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The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels

Page 40

by Mildred Benson

  “She’s the Parker girl—daughter of the publisher,” informed Al.

  “Yeah,” commented Pete. “I saw her at one of our meetings. Another girl was with her. How much has she learned?”

  “Enough to get us all run out of town. The question is, what shall we do with her?”

  “Bring her inside, and we’ll talk it over,” said Pete. “Maybe we ought to call a meeting.”

  “No,” replied Al Gepper impatiently, shoving Penny through the doorway. “We can take care of this ourselves.”

  The door was locked from the inside. Al pushed Penny into a chair on the front platform.

  “Now sit there,” he ordered. “One peep out of you and we’ll tie you up and tape your mouth. Understand?”

  “Oui, oui, Monsieur,” said Penny, mockingly.

  The two men stepped a few paces away and began to whisper together. Pete seemed to protest at Al’s proposals.

  Penny watched them uneasily, speculating upon their final decision. Whatever it was, she would never be given an opportunity to report to the police until it was too late to apprehend members of the Temple.

  “I was stupid not to realize that Gepper might trail me,” she told herself. “If only I had used an ounce of caution, I might have brought about the capture of the entire gang. Not to mention a grand scoop for Dad’s paper.”

  Penny slumped lower in her chair. Her own predicament concerned her far less than the knowledge that she had bungled a golden opportunity.

  Speculatively, her gaze shifted toward the bell tower room. The door was closed and she believed that it must be locked. There was no sound from the belfry, adding to her conviction that the man imprisoned there was fearful of attracting attention to his plight.

  Al Gepper and Pete came toward her. With no explanation, the medium seized her arm and ordered her to walk toward the exit.

  “Where are you taking me?” Penny asked.

  “Never mind. You’ll find out in good time.”

  “Wait!” exclaimed Penny, bracing her legs and refusing to be pushed. “If you’ll let me go, I’ll tell you something very much worth your while.”

  Deliberately, she allowed the silken ladder to slip from beneath her coat. The men would not have heeded her words, but the familiar object served its purpose.

  “Where did you get that ladder?” demanded Al Gepper.

  “So you would like to know what became of your friend, Slippery?” responded Penny evenly. “You’ll be surprised when I tell you that he has double-crossed you both!”

  “You’re lying,” accused Gepper.

  Penny shrugged and did not speak.

  “What were you going to say?” Gepper prodded in a moment. “Out with it! How did you get Slippery’s ladder?”

  “It fell into my hands, literally and figuratively.”

  “Stalling for time will get you nowhere,” snapped Gepper, losing patience. “If you know anything about Slippery spill it fast or you’ll not have another chance.”

  “Your friend tried to double-cross you,” declared Penny. She decided to make a shrewd guess. “Tonight, after he robbed the Henley home he came here intending to loot the bell tower.”

  “Why, the dirty sneak!” exclaimed Pete.

  “Weren’t you here on guard all evening?” Gepper demanded, turning to him.

  “Sure, I was. I never set foot outside the building.”

  “Slippery wasn’t here?”

  “Haven’t seen him since yesterday morning.”

  “Then the girl is lying!”

  “Oh, no, the girl isn’t,” refuted Penny. “If you care for proof you’ll find it in the tower.”


  “I mean Slippery. He’s hiding in the belfry now, hoping you’ll not discover him there. You see, he scaled the wall by means of this silk ladder. I removed the ladder, and I assume he’s still up there.”

  “Why, the low-down skunk!” Pete exclaimed wrathfully. “So he planned to rob us! I’ll get him!”

  Leaving Al to watch Penny, the guard ran to the tower room door and unlocked it. Stealthily he crept up the iron stairway which led to the belfry.

  Suddenly those below heard a cry of rage, followed by the sound of scuffling. Al Gepper listened tensely, yet made no move to join the fight. He remained standing between Penny and the outside door.

  “You were right,” he admitted in a stunned voice. “Slippery’s up there. He meant to get all the swag for himself.”

