Book Read Free

Rough Daddy Dirty

Page 79

by Dick Daughters

  “Hmm, it was good. A bit boring, though. I’m really glad to be done for the day.”

  “Well, if you aren’t doing anything tonight…”

  Oh—just be honest with him, Aubrey. “James…shit, this is super awkward. I actually have a boyfriend. I’m so sorry, I feel like I’m sort of leading you on.”

  He paused for a moment, and then broke out in a fit of laughter. “Oh my god. No, I’m the one who should be sorry.”

  “Hmm, why?”

  “Because this has happened to me many times in the past. Every time I do something nice for someone, they automatically assume I’m wooing them, or whatever. Even guys have thought this before. I guess it’s just my personality. I must come on too strongly to some people. My bad…”

  Aubrey started laughing with him, and blushed a little. “Nope. You know what it is?”


  “Look at you: attractive guy in a black mustang. Of course they’re going to assume that, because they want it to be true. Let me guess, all of the guys who said something to you were gay?”

  “That’s the truth.”


  He pulled out of the parking lot, and sped back home. “I…I guess you’re right. I never really looked at it from that perspective—but my offer still stands. If you aren’t busy, would you like to grab a glass of wine somewhere? Purely for the company, of course.”

  She let out another stress-filled sigh. “I wish I could, but I told Adam that I would facetime him tonight. And I have a bit of work-related business to tend to. Maybe another time?”

  He swung the car over to the curb to drop her off. “Yeah, of course. Just keep me posted.”

  “Thank you again, James. I really appreciate your kindness.”

  She stepped out—made sure she had her bag this time—and headed inside without kissing him. “Man, what a day.” She said to her cat, Miri, as she threw herself onto the couch. Right when she sat down, her phone buzzed on the table. Adam. She answered.

  “Hey there.”

  “Hey babe, how was your first day? You sound pretty tired.”

  “Yeah, exhausted. It wasn’t too bad though.” Do I tell him about James?

  “Have some time to Skype? Really missing that pretty face of yours.”

  “Yeah. Shit, I just realized I switched accounts when I got my new computer. I’ll have to set up a new one.” There’s no reason to. Better just keep it to myself.

  “Ah, don’t worry about it. Just use my account for now. I’m with Evan, I can use his laptop.”

  She opened her computer and typed away. “Ok, just a second.” After logging in to Adam’s account, her eyes diverted to a notification in the corner. “Hey, I’m hanging up. Call me from your end.” She was tempted to click it, but…Adam, would he really be that stupid to give her access to his account if…

  Another notification popped into the corner. An instant message. Aubrey tried her best to just ignore it—I mean, she really didn’t have any reason to believe Adam was cheating on her. If I click, then I’m the untrustworthy one, right? I’m…She was about to move on, until someone began to call him…and it wasn’t his friend Evan. The name “Lily Barton” lit up in bright, bold font in the middle of the screen, accompanied by a picture of a blonde-haired girl in a flirty pose.

  Lily. Who is Lily? The name didn’t ring a bell. Eventually, the mystery girl hung up her call, and another instant message appeared immediately after. Aubrey just couldn’t let it slide. She clicked on the chat box, and read through his messages:

  Adam (Yesterday)—So, lunch tomorrow? 8 Works for you?

  Lily (Yesterday)—It does :) I’ll see you then.

  Adam (Yesterday)—Sounds good! Love you :)

  Lily (Yesterday)—Love you too <3

  Lily (8:45)—Hey, you there?

  Lily (8:50)—It says you’re online, are you just ignoring me, you little tease? ;)

  Aubrey couldn’t fathom it. She slammed her laptop close as her heart shattered in a hundred thousand pieces inside of her chest. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe that he would do this to me. She felt sick—felt like someone had sucker-punched her in the gut without a proper cause. There has to be an explanation, she thought, but there was no way to deny what she had just read. Adam was playing with her heart. He’d found someone else, and it was only a matter of time before he threw her in the ditch.

