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A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)

Page 3

by Makenna Jameison

  Mike’s hands slid to her bottom, palming it as he pulled her tighter against him. The tips of his fingers slid just beneath the fabric, and she gasped at his hands on her bare flesh. It felt so good having Mike touch her, kiss her, control all of their movements. Their bodies fit perfectly together. His muscles and hard planes up against all her soft curves felt like pure magic.

  Christopher cleared his throat in the distance, and Kenley abruptly jerked back in Mike’s arms. Although they were mostly covered in water, their make-out session had obviously not gone unnoticed. Of course not. She’d flailed about like an idiot and then cried as Mike came to her rescue. Well, he’d also been the cause of her torment in the first place.

  Kenley untangled herself from Mike as he loosened his grip but still held her securely in his arms. She wasn’t sure if he didn’t want to let her go because it meant ending their heated make-out session or because he was still concerned about her near drowning. Well, she probably hadn’t been that close to drowning with Mike, Christopher, and Lexi at the pool, but it sure the hell felt that way.


  “I have to go.” She bolted for the ladder, climbing out of the pool. Mike’s heated gaze slid over her entire body, and she shuddered. He remained where she’d left him, no doubt in an effort to conceal that massive hard-on he was sporting.

  “I’ve got to go, guys,” she said, grabbing her towel from where Christopher and Lexi sat with amused expressions on their faces. Scratch that—Christopher looked amused, Lexi looked in disbelief.

  “I better see you at the bonfire tonight,” Lexi said. She leaned in closer. “Because I need details!”

  Kenley flushed, ignoring Christopher and grabbing Lexi firmly by the arm as she dragged her away. “Not a word about this. Ever. It was a one-time thing.”

  “Right,” Lexi laughed. “I’ll see you tonight.”


  Kenley tugged her curly brown hair back into a loose ponytail as she stepped onto the soft sand later that evening. Anxiety churned through her, but she shook it off, telling herself she was being silly. Why should she be worried about running into Mike? They’d go back to the way things were—with her ignoring him—and she could spend the night drinking and talking with her best friend. Problem solved.

  She shuddered as she recalled Mike’s heated kisses in the pool today. The way those full lips moved over hers were like they were made to kiss a woman. Everywhere. If Mike’s arousal had been any indication, he’d be happy to acquiesce. Hell, if Lexi and Christopher hadn’t been there, who knows what would’ve happened. She didn’t even know what had gotten into her. Something about him stoked this untamable urge inside her to let him kiss and devour her. To do whatever the hell he wanted, because it felt so damn right.

  She slipped off her sandals, allowing them to dangle in one hand, as she walked around shells and padded toward the bonfire in the distance. She took a deep breath, steeling herself. Lexi would have questions. Christopher would have questions. Mike would probably show up and seek her out. She’d just have to change the subject and move on. The quicker she did, the quicker they would. And then everyone could forget about the entire embarrassing incident at the pool today.

  The sea air assaulted her senses, filled with salt and brine, and the breeze blowing in off the ocean made her wish she’d worn more than shorts and a thin tank top. At least she had a cozy sweater tied around her waist for later. And it would be warmer by the fire, she reasoned. Maybe she could find a hunky, single SEAL to snuggle up to—right. She certainly wasn’t getting up close and personal with Mike again. Ever. And that meant the rest of the guys were off limits, too. Not that she’d ever really noticed anyone but him. It was unnerving, really, how he got to her that way.

  Kenley kicked the soft sand as she walked, watching it fall back down. She’d come to the beach every weekend over the past month. She liked it here, even if her stay was just temporary. But nothing she needed for the future she’d mapped out could be found here on this beach—no matter how frustratingly tempting some of the men may seem.

  She could just make out Lexi and Christopher, along with another couple, as they set up chairs and blankets around the bonfire. Damn it. She’d left her cozy flannel blanket in the car. She didn’t feel like trekking back across the beach and down the block to retrieve it. Maybe Lexi had an extra once she could use.

