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Rough Daddy Dirty

Page 72

by Dick Daughters

  Larry collapsed onto her back as he came as well. He groaned heavily as his balls spurt gallons after gallons of cum deep inside her virgin cunt. He moved in and out a few more times while the last of his seed spilled into her and once his orgasm had faded he slipped out of her and held her while she calmed down. Once their breathing had both slowed and they had straightened up their clothing, they headed out of the club and made their way home.


  The next morning, Stephanie was able to truthfully tell Amanda that Mike had not been with any of the dancers.

  “I swear, Mom, he’s not sleeping with any of the dancers. Dana was able to talk to them and they told her he’s been good. If he’s doing anything, it’s not at that club. You can relax when he goes out if he ends up going there. I promise, Mom.”

  Amanda had thanked Stephanie for the information, tears of relief spilling down her face.

  A few weeks later, though, Stephanie was left trying to figure out what to do next.

  She had felt tired ever since that night at the club and had been feeling sick to her stomach as well. Once she missed her period, she realized that she was going to have to take a pregnancy test. Unsurprisingly, it ended up coming back positive. It was obvious who the father was. She had only ever been with Larry and, while they had managed to hook up a few times more, it was clear that she had gotten pregnant the first time that Larry and she had slept together.

  Stephanie was wondering how she would go about telling Larry that he had gotten her pregnant. Usually when Larry was home, so was Amanda and Stephanie didn’t want to confront both her mother and Larry at the same time. Larry had no kids as yet and she figured he wanted it to remain that way as maybe he saw children as a hold on his freedom and his lifestyle.

  About a week after she had gotten her positive test result, Amanda had made plans to go out with Mike and friends and it was just Larry and Stephanie at home. Larry waited until they had finished supper and then, when Stephanie was starting to do the dishes, he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

  Stephanie felt his lips beginning to graze the side of her neck and she turned to face Larry. “I have something I need to tell you before we start anything.”

  “Anything baby,” he said, his mouth playfully nipping at the skin of her neck.

  “Please, Larry, don’t be angry, ok?”

  He stopped kissing, raised his head from her neck and listened with prickled curiosity.

  “The first night that you and I got together, I ended up getting pregnant. I’m having your baby and I don’t know what to do about it. I’m kinda scared to be honest.”

  She winced, expecting Larry to be angry about something so permanent but he wasn’t. Instead, he wrapped his arms around his best friend’s daughter and hugged her to him.

  “Oh honey, that’s wonderful. I’ve always wanted a son!”

  “Who said it was a boy?”

  “It gots to be.” He said both smiling with each other.

  “Well, I’m still early enough along that we can come up with some sort of story. You could tell Mike that …”

  He cut her off before she could finish.


  “Why what?”

  “Why make up a story?”

  “I just figured that…”

  “Look, you’re grown, I’m grown. No need for stories. Let’s make this official. If Mike is gonna be pissed, so be it, I’d rather to lose our friendship than to lose you.”

  Stephanie’s heart swelled in her chest with joy.

  “Do you mean that Larry?”

  “Yes. It’s us now babe, you, me and our little captain.”

  She had never seen the mushy side of him before and it was as beautiful as his eyes were. She was welling up inside and beginning to get all teary-eyed.

  “I love you Stephanie and I want us to be a family.”

  Stephanie sighed happily as the last of her worry left her body. She felt Larry’s mouth coming down on hers and the familiar tingle starting between her legs. She knew that before long, the two of them would be in bed enjoying a long, hot lovemaking session before her mother got home again.

  The End

  Naughty College Student & Rough Professor Hard

  Older Man Younger Woman Romance Short Sex Story

  New Adult Young Love Book 1



  Everyone has a little Taboo. What’s yours?


  ~Publisher’s Note ~

  Copyright © 2019 Abbey Perry

  All rights reserved. No portion of the book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure inventions of fiction.

  A previous version of this book was originally published under a different penname by another distributor. The book has since been unpublished and revised to reflect the requirements of the current distributor.

  Table of Content








  “I’m absolutely fed up with these moronic, sex-crazed seniors. I can’t take it anymore; I can’t wait till I’m done with college.” Anna shifted to a more comfortable position on the couch as Madison went off on another one of her ridiculous tirades. Fucking Madison—Ever since they had roomed together, it was nothing but constant drama. It never seemed to stop spewing from her mouth. “I swear, I’m going to…”

  “Hey.” Anna loudly interjected. “Are you hearing yourself right now? You do realize that you are the one who is making yourself miserable, right? You bring home one of those ‘sex-crazed’ guys every weekend. It’s not like they’re forcing themselves into our dorm.”

  “You just don’t get it Anna.”

  “You’re right. I don’t. Please, enlighten me.”

