Douluo Dalu - Volume 01 - Douluo Continent

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01 - Douluo Continent Page 2

by Tang Jia San Shao

  The first five are basics, without a robust foundation, how can one also bring out the quintessence of Tang Sect hidden weapons?

  Having started training Mysterious Heaven Skill at one year old, Tang San who at present was already almost six years old was still laying the foundation.

  Tang San's family lived on the west side of Holy Spirit village, by the village chief's place. The three room mud brick house that could be said to be the crudest in the entire village, had a one meter in diameter wooden plaque over the door, and painted with a simple hammer. The hammer in this world was the most widespread symbol of a blacksmith.

  That's right, Tang San's father Tang Hao was a blacksmith, the only blacksmith in the village.

  In this world, blacksmith could be said to be the humblest of professions, because of a certain reason, all of this world's best weapons were not forged by blacksmiths.

  But still, as this village's only accomplished blacksmith, originally Tang San's family should not have been this impoverished, but, that meagre little income for the most part......

  Entering the house, Tang San already smelled fragrant rice, that was not Tang Hao making him breakfast; rather he cooked for Tang Hao.

  Starting from four years old, before Tang San was tall enough to reach the kitchen counter, cooking was already his daily task. Even though he had to stand on a stool in order to be able to reach the top of the kitchen counter.

  Tang Hao did not demand he do this, rather because if he did not, Tang San practically would not have times when he could to eat his fill.

  Arriving before the kitchen counter, practicedly standing on the wooden stool, lifting the lid of the large iron cooking pot, the scent of fragrant rice came through, the cauldron's congee had cooked for a long time thoroughly.

  Every day before going up the hill, Tang San already made sure to put rice in the pot to cook, prepared firewood, so that when he returned, the congee was also cooked well.

  Picking up from the side of the counter two already worn out bowls with more than ten notches, Tang San very cautiously ladled congee into the two bowls, and placed them on the table behind him. The congee's rice grains numbers could practically be counted by eye, for Tang San's growing body, this little nutrition is obviously insufficient, this also is the reason why his body is slim as a thread.

  “Dad, eat.” Tang San called out.

  After a long time, the inner room door hanging lifted, and a large figure appeared with somewhat staggering steps and walked out.

  It was a middle aged man, his appearance seemed like close to fifty years old. His stature was still extraordinarily large and stalwart, though one dared not compliment his style of dress.

  Worn robe covered with holes, without so much as a patch, exposing bronze colored skin, originally considered proper facial features now covered with a layer of waxen color, a pair of sleepy eyes and dazed manner, messy hair that looks just like a birds nest, a beard that has gone who knows how long without being straightened out. A dim and lifeless look in his eyes, despite already past night, but still on his body there was the smell of alcohol yet Tang San did not frown.

  This is Tang Hao, Tang San’s father in this world.

  While growing up, Tang San never know that which was called paternal love. The way Tang Hao treated him was always the same regardless, firmly from the beginning, though he knew to make a little food for him to eat, but nevertheless as time passed, right after Tang San started taking the initiative to cook, Tang Hao became even more of anything uncaring. The home was in this way impoverished, even to the extent that they do not even have decent furniture, food also was a problem, mainly due to Tang Hao using all that meagre blacksmith income to trade for alcohol to drink.

  While Tang San was a large child, his father was really also about 30 years old, married so early even before thirty years old, but Tang Hao nevertheless must be compared to someone much older, he rather resembles Tang San's grandfather.

  With regard to Tang Hao's behaviour, Tang San carries no resentment. In his former lifetime, he was an orphan. This lifetime, even though Tang Hao treats him badly, he at least had family. For Tang San, this already made him feel content. At least in this place there was a person he can call father.

  Tang Hao grabbed the bowl from the table, not worried by scalding, with big gulps pouring the congee down into his belly. His dull sallow face it would appear gained a bit of luster.

  ”Dad, slow down, it’s still hot.”

  Tang San took the bowl from his father's hand and refilled filled the bowl of congee. Also picking up his own bowl of congee.

  In Tang Sect, he was never able to leave and very rarely came into contact with outside matters. It goes without saying that just like a white paper, in the end in this world, he afresh became like a little child, and also had nothing which he could not accept.

  Very quickly, a pot of porridge with seven or eight bowls all entered into Tang Hao's stomach, letting out a breath, he placed the bowl on the table. The drooping eyelids opened somewhat, looking in the direction of Tang San.

  “You first continue with the work you have, in the afternoon I will work. I will go sleep a little while.”

  Tang Hao's work and rest habit had a very regular pattern, sleeping all morning, in the afternoon making a few farm tools, obtain income, and in the evening drink alcohol.

  “Ok, dad.”

  Tang San nodded.

  Tang Hao stood up, having had many bowls of congee, his body was no longer swaying, and walked towards the inner room.


  Tang San suddenly called out.

  Tang Hao stopped, turning his head to look at him, brow clearly a little impatient.

  Tang San pointed at a corner with shining black chunks of pig iron:

  “These chunks of iron, can you give them to me to use?”

