered, trying to relax. He flipped through his radio quickly, and before long, the sounds of heavy metal blared out. It wasn’t my typical music, but it wasn’t bad. It was different, intense. It reminded me of him. I relaxed a little more as he continued to drive slowly and let my fingers tap out a rhythm on my thigh.

  Brax shifted in his seat, and I thought he was going to say something else to me, but Jess cut in with her complaining about his music. She was always complaining about something.

  I reached forward and turned the radio up, so I wouldn’t have to listen to her. If she wasn’t the center of attention, then she was in a bad mood.

  “Nice,” Brax chuckled. I smiled a little and went back to listening to the music. When we arrived at Rue’s, Brax wheeled the car into a parking spot. Lance was by my side immediately, opening my door and offering me his hand.

  Zach and Brax started talking about his car. I noticed that Jess had lost no time in pushing her way into their conversation and had even managed to thread her arm around Brax’s, making sure to clearly put herself in a position that stated she was laying claim to him. He caught my eye and gave me a wink. Heat filled my cheeks again. Somehow, he had that effect on me whenever he looked at me. Or talked to me.

  Get it together! I look like an idiot!

  “How were tryouts?” Lance asked, pulling my attention away from Brax.

  “Good,” I answered. “I’m surprised I made it.”

  “I’m not.” He smiled at me. “You’re amazing at pretty much everything you do.”

  “Thanks,” I replied bashfully. “I just wish I didn’t have to do it, you know?”

  “I know,” he said, frowning at me. I hated that. The sympathy. I didn’t want anyone wasting their time worrying about me. I slid into the booth beside him and was surprised when Brax sat beside me. He was so close to me that his arm brushed against mine when he moved. It sent a thrill of goosebumps through my body.

  “Congrats on making the team,” Zach announced after we’d ordered our drinks.

  “Thanks, man,” Brax flashed him a smile. “Congratulate Maggie on making the squad. I didn’t get to see her tryout, but I bet it was amazing.”

  I knew that Brax was irritating Lance. Lance shifted beside me and let out a derisive snort. It was so soft that no one else could hear it. It was obvious to me he didn’t like Brax, but Lance was polite and tried to keep it to himself, which I appreciated. I just wanted everyone to get along. I figured Brax was just impeding on Lance’s territory at school. That sort of thing would make anyone uncomfortable. They were going to be rivals. That much was certain. I worried that at some point Lance would let his irritation get the better of him and lash out. I prayed I wasn’t around when it happened. Confrontation wasn’t something I was good at. I tried to avoid it at all costs.

  “Congrats, Maggie. I didn’t think you’d do it, but now that you have, we’re going to have an awesome time on the bus ride to the games.” Zach said. I replied with a small smile of gratitude.

  “You know, sometimes the girls get into the back with the players and fool around. Right, Lance?” Zach was treading in dangerous waters, bringing that confrontation bit I was worried about right to the surface.

  “Shut up,” Lance snapped, bristling beside me.

  “Wait, what? What are you talking about?” Brax innocently took the bait and pushed the subject.

  They all launched into a story about how Lance had made out with Brittany Collins in the back of the bus one night. I knew he was embarrassed about it just by the fidgeting he was doing beside me.

  “Jess,” Lance warned. She smiled broadly at him as she continued on with the story. Lance shot me a helpless look. He’d told me nothing had happened with Brittany. I’d asked because they’d seemed familiar with one another. It didn’t really matter much to me what he did or who he did it with since we’d only talked about being together and had never officially decided on it. I frowned. I guess he’d lied to me. And that wasn’t okay. I should’ve known though. Brittany was with whoever breathed t
oo close to her. It still stung that he’d hidden it from me, even when I’d asked him. We were friends, and I thought we were pretty open with one another.

  “Britney Collins. That’s all I’m saying,” Zach pushed on, grinning. Jess rolled her eyes. I caught the look on Lance’s face. He was mad. Madder than I’d ever seen him. I let my mind wander, purposely ignoring their words. I didn’t want to hear it.

  “Screw you guys,” Lance snapped, the anger apparent in his voice. The way he snapped gave me a big shove out of my blissful ignorance.

  This was awkward. I wanted to get up and leave, but I was sandwiched between the two guys. Brax shifted closer to me making it even more uncomfortable. I was a little upset at Lance for lying to me to start with. Feeling overwhelmed, I continued to try to block out the conversation.