  A cooler sat beside the fire, and as she got closer, she could see a woman pulling out hotdogs and skewers for them to roast over the roaring flames. A massive man walked up from the other direction, hauling another cooler. He set it down and began pulling beers out and passing them to the other guys.

  “Hey, darlin’,” he said as she approached.

  She smiled back, trying to remember the guy’s name. There were six men on the SEAL team, and to make matters even more complicated, each of them had a nickname as well. They usually addressed each other by their given name in crowds like this, but it was no wonder she couldn’t keep half of them straight. Aside from Christopher and Mike, the other guys kind of blurred together.

  “Kenley!” Lexi called out, rushing over to give her a hug. Her dark hair swung as she swooped in, and the smile on her face could’ve lit up the entire beach. “I thought for sure you wouldn’t show!”

  “I almost didn’t.”

  “Oh come on, no one cares about you and Mike.”

  Kenley pointedly raised her eyebrows.


  “It took you exactly two point five seconds to mention him.”

  Lexi shrugged. “Okay, so maybe I care. And want details of what exactly went down. But these other guys? Trust me when I say they couldn’t care less.”

  “I guess,” Kenley said. Although she felt like all eyes were on her, absolutely no one was looking at her. Not even Christopher, who seemed more concerned with stoking the fire. Maybe tonight would be okay after all.

  “Anyway, I’m glad you decided to come. We’ll do stuff with the guys tonight and then have our girls only day tomorrow.”

  “I heard that,” Christopher joked as he walked over.

  Kenley smiled at her friend’s handsome fiancé. Why couldn’t the other guys all be sweet like Christopher? “I’m sure you can spare her for a little while, right?” she asked him with a wink.

  “Maybe,” he said, giving Lexi a chaste kiss on the cheek.

  Kenley raised her eyebrows.

  “Let me introduce you to everyone else,” Lexi said. “I know you met some of them before—”

  “Trust me, I can’t keep half of the guys straight.”

  “That’s Matthew, Patrick, and Rebecca,” Lexi said, pointing out the others. “And you already know Christopher,” she joked, snuggling against him as a breeze blew off the water.

  Christopher’s gaze quickly scanned over Kenley as he wrapped an arm around Lexi’s shoulders. “You might be cold in that.”

  Kenley had noticed when she walked up that everyone else had on jeans or long pants, plus long-sleeved shirts and jackets or sweatshirts. It was a little late to do anything about her outfit choice now though. “I figured we’re at the beach,” she said with a shrug.

  “We always come down here in the summer,” Lexi explained. “She’ll be fine—we have a bonfire. So how’s work going anyway?” she asked, turning her attention back to Kenley. “Will you be in town much longer?”

  “I think we’ve nailed down the specifics for the new contract in Norfolk,” Kenley said, referring to the town neighboring Virginia Beach. Norfolk housed the largest naval base in the world, and there were always multiple defense contractors bidding on lucrative contracts with the Navy. Her own company included. “I’ve been interviewing candidates all week to fill the extra positions. Another week or so and I’ll probably be heading back up to Arlington.”

  “Awww, that soon? I’ll miss you!”

  Kenley laughed as her gaze swept to Christopher. “Isn’t this guy enough company?”

  “Damn straight,” Chr
istopher joked, pulling his fiancée closer. She looked more than happy to melt into his embrace, and Kenley sighed. When was the last time a man had made her feel that way?

  “Just so you know, Mike’s coming tonight,” Christopher suddenly said.

  “Perfect,” Kenley groaned, rolling her eyes. She knew the entire team had been invited, but a part of her had been secretly hoping that Mike would be a no-show. Especially after this afternoon. She’d bolted from the pool without so much as a goodbye, and knowing him, he wouldn’t leave it at that. Besides, he was way too attractive and unnerving for his own good. She didn’t like the way her brain always short-circuited around him, making her feel like a school girl with a crush on the captain of the football team. Why couldn’t he just fade into the background when he was around like all the other men on the SEAL team? Instead, it was like he was a magnet, drawing her to him, and no matter how hard she tried to pull away, resistance was futile.

  Lexi laughed. “Sweetie, come on. It sure seemed like you guys kissed and made up earlier. Can’t you move on? Maybe play nice for the night?”

