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Passion of a Witch: A Wicked Series - Book 1

Page 13

by K. D. Friedrich

  “Jesus Christ, all right already,” he shouted. He swung the door open.

  Not bothering with formalities, his father pushed his way in. Pete followed at Maxwell's heels like an obedient dog should. Kian rolled his eyes. His father never went anywhere without his muscled sidekick.

  “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been leaving messages and you haven’t called me back.” He flashed a look of disgust at Kian. “You look like hell, and where are all the damn servants?”

  “I’ve been busy.” He grabbed his T-shirt hanging on his chair. “We haven’t had a servant here in years. I’m healthy enough to answer my own damn door, clean my own damn mess, and cook my own damn food.” The last one was a lie… well, so was the crack about cleaning, but whatever.

  “Yes, I see how well you clean. This place looks like a pigsty.” Maxwell lifted a dirty, encrusted dish and dropped it back to the table as if contaminated. “Where the fuck did you come from? Sometimes I doubt you’re even my son.”

  “If only.” The words slipped free with ease.

  His father threw Kian a scowl. “So, should I guess why you haven’t returned my calls? Hanging out with your loser friends, or is a new one keeping you busy?” Maxwell glanced at Pete with a sneer. “A very pretty new friend I hear.”

  Kian clenched his fists at his sides. He wanted nothing more than to spin his father around and kick him and his goon right out the damn door, but he held his temper. A forced exit might further aggravate his dad’s suspicions. “I don’t know what you're talking about, Max.”

  “Stop with the goddamned name,” his father snapped. He pointed at Kian. “You know what I'm talking about. You're mixing business with pleasure, and hey, I'm all for a quick roll in the hay as long as you know where your loyalty stands.”

  Kian had to laugh. “That's the question, isn't it, Dad? Who possesses my loyalty? Hmm… we can sure as hell rule you out. I have no loyalty to a selfish son of a bitch like you.”

  His father burst out in a fit of laughter. “Oh, son, you are more like me than you know.” The comment caused a wave of nausea to hit Kian hard. He was nothing like his father. “I know how you feel about me, and I know how you feel about your mother, sweet, kind Lorena. You'll do anything to keep her comfortable and taken care of, but what I didn't know, until yesterday afternoon, was how you desire a certain hot little piece of forest ass you’ve been running around with.” Kian’s entire body tensed. “Pete's been doing some investigating for me around town. Why didn't you tell me you're playing the double agent?”

  Kian turned his eyes on Pete. Pete's smile grew wide. His gaze stayed on Kian as he spoke. “She's hot all right, Mr. Lancaster. In fact, some might say she put a spell on me.” Pete winked.

  Kian froze. Did Pete know? Impossible. How would he know about Summer and her family? Witches were a secret to humans. Yet, the I-know-all-about-it light in Pete's eyes continued to shine. Fuck. Unless Pete was a…

  Kian cracked his neck, fighting the headache scrapping across the inside of his skull and the fear building inside him. “There's nothing to tell. I did some checking around too. Those people aren't going to hand over their property. Their family has owned that land for a few hundred years and they plan to live there a few hundred more. End of story.”

  “I sense some affection for the country trash you're screwing.”

  Holding his anger at his father's insults was nearly impossible, but he kept it at bay. “I told you, I have nothing to do with them. I tried to talk to the girl who lives there to get some info like you ordered, but she blew me off. There's no getting into their circle. They keep to themselves and let no outsiders in.”

  Maxwell sneered, unaffected by his son's lies. “I can see the draw. I met your mother in the woods and she gave me the best ride of my life. You know, these country girls are so easily manipulated. Maybe I'll pay the girl a visit, see if I can't fuck the land out from under her—”

  Kian leapt at his father, but Pete blocked his way. “You fucking touch her and—”

  Maxwell laughed. “And you will do nothing.” His father's smile disappeared. He stalked toward Kian, stopping a few inches from him. “You don't want to fuck with me.”

  Hatred for his father ran deep. “And why's that, Dad?”

