Always & Forever
Page 23
My father and my soon-to-be father-in-law turn their attention on us when they see us approach.
“The couple of the hour is here,” Jonas cheers, opening his arms to hug Nikolaj.
“Sweetheart.” Diego’s face lights up.
“Diego,” is all I say as he takes me into his arms. The evening has barely started and I’m already emotional.
I hug Diego hard and then move on to Jonas. Nikolaj mirrors my salutations in reverse and we end up standing in front of each other’s father. Both men take a step back at the same time and if the look on their faces is any indication, they’re most likely going to say something to embarrass us.
“Jonas, did you know I’m adding a son to my family in a few days? He’s an incredible and successful young man. I couldn’t be prouder,” Diego says, patting Nik’s back.
“Diego, I had given up all hope that the baby of the family would ever settle down, but he shocked the heck out of all of us when he showed up last year with this stunning American goddess for my birthday. It just so happens I’ll be adding a new daughter to my own family. She’s brilliant beyond words, gorgeous and very smart.” Nikolaj’s dad reaches out for me and closes his arms around me. He kisses me on both cheeks and hugs me so hard I fear I might break. After embracing me for a few minutes, he takes a step back and lifts his arm up in the air, forcing me to do the same. He twirls me around, whistling the whole time. “My son is a lucky man, Diego. Your daughter is a vision in this dress.”
“Finally something we both agree on.” Diego breaks his man-hug with my fiancé and he takes me in his arms. My father has a way of hugging you that makes you lose all concept of time. It’s warm, inviting and so comforting. “If you’re this stunning now, I’m sure I’ll have a heart attack when I see you in your beautiful white dress in a few days.”
“Diego, I don’t think you’ll be the only one. I’m considering asking Kayla to have paramedics on standby.” Diego and Jonas chuckle at Nik’s joke.
Although my real father has only been in my life for only a few months, I know him well enough now to detect when he’s about to say something profound. “Nikolaj, thank you for making her so happy. She’s radiant when she’s around you.”
“I’m just returning the favor, sir.” Nikolaj grins, sliding his arm around my shoulders. “I love her so much, I just can’t help it.”
I instantly flush and I’m sure my face is a deep crimson. Obviously, I’m doing a terrible job at concealing how moved I am by Nikolaj’s outpouring of public affection. “I love you too, baby.”
Nik reaches out to caress my blushing cheeks and I sink into his touch.
“Honestly, Diego, these two are—”
I hear my sister before I see her.
“Oh, my God, look who’s finally here,” Sofia shouts, cutting in front of my father and my soon to be father-in-law to run toward me. Everyone in the garden looks in our direction. “Nikolaj,” she calls out, hugging my fiancé before turning her attention to me. “Sis. Darling, you’re so beautiful. You always are, but there’s something about you today.” Her smile is so wide, it’s hard not to mimic her.
Jonas clears his throat as if to remind my sister of his presence. Sofia turns around, blushing, and addresses the two men she nearly knocked over to get to me. “I’m so sorry, Diego and Jonas. I’m over the moon. I can’t believe my little sis is finally saying yes.”
“I can’t blame you, Sofia. I was saying the same thing about my son.” Jonas squeezes Nikolaj’s shoulder. There’s a brief silent exchange between them. The deep love they share is unmistakable.
“Diego, why don’t we let these kids connect. We should go get our wives.”
“Oh, yeah, where are Mom and Nicoline?” I ask.
“My wife, your mother, my daughters and a few other ladies went on a tour of the property with one of the staff members. This place is as majestic as you described it. Good call. Nicoline has been gushing since she arrived.”
“I’m so glad to hear that.” I’m relieved by his confession. Although it’s been smooth sailing since our girl-bonding weekend together, I really wanted Nikolaj’s mom to be as enchanted by this place as we’ve been.
“No seriously, I had to beg her to come down. When the bellhop opened the door to our room, my wife thought she had walked into a fairytale. She was so spellbound, she threatened to lock herself in the room until your wedding day.”
