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Rough Daddy Dirty

Page 64

by Dick Daughters

  "You are a bag of surprises. I thought you would come on your power bike," the third man said, speaking up for the first time.

  I could distinctly make out their voices now.

  "Oh no Jake, there was no time for that." He pulled back one of the three remaining vacant seats and sat slowly.

  Jake? That's the other dude's name; the one that had been sitting with my boss before the chopper arrived. What's Mr. fancy-voice-from-the-chopper's name?

  I had my back squarely against them, but my ears were thoroughly tuned backward over their discussion, mainly when the chopper man spoke.

  "If I owned this luxury suite of yours, I would always watch the games from right here. It's a perfect view!" It was my boss Frank who spoke.

  I was aware they are all billionaires, but I didn't know the chopper man owned this luxury suite. It must have cost a fortune to own one.

  "Sometimes the team would need to see you. It's motivation enough on some tough days, and so I do go down there more often. I would have been there right now but for this meeting. You know, when they're motivated my bets stand better chances,' he chuckled.

  "What if you lose?" Jake asked.

  "My team isn't favored to win today's game. The odds are seventeen to one against my team, but that's enough reason to up my bet." He ended his explanation with a shrug; obviously, he is one who didn't talk a lot.

  "You take a lot of risks," Frank said.

  "I guess that's why I am this rich. We all take risks, you know. But then some days we lose some too, and we don't go sulking about it. Well, I don't know about you all, but that's just me. You lose some money today to make it another day and vice versa."

  From the corner of my eyes, I saw him look my way, and for a moment his eyes settled on me.

  "So, any of you guys gonna introduce me to this beauty?" The chopper man said. I knew he was talking about me. There wasn't any ‘beauty' on their table now, was there? His sudden interest in me made, and the sound of his voice sent chills all over my body.


  Funny, none had mentioned his name until this moment.

  Frank chuckled.

  Suddenly there was a loud uproar from the rowdy hotdog-eating fans far below. The three men at the table turned or leaned over to look.

  "Maybe my team has scored? You never know with underdogs." The three men laughed at the chopper man's joke.

  The uproar below soon died down.

  "Could you please come over here, Samantha?" That was Frank's unmistakable voice; a voice I have been used to for the past two years and counting. My boss's voice.

  Three pairs of eyes rested on me the moment I turned. These were billionaires; men who have made their money and paid their dues. Frank had mentioned that they were college buddies from way back.

  But today would be my first time sitting with the three of them in a meeting.

  The walk from where I was to the table was one of the toughest walks of my life as my feet suddenly turned to jelly. I managed to make it to the table, called out an airy greeting, pulled back another of the vacant seats and sat down while I managed to avoid the chopper man's piercing gaze.

  "You all meet my secretary, Samantha. She is my most trusted worker at the office, and I brought her to take notes," Frank explained, and then he turned back to his friends.

  I shook hands with them. Chopper man's fingers felt firm and warm, sending further tingles down my spine. I wondered for a moment if this was love at first sight.

  I quickly flipped open my jotter, pulled my ballpoint pen and got ready."

  "You know Steve; I am the one who called this meeting. I know you would have been down there right now if it wasn't all for business," my boss began to talk. But I assure you this is gold, worth much more than the millions bet every week and your expected returns which most times never happen anyway," he joked.

  Frank smacked his lips. Frank drew them in with his words. I was proud to know he had that much effect on them that for a moment I felt their gaze leave me.

  "To cut straight to the chase, the reason we are here is that as a medical scientist, I think I have struck gold; we have struck gold if we could get this to fly. After an extensive series of experiments and research, I have just invented a certain technology. Let's say I have patented it already, but then I called you both because I know together we can give it a massive push. The device in question is an over-the-counter device capable of running thirty-seven blood tests on a drop of blood in under ten minutes with a 99.9% accuracy."

  The two men nodded, urging him on.

  Jake blinked.

