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The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels

Page 22

by Mildred Benson

  Pocketing the precious ticket, Penny set off up the mountain. It was dark before she had covered half the distance, but there were stars and a half moon to guide her.

  Mrs. Downey showed her relief as the girl stomped into the kitchen.

  “I was beginning to worry, Penny,” she declared. “Whatever made it take you so long?”

  “I stopped at the Fergus hotel and had dinner with Miss Miller.”

  “Were you able to get the newspapers?”

  “Only one which I had to buy at the Fergus hotel. Mrs. Downey, it’s queer about those papers. Benny Smith told me there weren’t any to be had, and then a few minutes later I met the airplane pilot who told me he had brought them in the same as usual. Also, the Fergus hotel received its usual quota.”

  “Well, that’s odd.”

  “It looks to me as if the Fergus outfit has made some arrangement with the paper boy. They may be buying up all the papers.”

  “As a means of annoying me,” nodded Mrs. Downey grimly. “It would be in line with their tactics. But what can I do?”

  “I don’t know,” admitted Penny. She pulled off her heavy boots and set them where they would dry. “We haven’t any proof they’re doing anything like that. It’s only my idea.”

  The door opened and Jake came into the kitchen. He dropped an armload of wood behind the range.

  “I started work on the bob-sled run this afternoon,” he remarked to Mrs. Downey. “Got a crew of boys coming first thing tomorrow. We ought to have her fixed up by noon.”

  “And the sleds?”

  “They seem to be in good condition, but I’ll check everything.”

  After the workman had gone, Penny glanced questioningly at Mrs. Downey.

  “Have you decided to use the run after all?”

  “Yes, I started thinking about it after we talked together. We do need more entertainment here at the lodge. After you left I ordered Jake to start work on the track. But I still am in need of experienced drivers for the sled.”

  “You spoke of Sara.”

  “I thought I would ask her, but I doubt if her Grandfather will give his consent.”

  “I’ll ski down there tomorrow and talk with her if you would like me to,” offered Penny.

  “I would appreciate it,” said Mrs. Downey gratefully. “I hate to spare the time myself.”

  Early the next morning Penny paid a visit to the bob-sled run where a crew headed by Jake was hard at work. There was a stretch of straightaway and a series of curves which snaked down the valley between the pines. At the point of the steepest curve, the outer snow walls rose to a height of eighteen feet.

  “A sled could really travel on that track,” observed Penny. “Does it hurt to upset?”

  “It might,” grinned Jake. “We’ve never had an upset on Horseshoe Curve. If a sled went over there, you might wake up in the hospital.”

  Penny watched the men packing snow for awhile. Then buckling on her skis, she made a fast trip down the mountain to the Jasko cabin. This time, having a definite mission, she went boldly to the door and rapped.

  There was no response until the window of the loft shot up.

  “Hello, Penny,” called down Sara. “I thought you had forgotten your promise. The key’s in the same place.”

  “Isn’t your grandfather here?”

  “No, he went down to Pine Top. Isn’t it glorious skiing weather? Hurry and get the key. I’ve been cooped up here half an hour already.”

  Penny went reluctantly to the woodshed and returned with the key. She unfastened the trapdoor which gave entrance to the loft and Sara quickly descended.

  “Didn’t your grandfather say anything about last time?” Penny inquired anxiously.

  “Oh, he raved because someone had trespassed. But it never occurred to him I had gone away. Where shall we ski today?”

  “I only stopped to deliver a message, Sara. I am on my way down to the Fergus hotel.”

  “Oh,” said the girl in disappointment. “A message from whom?”

  “Mrs. Downey. She is starting up her bob-sled run again and she wants you to help out.”

  Sara’s eyes began to sparkle.

  “I wish I could! If only Grandfather weren’t so strict.”

  “Is there a chance he’ll give his consent?”

  “Oh, dear, no. But I might be able to slip away. Grandfather plans to chop wood every day this week.”

  “I doubt if Mrs. Downey would want you to do that.”

