Book Read Free

Troll Brother

Page 58

by P. Edward Auman


  Travel past the Maple Springs Airfield was relatively uneventful. Daniel and a couple other boys were up there already prepping their planes. But there wasn’t a whole lot of conversation. The family passed by with Kile under full glimmer and it must have just appeared to be a family outing. Dan didn’t seem too interested in pursuing helicopter or plane conversations with everyone else around at the time, but he did wave and smile at the boys.

  After the first few ridge climbs Kile was getting a little tired. Moving through tight trees was easier for him and he could move much faster than any of the humans, but generally on the paths and deer tracks they were following his short legs meant he was running out of steam long distance on an uphill climb. At the rise in elevation and being both hidden in the forest shade and close to the residue of the colder downdraft from the mountain over night the hoodies were still a requirement. Dad had them take a rest and sip some water about an hour and a half up the mountain.

  “It’s so beautiful up here, Rick,” Sara suggested. She’d climbed up on top of one of the larger boulders and could catch glimpses of the lake and the rest of the valley far below.

  “Yeah, Mom, it’s…” Robbie started but then he was cut off.

  An incredible howl echoed through the trees from some ways off still. The entire family froze. Kile’s eyes flickered back and forth watching the trees. Marissa’s hand froze mid-way lifting a water bottle to her lips and she listened as well.

  When it was clear nothing was dashing out of the woods towards them, Sara Johansson hopped down the rocks and landed next to her husband, boots thudding lightly in the soft soil. “What was that?”

  Robert knew, but held his tongue since he and Kile had never fully come clean about the trip into the forest to see the wolves. Rick Jr. responded instead. “Cougar.”

  A moment’s hesitation later and Sara asked again with her hands clenched tightly on Rick’s upper arm, “What do we do?”

  “Nothing,” he responded and turned back around to the group, attempting to appear relaxed. “A cougar isn’t going to want to go anywhere near such a large group as we have here.”

  But then the sound repeated, even more desperately the second time. It was followed shortly by a sharp crack. If Robert had to guess he would have said it was a nearby lady-finger popping. But Dad recognized the sound. It was a whip. Something unnatural was going on further up the mountain cut he had been planning to follow up to the cliff face and spring area and he recognized he’d better start developing a plan.

  “Marissa?” he said.

  “Yes?” the young girl answered, stepping up to answer and handing her water bottle back to Robert to put in his pack.

  “No, keep that, will you?” Rick added. “You’re with me for a moment.”

  “What is it?” Sara asked again.

  “Dunno yet. Just want to take a look though,” Rick said, flashing his most winning smile. Mother knew something wasn’t right whenever he was that casual.

  As Rick and Marissa headed up the ridge on the opposite side of the cut, mother quietly said, “Be careful, Rick.”

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