  "This is a breakthrough invention that had been termed impossible for as far back as medical science existed. This invention is an external treatment that detects cancer in its earliest stage, even before other medical devices and scans would detect the faintest hint of cancerous cells. Of course, we know how much cancer has ravaged the world in recent times, and this would give you a hint of the huge market out there awaiting us."

  He paused to let it sink.

  "Now, this is where you come in. Jake, you are the biggest stock investor I have ever known. Steve, you are a huge stakeholder in the aviation industry aside being a major owner of race cars and a few football, basketball, and hockey teams. If we pool all these together with my investments in the fast, healthy food restaurant chain businesses, we could conveniently within ourselves take the world by storm and make this invention a household name in no time. Everyone is scared of cancer, and no individual would consciously pass over an opportunity to detect early cancer in the body."

  He sat back to let the men think about it.

  I paused too, and it was when I looked up that I got the first shock of the evening. I caught Steve peering at my breasts. My low necked top had gone down a bit, and my ample breasts were almost spilling out.

  He just smiled at me when I looked up. Naked lust danced in his eyes.

  As I straightened out and attempted to smile back, I caught a whiff of his cologne. It was one of those colognes that make you think of aphrodisiacs; mild and easy with the senses.

  They discussed some more, and I made more notes, careful to capture everything they said, the suggestions and essential considerations for the business plan.

  "I think this is going to be huge," Steve said. "Maybe we should begin to celebrate. We need to drink to this and to the bet I am hopefully about to win."

  A waiter promptly served us; I don’t know how Steve did it. The drink was all wine; and non-alcoholic for Frank my boss.

  "I thought you would have changed," Steve teased him.

  "Sometimes I wonder how he relaxes you know, with all the stress around. Alcohol, my friend, will do you some good!" Jake joined in the tease.

  My boss only smiled.

  "Remember the night with Sheila?"

  The three men suddenly burst into laughter and Jake waved his thick hands in excitement before Steve.

  "Frank nutted his brains inside Sheila and swore never to have alcohol anymore, do you remember?"

  "I remember!" Steve laughed. "She was on fire though; I can bet she could have had us all over again that night."

  Accidentally, my pen slipped and fell. I bent down to pick it up, and somehow my eyes caught Jakes pants; he had a boner already. Same with Steve!

  The thought that I was able to give these two billionaires boners on the spot strengthened my confidence, and this time when I sat back up, I didn't bother adjusting my top anymore. I felt like being a little naughty and so let them feed their eyes on my huge breasts and alluring cleavage.

  Often, I would lock eyes with one of them as they stared, and this time I would only respond with a sly smile, leading them on.

  "We should have another someday," Steve said. "I bet Frank would do much better now," Steve said, chuckling and casting a furtive glance at me. I met his gaze squarely and then winked at him. I hoped it was seductive enough.

  Jake smiled; his eyes never left the top of my breasts. />
  Frank was more reserved, yet I could see the pure lust in his eyes too. He had undressed me over and over with his eyes already.

  "What's keeping you guys then?" I asked. They all turned to stare at me at the same time.


  "What?" Frank's voice was husky; almost a whisper.

  "I am here; you all are here and yearning for a foursome. So, why not have a go at it?"

  Jake let out a whistle and licked his lips immediately after.

  "You mean this?" It was Steve who spoke.

  "Why not?"

  "Well, well, well," Steve said, spreading his arms. I caught a whiff of his cologne once again. "Even if it were to happen, I wouldn't have you punks nutting all over my carpet. None of you here have got any protection, so stop getting any ideas into your heads."

  "You're ruining the evening for us, Steve," Jake said.

  "I don't think so, Mr. Steve. They don't need protection because I am on pills," I blurted. Gone were the shyness and naïve look, so much so that I was surprised myself.

  Frank shrugged, his face flushed as I had never seen before. The two other men laughed. Under the table, their boners raged.

  Their eyes met, and almost at once, they raised the glasses and drained their drink. I feel a tingling in my spine at the thought of being crowded by three men, all naked; all eager to slam their cock right into my pussy.