  “Need you tell her?” queried Sara coolly. “I’ll fix myself a rope ladder and get out the window. That will save you the trouble of coming here to let me in and out.”

  “And what will your grandfather say if he learns about it?”

  “Plenty! But anything is better than being shut up like a prisoner. You tell Mrs. Downey I’ll try to get up to the lodge tomorrow morning, and we’ll try out the track together, eh Penny?”

  “I don’t know anything about bob-sledding.”

  “I’ll teach you to be my brake boy,” Sara laughed. “How long will you stay at the Fergus hotel?”

  “I haven’t any idea.”

  “Then I suppose I’ll have to crawl back into my cave,” Sara sighed dismally. “Can’t you even ski with me for half an hour?”

  “Not this morning,” Penny said firmly. “I have important work ahead.”

  She shooed Sara back into the loft and returned the key to the woodshed. The Jasko girl watched from the window, playfully shaking her fist as her friend skied away.

  “Sara is as stimulating as a mountain avalanche,” chuckled Penny, “but she’s almost too headstrong. Sooner or later her stunts will involve me in trouble with Peter Jasko.”

  In the valley below, smoke curled lazily from the chimneys of the Fergus hotel. Making directly for it, Penny felt in her pocket to be certain she had not lost the green ticket which she had found the previous evening.

  “This is going to be my lucky day,” she told herself cheerfully. “I feel it in my bones.”

  Reaching the hotel, Penny stripped off her skis and entered the hotel lobby. Maxine Miller was not in evidence nor did she see any other person who likely would question her presence there. She did notice Harvey Maxwell sitting in the private office. His eyes were upon her as she crossed the room. However, Penny felt no uneasiness, realizing that if he noticed her at all he recognized her only as a guest at the Downey lodge.

  “Second floor,” she said quietly to the elevator boy.

  Penny was the sole passenger, but as she stepped from the cage, she was dismayed to run directly into Francine Sellberg.

  The reporter greeted her with a suspicious stare.

  “Why, hello, Penny Parker. What are you doing here?”

  “Oh, just moseying around.”

  “I can see you are!”

  “Your room isn’t on this floor, is it?” Penny inquired.

  “No, on the fourth,” Francine answered before she considered her words.

  “Looking for someone?” remarked Penny with a grin. “Or should I say something?”

  An elevator stopped at the landing. “Going down,” the attendant called, opening the door. He gazed questioningly at the two girls.

  Francine shook her head, although she had been waiting for an elevator. Turning again to Penny she said with a hard smile: “I’ve not only been looking for something, I’ve found it!”

  “Still, I don’t see you rushing to reach a telephone, Francine. Your discovery can’t have such tremendous news value.”

  “It may have before long,” hinted Francine. “I don’t mind telling you I am on the trail of a really big story. And I am making steady progress in assembling my facts.”

  Penny regarded the girl reporter speculatively. Her presence on the second floor rather suggested that she, too, had been trying to investigate the Green Room, and more than likely had learned its location. But she was reasonably certain Francine had gathered no information of great value.

to hear you’re doing so well,” she remarked and started on down the hall.

  Francine fell into step with her. “If you’re looking for a particular room, Penny, maybe I can help you.”

  Penny knew that the reporter meant to stay with her so that she could do no investigation work of her own.

  “The room I am searching for has a green door,” she replied.

  Francine laughed. “I’m glad you’re so honest, Penny. I guessed why you were on this floor all the time. However, I greatly fear you’re in the wrong part of the hotel.”

  Penny paused and turned to face her companion squarely. “Why not put an end to all this nonsense, Francine? We watch each other and get nowhere. Let’s put our cards on the table.”

  “Yours might be a joker!”

  “We’re both interested in getting a story which will discredit Harvey Maxwell,” Penny went on, ignoring the jibe. “You’ve had a tip as to what may be going on here, while I’m working in the dark. On the other hand, I’ve acquired something which should interest you. Why don’t we pool our interests and work together?”

