A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)

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A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4) Page 5

by Makenna Jameison

  The jogger ran toward them with the broken leash, apologizing. Mike released her and held onto the dog’s collar as the owner roughly tied the leash back together, providing an impromptu solution. He apologized again and continued on his way as Mike turned back toward Kenley.

  She trembled as she watched him, embarrassment coursing through her.

  “You don’t like dogs?”

  “Not when they’re jumping on me. Or running at me in full-on attack mode.” Her voice shook, and she looked away from Mike’s gaze.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he said, stepping closer. “I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  Kenley looked back at him, puzzled. “You barely even know me.”

  Mike shrugged. “I’m a Navy SEAL. It’s what we do. Usually we’re operating on foreign terrain, not rescuing women from swimming pools or friendly dogs on the beach, but hey.”

  “Stop making fun of me.”

  “I’m not,” he said, suddenly serious. “I want you to know you’re safe with me.”

  “Just forget it,” she muttered, brushing past him. How humiliating. First he’d had to come to her rescue in a swimming pool of all places, now he’d seen she was frightened of barking dogs running her way. Jesus. She really should just call it a night. And make it a point of staying away from wherever he was in the future.

  Mike caught her elbow lightly, and she glanced back at him. “How many times do I need to apologize?”

  “You don’t; everything’s fine.”

  He released her but stepped so close that she had to tilt her head back to meet his gaze. No parts of their bodies were touching, but the electricity sizzling between them was enough to set every nerve ending in her body on fire. He was tall. Broad. Strong. His very presence was making her dizzy. The flashlight beamed down at their feet, and she could barely see his expression in the moonlight. The waves crashed against the shore, pounding in rhythm with the blood rushing through her veins. She could hear the laughter of their friends in the distance, see the dim lights of the boardwalk they’d left behind, but at this moment, her enter existence felt like it hinged on him.

  Two military jets flew in from the ocean, the sound of them announcing their imminent appearance. They soared over the sand where they stood, flying high above the city of Virginia Beach. Their engines roared across the night sky, and Kenley wondered what they saw from above. She and Mike were so small and insignificant standing here on the beach—barely anything at all.

  “They’re from Naval Air Station Oceana,” Mike commented as she watched them. They looked so tiny high up in the air, their lights allowing her to follow their path. It was a clear night, and she watched as they screamed across the sky and eventually disappeared from sight.

  Mike moved a fraction of an inch closer to her, and she stepped back. He reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, the heat from his touch and sparks flying between them almost unbearable. “Why are you afraid of me?”

  “I’m not scared of you,” she retorted.


  “No,” she said stubbornly.

  His hands came to her waist, and she leapt back from him like she’d been burned. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest, and she turned and hurried toward the bonfire, Mike wordlessly catching up to her in an instant. What was he trying to do? For a moment there, she’d thought he was going to kiss her again. As if this afternoon at the pool had actually meant something. As if anything else would ever happen between them.

  She clenched her jaw, willing herself not to cry. There was heat between them, yes, but Mike was a thousand different ways wrong for her. Maybe they’d have fun, but then he’d move on with the next girl or leave on his next mission, and she’d be left where she always had been. On her own.

  The remainder of the walk back was silent. A loaded silence. Mike’s hand brushed against hers once, and she quickly jerked away. He didn’t try to touch or comfort her again after that.

  Lexi’s jaw dropped when she saw Kenley in Mike’s oversized sweatshirt, but Kenley waved her off. Seriously. Couldn’t a guy do a nice thing without the whole world assuming they were together or something? They would never be anything to each other. She took the roasted marshmallow and s’mores fixings that Rebecca offered her, tears smarting in her eyes as she rejoined Lexi and the others.

  “Are you okay?” Lexi asked, looking concerned.

  “Never better,” Kenley said, taking a bite of the chocolate marshmallow gooeyness. Man, she could eat about ten of these with the sucky night she was having. She brushed some stray graham cracker crumbs from her lap, taking a second bite as Lexi watching her intently.

