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Hard As Ice (Fortis Series 1)

Page 7

by Raven Scott

  “That’s great.”

  Evan nodded, though he seemed a little embarrassed by his passionate declaration.

  “Come, let’s go for a walk,” he suggested.

  Chapter 6

  Within a few minutes, the check was paid and Evan was helping Nia into her trench coat. It was almost eight o’clock and the air outside had chilled a bit as the sun was starting to set. Without thought, he laced his fingers through hers and started a leisurely stroll down the busy downtown street.

  Evan was familiar with the neighborhood, and remembered a small café a few blocks down the way. It seemed like a good spot to sit for a bit and have coffee, maybe share a dessert. As they continued walking in silence, he studied their dinner conversation in his head, trying to determine his next move. It was uncomfortable to realize that the evening was feeling less and less like an assignment.

  Damn, she was gorgeous. That dress was made for her body, teasing him to unzip the back like a candy wrapper. Even now, side by side in silence, he felt her energy. The touch of their skin created a low hum of arousal at the base of his spine, messing with his breathing. As though testing him, Nia brushed her thumb along his wrist and his traitorous cock twitched.

  But that was chemistry, biology, male instinct. Evan knew it was a complication that could work to his advantage on the case if he was smart about it. It wasn’t the real problem.

  Evan looked over at her profile, noting she was deep in thought. He wondered what she was mulling over. Their conversation? Or the investigation at work? He immediately wanted to say something funny, to see that wicked smile return to her lips. Watch the lights sparkle in those sexy, feline eyes.

  He liked her. That was the problem, and it was ridiculously unprofessional. Everything they knew so far about the burglary pointed to her as an inside man. And the circumstantial evidence was mounting by the day. There was nothing about her he should like.

  “Coffee?” he suggested as they approached the café.

  “Sure,” Nia replied.

  He opened the door for her. It was a quaint Brazilian shop. Evan made a habit of finding similar spots in almost every city he visited. With his ancestral roots in a coffee plantation, it was an indulgence from his upbringing that he never gave up.

  At the counter, he ordered an espresso, and Nia asked for a latte. Evan then talked her into trying a small chocolate cake ball called a brigadeiro. They took a seat near the window with a view of the street. Samba music played softly in the background.

  “This is a nice place,” she noted as they enjoyed their purchases.

  “Yeah, I found it the last time I was in town,” Evan replied.

  “Are you in Boston often?”

  “A few times over the last year. Not much prior to that. We have a few partners and subcontractor firms based here.”

  “How long are you here for this visit?”

  He knew what she was asking. How long would this thing between them likely last. Evan couldn’t tell what answer she was hoping for. His instincts said she wasn’t really looking for a long-term commitment, from him or any other man. He wondered why a gorgeous, sensual woman would choose to be unattached.

  “That depends,” he replied cryptically.

  “On?” probed Nia.

  “On you.”


  Evan smiled. She was always so direct. He liked it.

  “I think you know why, Nia. You intrigue me, and I enjoy your company. I want to see if there is anything more between us.”

  Her eyes never wavered from his, but he could see her mind working.

  “I’m not going to sleep with you,” she finally stated, calmly sipping her coffee.

  He laughed.

  “This isn’t really the appropriate time or place, Ms. James, but I’m glad you’re thinking about it.”

  She glared at him, but he could tell there was a smile struggling to break free.

  “I mean, I’m not looking for a casual thing right now,” she clarified.

  “Good. Neither am I. What are you looking for?” Evan quizzed.

  Nia looked away, clearly surprised by his response.

  “I don’t know,” she finally replied.

  “Okay. Let me know when you’ve decided. In the meantime, I’d like to continue seeing you. Whether you sleep with me or not,” he told her. “I don’t think we’d do much sleeping anyway.”

  That did make her chuckle, a warm, bubbly sound that did funny things to the area behind his ribcage. Shit, he was in trouble.