  “Hey, you guys made it!” Patrick called out from where he stood helping Rebecca pull food from the cooler. He was tall and massive as well, with a snug fitting shirt that hugged all his muscles and cool, ice blue eyes.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” Rebecca said. “We brought enough food to feed an army.”

  “Or a hungry SEAL team,” Patrick joked.

  Kenley glanced over her shoulder to see Mike approaching along with another guy. Her heart skittered to a stop as a chill raced down her spine, immediately followed by a flush that washed over her skin. Her entire body was pulsing with awareness, every nerve ending tingling. She was frozen in place, unable to move or even look away as the guys approached. Blue eyes nailed her with a gaze. Just perfect. Now she’d been caught gawking.

  “Are you okay?” Lexi whispered.

  Kenley glanced back at her friend. “I’m fine,” she huffed. “Just because he’s here doesn’t mean I need to talk to him. Or associate with him.” She hastened a glance back.

  “Or look at him,” Christopher teased.

  Kenley could feel her face flaming. “I was just trying to figure out who he was with,” she said lightly. “You can’t expect me to remember who everyone is.”

  Christopher raised his eyebrows as Lexi playfully elbowed him in the side.

  “That’s just Brent,” Christopher said. “Don’t worry about him.”

  Kenley resisted the urge to shudder. If anyone freaked her out more than Mike, it was him. The vibe he gave off was unpleasant at best and predatory at worst. He was like a lion stalking a lamb and made Mike seem pretty damn tame in comparison. From the stories Lexi had told her about Brent, he was with a different woman every night of the week. While she was up for some excitement in her life, he was way too far at the opposite end of the spectrum for her liking.

  Brent mumbled a hello to them but sauntered over to the cooler to grab a beer from Matthew. They waved at another group of people in the distance—one guy with a group of women. Kenley watched them, puzzled.

  “Evan’s girlfriend, Alison, is bringing some of her nurse friends tonight,” Mike explained as he stopped at her side, his voice deep. She turned back to meet his searching blue gaze. He hadn’t even bothered to say hello to her. The fact that Lexi discreetly dragged Christopher away at that exact moment didn’t escape her notice. She’d have to kill her friend later for leaving her alone with Mike.

  “Looking to meet someone?” Kenley couldn’t help but retort. She felt her face burning. What the hell was wrong with her? Who cared if he met some chick and made out with her all night by the roaring fire? It sure the hell wasn’t her concern.

  “Not exactly,” Mike said, his voice gruff. His six feet plus towered above her own petite frame, and as she took in his cropped dark hair and chiseled features, she had to admit to herself that he was handsome. Not that she’d ever tell him that.

  His bulk was contained beneath a long-sleeved tee shirt that stretched across his massive chest and broad shoulders. His pecs stood out against the snug fabric, and she knew exactly what the washboard abs concealed beneath his clothes looked like. Well-worn jeans clung to his muscular thighs, and work boots encased his feet. The man looked mouth-watering from head to toe. Not that she’d be sampling a taste.

  “Boots?” she asked.

  Mike shrugged. “It’s mid-October, not July. Are you warm enough?” he asked, suddenly seeming concerned.

  “I’m fine,” she said, wishing she’d thought to wear jeans at least. Bare feet, shorts, and a tank top didn’t seem quite appropriate for a fall beach bonfire. Oh well. Too late now. She’d just leave if she got too cold as the night wore on. She unwrapped her sweater from around her waist and tugged it over her head, suddenly feeling naked beneath Mike’s penetrating gaze. The heat that filled her chest was from the warmth of her sweater—not her reaction to Mike. Not at all.

  Mike was watching her closely when she re-emerged. “Can we talk for a minute?” he asked, looking uncomfortable. He shifted from side to side.

  “Kenley, over here!” Lexi called, waving a skewered hot dog in the air. Christopher grabbed her from behind at that exact moment, and she shrieked happily.