  “So, you had sex with Brittany Collins?” Brax pushed.

  Oh, God. Please say no! Please say no!

  I swallowed hard, not wanting to know. If he really did, then the lie would be confirmed. I looked down at my hands, hoping I’d just lose my hearing for a moment so I wouldn’t have to know the truth. The thing was, Lance and I had talked about trying to be more than friends. It was an idea that appealed to me. He’d always been so sweet, caring, and honest. If this thing with Brittany was true, it would devastate me.

  “No, they just fooled around,” Jess jumped in, her lips turned down into a deep frown. My breath rushed out in relief. It was only temporary though because the next words out of her mouth were a punch to the stomach. “The sex didn’t happen until Andrew’s party the next night.”

  He really did lie to me.

  “I made a mistake,” Lance snapped. Lowering his voice, he focused his hazel eyes on me. “It didn’t mean anything.”

  He didn’t need to explain anything to me. We weren’t together. But it sure hurt to hear the truth despite the fact. I couldn’t even look at him right then.

  I gave him the best smile I could muster and tucked a piece of hair nervously behind my ear. I couldn’t do this with him. Especially now. I needed to distract myself.

  “So where are you from?” I turned to Brax bravely. Beside me, Lance got up and left. I knew he felt bad. And he should. It hadn’t been all that long ago that we sat on the swings at the park talking about everyone we’d—well he’d—been with. My list was standing at a big fat zero. His wasn’t extensive, or at least I hadn’t thought so at the time. Now I was beginning to think maybe he was just too embarrassed about it and that was why he didn’t tell me everything. He didn’t want me to judge him. He should’ve known me better than that. I wasn’t really the judgmental type. God knows I had a lot of skeletons in my own closet.

  “L.A.,” Brax answered, his blue eyes fixed intently on me. It felt like he was staring right into the depths of my soul. I wondered if he could see the cracked pieces. I didn’t want to look weak, so I held his gaze, letting him know I could handle anything he said or did, and I wouldn’t be bowled over by his intensity. He was the kind of guy who was used to getting his way. I could tell just by looking at him that he took what he wanted. Well… I knew he wanted to intimidate me. I wasn’t going to allow it, at least outwardly. Inside, I could freak out silently. I’d slipped in lab, but now I had his number.

  “Why did you move here?” I asked, hoping I didn’t sound nervous.

  “I felt like it.”

  “You felt like it? What about your parents?” I felt like he was playing the role of a tough guy. It wasn’t very appealing, and I wasn’t impressed.

  “I live alone. My parents are dead,” he said it smoothly, like he was talking about the weather, but I saw something flash in his blue eyes, something that looked like sadness. It was swift, though, so I couldn’t be sure. Now, I felt like a complete jerk. I’d misread him. He wasn’t being a jerk. He was suffering.

  Nice job, Maggie!

  I was just about to apologize when Jess broke in, gushing her remorse for him, using his turmoil as an excuse to paw at him. I knew what sort of comfort she wanted to offer him. A bitterness washed over me as I watched her. Or maybe it was jealousy.

  Don’t be jealous. He’s so out of your league. If he knew you, he’d be disgusted by you. Say you’re sorry. Be done with it!

  “They were murdered,” Brax continued, ignoring Jess, his attention on me instead. Great. Now I doubly felt like a jerk.

  “I’m sorry,” I managed to say, truly meaning it.

  “Don’t be. It was a long time ago,” he replied softly, a sad smile marring his lips.

  “Still… I’m sorry.” I made to reach out to him, to offer him comfort, but thought better of it. I didn’t want him to think I was like Jess.

  “You girls have no tact,” Zach broke in with a laugh, instantly lightening the mood. Brax’s mouth broke into a grin.

  “It’s OK, Zach,” Brax winked at me. “Maybe Maggie can make it up to me later.”

  “I-I could help you with your homework,” I answered, feeling faint. Was I going to have to do his homework for making him feel bad? As if I didn’t have enough on my plate already.“I bet you could help me with a lot of things,” his voice grew low and husky, his fingers now on my skin, skimming along my jawline. His touch sent an electric current through me. He made me breathless. Made me lost. Found. Dizzy. I had to gain control of the situation. Falling for him would be like falling from Heaven, an endless trip that could only end one way. He was a bad boy, the kind my daddy—my real dad—had warned me about.