  The grin his father flashed made Kian blood run cold. “How is sweet Lenora doing, son?”

  Kian tried to stop himself from shaking with fury. “She's fine.”

  “Good. It's nice to see all my money is put to good use, but it would be tragic if the money got cut off. Wouldn't it, Pete?”

  “Yeah, a real shame, Mr. Lancaster,” Pete agreed. “A fucking tragedy.”

  “I'd hate to see what would happen to your mother if she failed to get her treatments or rest her head at the fancy country club hospital she's staying in with my money.”

  Kian scowled. “Get to the point, Max.”

  His father leaned in next to Kian's ear. The closer he drew, the more the walls closed in around Kian. “You will get the info I need to destroy those hicks, or dear sweet Mom will have to waste away at county general with all the other schmucks.” Maxwell took a step back. “All I want is some info. Nothing more. Pete will take care of the rest.” His father turned to leave. Of course, Pete followed like a fucking dog. “The clocks ticking, son, for you and your mother.”


  Summer waited to hear the roar of his bike shatter the tranquil setting of the forest, but the days and nights remained silent, a bitter, empty silence she couldn't escape.

  Perhaps their night in the grove meant nothing to him. Perhaps her lack of experience shattered his interest. She may have been an untried virgin, but Kian was not. She knew he had other women, many others, judging by his skill and how well he played her body.

  She considered calling him on the phone he gifted her, but she refused. If he didn't want her, then why weaken herself further by begging for his company. Besides, it was for the best anyway. Her parents would be home soon and this fantasy would need to end.

  I'm a fool, a pathetic, ridiculous fool. He found his pleasure and moved on, like the rogues in her mother's romance novels, and she, like the women, pinned after him with the same mentality of an idealistic child.

  As the sun set in the sky, she lost hope he'd come back. Dusk slipped into night and she lay wide awake.

  Why did he disappear from her life? She frowned.

  Why should his absence matter now, when she was fine without him before?

  Because you never knew how empty your life was until Kian filled it with his wicked smile and undeniable charm. The same questions and doubts collided in her dreams throughout the night.

  When day broke over the horizon on the next morning, she opened her weary eyes and thought of Kian.

  She had an hour's worth of sleep. Her dry, burning eyes glanced at the sun streaming in the window at the exact moment a roar of an engine shook the house.

  No longer tired, she sprang from the bed. Rummaging through her closet, she snatched her favorite dress from the hanger, yanked it over her head, and took a deep breath, hoping to calm her racing heart. The soft cloth clung to her curves in all the right places, emphasizing her femininity and sensual appeal. She twirled, checking out herself in the mirror.

  She ran past Winter in the living room, sparing one last glance at her reflection. She giggled and bit her lip.

  “Who are you, and what have you done with my sister?” Winter had her arms crossed over her chest. She looked so much like their mother.

  “Oh hush.” Summer burst out of the house. The sound of his bike echoed throughout the forest.

  She didn't run straight to him. Instead, she took off toward the grove. Let him come to me.

  She offered him far too many liberties already. Instead, she'd wait for him by the lake, mere feet from where they shared their first kiss, where her body exploded with pleasure.

  She shivered from the vivid memories flooding her mind. A thousand years wouldn't erase t
hose images. He branded her forever with his strong lips and talented hands. No amount of lovers would ever compare to him.

  You are to be married, you fool. What happened was a mistake. You can't let him continue to seduce you. The sensible side of her conscience tried to convince her foolish heart to forget him. Those self-defeating thoughts did little to change her mind or cool the fires burning within her.

  His power drew closer, his magic familiar and comforting. She turned her gaze from the trail where he would enter. If she didn't, she'd run straight into his arms. She missed him more than she cared to admit.

  “I knew I'd find you here.”

  With her back to him, she trembled at the deep intonation shattering the quiet grove. No matter how many years apart, she would not forget the sweet sound.

  She wrapped her arms around herself.

  Oh, she wasn't cold. She burned hot.

  She closed her eyes, not ready to face him and unable to hide the lust building within her. One glance in her eyes and he'd see. She smoldered with uncontrollable desire, as if she’d suffered a lifetime of longing, waiting to hear his voice and feel his touch, and now here he stood.