  The fight increased in intensity as the two men struggled on the belfry steps. Over and over they rolled, first one delivering a hard blow, and then the other. Still locked, they finally toppled to the floor, but even then Al Gepper remained a bystander.

  Penny was less concerned with the fight than with thoughts of escape. She had hoped that Al, too, would join the battle. Apparently, he was taking no chance of letting her get away.

  She considered attempting a sudden break for freedom, but immediately abandoned it. The outside door had been locked by Pete. Before she could turn the key, Al would be upon her. As for the windows, none were open. While they might not be locked, it was out of the question to reach one quickly enough.

  Penny’s gaze roved to the tower room once more, and the struggling men. High above their heads she saw something which previously had not drawn her attention. It was a loop of rope, hanging from the belfry.

  “Why, that must be attached to the old church bell!” thought Penny. “If only I could reach it, I might be able to bring help here.”

  However, the rope dangled high overhead. Even if she were able to reach the room leading to the tower, there was nothing upon which she could stand to grasp the loop. Obviously the rope had been cut short years before to prevent anyone from ringing the bell.

  Penny glanced toward Al Gepper. The medium’s gaze was upon the two struggling men, not her. A golden opportunity presented itself, if only she had the wits to make use of it.

  Almost at the girl’s feet lay the tangle of silken ladder. As she stared at it, a sudden idea took possession of her. The iron hooks would serve her purpose, but dared she try it? If she failed—and the chances were against her—punishment would be certain.

  Yet, if she did nothing and merely waited, it was likely that Al Gepper and his pals never would be brought to justice. She must take the chance, no matter how great the personal risk.

  For a moment Penny remained inactive, planning what she must do. If she made a single mistake, fumbled at the critical instant, everything would be lost. Above all, her aim must be accurate. If she missed the loop—

  Slippery and Pete were beginning to tire, their blows becoming futile and ineffective. Further delay in executing her plan only increased the danger. She must act now or never.

  Her mind made up, Penny no longer hesitated. With a quick movement she seized the silken ladder and darted to the doorway of the bell tower.

  “Hey!” shouted Al Gepper, starting after her.

  Penny slammed the door in his face. Taking careful aim, she hurled the silken ladder upward. One of the iron hooks caught in the loop of the rope. She jerked on it, and to her joy, the bell began to ring.



  Penny pulled the rope again and again, causing the huge bell to sway back and forth violently. It rang many times before Al Gepper succeeded in opening the tower room door.

  His face was crimson with fury when he seized the girl, hurling her away from the rope. With one quick toss he released the hooks of the silken ladder, stuffing the soft strands beneath his coat. The bell made a final clang and became silent.

  Penny retreated against the wall, anticipating severe punishment for her act. However, Al and his companions were more concerned with thoughts of escape than with her.

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” muttered Al. “Come on!”

  The two men on the floor had ceased their struggles. Painfully they regained their feet. In this sudden emergency they had forgotten their

  “What shall we do about the box in the tower?”Pete demanded, nursing a swollen eye.

  “Leave it here,” returned Al. “We can’t save anything now. The police are apt to swoop down on us any minute.”

  Turning, he fled to the street. Pete and Slippery hesitated, then followed. Penny heard a key turn in the lock. Even before she tested the door she knew she had been imprisoned in the tower room.

  “They’ve escaped after all,” she thought dismally. “But I may have saved some of the loot. I’ll take a look.”

  Quickly she climbed the iron stairs to the belfry. From the turret she obtained a perfect view of the entire Lane. Al Gepper was running down the street, while Pete and Slippery had turned toward the cemetery.

  There were no other persons in the vicinity, Penny thought at first glance. Then her heart leaped as she saw three men entering the Lane at its junction with the main street. They, too, were running.

  “They must have heard the bell!” she told herself. “Oh, if only I can make them understand what has happened!”

  Her best means of attracting attention was by ringing the bell. She pushed against it and was rewarded by a deafening clang.

