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Lover, Divine

Page 11

by A. Star

  "Do you like what you see?" he asked, and I realized I had transferred my gaze to between his legs where I couldn't take my eyes off of what had to be the most perfect cock to ever belong to a man. No, I had never been with a man like this before, but I knew not every man came equipped with such magnificence. Wetness pooled between my legs as I fantasized about how good it was going to feel once my first time was over and done with and there was nothing standing in the way of us enjoying each other completely.

  Apollo climbed up onto the bed and slipped between my legs, pressing his hardness into the fabric of my knickers. He leaned down and sucked the nipple of one of my breasts into his mouth. I moaned and arched my back, loving the sensation it sent jetting between my legs. He nipped at me and his fingers slipped into my underwear and circled over my nub, arousing me and getting me ready for him.

  "You can take them off," I whispered.

  "When you're truly ready for me to do that, you'll let me know."

  My heart soared, knowing that he didn't want to rush me into anything. He would wait as long as it took and that only made me love him more. But I was ready now. I had never been more ready for him and I wanted nothing between us.

  I lifted my hips, pushing them into his. His mouth released my nipple and he pulled back to look into my eyes.

  "Are you sure?"

  I nodded and he pushed up onto his knees. He hooked a finger around the bottom lining of my knickers and waited for me to lift my hips. He jerked them down my legs, kissing his way down behind them and then flung them to the floor.

  "You are so beautiful," he said, pushing my knees apart and lifting my legs to drape them over his shoulders. "So fucking beautiful." And then he was leaning down and his mouth was on me.

  I had no reason to hold back this time. I moaned as loudly as I wanted to as his tongue and lips did things to me that I couldn't name. I came twice before Apollo let me surrender, and then his body was covering mine again as my legs drew up against him, letting him know I was ready for what came next.

  "Wrap your arms around me, Siobhan," he said. "Hold onto me."

  My arms slid around him. "Jus'...jus' remember to be—"

  "I'll be gentle, love," he said, and I nodded as he kissed me softly. I knew every part of me was tense and Apollo smiled gently as he ran a hand over my hip. "Relax for me, sweetheart. I will take care of you. Do you trust me?"

  "O' course I do. I love you."

  "I'll never tire of hearing those words."

  As his lips connected with mine, he pushed into me, slowly and as gently as he'd promised. I whimpered at the searing pain and my nails dug into his back.

  "I'm sorry," he whispered into my ear. "I'll take care of you."

  He inched his way in even further and my entire body tensed as I tried to accept him. But he was so large and I was so tight and the pain was just too much...

  And then there was nothing.

  "It...It doesn' hurt anymore," I gasped with surprise.

  "I know." His lips grazed mine as he slowly circled his hips, pushing himself deeper into me. "I'm the god of Healing, my love. Why would I allow you to be in pain when all I wish to give you is pleasure?"

  Apollo lifted his hips, withdrawing himself. He lowered his face to kiss me and as his tongue swirled over mine, he sank back into me, only to pull away and do it all over again. I moaned, utterly lost in the sensations.

  "Tell me you like it," Apollo muttered, dragging his lips along my jaw.

  "I love it," I panted. "Please don't stop."

  "My promise is true. I won't stop until I have you screaming unto the heavens."

  His hands slid underneath my ass and lifted me up so that he could go deeper. The feeling was euphoric and with so many emotions entangled in the act, I was blinded by what was happening between us. We were becoming one, as much a unit as a mortal and a god could become. The melody of our lovemaking blended with the song of Apollo's lyre until we were surrounded by what bound us together so completely. Music. I never felt so beautiful and wanted as when Apollo kissed me and whispered his love for me in my ear. The way he moved against me made me feel protected and like nothing in this world could ever harm me. I was angry that I had denied myself this for so long. But only with Apollo. I could have only done this with Apollo.

  The feeling built up inside me, fast and powerful, and I knew it wouldn't be long before my orgasm turned me into a puddle of useless satisfaction.