  Kenley swallowed as Mike appeared and grabbed a plate and some food, sending her a loaded glance. She turned to Lexi and whispered, “Let’s talk tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay, hun,” Lexi said, wrapping an arm around Kenley’s shoulders and giving her a quick hug. “I’m glad you decided to come back though.”

  Mike wandered back over to Matthew, Brent, and the nurses to eat his dinner, leaving Kenley sitting alone by the fire with the other couples. They laughed and enjoyed talking, drinking, and eating around the flames, but Kenley spent the rest of the night ignoring the brooding Navy SEAL whose eyes never left her.

  Chapter 5

  “So what was that about last night?” Christopher asked the next afternoon. Mike gripped his end of the sofa more tightly, his biceps flexing, as they carried the heavy piece of furniture the last few steps across the living room of Christopher’s apartment.

  They set it back on the carpeted floor and Mike straightened, brushing his hands off as he eyed the sofa’s new spot under the windows. With Lexi moving in with Christopher soon, somehow he’d gotten roped into helping rearrange the damn apartment. Not exactly his ideal way to spend a Sunday afternoon, but at least football would be on soon. “What was what about? This thing’s off-center,” he said, cocking his head.

  Christopher shoved the sofa two more inches. “The whole song and dance with Kenley. You chased her down the beach, she returned wearing your sweatshirt, but then you two didn’t speak the rest of the night.”

  “The hell if I know,” Mike muttered, turning away and scanning the messy room. Boxes were stacked in the corner, the furniture was in disarray, and Christopher looked happier than ever. Good. He deserved it. But as for Mike’s own problems with Kenley? What the hell did he know? He’d tried to apologize to Kenley, even tried to do something nice for her, but the woman was still mad. Not to mention completely freaked out around him. There wasn’t much to tell. She’d stayed glued to Lexi’s side the entire night, wearing his sweatshirt, as everyone had apparently noticed. But had she glanced his way? Tried to talk to him? Not even once.

  The friends Alison brought had giggled with Matthew and Brent as the night wore on, but Mike was the odd man out, not wanting to flirt with some random chick and not knowing what to say to get into Kenley’s good graces. Her cold shoulder made him feel unwelcome at his own damn SEAL team’s night on the beach. How ironic was that?

  Christopher chuckled. “Lexi kept asking if I thought you two hooked up again or something.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Does that sound like Lexi?” Christopher smirked. “Not a chance in hell. But that little show you and Kenley put on by the pool was quite impressive.”

  Mike groaned. The memory of Kenley’s lush body pressed against his was enough to fill his fantasies for an entire year. The way that bikini top stretched across her full breasts, leaving very little to the imagination. The way he’d rocked against her, feeling her heat even through her bikini bottoms. Hell, if they hadn’t had an audience, he’d have taken her right then and there. Slipped that scrap of fabric to the side and thrust straight into heaven. He was dying to send Kenley soaring, to have her moaning and begging him for more.

  “That good, huh?” Christopher asked.

  “Fucking amazing,” Mike admitted. He cleared his throat. �
�But as you could see last night, she’s still pissed at me.”

  “About the condo?”

  “Yeah, I don’t think most women take strange men barging into their homes lightly.”

  “I told you to get the fuck off of her,” Christopher pointed out.

  “I did. But between that and tossing her into the pool? She’s pissed. And how the hell was I supposed to know she doesn’t swim?”

  Christopher chuckled. “No woman who was furious at you would let you kiss her like that. She wants you too, man.”

  Mike shrugged. “It sure didn’t seem that way last night.”

  Christopher walked over to answer the door, and a moment later, Patrick came in carrying two large pizzas and a six-pack.

  “I know you said you already had beer, but I figured extra wouldn’t hurt.” His gaze swept the room. “Hell, this place is a goddamn mess.”

  “Nice of you to join us,” Mike said, rolling his eyes.

  Patrick dropped the boxes of pizza down on the coffee table and nailed him with gaze. “All right, Patch,” Patrick said, calling Mike by his nickname. “What the hell was going on last night at the bonfire? First you run off, then Kenley runs off. Then she returns in your clothing but refuses to speak to you.” He raised his eyebrows, his cool blue eyes assessing him.

