Complete Works of Gustave Flaubert

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Complete Works of Gustave Flaubert Page 468

by Gustave Flaubert

  The cap of the garde-chiourme now passes along these walls where, in olden times, passed the shaved heads of industrious friars; and the wooden shoes of the prisoners click on the slabs that used to be swept by the trailing robes of monks and trodden by their heavy leather sandals.

  The church has a Gothic choir and a Romance nave, and the two architectures seem to vie with each other in majesty and elegance. In the choir, the arches of the windows are pointed, and are as lofty as the aspirations of love; in the nave, the arcades open their semi-circles roundly, and columns as straight as the trunk of a palm-tree mount along the walls. They rest on square pedestals, are crowned with acanthus leaves, and continue in powerful mouldings that curve beneath the ceiling and help support it.

  It was noon. The bright daylight poured in through the open door and rippled over the dark sides of the building.

  The nave, which is separated from the choir by a green curtain, is filled with tables and benches, for it is used also as a dining-hall. When mass is celebrated, the curtain is drawn and the condemned men may be present at divine service without removing their elbows from the table. It is a novel idea.

  In order to enlarge the platform by twelve yards on the western side of the church, the latter itself has been curtailed; but as it was necessary to reconstruct some sort of entrance, one architect closed the nave by a façade in Greek style; then, perhaps, feeling remorseful, or desiring (a presumption which will be accepted more readily), to embellish his work still further, he afterwards added some columns “which imitate fairly well the architecture of the eleventh century,” says the notice. Let us be silent and bow our heads. Each of the arts has its own particular leprosy, its mortal ignominy that eats its face away. Painting has the family group, music the ballad, literature the criticism, and architecture the architect.

  The prisoners were walking around the platform, one after another, silent, with folded arms, and in the beautiful order we had the opportunity to admire at Fontevrault. They were the patients of the hospital ward taking the air.

  Tottering along with the file was one who lifted his feet higher than the rest and clung to the coat of the man ahead of him. He was blind. Poor, miserable wretch! God prevents him from seeing and his fellow-men forbid him to speak!

  The following day, when the tide had again receded from the beach, we left the Mount under a broiling sun which heated the hood of the carriage and made the horses sweat. They only walked; the harness creaked and the wheels sank deep into the sand. At the end of the beach, when grass appeared again, I put my eye to the little window that is in the back of every carriage, and bade goodbye to Mont Saint-Michel.



  A letter from the Viscount Vésin was to gain us entrance to the castle. So as soon as we arrived, we called on the steward, M. Corvesier. They ushered us into a large kitchen where a young lady in black, marked by smallpox and wearing horn spectacles over her prominent eyes, was stemming currants. The kettle was on the fire and they were crushing sugar with bottles. It was evident that we were intruding. After several minutes had elapsed, we were informed that M. Corvesier was confined to his bed with a fever and was very sorry that he could not be of any service to us, but sent us his regards. In the meantime, his clerk, who had just come in from an errand, and who was lunching on a glass of cider and a piece of buttered bread, offered to show us the castle. He put his napkin down, sucked his teeth, lighted his pipe, took a bunch of keys from the wall and started ahead of us through the village.

  After following a long wall, we entered through an old door into a silent farm-yard. Silica here and there shows through the beaten ground, on which grows a little grass soiled by manure. There was nobody around and the stable was empty. In the barns some chickens were roosting on the poles of the wagons, with their heads under their wings. Around the buildings, the sound of our footsteps was deadened by the dust accumulated from the straw in the lofts.

  Four large towers connected by curtains showed battlements beneath their pointed roofs; the openings in the towers, like those in the main part of the castle, are small, irregular windows, which form uneven black squares on the grey stones. A broad stoop, comprising about thirty steps, reaches to the first floor, which has become the ground-floor of the interior apartments, since the trenches have been filled up.

  The yellow wall-flower does not grow here, but instead, one finds nettles and lentisks, greenish moss and lichens. To the left, next to the turret, is a cluster of chestnut-trees reaching up to the roof and shading it.