  My fingers dug into his back. "Apollo, I'm—"

  He cut me off with a kiss, inhaling my gasps and taking my breath away. His movements became more desperate and his hands squeezed the backs of my thighs as his hips ground into me, driving me absolutely mad.

  I spasmed from head to toe, moaning into Apollo's mouth as he continued to move in and out of me. I floated down from my high just as Apollo followed me into oblivion with a sexy, masculine grunt.

  We lay entwined for several minutes just trying to catch our breath. "Are you all right?" Apollo asked, brushing my hair out of my face and kissing my brow.

  "I'm perfect," I breathed.

  He smiled. "Yes, you are."

  Apollo slowly withdrew and rolled to the side, pulling me into his arms in the same movement.

  "Do you still trust me, Siobhan?" he asked.

  I looked at him, finding the question odd after what had just transpired between us. "Aye. I still trust you."

  "Good." He kissed my forehead. "Would you like a bath?" I nodded with a smile, forgetting about his strange question. I didn't want to ruin the moment.

  A steaming tub of water appeared right there in the room. Chuckling, Apollo slid his arms under my limp body and lifted me from the bed. Pulling me in close, he took the opportunity to kiss each of my nipples. I giggled.

  He lowered me into the tub and then climbed in behind me, settling my body between his long, muscular legs.

  "This is perfect," I sighed, leaning back against him. I turned my face up to him for a kiss and he gave me one.

  "Are you hungry?" he asked.

  "Yes, but I'd rather starve to death then get out of this tub right now, Apollo."

  He chuckled. "I wouldn't dream of asking you to get out." He waved his hand and a tray of fruit sitting on a serving table appeared beside the tub. Apollo plucked a strawberry from the tray and fed it to me.

  I moaned. "Why is this fruit so damn delicious?" Apollo only laughed and fed me another piece.

  After I was pleasantly full and we were each sipping on a chalice of nectar wine, I asked, "Have you been with a lot of...wans like me?"

  "You mean virgins," Apollo replied.

  I blushed. "Aye."

  He chuckled. "I'm three thousand years old. What do you think?" I nodded my understanding. "But they were not you, Siobhan. No woman I have ever encountered is like you."

  "I know."

  "Do you? I sense insecurities, but I promise you, love, they are unfounded."

  "I believe you," I said, though I wasn't sure that was the truth. I didn't want to talk about it anymore so I changed the subject after a long sip of my wine. "You never told me why you watched me." I knew he knew what I meant, so I didn't bother explaining.

  "I've always known you were mine, Siobhan. Always. I have watched you for many years."

  "Then how did you not know I played the drums?"

  He chuckled. "I have no idea and it irritates me to no end."

  We laughed together and then fell silent, while words unspoken and questions unanswered swirled around us. I didn't know about Apollo, but I wasn't wondering about the how of our situation. I pondered the why, as always. Why had the Fates conspired to put us together? For what purpose? Could they have foreseen love? Apollo said he had chosen me and there would be consequences. Why? Because of my blood? I was starting to think Emmaline was right. My blood was the key, and it was then that I began to consider the how.

  My attention was drawn when I felt Apollo's hand slip between my thighs. I turned my face up to him and
he kissed me, and in that moment neither the how nor the why mattered anymore.


  The next concert series arrived a few weeks later and Apollo was at my first show. Even though I couldn't see him, I could feel his eyes on me. Just knowing he was there gave me a confidence I'd never had before. I played my heart out for every solo and was rewarded with several standing ovations and a stage littered with roses.

  Backstage after the show, Vicky, Rupert and I were standing around chatting when Apollo showed up carrying a bouquet of flowers.

  "These are for you." He kissed my cheek and handed me the bouquet of violets. I grinned as I accepted them because I understood their significance. Violets were the divine flowers of Apollo and it was an honor to receive them from the god himself.

  "They're beautiful," I said, holding his gaze and recalling all the over-the-moon sex we'd been having the last few weeks. When his lips turned up at the corners, I knew he had read my mind.

  "Nice to see you again, Liam," Vicky cooed. I'd had to pretend she and Apollo had never met the night the Olympian and I had gone to see the band. So when she had brought over the dress for me to wear, I'd had to introduce them again. It was so weird.