  “I bet I could too,” I managed to get my thoughts together.

  “How so?” he asked softly. It was like it was just us in the room, our words bouncing off one another, testing, teasing.

  “Do you go to church?” I asked the only thing I could think of that could save the conversation and give me a bit of control back.

  “Wha-church?” He looked like he was going to throw up at the very thought. “No, I definitely don’t do that.”

  I was gaining footing. “Well, you should. With a mouth like yours, I think it could really teach you a few things.”

  Like how to not take my breath away with just one smoldering look.

  I smiled sweetly at him, hoping to get my point across.

  “I was thinking more like you, me, a bottle of wine, maybe your bedroom,” he came back quickly, turning the tables on me. I was useless in this game. I think he knew it before I did, though. He was a pro. And I, Maggie Westbrook, was so out of my element with him. I flushed a deep crimson color, feeling the heat burn my skin. I looked away, hoping he wouldn’t pursue the subject because I had no more ammunition. My blush was my white flag.

  “What did I miss?” Lance asked, coming back to the table. Zach filled him in quickly. I watched as Lance’s jaw clenched and unclenched at the news of our conversation.

  “You asked Maggie to have sex with you?” Lance growled.

  “No, not in so many words,” Brax shrugged, indifferent. He wasn’t intimidated by anything. I admired that. I couldn’t even speak without worrying that people were judging me. “Besides, like I said, Maggie is too good for a bad boy like me. She’s not interested, right Maggie?” He winked at me again. His confidence was disarming. I suppressed a smile, allowing myself a moment to wonder what it would be like to be on the arm of someone like Brax Shepherd. Or to kiss someone like him.

  He smiled knowingly at me, making me think he could see all my thoughts.

  “Knock it off,” Jess huffed. She was mad. She always got that way whenever someone talked to me. I hated it. It was another one of the reasons I tried to remain quiet, especially around her. She made me feel like I was doing something wrong all the time.

  “What are you doing Friday night?” Brax asked, his eyes moving over to her. I watched as they briefly traveled up her body. Of course. She was beautiful. Guys always wanted her. And she always gave them what they wanted.

  “Maybe you,” she was quick to reply, making my heart sink. Something within me made my stomach twist into knots.
br />   Not her. Please, don’t pick her. She’s not good enough for you!

  “Whoa-ho!” Zach laughed. “Nice. You’re going to have to teach me how you sweet talk all these chicks, Brax. Jess turns me down more than Maggie ignores Lance!”

  I grimaced at his words and glanced at Lance who was glaring at Brax as he laughed loudly with Zach. I knew how mine and Lance’s relationship looked. I’d always wanted to try being with him, but I was afraid. I didn’t want him to know my demons. I worried he’d be disgusted by me. And I couldn’t lose him.

  Thankfully, the food came, and everyone fell into happy conversation. I relaxed, forgetting for a moment that I was a broken girl who had an abusive stepfather at home. I forgot I was in for a night of punishment like most nights. I forgot my mom was drunk most of the time and didn’t try to help me fight off Alan. I forgot my dad left me to fend for myself against a monster. At the moment, I was just a girl sitting with her friends.

  The buzzing of my phone brought me slamming back to reality. I paled when I looked down at the number.


  It was just after six! He wasn’t even supposed to be home until after eight. With shaking hands, I answered.

  “Where the hell are you?” he hissed into the phone the moment I answered.

  “I’m just having dinner with some friends,” I rushed out breathlessly, my heart beating madly in my chest.

  I’m in so much trouble!

  “I want you here, Magdalena. You know I like you home when your mother is away. Tonight is her girls’ night. There’s no dinner on the table, and nothing has been done around this house. You don’t want to upset me, do you, Maggie? You know what happens when you do.”

  I swallowed hard and hurriedly blinked back the tears.

  “OK. I’ll be there in a minute.” I hung up quickly. I needed to get home. The longer I was away, the worse the punishment.

  “Something wrong?” Brax’s voice was low, his eyes raking over my face. I had to get home. Maybe he’d give me a ride home. If I asked Lance, he’d ask too many questions. I didn’t want to ruin his evening, either. Not that I wanted to ruin Brax’s. I just knew Brax probably didn’t really care about my home life like Lance did.


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