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Always & Forever

Page 29

by Scarlett Avery

  Instead of answering, Jonas lifts his chin, forcing Nikolaj to turn around. Nicoline is making her way slowly but surely back to join us.

  “Mom!” Nikolaj rejoices. The second he takes in his mother’s leg his face drops. “My God.” His happiness gives way to concern. He walks towards his mother and kneels at her feet. “What happened to you?”

  “Come on, get back up so I can kiss your gorgeous face instead of you worrying about me.” Nikolaj obeys. Nicoline places one hand against his chest and smiles lovingly at him. “Honey, it’s nothing. I’m fine now.”

  “Mom, you don’t look fine. If you were, you wouldn’t be hopping like this. Did you get into an accident?” Nikolaj turns to me for answers, but his father jumps in before I’m able to speak.

  “Son, you’d better sit down. Your mom and I have quite the story to share.”

  * * *

  An hour later, the garden is packed with cheerful guests. A mob of people arrived on Nik’s heels. Most were as breathless as my fiancé, but everyone was relieved to see with their own two eyes that Jonas and Nicoline were indeed safe.

  When Sofia, Harley and Eloise arrived an hour ago, all three of them ran to me and hugged the hell out of me and I relished every minute of it. It’s funny how sometimes words can’t express the depth or magnitude of what the soul yearns to share.

  When Emilio got back to the gardens, he took me aside and he cradled my face tenderly in his hands. He pulled me close to him until our noses touched and he whispered that he had unwavering faith that nothing and no one would get in the way of his baby daughter getting married. Emilio is a shy type, the polar opposite of Diego. He never uses too many words, but when he opens his mouth to speak it’s usually so incredibly profound.

  The von Henningsen family reunion was heart-rending. Clara, Katrine and Emma cried for a solid fifteen minutes. No matter how much their mother tried to calm them down, it was to no avail. They just had to let go of all the emotions that had been consuming them since this morning.

  Jonas’ brothers and nephews weren’t immune to the tear-jerking mood. They all broke down when they were able to hug Jonas again. Uncle Gustav broke down as well at the sight of his little sister. Even bad boys Logan and Walker seemed affected by what they were witnessing.

  Gustav is now standing to the side wrapped around Carmelita and he’s listening attentively to Jonas and Nicoline as they recount their unbelievable tale one more time to the eighty guests who are all riveted. The energy is so high right now it’s not even funny. I’m an observer to all of this because I’m working frantically with Kayla, Colette and Michel to ensure every guest is fed. It’s been such a long, grueling day for everyone and it’s finally time for all of us to celebrate. My sister and my mother have taken Antoine under their wing and they’re keeping our guest of honor company and conversing with him in his native tongue.

  I leave the kitchen satisfied that within the next fifteen minutes chef Maurice and his sous-chefs will serve a late lunch that will satisfy the hungriest among us. I jolt in surprise when I turn the corner of the castle and Nikolaj’s sister is standing there.

  I stop in my tracks and I take in a deep breath, unsure of how this confrontation will unfold. “Katrine.” I force a tight smile.

  “Ciara.” She’s fidgeting with her hands as she approaches me.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “I didn’t want to wait any longer to say this,” she begins. “I… I…” She pauses and bites her lower lip. Her hesitation worries me at first, but when she starts weeping, my apprehension dissolves. I take a step closer to her and wrap my arms around her. “I’m such an idiot. I totally overreacted. Can you ever forgive me for what I said earlier in front of all of these people?”

  I let go of her and take a step back so our eyes meet. “I won’t lie. Your words were like an arrow through my heart because it’s no secret how much I love your brother. That said, I understand where you were coming from. Emotions have a way of making us say and do crazy things. If the shoe was on the other foot, perhaps I might have overreacted given the uncertainty that was floating around us earlier. It really means a lot to me that you’d apologize. Your parents are back safe and that’s all that counts.”

  “Thank you,” she wails, jumping into my arms.

