Douluo Dalu - Volume 01 - Douluo Continent

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by Tang Jia San Shao

  Douluo Dalu


  Volume 01

  Douluo Continent

  Tang Jia San Shao


  Story Description:

  Tang Sect, the most famous martial arts sect of all. By stealing its most secret teachings to fulfill his dreams, Tang San committed an unforgivable crime. With his ambition attained, he hands his legacy to the sect and throws himself from the fearsome "Hell's Peak."

  But he could have never imagined that this would reincarnate him in another world, one without magic, martial arts, and grudges. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay.

  The continent of Douluo.

  How will Tang San survive in this unknown environment? With a new road to follow, a new legend begins...

  Original Story can be found here: Link

  Chapter 000: Tang Third Young Master Crossing Over

  Ba-Shu, through history famed as a land of plenty, and within, the most famous sect that could never be surpassed: Tang Sect.

  Tang Sect’s location was a mysterious place, most people only knew that it was halfway up a mountain, and that the mountain where Tang Sect was located had a place with a panic inducing name, ——Hell’s Peak.

  A rock thrown from on top of the precipice at Hell’s Peak would take a full count of nineteen before the echo of it hitting the bottom could be heard, thus its height could be seen, and it was also because of these nineteen seconds, even surpassing the eighteen levels of hell by one, that gave it its name.

  A gray clothed youth stood at the summit of Hell’s Peak, the biting cold mountain wind couldn’t cause him to move his body the slightest bit, from the pit of his stomach a huge Tang character could be seen, he was from Tang Sect, and the gray clothes represented a disciple of the Tang Outer Sect.

  This year he was twenty nine, since he had entered Tang Sect not long after being born, he was the third most senior among outer sect disciples, and as a result the outer sect disciples named him Third Young Master. Of course, in the mouths of the inner sect disciples it became Tang San.

  Tang Sect was from its founding divided into the two inner and outer sects, the outer sect disciples were all from external families or perhaps conferred the Tang name, and the inner sect were all directly related to Tang Sect members, passed down through family.

  Right now, Tang San wore an abundance of expressions, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, but in all cases unable to mask the excitement stemming from his heart.

  For twenty nine years, starting twenty nine years ago when grandpa elder Tang Lan had brought him to Tang Sect as an infant, Tang Sect had been his family, and Tang Sect’s hidden weapons had been everything to him.

  Suddenly, Tang San’s expression abruptly change, but then very quickly relaxed again, somewhat bitterly saying to himself:

  “In the end what should come will still come.”

  Seventeen silhouettes, seventeen white silhouettes, leapt up from halfway up the mountain towards the mountaintop just like shooting stars, these silhouettes were masters, even the youngest was five decades old, each and every one with serious expressions, their white gowns represented the inner sect, and the golden Tang characters on their chests were the symbols of Tang Sect elders.

  Including the sect head mister Tang Da there were altogether seventeen elders, and right now there were seventeen climbing the mountain. Even a general assembly of the martial society wouldn’t have been able to rouse all the Tang Sect Elders at the same time, one must know that among the Tang Sect elders, the oldest had already surpassed sixty years twice over.

  Not one of these Tang Sect elders hadn’t already reached the limit of cultivation, and in only a moment’s work they had already reached the mountain top.

  When outer sect disciples met inner sect elders they had to kneel in greeting, but right now Tang San didn’t move, he only calmly looked at these serious faced elders coming arriving in front of him. They blocked all routes of escape, and behind him was only Hell’s Peak.

  Laying down three Buddha Fury Tang Lotuses, Tang San threw them a last reluctant glance, the corners of his mouth showing a gratified smile, he had after all succeeded, with twenty years of effort, he had at last accomplished this penultimate work of the Tang Outer Sect, that kind of satisfactory accomplishment couldn’t be described in words.

  At this very moment, Tang San thought to himself, everything was already unimportant, violating the sect regulations was also fine, matters of life and death were fine, apparently everything would come to an end with these three blooming Tang Lotuses before him, Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, this world’s most potent hidden weapon was born in his hands, what in life could still make the steeped in hidden weapons Tang San more excited than this?

  “I know, the crime of sneaking into the inner sect and stealing secret sect lore cannot be forgiven, cannot be tolerated according to sect rules. But Tang San can vow to Heaven, not a bit of the stolen knowledge of the secret books will reach the outside world. I say this, not in the hopes of obtaining the elders’ mercy, but only to let the elders know that Tang San has never forgotten his roots. Never has in the past, and also henceforth never will.”

  Tang San’s mood was very calm at this moment, perhaps, this was the calmest moment in his life. Looking at that expansive ancient Tang Sect compound halfway up the mountain, feeling the atmosphere of the Tang Sect, Tang San’s eyes moistened. For as long as he could remember, it could even be said he was born for the sake of the Tang Sect, but right now, he also had to leave the Tang Sect for the sake of his lifelong pursuit.

  The elders were all speechless, right now they still couldn’t clear their heads from the appearance of the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus. Two hundred years, after a full two hundred years the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus had unexpectedly appeared in the hands of an outer sect disciple, what did this signify? In this land, this exceptional hidden weapon that not even Tang Sect’s own people could resist absolutely represented the approach of another peak of the Tang Sect.