  “Jesus Christ,” Mike muttered, walking over to grab a beer. “Not you, too.”

  “Rebecca was worried. She said Kenley was practically crying by the time you guys came back.”

  Shit. Mike’s gut churned at the idea of Kenley being upset with him. Of the knowledge that he’d somehow hurt her. She was so small and fragile, he’d never do anything to cause her harm. Hell, he and the men on his team would never hurt any woman. And as for the brunette beauty he couldn’t get out of his mind? Well, the fact that she’d been brought to tears because of something he did didn’t sit well with him. At all. Part of him wanted to remedy the situation immediately—and another part of him wanted to stay the hell away. He couldn’t cause her harm if he wasn’t around.

  He knew Kenley had been angry when he asked why she was frightened of him, but she sure the hell hadn’t been crying on their walk back. She’d marched off in a huff, and they hadn’t even spoken again. He felt like the biggest jerk in the world for making her feel bad. Again. Maybe he should just stay the hell away from her. Try as he might to do right by her, he seemed to just keep digging himself a deeper grave with every encounter—crash and burn.

  Christopher tossed him a bottle opener, and Mike popped the cap on the bottle, taking a long pull of the cold brew. “I didn’t know she was upset, Ice,” Mike said. “Angry, yes. But crying?” He blew out a breath.

  “I was just giving him the third degree,” Christopher admitted, grabbing a beer for himself. “You want one?” he asked, nodding at Patrick.

  “Hell yeah. Thanks, man.”

  Mike took another swig of his beer as his two teammates stared at him. “Seriously? You two are turning into chicks or something. I should’ve spent the day with Matthew and Brent.”

  “They’re probably still with the women they met last night,” Patrick said with a laugh.

  “Good God,” Mike muttered.

  “Is Rebecca with the kids today?” Christopher asked Patrick.

  Rebecca had a young daughter who was four, and Patrick had a six-year-old son. They’d originally met when their kids were playing together. Those two had been hot and heavy from the start, and after an incident with a stalker chasing after Rebecca, they’d been practically inseparable ever since. Even though Christopher and Lexi were the first of the group to get engaged, Mike didn’t doubt that Patrick would soon be following in his footsteps. Mike’s weekends with the guys would probably be getting fewer and fewer. Hell.

  “Yeah, they all went for ice cream on the boardwalk,” Patrick said.

  “Lexi and Kenley went to the spa for the day.”

  “Man, you are whipped,” Mike said with a laugh. “Lexi gets to spend the day at the spa while you move furniture around all day?”

  “You obviously know nothing about relationships,” Christopher said.

  “That is one thing I’ll agree with you on. And it’s better that way—trust me.”

  “I don’t know. Kenley sure seems to get your motor running.” Christopher waggled his eyebrows.

  Patrick laughed. “You know what they say—the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

  “I’m not falling for anything,” Mike muttered.

  Patrick and Christopher exchanged a glance. Mike didn’t miss the smirk on Patrick’s face. Hell. What was with those two today?

  “That’s what they all say,” Christopher said with a grin. “Right up until they meet their dream girl. So tell me, have you had any dreams about Kenley?”

  “Enough,” Mike ground out as the other guys chuckled.

  “All right,” Christopher said, putting an end to the joking around. “Let’s move the rest of the furniture in the living room and watch the game. We can deal with all the boxes for storage later on. Pizza’s getting cold.”

  The three men moved enough things around to make room for when some of Lexi’s furniture would eventually move in with her. The place didn’t look half-bad, Mike thought. They’d probably get a bigger place soon, but it would work for the two of them in the meantime.

  Mike collapsed on the sofa and knocked off a beer while they chowed down on pizza and watched the game. He’d gotten in ten miles this morning before heading over to help move furniture, and the cheese pizza tasted pretty damn spectacular with an ice cold one after all that exertion. The guys had some intense training on the water tomorrow, so he wouldn’t overindulge. Mike and the rest of the SEAL team kept to a strict diet and training regimen to stay in shape. It worked pretty well judging from all the attention from the ladies. It sure felt good to kick back with pizza and beers rather than the MREs they were forced to eat on their deployments. As much as he loved the action, he’d take football and friends over their recent ops.