  Just once; just for one day. Just for today…

  Steve led us to his penthouse in the luxury room. It was a richly finished room that overlooked the far woods below, and the bed was the biggest I had ever seen.


  It was an awkward feeling at first as I made for the bed. The three men watched me, smiling and chuckling.

  I took off my plunging cotton top to reveal my white lacy bra. Slowly, I dropped it on the floor just by the bed. And then I wiggled out of my trousers, making a tease of it until I dropped it on the top. My thong was laced too.

  I sat there, watching the three transfixed men before me.

  Jake made the first move; I had anticipated that he would be the first, and I wasn't surprised. His steps were slow and deliberate. I could see the tent on his pants as it throbbed shamelessly.

  Soon he stood before me, and gently his hands rose to cup my face as he stared right into my eyes. I grabbed his belt and pulled him closer. I could hear his breath coming in quick sharp gasps. He was anticipating.

  "You're very beautiful," he said, cupping my breasts.

  I could smell him now, and it wasn't as refreshing as Steve's mild cologne. It was something I couldn't put my finger on. Cigar?

  Swiftly, I undid his belt and pulled his pants down. His trouser slid to his feet, and he promptly stepped out of it, kicking off his shoes while I went for his suit and shirt buttons. I had them too in a heap by his feet in moments.

  Jake's dick strained against his designer pants. As though on fire, he slipped out of his shirt while I gave his pants a sharp tug, freeing his turgid cock in one move. He was big, really big and I nearly gasped in shock.

  He bent over me and yanked at my bra, tearing it off my body. And then he slid the pants off me in the same burst of energy.

  And there we were; both naked. My heart pounded in anticipation as he slowly pushed me into bed.

  Jake gave a soft whistle. "Hey buddy, you've got a hottie working for you!" he said, glancing over at Frank with a mischievous smile.

  "What sweet looking nipples…" He said, climbing into bed.

  I leaned further into the bed, my legs slightly parted. My nipples were brown, hard and inviting on my ample breasts.

  At that moment, I cast a glance at Frank and Steve. They were stripping too. The thought of three men fucking me the same time suddenly made me wet.

  Steve and Frank were both naked now. In a moment, they came scrambling into bed, their cocks hard and throbbing. I looked at Steve's cock, and my jaw nearly dropped; he had the largest cock among them.

  He came straight for me, wrapping his warm lips firmly around my right nipple. I let out a soft moan. I could feel his tongue twirling around and over my nipple, while his cologne filled my nostrils.

  "I would love to be you right now," he said in that unique voice of his.

  I shut my eyes, spread myself on the bed and let them have me. Another pair of lips settled roughly around my other nipple, sucking and pulling at it. And then his tongue began to trail a slow wet line further up my body, from the top of my breast to the base of my neck.

  I moaned as the sensations built up. Steve took my hand, and then he slowly guided it to his cock. My fingers clasped around the beefy cock, and I felt him stiffen.

  Some fingers settled on my pussy, slowly, tentatively circling my pussy lips. I spread my legs further apart, welcoming his hands over my honey pot. He teased me, narrowly missing my pussy hole each time. And then I felt a little pressure on my clit, as it rubbed and kneaded my pleasure button.

  "Such a beautiful cunt…" It was my Boss's voice.

  They were all over me now. Jake was licking up my earlobes and neck; Steve had my nipple in her mouth and a hand on my other breasts while Frank teased my pussy.

  As I worked on Steve's cock, I took Jake's cock in my hand too, working both tips at the same time. Steve pulled away, and then he leaned further onto me and stuck his dick in my mouth. He moaned as I wrapped my lips around the end of his shaft, sucking at it slowly while my tongue worked underneath his cock's shaft.

  He threw back his head and gasped spasmodically into the air.

  Slowly, he began to rock his cock in and out of my mouth. He moaned at each thrust, and his testicles hit against my chin each time.