“Mom will be completely bewildered once she tours the property. I’ve been around the world and back and I’ve never seen anything remotely this regal.”
“I agree with you, son. You were right. This is exactly where you and your princess were supposed to get married.”
I choke when I soak in Jonas’ words.
“Dad, princess is so pre-engagement. She’s my queen now.”
“That’s it, son. Keep calling her queen and make sure to let her know she’s always right. It’s a sure recipe to a long and happy marriage,” Diego mocks. “That’s exactly the approach I intend on taking with her mother.”
We all laugh at his joke.
“All right, let me steal Ciara’s father and we’ll be right back with our wives.”
Diego and Jonas wave goodbye before heading to a side gate leading to the backyard. It’s always a good thing when your father and your father-in-law get along. Nothing puts more pressure on a marriage than family feuds. In the short time those two have known each other, they seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company.
Sofia doesn’t wait for them to disappear before opening her mouth to speak, but a voice behind me interrupts her.
“Champagne?” A female waiter is tempting us with the nectar of the French gods and neither of us can resist.
“Absolutely,” I cheer. A drink is exactly what I need.
“God, honey, you’re right,” Nikolaj says.
“I promised Bryce I’d slow down, but what the heck. We’re celebrating. Not to mention we’ll never find these local brands of champagne in America, so I might as well drink up.” Sofia’s giggle is an indication that she started drinking well before we ever arrived.
All three of us reach out for a glass.
“Thank you so much,” we say in unison, clinking our flutes together.
My glass has barely touched my lips before my sister has already chugged down a generous gulp. Slow down, sister. “Man, these Danes are so punctual,” she utters under her breath. “Most people on Nikolaj’s side arrived fifteen minutes early. I saw them congregate around the bar while Bryce and I were still getting ready up in our room,” she says, pointing to the top floor of the castle. “Most of the members on your side just got here.” She’s so exuberant.
“I figured that much.”
“I do apologize,” Nikolaj says. “We have a nasty habit of being on time.”
“Nikolaj, you’re so funny,” Sofia says. “By the way, smart setup, you guys, huh?”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“When we arrived a few hours ago, Harley and I wanted to drag you to the bar for early drinks. When we asked for your room number, the concierge announced the fiancés were staying in a house remote from the castle. No wonder you two are a little more than fashionably late.” Sofia snorts, elbowing me.
Oh, God.
Her excitement combined with the effervescence of the bubbles floating at the bottom of the flute she’s holding are making her a lot more outspoken than usual.
“It’s not what you think, Sof.”
“Yeah, right.” She rolls her eyes.
“No, seriously.” I retort.
Sofia lets out a naughty laugh and has a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “I’ve been there. Bryce and I were the same way on the eve of our wedding.” Sofia deliberately looks me up and down before doing the same to my fiancé with a raised eyebrow.
Too much information. I squeeze my eyes shut, shaking my head in horror, unable to believe my sister would have the guts to blurt that out at a party. “Sofia, you’ve obviously be
en drinking… a lot.”
“Right.” Nikolaj nods, wide-eyed. “On that note, perhaps I should go greet some of my family members. I’ll come back in a few minutes and we can do the rounds, Ciara,” Nikolaj says, visibly uncomfortable with my sister’s remark. “Sofia, always a pleasure to see you again. I’ll go hang out with Bryce once I say hello to everyone.” Nikolaj escapes, freaked out.
I turn to face my sister. “And for the record, it’s because of nosy big sisters like you that Kayla put us in the house where we’re staying.”
“Come on, it’s my duty to tease.” Sofia snickers.
“Yeah, but—”
“Ci!” Harley’s cry of joy interrupts me. My best friend runs towards me before jumping into my arms. She kisses me on both cheeks and squeals like a kid. “OMG, this is it, girlfriend. There’s no going back now,” she cheers.
“Nope. It’s all or nothing.” I smile. “And I want it all with Nik.”
“You’re really doing this. You’re taking the plunge.” Our eyes meet and there’s so much I read in her emerald gaze—genuine happiness, contentment and excitement.
