A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)

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A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4) Page 6

by Makenna Jameison

  Kenley groaned as the masseuse massaged her instep, and she heard Lexi’s soft laughter in the background.

  “I’m sure Mike would do anything you asked him to,” Lexi teased.

  “Oh God. No more talk about Mike.”

  “I only said one thing!” Lexi protested.

  “One thing too many.”

  “You were pretty upset last night when you got back to the bonfire. If the situation with Mike is bothering you that much, don’t you think it means something?”

  “Nope. Doesn’t mean a damn thing.”

  Lexi snorted in disagreement, and Kenley closed her eyes again.

  “He’s over there now you know.”

  “Who is?” Kenley asked as she flipped over, letting the masseuse work on her temples and scalp.


  Kenley instantly froze. “What?”

  “Relax,” the masseuse chastised. Kenley squeezed her eyes shut, but her heart beat furiously in her chest. Blood pounded through her veins. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down, focusing on the soothing music in the background. Couldn’t she even enjoy her Sunday without dealing with this drama?

  “He’s helping Christopher move furniture around. They’re making room for when I move in.”

  “Perfect,” Kenley groaned. “At least he’ll be gone by the time we got back.”

  Lexi laughed. “Not likely. They’re watching the game. You’ll see him when we get back. Unless you just drop me off without coming inside and run off like a scaredy-cat.”

  “Then that’s the plan,” Kenley agreed.

  “Oh come on,” Lexi protested. “You can’t leave me alone with a bunch of men watching football.”

  “Not even when one of them is your fiancé?” Kenley commented dryly.

  “Besides, I’m pretty sure Mike has a thing for you. That kiss at the pool looked pretty scorching hot. And he didn’t stop looking at you once last night.”

  “Oh, give it a rest. I’ll be going back to Northern Virginia soon anyway, and Mike will be ancient history.”

  “Famous last words.”

  Thirty minutes later the two women were showered, dressed, and relaxing with their feet in bubbling foot spas as they got prepped for their pedicures. Kenley handed the dark polish she’d selected to the attendant, the dull color suiting her mood. She’d been having a perfectly relaxing day until Mike’s name had been mentioned. Ugh. Why did he stress her out so much? Why was she still even thinking about him?

  “So how’ve you been after everything?” Kenley asked. “Any more nightmares?”

  The kidnapping a few weeks ago had left Lexi shaken. She’d confided in Kenley that she’d had trouble sleeping, but she’d all but moved in with Christopher for the time being. Kenley was relieved Lexi had him. The Defense Department had granted Lexi a month of leave to deal with her trauma, so she hadn’t even returned to work yet. Although Lexi was hoping to relocate to Virginia Beach, she’d be returning to Arlington and her job at the Pentagon soon, just as Kenley would be returning to her home office up there. It would be surreal to go back and return to her old routine, but life moved on.

  “I have good days and bad days. Mostly good—I mean thank God nothing happened when I was kidnapped. I was scared, but it’s not like they actually hurt me. I just still don’t like being alone.”

  “I understand. You should stay with me when we go back to Arlington.”


  “Absolutely. We can be roomies for a while.”

  “I’d like that. Christopher’s not too happy that I’ll be leaving soon.”

  Kenley shrugged. “I get why he’s overprotective, but you have your work there, and he’s got his SEAL team here. It’s not like either of you can just pick up and immediately move. Think you’ll get the job down at Little Creek?”

  “It seems likely,” Lexi said. “The need someone who’s an IT expert—”

  “And that just happens to be your specialty,” Kenley laughed. “Well, that’s pretty damn perfect then. I wish you never had to go through the kidnapping, but it sounds like everything will work out for the best.”

  “You’re right. I never imagined I’d even see Christopher again after ten years—let alone somehow end up working with him and getting engaged. You just never know where life will take you.”

  The nail technician spread peppermint foot scrub all over Kenley’s feet and calves, and she happily sighed. Too bad she couldn’t justify getting pampered like this every weekend.