  The men stopped short, staring toward the belfry. Penny cupped her hands and shouted. Her words did not carry plainly, but the newcomers seemed to gain an inkling of what was amiss, for they wheeled and began to pursue the two who had taken refuge in the cemetery.

  From her high perch, Penny saw Al Gepper nearing the end of the Lane, unobserved by all save herself. Tapping the bell again, she called:

  “Get him, too! At the end of the street!”

  One of the pursuers halted, turning toward the tower. In the moonlight Penny saw his face and recognized Jerry Livingston. He was close enough now to hear her voice.

  “It’s Al Gepper!” she shouted. “Don’t let him escape!”

  The reporter turned, but as he started off in the new direction, both he and Penny saw the fleeing man climbing into Leaping Lena. With a grinding of gears, he drove away. Jerry stopped, thinking that he never could overtake the car.

  “Keep after him, Jerry!” encouraged Penny. “The gas tank is almost empty. He can’t possibly go more than three or four blocks!”

  As the reporter again took up the chase, she began tolling the bell once more, determined to arouse everyone within a mile of the Temple.

  Her energy was rewarded, for in another minute she heard the familiar wail of a siren. A police cruiser swerved alongside the tower, stopping with a lurch.

  “What’s the idea of ringing that bell?” demanded an officer, leaping to the ground.

  Tersely Penny explained the situation. The two policemen took a short-cut through a vacant lot, circling the cemetery. Darkness swallowed them, but presently there came a muffled command to halt, followed by a revolver shot.

  So excited was Penny that she nearly tumbled from the bell tower. Recovering her balance, she sat on the stone ledge, trying to remain calm. Her nerves were jumpy and on edge.

  “If only Jerry captures Al Gepper—that’s all I ask!” she breathed.

  As the minutes elapsed, it occurred to her that she had not yet searched for the loot which she believed to be hidden in the belfry. With questing fingers she groped beneath the ledge. For a short distance she felt nothing. Then she encountered a long wooden box.

  Before she could open it, she heard shouts from the direction of the cemetery. Four men, two of them police officers, were marching Slippery and Pete toward the Temple. As they came nearer she received another pleasant surprise. The two who had aided in the capture were her father and Salt Sommers, a photographer for the Star.

  “Dad!” shouted Penny. “Can you get me down from this pigeon roost?”

  Mr. Parker, separating from the others, came to the foot of the bell tower.

  “So it was you who sounded the alarm!” he exclaimed. “I might have known! How did you get up there?”

  “I’m locked in. Dad, send the police to help Jerry. He’s after Al Gepper who rode off in my car.”

  The police cruiser was dispatched, leaving one officer to guard the two prisoners. Mr. Parker unlocked the door of the tower room, releasing his daughter.

  “You’re all right?” he asked anxiously.

  “Of course. Here’s a little present for you.” Penny thrust the wooden box into his hands.

  “What’s this?”

  “I don’t know yet. I found it hidden in the belfry.”

  “Penny, if you fell into a river you would come up with a chest of gold!” exclaimed the publisher admiringly.

  “Open it quick, Dad.”

  Mr. Parker required no urging. The box was locked but he pried off the cover hinges, exposing the contents.

  “A real treasure!” exclaimed Penny.

  The box contained several bracelets, one of them set with rubies and diamonds, countless rings, four watches, and several strings of matched pearls.

  “Stolen loot!” ejaculated the publisher.

  “And what a collection!” chuckled Penny as she examined the separate pieces. “There’s enough plunder here to start a jewelry store.”

  “Likewise sufficient evidence to put this Celestial Temple gang out of circulation for a long, long time,” added her father.

  “I learned a lot tonight, Dad. Wait until I tell you!”

  “A scoop for the Star?”

  “You’ll be able to use your largest, blackest headlines.”

  Penny began to tell her story, interrupting only when Slippery and Pete were brought into the building handcuffed together. Starting again, she made her charges, accusing Slippery not only of having committed the Henley burglary, but also of having robbed the Kohls and many prominent Riverview families.