  They stayed at the café for another half-hour or so, chatting about Boston and the areas he had seen in his last few visits. Nia confirmed that she had always lived in the South Boston area or in nearby Dorchester since arriving in the city to attend the nearby University of Massachusetts campus.

  “Do you have family in the city?” Evan asked as they walked back to the restaurant to get the car.

  Nia shook her head.

  “Nope, just me. Most of my relatives still live in Detroit,” she explained.

  “Any siblings?” She shook her head again to say no. “Something we have in common,” he mused.

  “Yeah, I guess. But I stayed with my aunt and a bunch of cousins often. So, it didn’t feel that way growing up.”

  “Where were your parents?”

  There was a heavy pause for a few moments.

  “It’s a long story,” Nia finally stated.

  “I’d like to hear it,” Evan assured her.

  She looked up at him with a wistful smile.

  “Maybe another time.”

  He let it go. Clearly, there was something significant there, but he’d have to wait for another opportunity to uncover it. He made a mental note to have Lucas and the team dig around. Then, he immediately felt an uncomfortable pang of guilt. Christ! Becoming a civilian had completely messed with his balls.

  Once back in his car, Nia gave him directions to her apartment about ten miles outside of the downtown core. He used the time to ask her mundane questions about her life, like what she did with her free time.

  “Typical stuff, I guess,” she told him.

  “Like what?” insisted Evan. “Lacrosse? Yoga? Fishing?”

  She burst out laughing, followed by a snort. It made her laugh harder, cover her mouth with embarrassment. He found it hard to keep his eyes on the road. Evan glanced repeatedly at her with a goofy grin on his face. She was just stunning.

  “No lacrosse. I did try yoga a few times, but it’s too slow for me,” she revealed once calmed. “Kickboxing is my thing.”

  “Really,” he replied. “I can see that.”

  “You can? Why?” probed Nia, sounding suspicious.

  Evan smiled, wondering if she was girl enough to be pushing for a compliment.

  “You’re obviously very fit. Strong.”

  She looked out the window.

  “What else do you like to do?”

  “I used to fish when I was a kid, back in Michigan with my cousins. But it’s not my pastime these days,” she told him. “I like watching movies.”

  She peeked up at him as though confessing a deep, dark secret.

  “Hmmm. That sounds intriguing. What kind of movies?”

  His cheeky grin made it very clear exactly what he was thinking.

  “In your dreams,” Nia shot back. But she was smiling.


  They both laughed.

  “So, are you going to tell me what kind of movies? Or should I just go with what works for me?” he continued.

  He could feel her hesitation. It was clear she wasn’t used to revealing private things about herself.

  “All kinds, really. Big action movies for sure. Corny romantic comedies.”

  Evan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  “You’re a romantic!”

  “Not particularly, no,” she immediately rebuffed. “But movies are fantasy, escapism, right? So the idea of a soul mate, or love at first sight works on screen because
it’s not reality.”

  “You don’t believe in love?”

  “Whether it truly exists or not, it doesn’t solve everything. It’s not unconditional and ever-enduring. Not like in Pretty Woman or When a Man Loves a Woman.”

  She looked at him, waiting for Evan to respond. He thought about the unaffectionate marriage his parents had, and his failed engagement that had ended over three years ago. While he was long over the confusion and disappointment, it hadn’t encouraged a belief in ever-enduring love.

  “Don’t you agree?” Nia probed when he didn’t comment.

  He chose the easy way out.

  “You’re probably right, but a man can only dream.”

  Nia laughed out loud.

  “What?” he demanded.

  “Sorry, I just can’t see you as a dreamer.”

  He shot her a look to express how offended he was. She just shook her head, not at all swayed.

  “Okay, Ms. James. Looks like I just have to show you my soft, sensitive side.”

  She snorted again, then covered her mouth, her eyes wide with embarrassment. Evan laughed until she also burst into giggles.