  “This feels heavenly,” Lexi said.

  “I was just thinking the same.”

  “We should do a girl’s spa day before the wedding. You, me, and Cassidy,” she said, referring to the third women in their trio of friends. Cassidy had come down for a weekend to visit with them but had to return home to work. She’d taken one look at all the hunky military men wandering around town and had promised to return soon, Kenley remembered with a smile.

  “That sounds perfect. And one of these weekends we need to go dress shopping!”

  “Absolutely. You’ll be my maid of honor, right?”

  “Of course!” Kenley said, beaming.

  The women relaxed and chatted as they finished up at the spa. After their mani-pedis had dried, they decided to go to a seafood restaurant down by the water for a late lunch. Kenley found a parking spot on the busy street, just down the block from one of their favorite places to eat, and the two women walked around the corner. The area was crowded with locals and vacationers enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon down by the ocean. Hopefully they could nab a spot on the outdoor patio, enjoying some of the warmth of the late October day.

  Kenley’s stomach rumbled as she smelled the delicious aroma of food permeating the air. It had been way too long since breakfast that morning. She was already planning exactly what to order when a car door slammed, and Lexi stiffened beside her. A man in a dark suit and sunglasses got out of a blacked-out SUV across the street. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but as Kenley continued to walk down the sidewalk, she noticed Lexi was frozen in place.

  “Lexi? Everything okay?” Kenley asked, growing concerned.

  “That looks like him,” Lexi said frantically.

  “Looks like who? OH!” Kenley exclaimed, suddenly realizing Lexi had mistaken the man in the SUV for the asshole who’d kidnapped her. “Lexi, that bastard is in jail. That’s not him,” she said soothingly, grabbing onto Lexi’s arm.

  Lexi began to tremble, and Kenley pulled her friend into a souvenir shop off the main drag. They still hadn’t gotten lunch, but they couldn’t exactly continue to the restaurant given Lexi’s current state. “What do you want to do? We can leave,” Kenley assured her. “You want to wait here while I get the car? Or we can walk back together.”

  “No, I can’t go back outside,” Lexi said, shaking.

  “Sweetie, it’s not him,” Kenley soothed. “Want me to call Christopher?”

  “Yeah,” Lexi said, eyes watering.

  Kenley pulled her cell phone from her purse and selected Christopher’s home number from her contact list. It went straight to voicemail, so she tried again. If the guys were at the apartment moving stuff around and watching football for hours, why hadn’t he picked up?

  “Hello?” a deep voice answered after two more rings.


  “No, this is Mike. Lexi?”


  “Is everything okay?” Mike asked, sounding concerned.

  “Well, yes and no. Lexi’s freaking out because she saw a man that looked like her kidnapper. Obviously it’s not him, but I don’t know what to do. We’re in a store, and she doesn’t want to go back outside. I think maybe she’s having a panic attack or something. Is Christopher there?”

  “No, they’re dropping off stuff in storage. Where are you?”

  Kenley gave him the name and location of the shop. It wasn’t too far down the street from Anchors, the bar the guys on the SEAL team liked to frequent
. Christopher should be able to find them easily once they got hold of him. She glanced back at Lexi, who was suddenly looking wan.

  “Lexi looks really pale. Maybe I should take her to the doctor or something. Or the emergency room.”

  “Have she eaten anything?”

  “No, we were just on our way to lunch.”

  “She might be in shock. Get her some juice or something if you can to raise her blood sugar. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Juice, got it.” She scanned the store, wondering if they even sold anything like that here.

  “Kenley, hang tight. I’ll be right there.”

  “But what about Christopher—”

  “I’ll be there in ten.”

  Kenley sighed as the call disconnected. The last person she wanted to see was Mike, but what was she supposed to do? Lexi was freaking out. She didn’t want to drag her back outside in the midst of a full-blown panic attack. And she had to admit, she knew Lexi would feel better if one of the guys was there to offer protection. Although Kenley knew there was no threat, if it would ease her friend’s mind to have Christopher or one of his SEAL buddies there, they might as well wait for Mike.