  After commiserating with Katrine, I join Nikolaj just as his parents finish entertaining the crowd with all the colorful details of their eventful day. A few people have already started to disperse to find a spot at a table. When Nikolaj sees me approaching on shaky legs he arches his eyebrows.

  “You’re okay?” he asks and I nod, still overwhelmed by the moment I shared with his sister.

  “I just had an honest chat with Katrine.”

  “I see.” He closes the gap between us. “She came to me earlier to express how sorry she was. I told her you were the one she needed to apologize to. I’m used to her. I know how she can unravel under pressure, but this is your first time dealing with the not-so-cool and collected Katrine.” He caresses my cheek with the back of his hand.

  “I’m not one to hold a grudge.”

  “That’s another one of your virtues.” A smile curls the corners of his mouth. “Katrine and I constantly butt heads, but nothing like today. I was as concerned for our parents as she was and although I was seriously deflated when we returned to the castle after a morning search without them, I wasn’t willing to give up. Not on them. Not on us walking down the aisle. At the end of the day, Katrine is still my strong-willed big sister and I still love her even when we disagree on how to approach things.” Nikolaj pulls me closer toward him, his lips against my forehead. “I’m so grateful all this drama is behind us now.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better.”

  “There’s absolutely nothing stopping us now.”

  “Nope. Not a thing.” I smile even though he can’t see it.

  “Tomorrow you’ll be my wife,” he murmurs.

  Damn right. I tilt my head back and lose myself in his blue eyes. I reach my hand out to his gorgeous face and he takes it, pulling me even closer into him. Nikolaj wraps his strong arms around me. His embrace is a reassurance after this hair-raising rollercoaster day.

  I press my face into his neck and drop a soft kiss. He runs a hand up my back, playing with the curls bouncing from my ponytail, and he just holds my head there. “I love you so much, Ciara.”

  “I love you right back, Nikolaj.” My heart tumbles inside of me at his words. “And yes, we’re so getting married,” I exclaim, a thrill shooting through me at the realization that despite this bleak day, God didn’t let me down because She knows Nikolaj is my everything.

  I’m so wrapped up in the moment that I jump at my sister’s voice.

  “People, my little sis will become Mrs. von Henningsen tomorrow.” Sofia raises her hand above her head and does a happy dance. I laugh at my crazy romantic sister. She catches my eye, her happiness for me brimming in hers.

  Not to be upstaged, Diego’s cousin makes her presence known. “Mazel tov!”

  Once again, Carmelita gives the rest of the guests permission to cheer. Everyone in the garden erupts in a joyful roar and Nikolaj and I join in.


  Chapter Twelve

  The day of the wedding

  Breathe. Just breathe.

  It’s a quarter past eleven in the morning. I’ve been coaxing myself to relax, but my stomach is still tied up in a knot. The ceremony starts in fifteen minutes and I’m nervous as hell. I’ve been pacing in the adjacent room to the bridal suite for twenty minutes now hoping each step I take will bring down my heart rate, but to no avail. My nerves have gotten the better of me.

  My mom, Harley and Sofia are still in the bride’s room getting ready, but I needed air. Kayla has reserved a room located near the back doors leading to the garden as the area where the bridal party can get ready without risking bumping into the groom-to-be.

  Come on, you can do it. In and out. When t
he hands of the clock meet at twelve, Nikolaj’s heart and mine will be one. I ready myself to take another step forward when I hear a knock at the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “The father of the most beautiful bride on the planet.”

  My grin grows wide at Diego’s words. “In that case you can come in.”

  I stop pacing and stand still. I smooth down my dress, impatiently waiting for his appraisal.

  He peeks his head in and pretends to look for me around the room until our gazes meet. “Whew. I knew you’d take my breath away, but you’re even more stunning than I ever imagined.” He closes the door behind him and joins me near the tall window.

  “Thank you. I love this dress.”

  “It was designed with you in mind, honey.”

  “Are my hair and makeup okay?”