  Kenley glanced back at Mike, feeling like the few feet between them was the expanse of the entire ocean. Aside from the pool this afternoon, she’d seen him exactly once since their encounter at the condo, and it had been just as awkward as tonight. The fact that her heart was skittering to a stop in her chest as she gazed up at him wasn’t helping matters. Why was her body responding to this man whose aggression and assertiveness was so completely wrong for her? Maybe she was interested in dating someone different, but he was too many steps in the wrong direction. Way too far off the course she’d planned for her life. “Uh, maybe later. See ya.”

  She turned and hurriedly walked away, Mike’s spicy scent still lingering in the air. That man smelled positively scrumptious. How was she supposed to relax and enjoy the evening knowing he was here—and worse, knowing he thought they needed some heart-to-heart? She wasn’t even sure what he wanted. Was he going to apologize? Call a truce? Haul her off into the dunes and kiss her senseless?

  She flushed as she imagined Mikes lips on her skin, the scruff of his five o’clock shadow rubbing against her sensitive flesh. His thick arousal rubbing against her sex was still fresh in her mind, and a part of her wanted to continue exactly where they’d left off. To see just how good Mike could make her feel. Not that that was ever, ever going to happen. This afternoon was a one-time deal, and the sooner she communicated that to Mike, the better.

  So naturally, she was walking away from him and toward her best friend. Because that would resolve everything.

  Lexi was getting some food for her, so Kenley grabbed a beer from the open cooler and sank into the sand beside her. The wall of heat that washed over her from the bonfire felt good. She stretched her legs out in the sand, enjoying the warmth on her bare skin. Lexi handed her a plate, and she could feel Mike’s burning gaze from behind. No time like the present to start ignoring him. It might be easier to ignore the sun in the sky than the way his presence lit up her world, but she was willing to try.

  “What was that about?” Lexi asked, nodding in Mike’s direction.

  Kenley blew out a sigh. “Who knows. He said he wanted to talk.”

  “About the condo or the pool?”

  “Don’t know. Don’t care.”

  “He is sorry, you know. About the condo, I mean. Christopher said he was really worried he’d scared you.”

  Kenley let out a bitter laugh. “He sure had a damn funny way of showing it. Your fiancé had to order him to release me—and I was in my own home!”

  “I know. Those guys are used to neutralizing the threat, controlling the situation. He reacted without thinking. They were just worried about me, you know?”

  Kenley wrapped an arm around her best friend’s shoul
der. “I know. So was I. That didn’t mean I appreciated him scaring me like that.”

  “Ladies,” Christopher said, approaching them with two cooked hotdogs, still sizzling on the skewers.

  “Such a gentleman,” Kenley teased.

  “Thanks hun,” Lexi said, leaning forward to give him a kiss.

  Those two were so sweet it practically hurt to look at them. Kenley hastened a glance back in Mike’s direction and found him still watching her intently. He nodded once and then turned his attention back to his friends. What was his deal anyway? He didn’t need to keep tabs on her. They weren’t friends. They weren’t anything.

  She grabbed a fork and slid the hotdog from the skewer and onto a bun, taking a bite. It was just the right amount of charred and tasted completely delicious, or maybe she was just starving. Come to think of it, she never did have her snack or soda at the pool earlier. She reached over and helped herself to a few of the side dishes spread out by the cooler, filling her plate. Everything tasted better down by the water. The sea air, salt, and sand just made life better in general. It was going to be tough returning to DC in another week or so when she’d finished hiring for their new contract. But her job, apartment, and life were there. She had no reason to stick around here longer than necessary.

  “Are either of you ready for another hotdog?” Christopher asked as he polished off his second.

  “Not me, thanks,” Kenley said. “I haven’t even finished my first one yet.”

  “No thanks, hun,” Lexi said.

  “No biggie, more for us men,” Christopher said with a wink.

  Evan sauntered over, grabbing plates for him and Alison. Christopher loaded him up, and Kenley noticed Evan’s plate was also piled high with food. With the grueling workouts and deployments they went on, it was no wonder they needed to eat so much to keep up their strength. She had a feeling they could each polish off more food in one sitting than she could eat in a week. Not that she was complaining in the least about their muscular physiques. Lexi and the other women were lucky indeed.


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