  Not ready to reveal her weakness for him, she didn't dare look into his eyes. He'd see her desire for his body and his heart.

  She strolled along the lake's edge, keeping her focus on anything but him. “Where else would I be? All witches seek comfort in nature.”

  She lifted her gaze when she heard the shuffle of leather. The sight of him robbed the air from her lungs. Tight denim jeans encased his powerful hips and thick thighs. He had on black leather boots. Wrapping around his wide chest, his snug T-shirt read Live to Ride. Cut off sleeves exposed those huge tattooed biceps. Fingerless gloves covered his strong hands. His dark gaze remained glued to her while she appraised him.

  “What happens if a witch doesn't have something like this?” he asked as he pulled off his gloves.

  She strolled closer to him. “He will fail to thrive. Most witches choose to live surround by nature for a reason. Even those in urban settings have a meticulous garden in order to recharge, but they will never be as powerful as they are among untouched nature.” She lifted her arms and closed her eyes. “Can't you sense it, Kian? Life pulsates in this place. It seeps from every corner. It reaches out and soaks through your skin until it becomes a part of you.”

  All of a sudden, his heat surrounded her. She opened her eyes to find him right in front of her. She stumbled back, her instincts screaming for her to put some immediate space between them. The determination in his gaze told her he’d refuse to let her go.

  She lifted her hand. “Kian—”

  “All I want is to hold you.”

  “Why do you tempt me like no other?”

  He grinned. “I tempt you? Well, it's only fair, baby, because you entice me at every turn. Do you want me to leave, Summer? If it's what you want, I'll go.”

  Summer dropped her gaze to the soft grass. “No,” she whispered.

  “What do you want?”

  She avoided his eyes. “I want us to be… friends.” She knew the words were a lie. Once she married Malcolm, she'd have to give Kian up. No male, witch or not, would allow his mate to share the company of another male, in particular, one so attractive and seductive.

  He smirked. “Friends… right.”

  She twisted out of his grasp and hurried to the center of the grove. She plopped on the ground and patted the grass beside her. “Let's talk.”

  He lifted his brow. “Talk… sure, let's talk, because talking is so much better than what I was thinking.”

  She blushed. “There is something to be said for intimate conversation, Kian. Anyone can touch a body, but it takes far more to touch one's mind, to learn their wishes and dreams.”

  He shook his head as he moved toward her. “Okay, Summer, let's talk.” He lowered himself beside her.

  Men avoided conversation like the plague. She suggested they talk to sidestep her building desire. Goddess be, I didn't expect him to agree. “Tell me your greatest dream.”

  He tossed her a sideways glace. “You go first. Tell me, what does a beautiful witch like you wish for?”

  “Well…” Her mind went blank.

  Her hesitation caused him to scoot closer, bringing his knee against her outer thigh. She gulped. “Don't be shy now.” He offered her a warm smile.

  What was I thinking? Conversation didn't cool her need of him; she wanted him even more. “Okay, I have always wished to travel to the land of my ancestors.”

  “And where's that?”

  “Scotland.” She sighed. “I'd love to stroll along the bright green hills surrounded by the scent of the ocean. To walk within the forests of the Fae, feeling the ancient power welcome me home would be a dream come true.”

  “Fae? As in fairies?”

  She nodded. “Fairies are family to the Gods and Goddesses. They control most of the forests in Scotland. Fae and witches are at peace. Our love of nature has created a kinship with the Fae.”

  “Fairies and shifters… Jesus, what else is out there? I'm shocked humans don't know about any of this.”

  Summer had to chuckle. “Are you shocked? History has proven the atrocities the supernatural kind suffers if we dare expose ourselves to humans. Remember a little thing called the Salem Witch Trials?” She frowned. “We have learned to protect ourselves. There are laws we must follow to assure this.”

  “Why did you tell me? I mean, you didn't know I was part witch at the time. You could have gotten in trouble.”

  “The Goddess decreed it. Not many witches second guess her authority.”