  Looking at the elders bowing their heads without speaking, Tang San smiled brightly,

  “Everything of Tang San’s was given by Tang Sect, whether it’s life or abilities, all were bestowed by Tang Sect, no matter when, Tang San in life is a person of the Tang Sect, in death a ghost of the Tang Sect, I know that the elders will not permit the corpse of an outer sect disciple that violated the sect rules to remain at Tang Sect, therefore, let me turn to bone naturally in this Ba-Shu.”

  Tang San was so serene that even his somewhat excited voice finally roused the elders, when the elders raised their heads to look at him, they saw milky white streams of qi spread out from him in a flash.

  “Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, you even learned the sect’s highest inner strength technique in the Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record?”

  Tang Da cried out involuntarily.

  With an explosion, as the group of elders retreated to avoid anything unexpected, they looked at Tang San who was entirely naked.

  Tang San smiled brilliantly,

  “Naked I came, naked I go, and this Buddha Fury Tang Lotus is Tang San’s last gift for the sect. Besides myself, I carry nothing of the Tang Sect, the secret books are all under the first brick in my room. Tang San will now return everything to Tang Sect.”


  Tang San laughed wildly up towards the sky, suddenly taking a step backward, at this very moment, the Tang Sect elders suddenly discovered, unexpectedly nobody still had time to block him, his body enveloped in white light, threw himself forward off Hell’s Peak, soaring out into empty air, stepping into the clouds
and mist around the mountain.


  Tang Da finally reacted, but, right now it was already too late to say anything.

  The clouds and mist were very dense, bringing waves of humidity, taking away the sunshine, and also taking away that Tang San whose entire life was dedicated to Tang Sect and hidden weapons.

  Time seemed to stand still, Tang Da’s hands trembled as he held up those three Tang Lotuses, his eyes moist,

  “Tang San, ah, Tang San, why did you suffer? The astonishment you brought us was really too much, too much……”

  “Eldest brother.”

  A second elder stepped forward,

  “Why should you lament a renegade like this?”

  Tang Da’s gaze became cold in a flash, cold air covering his body, glaring at the second elder,

  “Who do you say is a renegade? Have you ever seen a renegade that could obtain the sect’s rarest books and afterwards didn’t run? Have you seen a renegade who would die for his ideals? Have you seen someone harboring a hidden weapon powerful enough to destroy any Tang Sect expert instead as his last act present it to the sect? Tang San was no renegade, he was our most outstanding genius in two hundred years.”

  The second elder stared stupidly,

  “But, he stole lore from the sect……”

  Tang Da suddenly interrupted,

  “If you were also able to produce the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, I wouldn’t care no matter what you stole. You were wrong, I was wrong, in this past moment, we actually looked on helplessly as the chance for Tang Sect’s glory to rise again slipped away before our eyes.”

  The elders gathered round, their expressions all complex, some perplexed, some sad, some sighing, still more were regretful.

  “No need to say anything, pass on my orders, dispatch all the disciples, and search for Tang San below Hell’s Peak, if alive I will see the person, if dead I will see the corpse. At the same time, from this moment on, Tang San is promoted to inner sect disciple, if he still lives, he will be the only successor to my position as head.”

  “Yes, head.”

  The elders bowed simultaneously.

  If Tang San was still here on the cliff top right now, still able to hear Tang Da’s words, even if he died, he would certainly still be very gratified, his great effort in the end hadn’t been wasted. But, all this came too late.

  Hell’s Peak, where a thrown rock would take nineteen seconds to hit the bottom, an existence seemingly surpassing the eighteen levels of hell, how could it permit a living person to return from the clouds and mist? Tang San was dead, forever departing this world, but his other destiny had only just begun.

  Chapter 001: Douluo Continent, Otherworldly Tang San

  Part 1

  Douluo Continent, southwestern Heaven Dou Empire, Fasinuo province.

  Holy Spirit village, if one only heard its name, it sounds like a perfectly astonishing village but in fact this is merely a single village by itself of three hundred households south of Fasinuo province’s Nuoding city. The reason why it is called Holy Spirit is because in legend, a hundred years ago a holy ranked spirit's spirit master came from there, thus giving it its name. This is also the eternal pride of Holy Spirit village.

  Outside Holy Spirit village is without exception, a vast expanse of farmland, where grain and vegetables are produced, which all goes to supply Nuoding city. Nuoding city is located in the middle of Fasinuo province, and while it is not considered a major city, here after all the border of another empire is very close and naturally traders of both great empires deal there. Consequently Nuoding city is flourishing, and in the villages around the city the common people's lives are also better compared to elsewhere.

  Barely at daybreak, in the distant east the sky was a pale grey dawn color. On a small hundred meter tall hilltop adjacent to Holy Spirit village, was already a thin and small silhouette.

  This was only a five or six-year old child. Evidently, every day he endured the heat of the sun, his skin a healthy wheat colour, black short hair that appeared very neat, and his clothes, though simple, were also clean.