  “That would be very nice—for you.”

  “I think I might contribute something to the case.”

  “I doubt it,” replied Francine loftily. “You don’t even know the location of the Green Room.”

  “You’re wrong about that. It took no great detective power to learn it’s on this floor. To get inside may be a different matter.”

  “You’re quite right there,” said Francine with emphasis.

  “What do you say? Shall we work together and let bygones be bygones?”

  “Thank you, Penny, I prefer to work alone.”

  “Suit yourself, Francine. I was only trying to be generous. You see, I have an admittance card to the Green Room.”

  “I don’t believe it!”

  Flashing a gay smile, Penny held up the ticket for Francine to see.

  “How did you get it?” the reporter gasped. “I’ve tried—”

  “A little bird dropped it on my window sill. Too bad you didn’t decide to work with me.”

  Penny walked on down the corridor, and Francine made no attempt to follow. When she glanced back over her shoulder the reporter had descended the stairway to the lobby.

  “It was boastful of me to show her my ticket,” she thought. “But I couldn’t resist doing it. Francine is so conceited.”

  Making her way to the unmarked door of the wing, Penny paused there a moment, listening. Hearing no sound she pushed open the door and went down the narrow hall. The guard sat at his usual post before the Green Door.

  “Good morning,” said Penny pleasantly. “I have my card now.”

  The man examined it and handed it back. “Go right in,” he told her.

  Before Penny could obey, the door at the end of the corridor swung open. Harvey Maxwell, his face convulsed with rage, came hurrying toward the startled girl.

  “I’ve just learned who you are,” he said angrily. “Kindly leave this hotel at once, and don’t come back!”



  “You must have mistaken me for some other person,”Penny stammered, backing a step away from the hotel man. “Who do you think I am?”

  The question was a mistake, for it only served to intensify Harvey Maxwell’s anger.

  “You’re the daughter of Anthony Parker who runs the yellowest paper in Riverview! I know why he sent you here. Now get out and don’t let me catch you in the hotel ever again.”

  Observing the green card in Penny’s hand he reached out and jerked it from her.

  “I wasn’t doing any harm,” she said, trying to act injured. “My father didn’t send me to Pine Top. I came for the skiing.”

  Secretly, Penny was angry at Maxwell’s reference to the Riverview Star as being a “yellow” sheet, which in newspaper jargon meant that it was a sensation-seeking newspaper.

  “And what are you doing in this part of the hotel?”

  “I only wanted to see the Green Room,” Penny replied. “I thought I would have my breakfast here.”

  Harvey Maxwell and the doorman exchanged a quick glance which was not lost upon the girl.

  “Where did you get your ticket?” the hotel man demanded but in a less harsh voice.

  “I picked it up outside the hotel.”

  Penny spoke truthfully and her words carried conviction. Harvey Maxwell seemed satisfied that she had not been investigating the wing for any special purpose. However, he took her by an elbow and steered her down the corridor to the elevator.

  “If you’re the smart little girl I think you are, a hint will be sufficient,” he said. “I don’t want any member of the Parker family on my premises. So stay away. Get me?”

  “Yes, sir,” responded Penny meekly.

  Inwardly, she was raging. Someone deliberately had betrayed her to Harvey Maxwell and she had a very good idea who that person might be. From now on employes of the hotel would be told to keep watch for her. Never again would she be allowed in the lobby, much less in the vicinity of the Green Room.

  Harvey Maxwell walked with Penny to the front door of the hotel and closed it behind her.

  “Remember,” he warned, “stay away.”

  As Penny started down the walk she heard a silvery laugh, and glancing sideways, saw Francine leaning against the building.

  “You didn’t spend much time in the Green Room, did you?” she inquired.

  “That was a dirty trick to play!” retorted Penny. “I wouldn’t have done it to you.”

  “You couldn’t have thought that fast, my dear Penny.”

  “I might tell Mr. Maxwell you’re a reporter for theRiverview Record. How would you like that?”