  She opened the laptop again, and re-read the messages. Small tears began to build in the corner of her eyes as she read that fucking phrase over and over again: Love you, Love you, Love you. Everything he’d said to her since she left for her internship was a lie. Everything.

  Adam began to call her from Evan’s account. She pressed the bright green button immediately, and his face popped up in the middle of the screen. “Hey babe.” He said to her with an innocent tone, like nothing was wrong.

  “Hey.” Aubrey responded with a monotone voice, and a blank, stoic expression.

  Adam noticed her reddening eyes. “Something wrong? You look like you’re about to cry.”

  She paused, and then dropped the nuke on his head without remorse. “Who the fuck is Lily, Adam?”

  He jumped a little. “Oh! Yeah, she’s uh…she’s my study partner for one of my classes.”

  “Yeah? Just your study partner? I just read your little chat with her. Sounds like you found yourself a new girl.”

  “What?” His face reddened as he got defensive. “Why are you reading through my stuff?”

  “We’re done, Adam. Thanks for nothing. I can’t believe I trusted you.” She hung up the call, and burst into an ugly display of messy tears. Two years. All fake. All a bunch of lies.

  She could barely sleep that night. Adam kept blowing up her phone every other minute with sorry-ass excuses about his pitiful behavior. Text after text. It’s not what you think, Aubrey. It wasn’t even me talking to her. Why did you have to snoop through my messages? Nothing was going to repair the damage he’d done. It was over.


  She called in the next day. ‘Oh, new girl is already missing work’ Yeah, she didn’t care. She was in no condition to be pencil pushing all day, anyway.

  When she first woke up, her initial reaction was denial—hoping that everything that had transpired the night before was just a dream. She checked her phone. Adam’s number was gone. Nope, it had definitely happened. She was single now, her ex had been cheating on her, and yes, her heart was broken.

  She stayed wrapped up in her covers till noon, until she heard a gentle knock at the door. Well, I guess I should probably get up. She threw on a long shirt, and stumbled sleepily down the stairs. When she answered, James was standing there in all of his attractive glory. Shit, I look like a mess.

  “Hey, I hate to be nosey, but I noticed you hadn’t left for work yet. If you need another ride…”

  “Oh, yeah. I decided to call in today. I had kind of a rough night last night.”

  “Ah, too much wine?” He gave her a playful smile.

  “Hah, I wish. Actually, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. He’s two states away, and I guess he thought he could get away with it. I’m pretty upset.”

  James’ smile washed away. “Oh, geez. I’m sorry to hear that. Well I guess I’ll…”

  “No, stay.” She grabbed onto his arm with a gentle grip as he turned away. “I could use someone to talk to.”

  His smile returned. “If you insist. Sure you don’t need some time to yourself?”

  “I’m sure.”

  She invited him inside. They both plopped down on the couch, and Aubrey flipped on the TV for some background noise. “Hey, I have to thank you again for yesterday.”

  “Like I said, it’s really no problem at all.”

  After heading over to the kitchen, she asked if he needed anything. He shook his head.

  “So—if you don’t mind me asking—I’m assuming you’re single?”


  “I actually know exac
tly what you’re going through right now. A year and a half ago I caught my fiancé in bed with my best friend. Completely shattered my reality. I lost trust in people, lost friendships. Lost my sanity. I moved out here on a whim, just to re-establish myself, but I still feel like I haven’t fully healed…”

  Aubrey’s eyes danced up and down his body as she walked back to the couch. His tight, white t-shirt emphasized the toned muscles in his chest perfectly. As she sat back down on the cushion next to him, she let out a sigh. “I don’t get it. I just don’t understand how people can be so irresponsible with other people’s emotions.”

  “I know.”

  The gears in Aubrey’s mind spun as she thought about what he had just said. The implications: a year and a half ago. He hasn’t even…“So, you haven’t been seeing anyone since then?”

  “Nope. In fact, you’re the first woman I’ve had a genuine conversation with in almost two years. How sad is that?”