I stare at my best friend, tears pooling in my eyes, and nod. “I know, Harl. It’s surreal for me as well.”
“Awww. Ciara, don’t you dare shed a tear or else I’ll turn into the Niagara Falls and you know it,” my sister warns, wiping her eyes.
“The worst part is I promised myself not to cry, but at this rate I doubt I’ll make it to the appetizers without having to run to the bathroom to touch up my makeup.” My eyes bounce from my sister’s to my best friend’s teary faces. At least if I start bawling, I won’t be the only one.
“Oops, lean down, Ci. You have my Chanel number thirty-seven all over your face.” Harley laughs, raising her hand to my face. As usual, in my high heels, I’m so much taller than my sister and best friend. I bend over and Harley licks her thumb and reaches for my cheek to smear off her designer fuchsia-pink lipstick mark.
“What a great shade on you and now on Ciara, Harley.”
“They don’t call it L’Exuberante for nothing,” Harley says.
“You and my sister wear those jubilant shades so well. I’ll stick to the more neutral colors,” Sofia says.
“Don’t even go there with me, Sof. I’ve seen you wear vampy red.”
“Only because Bryce insisted,” she purrs.
She has to stop drinking.
“Better. I removed it all and your makeup remains flawless,” Harley rejoices.
“Okay, while the two of you catch up, I’m going to see if Dad and Beverly have arrived,” Sofia says.
“Great idea, sis.”
“Oh, yeah, they’ve been in France for a few days already,” Harley says.
“Yes, Harley,” my sister says. “My dad and his wife arrived a week early to bask on the beaches of the French Riviera. They figured it’s a short trip from Côte d’Azur to Ci’s wedding. So why not?”
“During the time Emilio worked in Paris we never made the trip to the South of France. Not to mention he didn’t take much of a honeymoon after he tied the knot on Valentine’s Day with Beverly. It was a spontaneous last-minute decision for him and I’m glad he did it,” I add.
“I’m sure he’ll have tons of great stories to tell. Let me go find them. I’ll catch up with you and Harley later.”
“Tell Emilio I want a kiss from him and my step-mom the second they get here.”
“I will.” My sister waves goodbye and wobbles on her super-high heels towards the castle. Harley and I both watch her walk away and I shake my head. Weddings have a way of bringing out the crazy side of the most unexpected family members.
“Your sister is tipsy, isn’t she?”
“Yup. She’s more excited than I am.”
“Good for her. She’s always way too serious,” Harley says, facing me. “Girl, I’m so damn happy to be here.”
“It’s just as well you showed up,” I start, waving my finger at Harley, “or else I would’ve hauled your ass away from your hot Latin lover myself.”
“As delicious as Miguel is, and God knows he so is, nothing would’ve prevented me from being right here, right now with you.”
“Good answer,” I say, tapping my finger against her nose. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s focus on what’s important here. Harl, you look incredible in this turquoise dress. The shade pops against your tanned skin.”
“Thanks. I’m totally milking this complexion. I’d give my right arm to keep this glow for the rest of my life. I’m so going back to Puerto Rico. The food, culture, music, beaches and men are unforgettable.”
“You needed that time away from everything.”
“I’m glad I listened to your advice.” Harley smiles, taking my hands into hers.
“How was the trip over with Sofia and Bryce?”
“How can I complain about flying over on a billionaire’s jet?” She combs her manicured fingers through her hair. Her golden skin only accentuates her platinum-blonde pixie cut.
“So the experience doesn’t wear off after the first time?”
She waves her hand through the air dramatically. “Are you kidding me? I doubt I’ll ever get blasé about traveling around the world on a private jet.”
“I feel the same way every time I board Nik’s plane. It never gets boring.”