  Francine shrugged. “In that case we both lose the story. All I want is an exclusive. After the yarn breaks in the Record, your father will be welcome to make use of any information published. So if you really want him to win his libel suit, you’ll gain by not interfering with me.”

  “You reason in a very strange way,” replied Penny coldly.

  Picking up her skis she shouldered them and marched stiffly away. She was angry at Francine and angry at herself for having given the rival reporter an opportunity to score against her. Probably she would never tell Harvey Maxwell or Ralph Fergus who the girl actually was, sorely as she might be tempted. As Francine had pointed out, her own chance of gleaning any worth while information had been lost.

  “It’s a bitter pill to choke down,” thought Penny,“but I would rather have the Record get the story than to lose it altogether.”

  Sunk deep in depression, she tramped back to the Downey lodge. The mail had arrived during her absence but there was no letter from home.

  “Dad might at least send me a postcard,” she grumbled. “For two cents I would take the next plane back to Riverview.”

  However, Penny could not remain downhearted for any great length of time. Why worry about Francine and the silly old Green Room? She would forget all about it and try to have fun for a change.

  It was not difficult to dismiss the matter from her mind, for the following morning Sara Jasko came to give her a lesson in bob-sled driving. With a crowd of interested guests watching from the sidelines, they made their first exciting ride over the track. Sara steered, Jake operated the brake, and Penny rode as sole passenger.

  Horseshoe Curve was the most thrilling point on the course. As the sled tore around it at a tremendous rate of speed, Jake dug in the iron claw of the brake, sending up a plume of snow. They slackened speed perceptibly, but even so the sled climbed high on the sloping wall, and Penny thought for an anxious moment that they were going over the top. The remainder of the run was mild by comparison.

  Upon later trips Penny was allowed to manage the brake, and soon became dexterous in applying it as Sara shouted the command.

  Skiers abandoned the slopes to watch the new sport. Two at a time, Penny and Sara gave them rides and all of their passengers were enthusia

  By the following day the word had spread down the mountain that Mrs. Downey’s bob-sled run was operating. Guests from the Fergus hotel joined the throng but they were given rides only when there were no passengers waiting.

  “It’s going over like a house afire!” Penny declared gaily to Mrs. Downey. “I shouldn’t be surprised if you take some of the Fergus hotel’s customers away from them if this enthusiasm lasts.”

  “You and Sara are showing folks a wonderful time.”

  “And we’re having one ourselves. It’s even more fun than skiing.”

  “But more dangerous,” declared Mrs. Downey. “I hope we have no accidents.”

  “Sara is a skillful driver.”

  “Yes, she is,” agreed Mrs. Downey. “There’s no cause for worry so long as the track isn’t icy.”

  Two days passed during which Penny did not even go near the Fergus hotel or to the village. As she remarked to Mrs. Downey, all of Pine Top came to the lodge. During the morning hours when the bob-sled run was in operation, a long line of passengers stood waiting. Guests from the Fergus hotel had few chances for rides. Several of them, wishing to be on the favored list, checked out and came to take lodging at Mrs. Downey’s place.

  “I can’t understand it,” the woman declared to Penny. “Last year the run wasn’t very popular. I think it may have been because we had a little accident at the beginning of the season. Nothing serious but it served to frighten folks.”

  “I wonder how the Fergus-Maxwell interests are enjoying it?” chuckled Penny.

  “Not very well, you may be sure. This flurry in our business will rather worry them. They may not put me out of business as quickly as they expected.”

  “At least you’ll end your season in a blaze of glory,” laughed Penny.

  The weather had turned warmer. Late Thursday afternoon the snow melted a bit and the lowering night temperatures caused a film of ice to form over the entire length of the bob-sled run. Jake shook his head as he talked over the situation with Penny the next morning.

  “The track will be fast and slippery this morning.”

  “A lot of folks will be disappointed if we don’t make any trips,” declared Penny. “Here comes Sara. Let’s see what she has to say.”


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