  After the key had been turned in the lock and the door pushed open with kicks, we entered a dark hallway filled with boards and ladders and wheelbarrows.

  This passage led into a little yard enclosed by the thick interior walls of the castle. It was lighted from the top like a prison yard. In the corners, drops of humidity dripped from the stones. We opened another door. It led into a large, empty, sonorous hall; the floor was cracked in a hundred places, but there was fresh paint on the wainscoting.

  The green forest opposite sheds a vivid reflection on the white walls, through the large windows of the castle. There is a lake and underneath the windows were clusters of lilacs, petunia-blossoms and acacias, which have grown pell-mell in the former parterre, and cover the hill that slopes gradually to the road, following the banks of the lake and then continuing through the woods.

  The great, deserted hall, where the child who afterwards wrote René, used to sit and gaze out of the windows, was silent. The clerk smoked his pipe and expectorated on the floor. His dog, which had followed him, hunted for mice, and its nails clicked on the pavement.

  We walked up the winding stairs. Moss covers the worn stone steps. Sometimes a ray of light, passing through a crack in the walls, strikes a green blade and makes it gleam in the dark like a star.

  We wandered through the halls, through the towers, and over the narrow curtain with its gaping machicolations, which attract the eye irresistibly to the abyss below.

  On the second floor is a small room which looks out into the inside courtyard and has a massive oak door that closes with a latch. The beams of the ceiling (you can touch them), are rotten from age; the whitewashed walls show their lattice-work and are covered with big spots; the window-panes are obscured by cobwebs and their frames are buried in dust. This used to be Chateaubriand’s room. It faces the West, towards the setting sun.

  We continued; when we passed in front of a window or a loop-hole, we warmed ourselves in the warm air coming from without, and this sudden transition rendered the ruins all the more melancholy and cheerless. The floors of the apartments are rotting away, and daylight enters through the fireplaces along the blackened slab where rain has left long green streaks. The golden flowers on the drawing-room ceiling are falling off, and the shield that surmounts the mantelpiece is broken into bits. While we were looking around, a flight of birds entered, flew around for a few minutes and passed out through the chimney.

  In the evening, we went to the lake. The meadow has encroached upon it and will soon cover it entirely, and wheat will grow in the place of pond-lilies. Night was falling. The castle, flanked by its four turrets and framed by masses of green foliage, cast a dark shadow over the village. The setting sun made the great mass appear black; the dying rays touched the surface of the lake and then melted in the mist on the purplish top of the silent forest.

  We sat down at the foot of an oak and opened René. We faced the lake where he had often watched the nimble swallow on the bending reeds; we sat in the shadow of the forest where he had often pursued rainbows over the dripping hills; we harkened to the rustling of the leaves and the whisperings of the water that had added their murmur to the sad melody of his youth. As the darkness gathered on the pages of the book, the bitterness of its words went to our hearts, and we experienced a sensation of mingled melancholy and sweetness.

  A wagon passed in the road, and the wheels sank in the deep tracks. A smell of new-mown hay perva
ded the air. The frogs were croaking in the marshes. We went back.

  The sky was heavy and a storm raged all night. The front of a neighbouring house was illumined and flared like a bonfire at every flash of lightning. Gasping, and tired of tossing on my bed, I arose, lighted a candle, opened the window and leaned out.

  The night was dark, and as silent as slumber. The lighted candle threw my huge shadow on the opposite wall. From time to time a flash of lightning blinded me.

  I thought of the man whose early life was spent here and who filled half a century with the clamouring of his grief.

  I thought of him first in these quiet streets, playing with the village boys and looking for nests in the church-steeple and in the woods. I imagined him in his little room, leaning his elbows on the table, and watching the rain beating on the window-panes and the clouds passing above the curtain, while his dreams flew away. I thought of the bitter loneliness of youth, with its intoxications, its nausea, and its bursts of love that sicken the heart. Is it not here that our own grief was nourished, is this not the very Golgotha where the genius that fed us suffered its anguish?