  “Oh, I almost forget,” Christopher said, grabbing a balled up sweatshirt and tossing it at Mike.

  Mike snagged it from the air and looked at Christopher questioningly.

  “Kenley came by earlier to pick up Lexi for their spa day.”

  Mike nodded and set the rumpled sweatshirt down beside him, a lump suddenly forming in his throat. She’d been here, and he’d managed to miss her. He hoped like hell he’d get a chance to talk to her whenever the girls got back. This nonsense was eating him up inside. And the fact that Kenley had been crying last night? Damn it. Even if nothing ever did happen between them, if that kiss had been a onetime only deal, he needed to make things right.

  He turned his attention back to the game, trying to focus on the action. Christopher and Patrick cheered loudly a minute later, and Mike blinked, having missed the entire play. The scent of vanilla wafted up to him, and he groaned. Hell. His sweatshirt even smelled like Kenley. He was such a goner.

  Chapter 6

  Kenley dreamily closed her eyes as the masseuse adjusted the warm towel and began massaging her shoulders and upper back. The firm strokes kneaded her aching muscles, and she happily gave in to a moment of pure bliss. The scent of lavender and other essential oils permeated the air, soothing music filled the dim room, and she felt so relaxed that if she let herself, she could drift off to sleep.

  “You have some tension in your shoulders,” the woman said.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Kenley mumbled. Tension indeed. She hadn’t slept well at all last night, anger coursing through her from the encounter with Mike at the bonfire. What had he wanted on their walk back? For a moment, when he’d stepped right up to her, it had almost seemed like he was going to kiss her or something. Like he had a reason to after their little afternoon at the pool.

  She didn’t even like him. Jackass.

  She’d carelessly tossed his sweatshirt onto the chair beside her bed last night, and that had been a mistake, because his spicy scent had
filled her bedroom. His image had filled her dreams. His body had been moving over hers, the scruff from his five o’clock shadow scraping against her skin, his hardened cock rubbing her just where she needed him…and she’d woken up. Flushed and aroused and angry all at the same time. Not to mention unsatisfied. She’d tossed and turned after that, unwilling to let herself waste another minute thinking of him. Unwilling to spend another second on that insufferable man.

  And the fact that she’d actually been turned on by her dreams of him? Well that was just the last straw. She was done associating with Mike. The sooner she finished up this project and made it back to the safety of her apartment in Northern Virginia, the better. Lexi could have Christopher and the guys on his SEAL team, because Kenley sure the hell didn’t want anything to do with any of them. She’d find a nice, boring guy to settle down with and move on. End of discussion.

  “Think the guys are done moving everything around the apartment?” Lexi asked sleepily from the adjacent massage table.

  Kenley opened one eye and looked over at her blissed-out friend. Lexi’s eyes were shut, her jet black hair cascading down one side, and Kenley was happy they had a girl’s day to relax and unwind. After the kidnapping incident a few weeks ago, Lexi deserved a day to not worry about a thing. It had been tough on her at first to be alone, but between Christopher’s reappearance in her life and Kenley’s temporary assignment in town, the two of them had kept her occupied and helped her readjust.

  Their spa day had been in the works for two weeks. Kenley was glad they’d finally coordinated their schedules to spend the day being pampered. First they’d had facials, then they’d relaxed in the heat of the sauna. After their hour-long massages, they’d get mani-pedis and enjoy a late lunch. Perfect way to spend a Sunday.

  “Probably. Christopher will do anything you ask him to.” The man was completely smitten with Lexi, and Kenley was happy they’d rekindled their decade-old romance and gotten engaged. Her best friend deserved nothing but happiness. It was ironic that the man Lexi had hated the most had been the one she’d ended up with, but life was funny sometimes. The way Kenley’s own life was going, she didn’t imagine herself ending up with anyone. But she was thrilled for Lexi.


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