  “So the Goddess forced your confession.”

  She turned away to hide her blush. “Enough about me. Now it is your turn to share.”

  “It's stupid.” Kian played with a blade of grass between his fingers.

  “Nonsense. To not have a dream would be stupid.”

  “Okay, since I was a little kid, I loved working on cars and bikes. I used to take motors apart and put them back together again by memory. I look at an engine and think: what could I do to make this thing run better? Mechanics came natural to me. You put a blown motor in front of me and I'll get it to run. I'd work on it all day and night to prove my claim. It's the one thing I'm good at. If I could, I'd open a shop. I'd spend every day turning wrecks into gold.”

  “What would you name this shop?”

  He shrugged. “I don't know. I never let my dreams get that far.”

  “Why not?”

  “You and I aren't any different, Summer. We're both forced into a life by our family's expectations.”

  “Your mother seemed very nice, Kian. I can't believe she would—”

  “Not my mom. My dad is the bastard in this tale.”

  “But I'm sure he'd—”

  “My father would sell my soul to the highest bidder if it would suit him,” Kian snapped. “He's the king of manipulation.” The air grew thick around him, making the need to comfort him overwhelming.

  “I'm sorry, Kian.” Summer reached for him. The second her fingertip brushed his skin, a jolt of power shot through her. She flew back and landed a foot away, flat on her spine.

  “Holy shit, Summer.” He jumped up, rushed over to her, and landed on his knees beside her. “Are you okay? What the hell happened?”

  Summer laughed. His gifts had welcomed her without prompting. His power had grown stronger. She leaned up on her elbows. “You are coming into your magic, Kian. Goddess, it's wonderful.”

  “Jesus, I could have hurt you.”

  “I'm fine. It's not the first time I've been hit with a witch's surge.” She cupped his cheeks. “Your powers are surfacing. We created a breach. We cracked through your mother's spell. It gives us hope, Kian. Hope you'll be able to claim your magic.”

  “It gives us hope, huh?”

  She frowned. Her hands fell away from his face. “I… of course, you know I wish for you to… I mean—”

; “Don't sweat it. Just because you have to marry some douchebag doesn't mean you can't wish a friend well. We are friends, right?”

  “Yes, of course we're friends.” She scratched her chin. “Perhaps emotion is a catalyst for you. You were angry a moment ago. Sometimes with younger witches their emotions can cause accidents. All they need is direction. We can work on some conjuring if you wish.”

  He leaned closer. “Controlling my emotions might be difficult if I have to spend the entire afternoon an arm's length away from you. Maybe if you give me a little something to tide me over… like, say, a kiss.”

  Goddess help her, she wanted to taste those lips again. By some miracle, she found the strength to resist him. “You know I cannot. I can offer you friendship, nothing more.” She averted his gaze. One glance and he'd see the desire hidden behind her eyes.

  “Look at me, Summer.”

  She shook her head. “Please, Kian.”

  The need to follow his soft command tugged like a relentless urge, testing her, weakening her will. He made her question all she knew, all she believed. She closed her eyes. His presence thickened the air around her.

  A finger slid beneath her chin. With a gentle nudge, Kian gave her no choice but to open her eyes and look at him. He made her face the truth. Although tragic and undeniable, her reality was simple. For as long as she kept him in her life, she'd want him. She'd never be able to deny him, not when he spoke to her so sweetly. Not when his strong, skillful hands branded her soul with absolute certainty. Not when each moment she spent with him made her affection bloom fuller than the plushest rose.

  “You're beautiful.” He moved closer. “I need. One. Little. Taste.”

  A single kiss. Would it be so bad?

  A sudden violent flash of her parents’ disappointing expression hit like a bucket of ice water. This had gone too far.

  “No,” she exclaimed. With a flick of her magic, she escaped his lips. She ended up a few feet away, exhausted. Teleportation had never come easy to Summer. Each attempt drained her.

  He growled at her rejection. “Well, let's get to work. Lord knows I need some way to vent my frustration before I do something we'll both regret.”


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