  Nothing can express the gestation of the mind or the thrills which future great works impart to those who carry them; but we love to see the spot where we know they were conceived and lived, as if it had retained something of the unknown ideal which once vibrated there.

  His room! his room! his childhood’s poor little room! It was here that he was tormented by vague phantoms which beckoned to him and clamoured for birth: Attala shaking the magnolias out of her hair in the soft breeze of Florida, Velléda running through the woods in the moonlight, Cymodocée protecting her white bosom from the claws of the leopards, and frail Amélie and pale René!

  One day, however, he tears himself away from the old feudal homestead, never to return. Now he is lost in the whirl of Paris and mingles with his fellow-men; and then he feels an impulse to travel and he starts off.

  I can see him leaning over the side of the ship, I can see him looking for a new world and weeping over the country he has left. He lands; he listens to the waterfalls and the songs of the Natchez; he watches the flowing rivers and the bright scales of the snakes and the eyes of the savages. He allows his soul to be fascinated by the languor of the Savannah. They tell each other of their native melancholy and he exhausts its pleasures as he exhausted those of love. He returns, writes, and everyone is carried away by the charm of his magnificent style with its royal sweep and its supple, coloured, undulating phrase, as stormy as the winds that sweep over virgin forests, as brilliant as the neck of a humming-bird, and as soft as the light of the moon shining through the windows of a chapel.

  He travels again; this time he goes to ancient shores; he sits down at Thermopylæ and cries: Leonidas! Leonidas! visits the tomb of Achilles, Lacedæmon, and Carthage, and, like the sleepy shepherd who raises his head to watch the passing caravans, all those great places awake when he passes through them.

  Banished, exiled, laden with honours, this man who had starved in the streets will dine at the table of kings; he will be an ambassador and a minister, will try to save the tottering monarchy, and after seeing the ruin of all his beliefs, he will witness his own glorification as if he were already counted among the dead.

  Born during the decline of one period and at the dawn of another, he was to be its transition and the guardian of its memories and hopes. He was the embalmer of Catholicism and the proclaimer of liberty. Although he was a man of old traditions and illusions, he was constitutional in politics and revolutionary in literature. Religious by instinct and education, it is he, who, in advance of everyone else, in advance of Byron, gave vent to the most savage pride and frightful despair.

  He was an artist, and had this in common with the artists of the eighteenth century: he was always hampered by narrow laws which, however, were always broken by the power of his genius. As a man, he shared the misery of his fellow-men of the nineteenth century. He had the same turbulent preoccupations and futile gravity. Not satisfied with being great, he wished to appear grandiose, and it seems that this conceited mania did not in the least efface his real grandeur. He certainly does not belong to the race of dreamers who have made no incursion into life, masters with calm brows who have had neither period, nor country nor family. But this man cannot be separated from the passions of his time; they made him what he was, and he in turn created a number of them. Perhaps the future will not give him credit for his heroic stubbornness and no doubt it will be the episodes of his books that will immortalise their titles with the names of the causes they upheld.

  I stayed at the window enjoying the night and feeling with delight the cold morning air on my lids. Little by little the day dawned; the wick of the candle grew longer and longer and its flame slowly faded away. The roof of the market appeared in the distance and a cock crowed; the storm had passed; a few drops of water remained in the dust of the road and made large round spots on it. As I was very tired, I went back to bed and slept.

  We felt very sad on leaving Combourg, and besides, the end of our journey was at hand. Soon this delightful trip which we had enjoyed for three months would be over. The return, like the leave-taking, produces an anticipated sadness, which gives one a proof of the insipid life we lead.






  Le manuscrit autographe

  Frontispice et page de titre de l’édition de 1924

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  1er mai 1847.

  Chemin de fer. — Anglais v....é et son enfant qui lisait des vaudevilles français. — Grainetiers, 2 expressions de marchand, l’accapareur sournois et l’exploiteur jovial et féroce. — Les deux jeunes gens se croyant charmants.