  Aubrey shook her head. “I think it’s more surprising more than anything.” He looked at her inquisitively. “When I first met you, I was certain that you had someone in your life.”

  “Why is that?”

  She swallowed nervously, and answered with a shy tone. “I mean, you are attractive.” She blushed. “You could probably get any girl you want.”

  Their eyes locked onto each other. Aubrey’s heart began to race in her chest. She could feel it—that undeniable connection. She could tell that James could feel it too.

  His face got a bit warm. “Well, what if I was to say...oh, never mind.”

  She smiled, and punched his arm playfully. “Ohhh no! You can’t do that. Tell me! If you were to say what?” Aubrey brought her legs up onto the couch, and folded them indian-style, waiting for him to answer.

  He ran his fingers backwards through his hair. “What if I was to say…I think you’re the girl I want right now?”

  She paused—eyes widened as he exhaled, and leaned toward her. She moved in closer to him, and pressed her forehead against his. Her breathy words tickled his ears as she said, “Don’t you want to know what I think, James?” Her hand reached under his tight shirt, and worked its way up the rungs of his sexy, bulging abs. His breath increased as her soft fingers pressed into his chest. “I think it’s been too long since a woman has given you what you deserve.”

  James reciprocated her touch as she wandered lower. His left hand came up around the back of her neck, and his right hand worked its way up her naked thigh.

  “And what is it that you think I deserve, Aubrey?”

  She grabbed his hand, and guided him further up her leg, until…“Wait.” She said, before he went too far. “Not here. Let’s go to my room.”

  He smiled as she grabbed his hand, and led him to the second floor. Half way up the stairs, he nearly tripped while taking off his shirt. It was so cute, so endearing that she couldn’t help but laugh with him. “Wow, I’m surprised you made it up here without killing yourself, big guy.” Aubrey said as they entered her room.

  James faked a laugh, but he was far beyond the point of games. The very moment she touched her, he’d been sent to another dimension—a dimension where all he wanted was her body. He had to have it. Had to touch every inch of it. It’d been far too long since he’d…


  Aubrey sat at the foot of the bed, and wrapped her arms around James’ waist. He looked down on her with eyes glazed over with lust. “Come here.” She said, then pursed her lips. He gently pushed her onto the bed, and climbed over her.

  “Well?” She said, as she paused for a moment.

  “You better give me some grace. I’m a little rusty.”

  She giggled. “No problem.”

  “But I swear to god…” He said, as he stared deep into her eyes. “I’m not going to stop until I’m finished with you.”

  Immediately, their lips locked—took part in a wet, unapologetically sloppy dance which was spurred on by the catalyst of unadulterated passion. James moved down lower—lifted her shirt slowly, as she threw her arms back, as if to say you can have it. You can have all you want. He pressed his face into her chest, and worked his way down to the goal. The prize. She arched her back—a natural reaction as he caressed her sides with a gentle touch.

  “Don’t rush.” Aubrey said breathily. “Make it last.”

  James sat up a bit to take in every feature of her lithesome body. He reached for the waistband of her lacey lingerie, and slipped them off over her raised legs. His face was drawn magnetically to her perfect, bare peach—he simply couldn’t control his carnal hunger. He pressed himself between her thighs, causing a gentle moan to slip out of her mouth. As it caught James’ ear, it only made him want to please her more. He wanted to make her scream with pleasure.

  He stopped, and turned onto his back. He didn’t need words to communicate his desires—his eyes told Aubrey everything. She got on all fours, and crawled on top of him, leaving a trail of soft kisses along his body leading up to his neck. She threw her left leg over, like she was mounting a horse, and pressed her wet pussy against his hard cock. The pressure on her clit was so unexpectedly satisfying that she couldn’t help but grind against him. Her hips moved systematically, until he couldn’t take it anymore. He needed it. He needed to be inside her.

  Beads of lust-induced perspiration built on his chest as the momentum pressed them both forward. His hands reached from her waist to her soft ass, and he spread her apart. He paused for a moment, before making another move.