  She let out a sigh as Madison plopped herself down on the couch next to her. “They think they have some kind of authority over me, just because I’m a junior. And yeah, maybe I do play along with the cute ones when I know they’re interested, but that’s not the problem. The problem is their stupid, conceited, egocentric personalities—thinking they’re better than everyone else.”

  Anna let out a sarcastic laugh. “You’re projecting right now. You’re projecting, and you don’t even realize it.”

  “Sorry?” Madison glared at her with fiery eyes.

  “You are literally one of the most conceited people I’ve ever met. Do you want to know why you’re angry at these seniors? Because you aren’t at their level yet. You want to be better than them.” Madison rolled her eyes. “Mmhm. It’s no wonder your GPA is so low. It’s because you hate being told to do things. You don’t do your assignments because you think you’re above your professors. I can’t wait till one of your teachers does something to set you straight.”

  “That’s not it. I just want to be respected.”

  “Oh, do you? Or do you just want control over everyone?”

  “Whatever.” Madison got up, and marched to her room. Psychologist majors—thinking they know everything, she thought to herself. But Madison wasn’t stupid. Realistically, she knew Anna was right, but she was definitely not going to admit that to her. Madison’s high horse was far too comfortable. She wasn’t going to be dismounting from it anytime soon.

  Her attitude was horrible—inherited directly from her wealthy parents. They were both always so busy with their business, they just decided to replace time with money. Oh, the money. Madison’s superiority complex quadrupled in size the moment she learned that she was rich compared to a majority of her peers, and it o
nly got worse when she became independent.

  Grades? Classes? She didn’t care about any of those things. The only reason she was in college was for the boys and the parties. And, of course, most guys would throw themselves at Madison because she was the pretty one. The cool girl—the girl who really didn’t give a fuck about most things. The upperclassmen were all over that…quite literally. As Anna drudged away over her science books and biology projects at night, she’d have to deal with the unrepressed moans and squeaking bed springs, which would reverberate through their thin walls, and find their way directly into her eardrums. Headphones. Earplugs. She tried everything, but it was like Madison was trying to be as loud as she possibly could. And the dialogue…

  “No, not there.”

  “Faster! Ugnh, fuck me faster!”

  “Like this. Do it like this!”

  It was almost laughable how determined she was to establish some kind of sexual sovereignty over every guy she’d get with. It was that aspect of control—she couldn’t let it go, even during her throes of passion. That’s when Anna realized just how emotionally disconnected she was with other people. They weren’t even people anymore when the clothes came off—to her, they were just dildos with a brain.

  Madison stormed back to the living room to retrieve her phone she’d left behind. “You know, Anna, I think you would understand my point of view more if you let loose every once in a while. You’re always cooped up in your room with a book pressed to your face. When was the last time you even saw a dick?”

  She whipped around, like python ready to strike. “Do you want to know something, Madison?”

  “What?” She sounded like an irked teenager.

  “I know you fake it.”

  “Excuse me?” Madison tilted her head, and brought her hands to her hips.

  “You fake it. I’ve never heard you have a genuine orgasm—and believe me, I can hear you. It’s like listening to a bad porno with terrible actors. I feel sorry for you. Have you ever once had an emotional connection with a guy while he’s railing you like a blow-up doll? Connection—that’s what makes it fucking good, and you don’t even realize it.”

  Madison grabbed her keys off the kitchen counter, and stomped to the door. “You’re an asshole, you know that?”

  “The reason you aren’t denying it is because you know it’s true.”

  “Whatever. I’m late for class.” The door slammed behind her as she made her way outside. The entire time she walked to class, Anna’s words played through her head on repeat. You fake it. You fake it. You fake it. Anna was right. Quite frankly, she was right in more ways than just one. Yeah, she faked it, alright. Faked it during sex, faked her interest in people, faked her education—Madison’s whole life was basically fraudulent. Nothing but a façade, and Anna was seeing right through it. The boys never did though, because all that was on their mind was easy pussy, and Madison was handing that out like free candy. And in exchange for what? Attention? Validation? Control? And when was the last time she did actually have a genuine, earth-shattering climax? When was the last time sex was more than just a cock repetitiously ramming into her? The questions poked and prodded at her conscience until she finally came to terms with the soul-crushing answer: Never.


  Eyes from all around the room locked onto her as she entered her English class fifteen minutes late.

  “Glad you could join us today, Madison.” That voice. What was it about that voice? Mr. Cheval pressed his finger to a stack of papers on his desk. “Essay for this week, if you have it.”

  Madison diverted her gaze from his piercing eyes. “I don’t have it with me.”