  "The pleasure is all mine, Victoria," he replied with a wink, making my best friend blush. Vicky never blushed. "You must be Rupert." He stuck out his hand and Rupert shook it.

  "We should all go out sometime," Vicky said, gesturing at the four of us. "You know, like a double date."

  "I would like that very much," Apollo said with a smile. Vicky giggled and earned herself eye rolls from Rupert and I.

  "Rent alert," Rupert said a moment later.

  My parents emerged from the backstage bustle and after talking with Corrigan for a moment, hurried over to us. Garrett wasn't with them, but that wasn't unusual. I knew he would catch one of my shows during the series as he had never missed a series my entire career. I figured he was with Melissa, as he always was these days.

  "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Law," Vicky and Rupert chimed.

  "Hello, dears!" my mother replied in an extra cheery tone, all the while eyeing Apollo. I knew she was just itching to curtsey. "The band sounded wonderful tonight."

  "Thank you, Mrs. Law!"

  "Hello, Liam," my father said, extending a hand.

  "Ronan." Apollo shook it. "Eileen."

  "Hello!" my mother practically shouted. Apollo raised a brow while my friends and I smothered our laughter. "Marie played beautifully tonight, didn' she, my...Liam?" My mother fussed with my braid until I slapped her hands away.

  "I've never heard anything more beautiful," Apollo said, seriously. He spoke to my mother, but he was looking at me.

  "I agree," my father said, handing me a single tulip as he always did after a show, whether the flower was in season or not.

  "Thank you, Da," I said with a smile.

  "Well, Rupert, the others are callin' us," Vicky said. I looked in the direction she pointed, to where the other strings players waited before heading off to go celebrate the first show at O'Connell's.

  "You comin', Siobhan?" Rupert questioned.

  "Are you a bloody idiot or somethin'?" Vicky asked. "Look at tha' man of hers. She's not going anywhere with us." She started pulling her boyfriend away. "I'll call you tomorrow, Marie!"

  I waved until they got lost in the crowd then turned back to my parents and Apollo.

  "Well, tha' was awkward," my mother said, keeping her voice low. "Victoria is a darlin', but I do wish you had a friend who was a member of one of the Families. Aella Kalonimos, for instance."

  "Never," Apollo snapped, before I could even open my mouth. I gaped at him, wondering what he knew about Aella, or possibly the entire Kalonimos Clan, that my mother and I obviously didn't.

  "O' course, my lord," my mother said, flushing red. I actually felt kind of bad for her.

  "Well, we'll jus' leave you two to enjoy your night then," my father said, glaring at my mother. She stared at the floor. "We'll see you at breakfast in the mornin', Marie."

  I nodded. "Okay, Da." After careful head bows, my parents turned to leave.

  "Wait," Apollo said. My parents turned back. "I must apologize to Eileen before you go."

  Their mouths dropped open. Gods didn't apologize to mortals. Gods didn't apologize to anyone. "Tha's really not necessary, my lord," my mother said.

  "It is. I should not have spoken to you in that manner. But Siobhan cannot be friends with Aella Kalonimos. In fact, they should be kept apart at all costs. Is that understood?"

  "We understand, my lord," my father spoke for the both of them. And me, I could assume.

  "Good," said Apollo. "I know you won't let me down, Ronan."

  My parents left after more discreet bows. I stood there for a moment, replaying the scene in my mind, then without a word, I turned on my heels, went to collect my violin, and stormed out of the concert hall into the clear, spring night. Apollo followed and caught up to me in seconds.

  "I did something wrong," he stated, easily keeping pace beside me.

  I stopped walking and so did he. "Yeah, you did somethin' wrong. Now you're tellin' me who I can and cannot be friends with?" I hated Aella Kalonimos so I shouldn't have even cared, but this was about so much more than that.

  He frowned. "I have a good reason."

  I blew out a frustrated breath. "You always have 'good' reasons for lyin' to me and tryin' to control my life."