  Speaking of a child of this age, to climb this hundred meter tall hill cannot be an easy task, but strangely, at his arrival to the summit his face was not the least bit red, he was not panting, his expression appearing content and pleased.

  The boy sat down on the hilltop, his two eyes unwaveringly looking to the east where gradually the dawn sky was brightening. Slowly starting to inhale through his nose, gently exhaling through his mouth; continuous inhalations and faint exhalations, in the end becoming a splendid cycle.

  During this process, his eyes suddenly opened wide, in the light of the growing bright dawn grey in the distant horizon, seemingly a faint trace of purple qi flashed. Without astonishing vision and concentration, it would be perfectly impossible to perceive.

  At the appearance of the purple qi, the boy's spirit was so completely focused he no longer even exhaled, only a light and slow inhalation. At the same time the two eyes firmly stared concentratedly at the flickering purple light.

  The purple qi did not last long; by the time the eastern light gradually rose to become daylight, the purple qi had already completely vanished.

  The boy only now slowly closed his eyes, with a long exhalation of internal turbid qi. Alongside it white qi poured out through his mouth like a bolt of unrolled silk, before it slowly dispersed.

  Sitting quietly for a long time, the boy only then once more opened his eyes, perhaps because of that contaminated purple qi, in the center of his eyes there was surprisingly glimmer a of light purple. Although this purple did not remain long and quietly disappeared, that very existence was nevertheless distinct.

  With a dejected sigh, the boy showed a grudging expression, unsuitable for his age, shaking his head and saying to himself:

  ”Still impossible. My Mysterious Heaven skill is still unable to break through the first serious bottleneck. It has already been a full three months, so why this result? Even with the need to rely on purple qi from east that can only be cultivated in early morning, Purple Demon Eye has been progressing. With Mysterious Heaven skill unable to break through the bottleneck, my Mysterious Jade Hand is also unable to advance. When originally cultivating to between first to second tier, I did not seem to come across circumstances like this. When Mysterious Heaven skill altogether has nine tiers, how come this first tier is this troublesome? Is it then because this world is different from my original world?”

  Having arrived in this world already five years ago, at present this child, is exactly that Tang Sect's Tang San who leapt from a cliff for his ideals. When he regained consciousness, he discovered in addition to a warm sensation he was unable to move. But the expected death did not arrive, and very quickly, he was born into this world.

  Not until much later was Tang San clear on what was going on. He had not died, but he was also no longer the former Tang San.

  Born again, Tang San used nearly a year to learn this world's language. He still remembered at the time he was born, though still unable to open his eyes and see, he still heard the deep sound of a man's heart-rending lung-splitting wail. When he learned this world's language, relying on his outstanding memory recall, he also had no other choice but to recall, that man shouting, ‘San-mei, don't abandon me’, and that man was his father Tang Hao. His mother in this world, at that time was already dead from a difficult childbirth.

  Whether because of the gods’ dark will or coincidence, as a memento of his dead wife, Tang Hao miraculously named him Tang San.

  Because of this the village children of the same age gathered every day to ridicule him, but Tang San was in his heart nevertheless fully content. This after all was the name he had used for nearly 30 years in the other world. Simply being familiar from an earlier time with these two characters made him happy.

  Since arriving in this world, after the initial shock, fear, up until the later excitement as well as the present tranquility, Tang San h
ad already completely accepted reality, where it seems to him, Heaven gave him a second chance. His previous existence’s biggest wish, he might be able to realize in his lifetime here.

  Though coming naked into this world, Tang San still possessed the greatest wealth: his memory. As Tang external sect's most outstanding genius, the methods of manufacturing Tang Sect's various types of mechanisms, including hidden weapons, are all engraved in his mind. And to begin with he had made off with Tang inner sect's rare manuscript that he had yearned to try for many years. In the learning process he had committed to memory and had learned by heart the inner sect Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record. Tang San hoped to be able to reproduce Tang Sect's brilliance in this world.

  “Time to be going back.”

  Tang San glanced at the color of the sky, his thin and small body leapt up and he ran down the mountain. In the event that people had caught sight of him at this time, they would definitely stare wide-eyed in astonishment. Each of his steps was shockingly capable of bringing him nearly 3 ⅓ meters. The mountain's crevices and uneven ground could not be said to have any effect on him, relaxedly dodging openings, rapidly advancing between, even compared to adults he would still be much faster.

  What is the essence of Tang Sect? Hidden weapons, poison and lightness skill. The greatest difference between Tang internal sect and external sect was the usage methods of hidden weapons. External sect gives priority to including mechanisms, and for internal sect the standard is genuine technique. Poison use is likewise an external sect talent, while in internal sect hidden weapons were handed down in a direct line from master to disciple and very few employ poison, since they were fundamentally not needed.

  Part 2

  Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record described six types of martial arts, separated into inner strength internal technique Mysterious Heaven Skill, hand skill practice technique Mysterious Jade Hand, vision cultivation technique Purple Demon Eye, capturing technique Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, light body technique Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, as well as hidden weapon use technique, Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation.


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