  Just as I was getting a hang of it, I felt a prodding against my already slobbering pussy. Jake was going to be the first to fuck me. He held my parted legs by the knees, separating them further. And then he stroked my clit, rubbing the soft tip of his dick all over and around my clit before he slowly, and carefully, entered me.

  An overwhelming wave of pleasure washed over me, spreading through my nerves and making my pussy throb. I moaned, even with Steve's cock in my mouth.

  "Pound her Frank, pound the fuck out of our sex doll!" Jake chuckled, and then he reached below and began to stroke my clit while Steve bent over and once more had a nipple in his mouth.

  I felt I would just melt into one slimy puddle of pleasure at that moment.

  "Fuck!" I managed to scream through a stuffed mouth; a mouth filled with Steve's throbbing dick.

  "You hear that Frank? She said fuck! Fuck!"

  "Oh, She's got a tight pussy Jake," Frank responded, panting as he pounded me now with all the strength he had got. "I got her stretched all through!" he moaned.

  Steve chuckled. "Wait until it's my turn," he said.

  I opened my eyes enough to take in my naked boss. He was a health-conscious fanatic, works out daily at his home gym, and with a prim body. I could make out the muscular etchings on his firm stomach.

  Right now I was sandwiched between their collective body heat, and it sort made it all more sensual. Each breath I took was a mixture of Steve's cologne, Jakes sweat and cigar, and Frank's mild fragrance. Each second was punctuated my moans of pleasure and blissful groans.

  I felt Frank jerk, and he began to pound faster, his head thrown further back until I felt him quiver inside of me. A deep guttural sound escaped his mouth as he came, spurting his warm spunk deep inside my pussy.

  I clenched my thighs together, feeling his cock pulsate inside of me, yet not oblivious of the sensation building deep within my core.

  Frank pulled out of my slobbering pussy, now dripping cum.

  "That was a fine tight ass pussy right there," he panted, flopping on the bed and letting out a loud chuckle. His chest was clean shaved and smooth, and he looked much younger now.

  I had Jake in my mouth when Frank pulled out of me. "I ain't coming in your mouth baby girl. It's your cunt for me," he said, adjusting his body and sliding dow
nward. A moment later he was finger fucking my pussy while Frank sucked my pussy.

  For a moment our eyes locked together.

  "I never knew you could be this naughty, Samantha. Had you all these years and never knew the real you."

  I opened my mouth to moan out a response, but the feeling of Jakes flat sand pliable tongue on my pussy folds cut the words short.

  "I see you like it, huh?"

  Without warning, Jake grabbed me by the thighs and flipped me over. "I like digging it from the rear," he leered.

  "Easy Jake," Frank said.

  "Bitches like her don't like it easy," he said.

  I knelt on the bed on my knees and elbows, my breasts on the bed and my ass shot up in the air for Jake.

  "Perfect!" He muttered, and then I felt him slam into me.

  He had both hands around my waist, and his grip was as strong as a vice, heightening the sensation as he slammed his cock into my dripping cunt. His thrusts were harder and more reaching than Frank's. His testicles hit my clit each time he thrust forward, as he grunted away.

  I liked the way Jake fucked me; he was fucking me like a fucking whore, and it felt terrific. Maybe I was just a whore who had managed to be a secretary for two years to a male whore, and both of us never knew it.

  Each thrust jiggled my breasts and tickled my clit. Soon I began to moan out loud as his crotched clapped against my ass.

  Steve and Frank lay on both sides of me, snuggled against my body and squeezing my breasts ever so often while Jake pounded me.

  "Tell me you like the way I fuck you! Say it! Say it! Say you like the way I am fucking you!" he commanded, slapping me hard against my ass.

  It stung. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure, and it made my pussy twitch.

  "I like the way you fuck me!" I screamed. My pussy was on fire from Jakes relentless pounding. And then I feel his hand in my hair. He held me by the hair and suddenly pulled back, jerking my head up.

  "I am gonna ride you like a horse. I am gonna fuck you until you call me daddy!"


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