  “I feel sort of dizzy,” Lexi said weakly.

  Kenley looked around the store again and saw a refrigerated beverages section near the back. Grabbing an apple juice, she made her way to the front and paid for it, instructing Lexi to take a few sips.

  “Is everything okay?” the young cashier asked.

  “Yeah, she just saw someone outside that freaked her out.”

  “Her ex?” the cashier asked, snapping her gum. “Because my ex is a jackass. Want me to call the cops?”

  “No, we’re fine,” Kenley said, scanning the street. A moment later Mike came rushing in, looking muscular and mouth-watering in cargo khaki pants and a football jersey. His large frame filled the entire doorway, and the cashier gasped in shock at his larger than life presence. He looked ready to take on the world and fight off anything that would harm them.

  “Is that him? I can call the police.”

  “No, he’s fine. That’s our friend,” Kenley said as Mike approached. Friend? Well he wouldn’t hurt them in any case, which is what the cashier seemed concerned about. And it’s not like he was a random stranger off the street.

  Mike raised his eyebrows without comment and immediately grabbed Lexi’s wrist, taking her pulse. Kenley knew that all of the guys on the SEAL team had some medical training, out of necessity, but she imagined that was more for life or death situations in battle, not women going into shock. She imagined him stopping profuse bleeding and applying tourniquets to injured men, maybe even slinging some guy over his shoulder and running to a waiting helicopter. But rushing into stores and assisting distraught women? Not exactly.

  Mike eyed his watch as he waited and seemed to be timing her pulse. Nodding with satisfaction when he was finished, he ducked lower to look into Lexi’s eyes. “Lexi, are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked.

  An unexpected surge of jealousy washed over Kenley at Mike’s term of endearment. He was just being nice to her; obviously they all knew she was with Christopher. So what was with her instant resentment? He was here to help her best friend. Kenley suddenly had an odd longing to know what Mike would call her in a situation like that. Sweetheart? Baby? Something else entirely?

  Lexi nodded, her violet eyes watery.

  “I called Christopher, and he’s on his way back right now,” Mike continued. “I’ll drive you both back to his apartment.”

  “But that guy—”

  “Wasn’t the kidnapper,” Mike finished. “I know you’re frightened, but that wasn’t him.”

  “Are you okay to leave?” Kenley asked. “Let’s forget the restaurant. We’ll pick up some food on the way home.”

  “Yeah. I just want to get out of here.”

  Mike put his arm around Lexi’s shoulders and guided her to the front door, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure Kenley was with them. Her heart pounded furiously as his blue gaze met hers. He hadn’t bothered to shave this morning, and the scruff on his jaw made him look harder than ever. Not to mention hotter than hell.

  Kenley had to admit that she liked how he controlled the situation. He’d come to get them, helped Lexi, made sure Kenley was taken care of as well. She still had no idea why Christopher hadn’t rushed over himself, even if he had been putting boxes in storage, but she could respect the fact that his SEAL team looked out for one another. It hadn’t even been a question if Mike would come help them—he’d just immediately said he’d be there, and he was.

  They exited the store, and once on the sidewalk, Kenley gestured the other way. “I parked down there.”

  “I’ll drive us all back together,” Mike said. “I can drop you at your car later on.”

  “Oh, I can just—”

  Mike nailed her with a gaze, tilting his head toward Lexi, who still looked really shaken up. Maybe it would be best if she rode with them. It would probably help calm Lexi down. But that meant she’d have to be alone in the car with Mike later on. Hopefully World War III wouldn’t erupt when they were left alone together. Still, he was being nothing but a perfect gentleman right now.

  “Yeah, let’s do it,” she agreed.