“Forget about vacations and airplanes. Ci, you’ve scored a Cinderella-like castle. Pardon my innocence here, but when you said castle, I thought you were talking about a big-ass Hollywood-style mansion, but this is beyond anything I could’ve imagined. No wonder you fell hard the first time you saw it. “
“The amazing thing about this place is that everyone seems to fall in love with it as well. I was just talking to Nik’s dad and he confirmed that Nicoline is beside herself. It seems she’s also fallen under the charm of this magical location. My mom has sent me at least twelve text messages since she’s arrived to express how elated she is about my decision to get married here. Sofia and Bryce are already planning on renewing their two-year vows here.” I giggle. “Even Diego texted me a few times to share how blown away he is.”
“I’m thrilled everything fell into place with Nikolaj’s mom. But you know what the best part of this story is?”
She takes a few steps closer, tilts her head back until our eyes meet and flashes me a warm loving smile. “You’re going to have a fairytale wedding.”
“Harl. Don’t even start with me. We’ve already discussed the fact that you aren’t allowed to make me cry. I’m wearing two coats of waterproof mascara, but it’ll be in vain if you make these sappy comments.”
“I can’t—”
“Well, well, well.” A rich and distinctive voice I know so well interrupts Harley in midsentence. “If it isn’t the gorgeous bride-to-be.”
I turn on my heel to greet the tall and handsome co-owner of this château. “Logan, you kept your promise and you did make it back on time.”
He approaches me flanked by Kayla and Walker. The Ellison brothers are dressed impeccably. Not that I’ve ever seen them wearing anything that didn’t scream wealth, elegance and class, but today they really brought out the big guns. Kayla, who tends to hide behind head-to-toe black shapeless clothing, has traded her nondescript and sometimes frumpy look for a more feminine and extremely flattering coral wrap dress. She’s stunning.
Logan nods, eyes twinkling. “Let’s get one thing straight, Ciara. I’m here just in case you decide at the last minute you’d rather walk into the sunset with me than marry your Danish billionaire.”
I consider him through narrowed eyes. “You wish.”
It’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Logan definitely oozes the former.
Kayla rolls her eyes. “Oh, please, give it a rest, already.”
“Logan, Kayla’s right. Big brother, you need to find a new target. You’re so insistent, I’m surprised Ciara hasn’t slapped
your ass with a restraining order.” Walker has one of those biting and unexpected senses of humor I love.
“Okay, I get it. I’m out of time and out of luck,” Logan says, pretending to be exasperated. “On a different note, who is this gorgeous woman I’ve never met before?” Logan takes a few steps towards Harley, mesmerized by my best friend.
“Harley Lancaster, may I introduce you to the Ellisons. This is Logan, Kayla and the youngest of the clan, Walker. Kayla’s the one who masterminded my entire wedding,” I gush.
“Nonsense, Ciara, I merely hired the right people.” Kayla winks.
“Ciara, why on earth have you been hiding this divine beauty from me?”
The man is relentless.
“Logan, I’d rather pull out one of my own organs than hook you up with my best friend.” I curl up my lips at him.
Logan ignores me and focuses his attention on Harley. “Please don’t listen to her. I’m really a great guy once you get to know me. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Logan grabs Harley’s hands and brings them up to his lips before dropping a couple of slow kisses.
Had it been any other guy, I’m pretty sure Harley would’ve already found a prickly retort to put him back in his place for being so forward this early in the game, but Logan Ellison’s charm is irresistible and I’m sure it’s gotten him out of many sticky situations in the past.
“Um, okay…” Harley babbles, looking at me, clearly confused by Logan’s laser-focused attention. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” she continues. “Kayla and Walker, once Logan gives me back my hands, I’ll gladly shake yours.”
We all laugh.
That’s my Harley.
“Let me interrupt this before things get out of hand,” Kayla starts. “Harley, I usually make it a habit to warn women in advance about my brother’s flirtatious nature, but since we’re celebrating tonight, I’ll cut him some slack. And don’t be fooled by this one over here,” Kayla says, pointing to Walker. “He might be the quiet one, but his magnetism is still lethal.” Once Kayla has apologized to my best friend, she turns my way, but my focus shifts when I recognize the couple walking towards us.
“If it isn’t the most beautiful bride-to-be,” the tall man approaching says with an exaggerated Irish drawl.