  Blois. — Près le débarcadère une allée de vieux ormeaux à tronc large, à branches diffuses, les vrais arbres XVIIIe siècle, arbres de théâtre sous lesquels les fillettes dansent au son du violon. — Rues silencieuses intimes dans lesquelles on placerait quelque douce et bénigne passion. — En sortant de la cathédrale pour descendre à la rivière il y en a une, à marches, comme celles qui mènent à Fourvières. — Vieille femme dont la tête en coiffe blanche saillissait à sa fenêtre à guillotine. — Près l’église Saint-Nicolas, une rue longue (avec des portes cochères donnant sur des jardins) courbée, herbue ; au fond, une boutique de modes.

  Église Saint-Nicolas, entré par derrière, chapiteaux ; grand portail noir avec des ravenelles ; église de l’ogive primitive. — Cathédrale XVIe siècle, transition de la Renaissance. — Château, côté du nord, élevé sur des remparts ; pour y entrer on passe sous une voûte. — Le côté gauche, dans la cour, est de la reine Anne, charmant ; le fond de Louis XIV atroce ; côté de droite réparé, charmant ; tourelle carrée ; délicieuse corniche François Ier intérieur. — Oratoire d’Henri III à côté de sa chambre ; à côté son cabinet au nord. — Troupiers avec leurs brocs de vin pour la fête du roi. — Partout la cordelière d’Anne et le cygne percé d’une flèche de Claude de France.

  Chambord. — Terrains sablonneux, maigres, dégarnis d’arbres. — Façade, rivière, oiseaux qui volaient bas ; tristesse de la ruine qui n’est pas ruine. — Dans la cour l’âne et son ânon, chien joyeux. — Sur le registre, à côté des jérémiades et souhaits, légitimité, ô mania, Louise et Alfred ; “on peut être boiteux sans cesser d’être droit”. l’abbé Sam. aumônier du presbytère..... exilé sans cesser d’être roi. — Escalier double à jour ; on a fait 2 étages de ce qui n’était que le rez-de-chaussée.

  La salle du BG au 2e étage a le plafond comme tout le reste, couvert de salamandres peintes et dorées. — Parc d’artillerie. — Donné au duc de Bordeaux par le colonel Langlois. — Oratoire de François Ier : plafond sculpté, une salamandre ou un chou, un ornement quelconque dans chaque carré.

  Amboise. �
� Bâti sur deux bras de la Loire ; une ile au milieu. — Pays singulièrement doux et bon, plus pur comme Touraine qu’à Blois ; femmes jolies, braves. — Revue de la garde nationale ; les bisets sont ficelés et semblaient mettre de la prétention dans leur dédain du costume civique. — Promenade plantée à droite au bas du château. — Château, grandes tours. — Au haut, galerie à arcade ; à gauche, une grande tour avec des ravenelles, superbe en couleur bistrée, elle est garnie de fenêtres hautes, resserrées, a plein cintre. — On monte par derrière, jardin charmant, élevé, en pleine vue sur la campagne ; horizon doux fuyant, avec deux grandes voiles au fond. — A pic sous soi les toits pointus des maisons, vieux hôtels déserts.

  Intérieur du château, nul ; les éternels bustes du roi, de la reine et de Mme Adélaïde dans plusieurs appartements. — Dans un pan de mur qui faisait partie d’une ancienne terrasse, le porc-épic. — La chapelle : délicieuse, ouvrage de fouillure de ciselé, d’élégance,et dont le style fait penser aux fraises à la Médicis à cause de ses broderies, de ses boutons et de ses découpures. — Sur la porte un saint Hubert descendu de cheval, à genoux ; un ange vient mettre une couronne sur son bonnet, le saint est agenouillé devant le cerf qui porte un crucifix entre ses cornes ; les chiens sont à côté et jappent ; un serpent rampe sur une montagne où l’on aperçoit des cristaux, on voit sa tête plate de vipère au pied des arbres, l’arbre dévot, théologique des bibles, petit et sec de feuillage, mais large de branches. — Saint Christophe porte Jésus ; saint Antoine est dans sa cellule, son cochon rentre, on ne lui voit que le derrière, cela fait parallèle à un autre animal (lièvre ?) dont la tête sort.


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