  I’ve already asked my mom, my best friend and my sister this question twenty times, but I still need reassurance. Colette hired acclaimed Parisian hairstylist Roger Villier, who whipped my crazy curls into a super-sophisticated classic braided chignon. Colette had a long list of makeup artists in mind, but I vetoed that. The only person who knows my features better than I do is top New York artist Jared Lindfield.

  Jared and I go way back since the days he used to work with my mom at Bergdorf Goodman. He was one of my first official clients, other than Diego. He’s upgraded his stylish penthouses three times since I’ve known him and he’s always called on me for his lighting design. When it comes to formal events, my sister and I swear by this guy. I flew him in first-class and I have to say, I don’t regret it.

  Diego’s eyes twinkle with adoration. “Of course. Everything about you will stop Nikolaj’s heart when he sees you.” He chuckles. I look up at him and laugh at the teasing in his blue eyes. Diego frowns and reaches out for my face. “These are absolutely superb,” he says, touching my sparkling earrings. “Obviously a gift from the Danish billionaire,” he mocks.

  “Yes. He spoils me.”

  “You mean he spoils you rotten.”

  “He does.” I blush.

  I haven’t been able to stop caressing my stunning sapphire and diamond drop earrings since I put them on. Sofia knocked on Harley’s door early this morning to drop off Nik’s unexpected wedding gift. When I opened the box all three of us gasped and then we all started jumping up and down like kids. Any man can buy you gifts, but Nikolaj has the uncanny ability to surprise me with how much thought he puts into every present he gives me. The earrings were accompanied with a simple handwritten note that melted my insides.

  My love,

  Rumor has it you’re supposed to wear a splash of blue today. I’m no expert, but I hope these will do. Although dazzling, I’m sure they’ll pale in comparison to your beauty. Your sister will hand you a second box. You might want to open it in private.

  Your soon-to-be husband.

  The second box was so big that Sofia left it in the hallway until I opened the first one. After she handed it to me, I ran into the bathroom to discover what was so secret that I had to keep it for my eyes only. Once I read Nikolaj’s note I knew exactly what I was in for.


  As to be expected, I had a shit night because I wasn’t able to fall asleep with you pressed against me. You can only imagine how much I desperately want—no, need—to ravish you. I can’t wait to cast my eyes on your luscious body in this saucy number. I’ll be fantasizing all day long… counting the minutes.


  Nik’s second gift doesn’t disappoint. He’s offered me an outrageously sexy strapless corset with garter belt and lace thong from Agent Provocateur in one of his favorite colors—virginal white. Only the silk stockings are nude.

  “Nervous?” Diego’s question snaps me out of my reverie.


  “Don’t be. Emilio and I will be by your side until Nikolaj takes over. He’s a good man.” I nod in agreement. “He’s proven time and time again that he’ll be your pillar of strength regardless what life throws your way. A father couldn’t ask for more.”

  “I’m very lucky.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to walk down the aisle with you.” He kisses my forehead. “I’ve already had a heart-to-heart with Emilio to thank him personally. It takes a great man to be willing to share the spotlight on the day of his daughter’s wedding,” he continues.

  “I can’t imagine this day happening any other way.”

  When my parents returned from their African honeymoon, I flew to Barcelona to ask Diego to walk me down the aisle. It was a given that Emilio would give my hand away in marriage since he’s the one who raised me, but it felt wrong not having Diego there. It’s an idea I had been toying with in my mind for a while, but it was only when I had a Skype conversation with Emilio where he suggested it that I felt brave enough to ask my real father to also give me away. I don’t think I’ve ever been one for traditions, but there’s something about a wedding that makes you want to honor this type of ceremony.

  There’s another knock at the door. This time it’s the kind, quiet man who’s watched over me since I was a baby, never suspecting I wasn’t really his. “Emilio.”

  “My God, Ciara,” he exhales when he catches sight of me. His awestruck expression says it all. “You’ve got this princess thing down pat,” he says, striding towards me. “Julia told me you looked flawless—her words, not mine—but now that I see you with my own two eyes I have to admit, she’s right. You look elegant and sophisticated.” I laugh, teary-eyed. “No, no, no, my love. I don’t want that husband of yours to be upset at me because I made you cry right before you walk down the aisle.”