  In his previous incarnation he was Tang Sect's most outstanding outer sect disciple, he was most exceedingly familiar with the creation of every kind of hidden weapon. Naturally, back then all kinds of material were supplied by Tang Sect. But in this new world, although he practiced several years, his strength was still by far not enough. Moreover, he also never wanted to give up on manufacturing the most skilled hidden weapons, he currently had already tried to forge a few hidden weapons, but finding enough materials was the big issue.

  Tang Hao forged farm tools out of metal received from the villagers. It was all impure, very common iron. It all was very difficult to make quality hidden weapons. The pieces of pig iron Tang San currently pointed at were delivered only yesterday, had made Tang San astonished; these chunks of iron ore actually contained definite iron mother (铁母 - seems to be some type of iron, can’t find a proper translation), which was perfectly suitable for making hidden weapons.

  Tang Hao's gaze shifted to the pig iron,

  “Huh. Isn’t this fine iron?”

  Walking over to take a look, turning his head to look at Tang San,

  “You want to become a blacksmith?”

  Part 3

  Tang San nodded slightly, becoming blacksmith was undoubtedly the most suitable profession for him to make hidden weapons,

  “Dad, you are growing older, for how many years, when I'm a little older, please teach me how to forge kitchen implements and let me take over your work.”

  Previously he all he made were the most precise hidden weapons, on the contrary he had never learned the simplest forging.

  Tang Hao slightly absentminded, murmured:

  “Blacksmith, also doesn’t seem bad.”

  Pulling across a single worn-out chair, sitting down directly by that pile of pig iron, he sluggishly spoke:

  “Little San, you tell me, what kind of blacksmith, is the best blacksmith.”

  Tang San thought about it, then said:

  “The best blacksmith should be capable of creating artifacts.”

  By what the villagers said, in this world artifacts existed, even though he did not know precisely what
artifacts were. But calling them supernatural, presumably that should be correct.

  In Tang Hao's eyes flashed a glint of humour,

  “Artifacts? Little San also knows about artifacts. Then tell me, what should be used to create artifacts?”

  Tang San thought this unexpected, and immediately said:

  “Of course the best material should be used.”

  Tang Hao extended his index finger, wagging it at Tang San's face,

  “If you want to become a qualified blacksmith, remember my words: using top class materials to make artifacts, that is not the best blacksmith, at most it is only an accomplishments. The best blacksmith will create artifacts using common materials.”

  “Using common iron to forge artifacts?”

  Tang San somewhat startled looked at Tang Hao. Ordinarily, Tang Hao very rarely spoke to him; this day already counted as the most time.

  Standing up, Tang Hao pointed to the other side of the room at a fifty square centimeter big block of iron,

  “If you’re thinking about becoming a blacksmith and learning forging from me, then you must first hammer forge this ten thousand times. Not until then will you be qualified.”

  That was a block of ordinary iron, containing numerous impurities. Compared to the lump of iron mother he did not know how much it fell short.

  “Right now, you can still change your mind.”

  Tang Hao spoke indifferently. Already preparing to go back to the inner room to sleep.

  “Dad, I want to give it a try.”

  Tang San’s voice was clear and calm, yet steadfast.

  Tang Hao, somewhat taken aback, looked at him,


  With a single word, he walked past, taking up that large lump of iron in his arms, and directly placed it by the bellows on the forge. As long as the coal fire was ignited, it could be used for forging.

  After finishing this, Tang Hao returned to the inner room to sleep.

  Tang San is a person with staunch resolution, otherwise, he could not have relied on a single dilapidated drawing to produce Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, the top Tang Sect hidden weapon mechanism. That consumed as much as ten of his years.

  Lightning the charcoal fire, pumping the bellows, he began to work by himself.

  Shushu shushu Sounds from the rising bellows, flame was emitted from within the coal furnace, scorching that big lump of iron. Though Tang San did not at all know forging, he had daily watched Tang Hao forge farm tools, and he knew the correct process.

  Just as the iron lump had gradually heated until red, he dragged across Tang Hao’s usual hammer, letting it go on the ground. This long handled iron hammer was even taller than him, and an ordinary five or six year old child could not at all have moved it, not to mention wielding it for forging.

  But Tang San was still holding it up. With Mysterious Heaven Skill strengthening the whole body, even though it had not yet broken through the first tier, but he already possessed physical strength comparable to an adult person.

  When again and again the iron hammer collided with the iron lump, it gave out a clear and melodious sound. This is Tang San’s first hammer strike, and the prelude to forging.

  In the inner room, lying on the bed Tang Hao turned over his body. Even though he closed eyes, his facial expression was somewhat astonished, murmuring in his sleep,

  “Unexpectedly he can lift the hammer, was he born with superhuman strength?”

  Dong dong dong dong dong beating sounds started to rise from the blacksmith shop. Tang Hao and Tang San, father and son, continued their prosaic life, but with a difference starting from this day, Tang Hao let Tang San in the room play with another furnace, to on his own forge that lump of iron. He did not instruct Tang San with a single sentence, but also from this day onward, Tang Hao's drinking lessened a little, and the family’s food also increased a little.