  After inspecting the jewelry found in the wooden box, one of the police officers definitely identified several of the pieces as stolen goods. He expressed an opinion that the jewelry had been hidden in the belfry because it was too “hot” to be disposed of by fences.

  “The organization members had an agreement by which all shared in the loot,” added Penny. “That caused trouble. Al Gepper and Slippery thought they were taking most of the risk without sufficient return. So they pulled a few extra jobs of their own.”

  Before she could reveal more, the police car was heard outside the Temple. From the window Penny saw that Jerry and the policeman were returning with Al Gepper who had been handcuffed.

  “They’ve caught him!” she cried jubilantly.

  The prisoner was brought into the Temple to be identified. He had been captured when Leaping Lena had stalled for lack of gasoline.

  As Gepper was searched, the silken ladder, and various small objects were removed from his coat. Penny noticed two tiny rubber suction cups no larger than dimes, and immediately made up her mind that later she would try to obtain them. She was quite certain she knew their purpose.

  Penny told her story and learned, in turn, that after she had telephoned Jerry, he had traced her father, and with the police both had hastened to the Hodges’cottage. Arriving there, they discovered that Gepper had fled. Jerry, Mr. Parker, and Salt Sommers had immediately proceeded to the Celestial Temple.

  “It was lucky you rang that bell, Penny,” chuckled Jerry. “If you hadn’t, we never would have arrived here in time.”

  “It was lucky, too, that Mr. Gepper tried to escape in Lena,” she laughed. “I guess my old rattle-trap has redeemed itself.”

  One of the officers picked up the silken ladder, examining it with critical interest. He agreed that it had undoubtedly been used in many mysterious burglaries committed during the past month.

  “It’s obvious that Slippery approached the houses on the ‘blind’ side, and scaled the wall after hooking his ladder into a window ledge,” Penny remarked. “I suppose he reasoned that second-story windows nearly always are left unlocked. But how did he learn the houses were deserted? By telephoning?”

  “That would be my opini
on,” nodded the policeman. “If someone answered, he could hang up. Otherwise, he would be fairly sure the house was empty.”

  “One night at the theatre I saw a man who resembled Slippery noting down the license number of the Kohl car. But the house was robbed within a few hours after that. How could he have obtained the name and address?”

  “Easily. There are ‘information fences’ who supply such data to fellow members of the underworld. It is also possible that Slippery previously had watched the Kohl house, obtained the car license number, and then watched for it later at the theatre.”

  Jerry already had supplied police with the name of the fence whose establishment Slippery had visited earlier in the day. Later, a raid staged there brought to light much loot taken from various Riverview homes.

  However, for the moment, police were most interested in gaining complete information which could be used in rounding up all members of the Celestial Temple Society who had not fled the city.

  Searching Slippery they found, not only jewelry stolen from the Henley residence, but a booklet containing many names and telephone numbers.

  “Sadie Beardsell,” Penny read. “She’s one of the members, I am sure.”

  Lest Mr. and Mrs. Hodges might also be arrested, she explained that the old couple had been an innocent dupe of Al Gepper. Turning to the medium she said:

  “I think I know how you accomplished most of your tricks. Of course, you were the one who sent Mrs. Hodges a letter with six dollars. Undoubtedly, you had it mailed by an accomplice from New York at exactly the hour you specified. Then at that same hour you slipped up to the Hodges’ cottage, and rapped six times on the bedroom wall.”

  “You seem to have everything figured out,” Al Gepper responded sarcastically. “Clever girl!”

  “I saw how you made the spirit painting tonight at the séance,” resumed Penny. “May I ask if that same method was used in regard to Mrs. Weem’s picture of Cousin David?”

  She did not dream that the medium would answer her question. With a shrug which implied that the entire matter was very boring, he replied:

  “No, the picture was painted with a solution of sulphocyanid of potassium and other chemicals, invisible until brought out with a re-agent. During the séance, an assistant sprayed the back of the canvas with an atomizer, bringing out the colors one by one.”


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