  “Are you making fun of me?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Emilio turns his attention to the man standing next to me. “Can you believe this, Diego?”

  “I’m as baffled and proud as you are, Emilio.”

  “It seems so old-fashioned to give a daughter away nowadays, don’t you think?”

  “Sometimes being old-fashioned isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Point well taken.” Emilio turns to me. “In that case, if we’re going to go by the book on this, your Dane is the type of man I prayed God would send your way. I know Nikolaj will make you happy and keep you safe.”

  “I said the same thing earlier, Emilio. She picked a keeper.”

  “Uh-huh.” Emilio nods.

  For two men who have every reason to despise each other, these two have a cordial relationship.

  “Okay, you two have to stop this or else I won’t be able to fight off these tears threatening to ruin my makeup.” I’m so emotional. I’m waving my hands in front of my face to suppress the flood.

  Diego whips out a handkerchief from the inside pocket of his jacket and hands it to me. I look up to the ceiling and blot underneath my eyes, doing my best to keep my makeup intact. “You still look perfect, honey.”

  “Thank you,” is all I say. The day has barely started and it’s already too much. At this rate I’ll be a blubbering mess before the priest officiates our wedding.

  Emilio grabs my shoulders. “I’m not only here to admire your beauty. I was sent here by your impatient mom because everybody’s waiting for you. It’s time. Are you ready, honey?”

  I swallow hard. “I don’t know.”

  Emilio leans in until our foreheads touch. “All these butterflies in your stomach will fly away once you see him. You do know that, don’t you?”

  I don’t need any more convincing. “Yes.”

  Diego approaches and both fathers tuck one of my arms into the crook of theirs and wrap their fingers over mine. “Let’s do this,” Emilio says, nodding at both Diego and me.

  I squeeze their hands and I take a step forward. Before we even reach the gardens, I can already hear the violin music playing in the background. This is as real as it gets. When we turn the corner and everything comes together perfectly, I gasp. There’s a hush in the crowd. Eighty pairs of eyes focus on me, but I only have eyes for one per
son. The man I love.

  “Wow,” he mouths. He blinks so quickly as if to confirm he’s not seeing a vision.

  I smile at the sight of him, too choked up to do much more. He’s standing there next to his friend. He’s absolutely delicious in his custom-tailored impeccable tux. Although we’re a few feet apart, we’re so connected right now. With each step I take his grin grows wider and wider. When we get halfway, Nikolaj stuns everyone. At first, I think he’s moving closer to take a better look at me, but he starts racing down the aisle, eliciting a chuckle from our guests at his haste.

  Nikolaj gets to me in a flash and surprises the hell out of me when he speaks. “I got her, sir,” he says to my fathers.

  Both Emilio and Diego hesitate at first, but the determined look in Nikolaj’s eyes sways them. They smile warmly at my fiancé before letting go of me. Each chuckle as they take turns patting Nik’s shoulders. I suspect they’re taken aback by his boldness. They look at each other and resign themselves to making it to the front row without me.

  Nikolaj grabs both my hands into his. “Damn, I knew I forgot something,” he whispers.

  “What?” I ask, worried.

  “I forgot to hire those darn paramedics. I doubt my heart will be able to take it much longer. This dress… To say you took my breath away when you turned that corner is an understatement.”

  Once more he surprises me with his humor. I tilt my head back and laugh. “You look pretty freaking handsome yourself.” I’m fully aware this wasn’t part of the wedding rehearsal we had last night before dinner, but I don’t care. Not to mention it’s my duty to honor my Lafuente lineage by breaking tradition. I just didn’t expect it would be this early in the wedding ceremony.

  Nikolaj cradles my face in his hands and leans in. Just as his lips are about to touch mine the priest clears his throat, reminding us that we’re not yet husband and wife. Nikolaj slides apologetic eyes to Father Frederic Geley before returning his focus to me. He winks. “I got a little carried away.” He grins boyishly.


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