  “Talk to me after class then.” He smirked a bit as she walked by. That slight tinge of embarrassment on her behalf was drowned out when her nose was captured by his scent. Yves Saint Laurent—she could recognize that sweet smelling cologne anywhere. It was intoxicating. Breathtaking, almost. As soon as she grabbed her seat, she pushed that subtle attraction for him out of her mind. Ridiculous, she thought, as she pulled out a pen and pad of paper from her backpack. He’s my fucking professor. She desperately wanted to hate him, because he was one of the few people who actually had some degree of authority over her, but something held that deeply rooted contempt at bay. Something…

  Mr. Cheval—it was his first year teaching at the university after transferring from a program held in Costa Rica. It was obvious that he had picked up a slight accent while spending time over there, which amalgamated perfectly with his native voice. It was bold. Exotic. Madison simply couldn’t ignore it, and at times it was slightly distracting.

  “Alright, class. If you would, please turn to page 301 in your textbooks.”

  His voice wasn’t the only factor of distraction. Often times his interaction with her would leave her in a day-dreamy state. His gaze almost always fell to her when he gave direction, and usually he would pair his words with a suggestive smile. His pearlescent teeth would glow through his soft lips—and then Madison would work her way downward. Chest, arms, legs…Those tight-fitting suits he wore emphasized his toned body, giving blatant hints about his extravagant musculature. Compared to her other professors, Mr. Cheval was built like a Greek god.

  “Madison…Madison.” His imperative tone broke her state of transfixion. “You are free to use your time in this class however you like, but I suggest you pay attention to my lecture. All of this information is going to be on your midterm. If you don’t want to be here, the door is to your left.”

  She let out an audible sigh, and slouched back in her chair. “Sorry.” She sarcastically mumbled under her breath as her face was painted with a light shade of crimson. Madison was fuming at his audaciousness towards her. No professor before this actually had the balls to say something to her—and in front of the entire class at that.

  After another hour of monotonous torture, Mr. Cheval dismissed the class. “Don’t forget to study. Projects are due two Tuesdays from now—cite your sources.”

  Madison tried to sneak out of the class unnoticed, but she was spotted before she reached the door. “Miss Parker, I need to speak with you before you leave.”

  She paused in her tracks and tilted her head back, before pivoting around. “What do you want?”

  The last student that left closed the door behind him, leaving the two of them alone together. Mr. Cheval took a seat on the edge of his desk, and stared at her intensely. “You’re failing my class.”


  “That reflects poorly on the both of us. If you aren’t willing to take this class seriously, I suggest you find a different teacher.”

  Madison swallowed nervously as he unbuttoned the top three buttons of his dress shirt, and loosened his tie. It was just enough to get a peek at his smooth, tight chest. “Fine, what do you want me to do?” Her skin tingled a bit as he adjusted the crotch of his pants. She could see his bulge out of her peripheral vision—big, blatant—but she did everything in her power to keep her eyes above his waist.

  “Write me a two page essay about what is so distracting about my lectures. Be honest, because I already know the reason.”

  She could feel her face getting red hot. Did he actually know? Was it that obvious? “What the hell are you talking about?” She tried to play it off as best as she could. “And what is this, High School? You’re treating me like a child.”

  He stared deeper into her eyes, and shot her that familiar smirk. “If you want to be treated like an adult, then I suggest you start acting like one.”

  “Fine. I’ll have it for you tomorrow evening.” Her voice trailed off as she sauntered through the door, and took off down the hallway. Unbelievable. What right does he have to talk to me in such a condescending way? You want an essay, I’ll give you a fucking essay. Her thoughts boiled in her head as she headed back to her dorm.

  She slammed the door even louder than before when she arrived back home. Anna looked up from her text book, and squinted her eyes at Madison. “Wow,
sounds like you’re in a great mood. How was class?”

  She threw her backpack in the corner and joined Anna at the table. “Horrible.”

  “What happened now?”

  “Mr. Cheval is making me write an essay about not paying attention in his class. I feel like I’m back in fucking elementary school.”

  Anna perked up. “Oh? I didn’t know Cheval was your English teacher. I have him for Lit 501. He’s something else, am I right?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s super good looking. Do you not think so?”

  Madison’s face turned red again. “I—I don’t know. Whatever, I have to get this essay done. I’ll talk to you later.”

  She swaggered into her room, sat herself at her laptop, and finished her essay in ten seconds flat.


  Mr. Cheval heard a knock at his office door at precisely 6:30 PM. “Come in.”

  Madison entered with her head held high, and a look of mischief plastered on her face. She confidently took a seat adjacent from him, reached into her bag, and withdrew her essay, which was neatly stapled in the corner. “Here you go, Mr. Cheval.” She said with an overenthusiastic voice.

  He took the paper from her hand, set it on his desk, and looked it over. The name Madison Parker was printed neatly on the top left corner, followed by a single, bold word in the very center of the page:



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