  All too soon, he pulled the car into a parking spot in front of a four-floor semi-detached duplex on a residential street. He stepped out of the car to open the passenger door for her.

  “Thank you for dinner,” Nia murmured softly once she was standing in front of him.

  “You’re welcome. But I still have to get you to your door,” Evan teased.

  She looked around, almost self-consciously as though people might have been watching them.

  “That’s not necessary. I’m right there,” she countered, gesturing to her apartment.

  Evan didn’t respond. He just took her hand and started walking toward the front door.

  “What about your car? Aren’t you worried about it?” she insisted.

  He shrugged. “It’s insured. Why? This looks like a pretty nice neighborhood.”

  “It is nice. Just not that nice.”

  She unlocked the building entrance, and they both entered a small common area.

  “Okay, this is me,” she announced, stopping in front of the first-floor apartment door.

  “Do you live in the hallway?” he asked, pursing his lips.

  Nia narrowed her eyes before turning away to unbolt the lock with her key. Evan used that moment to quickly pull his iPhone out and disable the video and voice surveillance Tony had installed in her apartment the day before, using the mobile interface application. The team didn’t need to see all the details of his covert work. Then, he followed her inside the unit, closing the door behind him.

  “This is nice,” commented Evan as he looked around. He could see through the main living area to the back of the room. The space had been recently renovated into a modern, open area, but still had lots of the early twentieth-century architectural character.

  “Thanks,” mumbled Nia. She hadn’t moved more than two steps into the apartment.

  “I don’t suppose you’re inviting me to stay for a nightcap?” he couldn’t resist asking.

  “No, I’m not,” she bluntly replied.

  “Fair enough. Now that I’ve completed my gentlemanly duties and escorted you into the safety of your home, I suppose I should go,” Evan continued.

  He stepped forward, entering her personal space. Nia held firm, only lifting her chin so that she could still meet his eyes. They were so close that her soft, floral scent teased his senses.

  “Thank you for going out with me tonight,” he stated, similar to her statement when they arrived.

  Her gaze dipped to his lips, and Evan felt it like a stroke against his skin.

  His plan had been to wine and dine her, get her to see the benefits of dating him. In his experience as a covert agent, shared interests or a physical attraction was a bonus in these situations, but not essential. After all, it was an assignment, a job, a means to an end. It wasn’t personal.

  Yet, as he leaned down, anticipating the moment when his lips would meet hers, everything about Nia James felt intense, intimate, and very, very personal. His heart pounded hard and slow as time seemed suspended. Until he finally kissed her with the lightest, softest brush. It was pure electricity. Another taste, and Evan was lost in her. Gentle pecks quickly turned long and sweeping, then deep, hot, and wet. At some point, Evan cupped her face with one hand, and delved his fingers into her hair with the other.

  She was so delicious, so responsive.

  He was on autopilot, running his lips along her jawline and down her neck. Nia groaned when he nipped the taut tendon then sucked at her flesh. His arousal pulsed, threatening to bust through his zipper. His mouth was back on hers, sucking on her tongue as he slowly pulled up the narrow skirt of her dress until it was bunched around her waist.

  “Delicious,” mumbled Evan as he grasped the soft curves of her bottom in his big hands.

  “Wait,” she whispered, breaking their kiss.

  He rested his forehead against hers. The sound of their labored breathing filled the space. Evan squeezed her round flesh again, then swept one hand over the front of her panties. Her hips flexed from the touch.

  “Nia,” he breathed. His intention had been to tease her a little with a few hot kisses, maybe some innocent touches. But now, in the moment, whatever he had planned didn’t seem to matter. His hunger for her was quickly consuming him.

  He slid his middle finger along the seam of her sweet folds. She sucked in a sharp breath. Evan pressed harder, gently swiping her clit through the soft silk.

  “I want to make you come.”

  He felt her shake her head, even as her body quivered.

  “Yes,” Evan urged, brushing aside her underwear. He couldn’t remember wanting anything more.