  "My aim is to protect you, not control you, Siobhan."

  "Protect me from wha'?"

  Apollo did not answer. I shook my head. "Take me home, Apollo, or summon Conor to come get me. I don't want to be here with you anymore."

  "You said you trusted me," was his response.

  I nodded. "I did. I'm startin' to think I was wrong to do tha'. I'm startin' to think tha' everythin' we have together is wrong."

  "Why is that? Because I won't satisfy your mortal curiosity even when you throw your tantrums?"

  "I do not throw tantrums!"

  "What do you call what you are doing at this very moment?"

  I chucked up my chin. "Makin' a choice."

  Apollo just stared at me. Even in the dark, I saw something dangerous flash in his eyes. "It's too late, Siobhan. Your choice has been made."

  "You're wrong. Maybe I can't take back my virtue, but I can take back my heart."

  He shook his head. "No. You can't do that."

  "I can and I will. I can't be with someone who lies to me and keeps secrets from me citin' justifiable reasons tha' only he knows abou'."

  "You say you can't love me, but you already do."

  "Yes, but I'll eventually stop. I'll make myself stop."

  His blue gems flashed again. "It's too late, Siobhan."

  Why did he keep saying that? "Don't worry abou' me," I said, turning away. "I'm stronger than I look. You say it's too late. I say I'm jus' in time."

  We were silent a moment. "Do you really mean that?"

  I didn't answer. I meant to, but I just couldn't make myself say the words. He waited for me to speak, but too much time passed and I knew I wasn't going to. When he finally turned and started walking away from me, I wanted to scream for him to come back. But I didn't. Twice now, I'd pushed him away, and twice now, he had let me. How had we found ourselves here again? All I wanted him to do was trust me the way that he wanted me to trust him. Was I asking too much? He was a deity, but I felt that wasn't enough for me. He didn't get a pass on honesty just because he was a god and I was a mortal. I expected the same from him as I would any man and I couldn't bend on that. What kind of woman did that make me if I just continued to let this go on?

  "Are you all right, miss?" Conor appeared beside me. I jumped when his hand touched my arm. "Sorry, miss, but I was callin' your name and you wouldn' answer. His lordship summoned me to come pick you up and escort you home." He frowned. "Tha's why he summoned me. You're not all right, are you?"

  I shook my head, scared to speak because I kn
ew if I did, the tears would soon follow.

  "Well, I'm here now, miss." Conor took my violin case from me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Everythin' will be fine. I promise."

  I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder, and together, we walked to the car.


  Several weeks passed and it wasn't long before I realized that Apollo had been right. My choice had come too late.

  I sat in the window seat of my room, staring out over my family's estate. Our home really was beautiful, I had to admit. It was one of the largest estates located on the outskirts of Dublin. Sometimes I thought our home would have been better suited for the countryside, but my parents would have never abandoned city life for the country. My father had too many political ties in Dublin and gods forbid my mother not know all the latest gossip and scandals before everyone else. But I also had Vicky and Rupert, so my parents weren't the only ones who would have had to leave something they cared about behind.

  It was a gorgeous day, but I couldn't enjoy it. My book laid unread at my feet and my tea cooled beside me on the server. Emmaline came in to see if I wanted lunch served in my room again, but I just waved her away, stating I wasn't hungry.

  "Your parents are worried abou' you, miss," she said. "You've been cooped up in your room for days." I knew Emmaline and I knew no one was more worried about me than she was.

  "I'm fine," I said, forcing a smile. "I'm jus' not hungry. I'll be down for dinner since Garrett and Melissa are joinin' us. How does tha' sound?"

  She also forced a smile, curtsied, then left me to sulk in peace. I turned back to the window and continued to mull over my situation and what my options were. It was the most depressing thing I'd ever had to contemplate, because I was pretty sure there weren't any options when you were carrying the child of a Greek god.

  "Speaking of, how long were you going to go without telling me about your condition?"

  Hearing his voice was like music to my ears, even if I would never acknowledge it. I slowly turned to look at Apollo, not at all surprised to see him. I knew he would come eventually.


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