  “You know.” He said, with a panting voice. “I’d argue that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Yes, she heard him crystal clear. Yes, it made her heart explode with every sensual emotion imaginable, but she simply couldn’t respond. No words could possibly match the genuineness of his. No words…but a kiss. Deep, sensual. Her lips merged with his—fit so perfectly, like two tight-fitting puzzle pieces. This is it, she thought. This is what I’ve been missing.

  She reached underneath, and guided him closer, closer. With one quick movement on his behalf, he finessed his way inside of her. There was an immediate, mutual jolt of something—something—which caused both of them to exhale with satisfaction. Their breaths intensely increased as he slid further inside of her. It was so effortless. So wet. So perfect. Aubrey flexed with all of her might the moment James has pressed every last inch of his love inside of her. He was motionless as every synapse in his brain lit up with fiery desire—transfixed, and hypnotized by the extreme, yet acute feelings of pleasure.

  Aubrey needed more. Without any hesitation, she began to bounce on him rhythmically. Her ass audibly smacked his thighs with every downward motion, and soon enough, James was returning the favor. They fucked each other in perfect synchronization, like ripples, created from the same stone thrown into a placid body of water. Fast, faster. They were nearing the point of no return as their sensual movements brought them closer to the edge.

  James’ arms wrapped around her body. He pressed her tightly to his slick chest, minimizing her range of movement intentionally. He wanted to do the rest of the work himself, like a real man. Her whole body seemed to gyrate in accordance with his movements—Aubrey glided up and down, while he thrust deeper than she’d ever felt before.

  “James.” She whispered into the warm air around her.

  His hand wandered to her cheek, and held it softly, before returning to her waist. He brought his mouth close to her neck—his soft, breathy words fell hot upon her skin.

  “What do I need to do to make you come?” he asked.

  The sentence reverberated through her body, causing her to physically shake. Her tight grip around James’ waist with her legs loosened, and a series of unrepressed, pleasurable screams bellowed from her diaphragm.

  “Hng, just keep going. Just like that.”

  He knew she was about to finish, so he slowed his pace—he wanted more. Wanted it to last. Going against her wishes, he grabbed her tightly while still inside he
r, and flipped her over onto her back. His arms remained underneath her as he began working her again at a different angle. Aubrey’s pleasure multiplied by a factor of infinity as she became lost in each and every one of his passionate thrusts.

  Another scream. Another moan. She threw her head back onto her pillow as her fingers gently scratched the surface of his strong, broad back. She could feel his muscles getting tenser as he drew closer to climax. His uncontrollable grunts told her that he was no longer James. He’d crossed the threshold—his animalistic instincts had taken over.

  “Fuck, Aubrey.” He could barely speak as her pussy tightened around his cock, which was now harder than ever. “You’re so…you’re so tight, I can’t…”

  He couldn’t bear it any longer. Aubrey fed off of his sexual energy as he began to convulse on top of her. She could feel him flexing inside—feel…“Oh my god, oh…” She followed immediately after. Her quick, staccato breaths fell hot upon James’ cheek. He turned to face her—sparkling eyes completely varnished with satisfaction.

  “You…you’re amazing, Aubrey.” A phrase completely lacking any sense of originality; however, to her, it was the most perfect, genuine thing she’d ever heard in her life. Her lips glued to his as they turned onto their sides, and threw the covers over their heads.

  ‘This is better.’ Aubrey thought, as James held her in his arms. ‘Better than what I had.’


  She awoke from their spontaneous afternoon nap a few hours later—a bit sleepy, but after feeling James’ warm body next to her, she was energized with happiness. Bliss.

  When he awoke, they spent the rest of the afternoon lost in each other’s company till the sun began to set behind the horizon.

  “Well?” James said with a gleeful smile, as he massaged her back.

  “You lied to me James.” Aubrey tuned her head around, and giggled.

  “Oh, did I? What did I say?”

  “You told me you were rusty, but you completely…completely…”


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