  With patient attention, he stroked and teased her flesh until she was slick and wet. Every moan she uttered drove him nuts, urged him to give her the ultimate pleasure. Evan could feel her body tighten as she drifted closer to climax.

  “Look at me,” he demanded as he slid two fingers into her tight wetness.

  The heated arousal on her face almost unmanned him. Her hooded eyes burned with intensity, and those full red lips were pouted with abandon. Evan felt a primal need to watch her come in his arms while chanting his name. He stroked his fingers into her slick core while sliding over her clit in slow, small circles with his thumb.

  “Oh God,” groaned Nia, holding his gaze. She now clutched his shoulders.

  “Yeah,” Evan urged.

  He increased the speed, narrowed the circle, worked his fingers deeper.

  “Yes, like that . . . That’s it . . .” she stammered.

  He wanted to kiss her so badly, but was held captive by their visual link. Her beautiful face was flushed with passion. She now bit her bottom lip, attempting to suppress a litany of soft, kitteny moans. It was the sexiest sound he’d ever heard. He was throbbing with need. Damn, he wanted her.

  “Evan,” Nia whispered urgently.

  Her eyes widened with surprise and her body tightened. Then, she fell apart in his arms, her deep moans echoing around the room. Her hot sheath clenched around his thrusting fingers as her body shuttered uncontrollably. Evan read every sensation in her eyes. It was so intense, yet deeply humbling. He hardly remembered to breathe in case he missed a moment of it.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured in a deep, husky voice, stroking her slick flesh as she descended from the peak with tiny shivers.

  Finally, she closed her eyes, throwing her head back with a deep sigh. Evan lowered his head to kiss and suck on her neck. There was a strong urge to mark her skin, tag her with his brand. But he resisted. It was too crazy.

  “Well. That was unexpected,” she finally stated in a low, lazy voice.

  He smiled. She really did have a great sense of humor. But it did very little to cool his raging arousal. Only distance and time could do that.

  Evan continued to run his lips teasingly along her neck and should
ers as he slowly straightened her underwear and pulled down her dress. As much as he wanted to bury himself inside her sweetness, it wasn’t the right timing. Tonight needed to be about her. Anything else was too soon.

  “I’m not sure if that’s an insult or a compliment,” he replied quietly.

  She shrugged, refusing to stroke his ego. Evan laughed out loud, then covered her mouth in a long, deep kiss, but pulled back before he lost his head again.

  “I guess I should quit while I’m ahead. Good night, Nia,” he stated. “Sweet dreams.”

  He left through her apartment door before she could respond.

  Chapter 7

  Feeling frustrated and conflicted, Evan called Lucas on his way to the hotel from Nia’s place.

  “I’m on my way back to the control room,” he had told his friend through the Bluetooth phone connection. His tone was calm and controlled, with no hint of the sexual frustration churning in his stomach.

  “How did it go?” Lucas asked.

  “As planned, more or less. She’s pretty tight-lipped and guarded, but I made some progress in the romance,” Evan told him honestly. “Anything new on that St. Clair character?”

  “Yeah, we sent Raymond more info. They’ve been in touch, sporadically over the last three years. He has a girlfriend who he lives with in Watertown. But there is no doubt that the history between him and James goes back to Detroit,” explained Lucas. “There’s also something odd about his release from prison. His attempted murder conviction was reduced to only three years as part of a plea-bargain deal.”

  “For snitching?” asked Evan. It was common enough in prison for inmates to provide valuable info to the D.A.’s office in exchange for a reduced sentence.

  “Maybe. The team is looking into it.”

  “Anything underground on the heist?”

  “Nothing concrete, but Tony’s got a bite from an Interpol contact in New York. Don’t know if it’s connected, but I think we should send him there tomorrow to check it out.”

  “Okay, I’ll confirm with the team at our debrief,” Evan agreed. “Then we’ll need to land on a plan of attack for the weekend.”

  “What are you thinking?”


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