  Forging is an absolutely dull and tiring process, but Tang San still regarded this as the correct way to temper his body. When eleven days had passed, he had already forged numerous times, it felt like by swinging the iron hammer, he was unable to only rely on his body's physical strength, and had to use Mysterious Heaven Skill's assistance.

  His entire skill power was enough to wield the hammer a hundred times or so. Every time the skill power had been nearly exhausted, he sat cross legged on the ground to recover, and once inner strength had recovered he immediately returned to hammering.

  This was not only tempering his body. Repeatedly depleting and recovering, was also a good way of tempering his Mysterious Heaven Skill and willpower. Unfortunately, Mysterious Heaven Skill’s first tier bottleneck still looked like it was an impregnable barrier. Tang San’s practice could not be said not to be painstaking, and with his ample natural talent, still he was unable to break through and enter the second tier.

  But his training still definitely was not a waste. Despite Mysterious Heaven skill being unable to break through, his internal strength still toughened in pace with his iron lump’s forging, and his recovery speed compared to before seemed a bit faster.

  As eleven days went by, Tang San already wielded the hammer more than 8000 times, the iron lump constantly becoming smaller, already it was less than one third of the original volume. As his training and food quantity increase, his body became rather solid, he seemingly gradually had an evolution of physical strength. As a result, during the unceasing forging process, the consumption of internal power gradually decreased. With increased internal power duration, physical strength also increased a great deal.

  When he smashed down the hammer one thousand times, that iron lump certainly appeared to have changed, it was a small circle, and even though the center of the blazing fire burned red hot, he could also faintly perceive that interior impurities appear to have decreased a great deal.

  Tempering into steel, this word appeared in Tang San mind. This also made him even more firmly determined to accomplish ten thousand hammer strikes. As well the distance to this objective was very close.

  Tang San’s persistence astounded Tang Hao greatly. To him it looks as if, even if this son of his was born with superhuman strength, it should be impossible to persist beyond three days. The handle of the iron hammer was rough for the purpose of slip resistance, and would inevitably cause extreme injuries to the palm of the hand. But he discovered that Tang San, although honestly forging, but both his young and tender small hands did not seem to change. Not even blisters appeared.

  Part 4

  Since Tang San did not want to lose this father, and he furthermore did not want his past identity known, naturally he would not tell Tang Hao that this was because of practicing Tang Sect’s Mysterious Jade Hand.

  In order to make good hidden weapons, the most basic requirements are a combination of eyesight, hand strength, and effort. Just what is called ‘heart to eye, eye to hand’. Therefore, in Tang Sect internal sect’s practice regimen, the requirements regarding eyesight and hand strength were extremely high.

  Purple Demon Eye, has its maximum heightening effect on eyesight from practicing in the brief moment when the sun rises in the east.

  Mysterious Jade Hand can cause the palm of the hand to become extremely tough and tensile, moreover it can obstruct any poison.

  These two abilities were the required course for Tang internal sect disciples. Even though Tang San's Mysterious Jade Hand still had far from attained a sufficient level, it could still protect his palm from being covered with blisters from abrasion.

  "In addition, grasping strength approaches completion."

  Tang San spared no strength brandishing the iron hammer in his hand. In this dull process, his heart still was not at all calm. His understanding concerning this world was still tentative, this place was only a small village, nothing more.

  In this world called Douluo Dalu, this continent held two great empires, which could perhaps also be spoken of as coalitions. Because between them the two empires had a great deal of desirable territory, of no
bles with armed forces most could not win with numbers.

  Of these two empires the one which is Tang San's location is Heaven Dou Empire, the other is southern Star Luo Empire.

  Fasinuo province is located by the border between both countries, and Holy Spirit village by Nuoding city is no more than a journey of two hundred li or less distant.

  Tang San knew from talk among the villagers that within Douluo continent his world’s martial arts doesn’t exist, but there is a kind of thing called Martial Spirit. It is said that everyone has their own spirit and among them, very few people’s spirit can undergo cultivation, taking up an occupation, called becoming spirit master. And the continent’s (lit: Pangea) noblest vocation is spirit master. Seems like according to legend, a hundred years ago Holy Spirit village produced a spirit sage, in other words a famous spirit master; spirit sage is a title for a spirit master rank.

  Spirits are subdivided into two main categories, one category is tool spirits, and the other is beast spirits. As the names suggest, when a spirit is a utensil it’s called a tool spirit, and with an animal as spirit it’s called a beast spirit. Comparatively speaking, tool spirits include a wider range, also the vast majority of people all have tool spirits, and the ratio of tool spirits unable to cultivate is much bigger compared to beast spirits.

  Tang San once met the village’s only person whose spirit is pickaxe, clearly a type of spirit unable to cultivate. But in spite of this, his work on farmland was still a little faster compared to ordinary villagers.

  This Tang San also comprehended fully, because everyone he met had their own spirit, Tang San also wanted to know what his martial spirit was. After all, whether tool spirit or beast spirit, both are sufficient if they can cultivate, right?

  Among Douluo continent’s people, the spirit awakens when six years old. In a few days Tang San would turn 6. For some reason he faintly felt that the reason his Mysterious Heaven Skill was unable to break through, was somehow related to his spirit.


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