  They walked down the block to Mike’s large black SUV, and Mike helped Lexi into the passenger seat. Kenley watched as he fastened her seatbelt, and she felt a sudden surge of warmth wash over her. As aggressive as Mike and the rest of those guys were, they also seemed to have a caring side. A need to protect and care for others. Mike had rushed over here at a moment’s notice to help her and Lexi. How could she begrudge someone as selfless as that?

  “She probably needs some food,” Kenley said as Mike shut the door.

  “Agreed. We’ll pick up something on the way back.”

  “All right.” She turned to get into the backseat of the SUV, and Mike’s large hand came to a rest on the small of her back, guiding her. His searing touch burned into her skin like a bolt of lightning and sent heat and awareness surging through her body. Even when he removed his hand to open the door for her, she felt the imprint of it there, like he’d marked her.

  She climbed in and tucked her legs into the back of the vehicle but didn’t miss the flash of interest in Mike’s eyes as she glanced up at him. He simply nodded and shut the door, but the expression on his face sent lust and longing racing through her system. Maybe he had simply been trying to do the right thing all those weeks ago when he’d scared her out of her mind. Maybe. Still. They’d go back to the apartment, he’d give her a ride to get her car, and that would be that. No sense on dwelling on these crazy feelings she was suddenly having. Or imagining part two of their kiss at the pool.

  “Where was this guy anyway?” he asked as he climbed into the driver’s seat.

  “That SUV right over there,” Kenley said, pointing across the street.

  Mike gripped the steering wheel, his gaze focused on the black SUV just down the block. His spicy scent filled the interior of the vehicle, and Kenley nervously swallowed. He sat so large, looming right in front of her. But she felt safe. Sheltered. Even though logically she knew the man they’d seen wasn’t Lexi’s kidnapper, who was behind bars, she had to admit that it felt good to have someone take care of them. To take care of her. Her own parents were never around, and this man she barely knew, who was friends with Lexi’s fiancé, had rushed to their aid without a second thought. How ironic since her own family didn’t seem to see things that way.

  “I know I freaked out over nothing, but I swear it looked just like him,” Lexi said.

  “That asshole is behind bars,” Mike said, swinging his glance over to her. “But I swear to God, Lexi, none of us will let anything happen to you again. If you’re ever frightened, and Christopher’s not around, you can give any of us a call. We’ll be there immediately.”

  Mike pulled his cell phone from his pocket. “What’s your cell number?” he asked Lexi.

/>   She recited it, and Mike punched it in and sent her a text. “Now you have my number. Save it in your contact list,” he instructed. “Kenley, tell me your number, too.”

  Startled, Kenley recited her cell number. She felt strangely excited about Mike knowing how to reach her. Obviously he wanted it for safety measures—for emergencies. But the thought that he could now call her at any time had her heart racing. She tucked her phone back into her purse after she added Mike to her contacts, telling herself she was being silly. If something happened and they needed help, it made sense to be able to contact some of the guys. That was all this was about.

  Mike started the engine and pulled into the street, heading the opposite way of her car and the restaurant and toward Christopher’s apartment. His heated blue gaze met hers in the rearview mirror, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Maybe riding alone with him wasn’t such a good idea—at the moment, she had the craziest desire to give in to her urges. To pull him close and kiss him, inhaling all of his soap and spice. To give in to whatever he wanted, letting him command and control her body as easily as he had yesterday. To allow him just one night.

  She swallowed nervously, immediately quashing that idea. Mike was being nice now, yes, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t act like a jerk again when the mood struck. His cocky, holier-than-thou attitude wasn’t something she needed or wanted. His rush off to save the world lifestyle wasn’t something that would offer her any safety or stability. She’d lived that life as a kid, having family that was never around, and when she did eventually find a man she wanted to spend her life with, he’d be there for her one hundred percent of the time. No questions asked.

  She glanced out the window, watching the restaurants and hotels go by. She wouldn’t even be in town much longer to pursue something if she’d wanted to. She’d go her way, and Mike would go his. Life moved on, and a guy like him would never be a permanent fixture in hers.


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