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First Taste: A Collection of Hot Alpha Doms

Page 25

by Sidney Bristol

  He tried to decide how to answer her question. He’d skirted around the details of his private life, sending her far too many mixed signals as he struggled with himself over the correct way to approach her.

  He sighed. “This is what I meant.”

  “If we’re to continue dating, you would want to tell me what to wear? What to do?” she asked.

  “Not in every aspect of your life, not every minute of the day. Dammit, it’s hard to put this into words that won’t sound intimidating, threatening.”

  “Try,” she insisted.

  “I’ve come to care about you. I’ve learned a great deal about you through your writing and our sessions these past few weeks and I want to know more. But I must admit, I tend to suffer from a personality trait that won’t let me watch someone I consider a friend harm herself.”

  “Harm herself? You think I’m hurting myself somehow?” Her voice, though quieter, still held an edge that told him he’d upset her further.

  “You work too damn hard. You take far too much onto your slender shoulders and when you look in the mirror, I’m fairly certain you don’t see what the rest of the world does. Keira—you’re beautiful. Why hide that?”

  “I-I don’t know,” she said, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he sensed she was calming down. Maybe he hadn’t ruined tonight beyond all repair. Yet. “I guess it’s just easier than fending off jerks or trying to prove to every person I meet that I’m not stupid.”

  “Since when does beauty equate to stupidity?” he asked.

  “You said you were an only child, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, I’m one of three sisters. Teagan’s the talented one, Riley’s the outspoken daughter and I’m the pretty one. I don’t want to just be pretty.”

  “I can understand that.” He could, too. Keira was a very serious, intelligent woman, but he thought perhaps she was going too far to prove her point. “Maybe, if you’d like, I can help you learn to accept who you are a bit better.”

  “Give me an example of how,” she urged, though he detected a slight trace of wariness in her voice.

  “You don’t wear makeup, don’t style your hair, you wear nondescript clothing all in an attempt to disguise your looks. Keira, you’re denying who you are every single day you wake up and walk out of the house like that.”

  She leaned back against her chair and folded her arms across her chest. He wondered if her body language was her attempt at distancing herself from him or from his words. Maybe both.

  “I’d like to take you shopping tomorrow,” he continued. “Help you pick out some clothing that suit you.”

  “Suit me or suit you?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Can’t they suit us both?”

  The waiter returned with their meals and Will was grateful for the slight disruption. He was beginning to feel like he was shoving his foot farther in his mouth with every word he spoke.

  “I’d like to go shopping with you,” she said after several silent moments.

  He looked up, surprised.

  She wore the most adorable crooked grin and he felt the overwhelming desire to kiss her. “I think I’d like to try on some pretty things and God knows I could use some fashion guidance. It’s been a while since I’ve actually put forth any effort as far as my wardrobe goes.”

  He smiled at her concession, at her incredibly giving nature. “I’ll pick you up at ten.”

  She laughed and nodded. “As luck would have it, tomorrow is my day off. I’m all yours.”

  He sucked in a breath at her comment, silently wishing it was true.

  Chapter Five

  As they left the restaurant, Keira struggled to process everything that had happened to her in such a short time. Her feelings for Will were such a jumbled mess in her mind, she wasn’t sure which end was up. All she knew for sure was that she wanted him as she’d never wanted another man. With every move he made, every word he uttered, she felt herself falling deeper under his spell.

  His comments about her appearance, her clothing, had uncovered a wound she wasn’t sure she’d realized had existed until he’d put it into words. As soon as he’d spoken it though, she’d recognized his astute observation as the truth. He seemed to see her, know her better than she knew herself, and perhaps it was that knowledge that drew her to him. He saw her for who she was and genuinely liked her. She felt overwhelmed by the warmth of that feeling and she wanted to revel in its beauty. She’d never known love before, but she sensed that with Will, she could fall fast and hard.

  She opened the car door and started to climb in, surprised when Will’s strong hand engulfed her upper arm, turning her to face him. One look at his stern face and she realized her mistake.

  “Shit,” she whispered. “I forgot.”

  His face was intent and she felt a slight tremor of fear snake through her. “You have two choices,” he said. “One, I can take you home, kiss you good night and I’ll see you tomorrow morning for our shopping trip.”

  “What’s the second choice?” she asked.

  “We go back to my place for coffee.”

  “I like that choi—”

  He cut off her words. “If you return to my place, it is with the knowledge that I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank you for opening that car door. I’m going to take off the kid gloves and give you a glimpse of what you’re in for, if you choose to keep dating me.”

  She shivered at the dark threat and her incredible desire for just such an event. “And if you take me home right now, I get to avoid the punishment? I won’t be spanked?”

  He grinned. “If you choose to go home now, I’ll turn you over my knee in the front seat of the car before we leave this parking lot.”

  “So I’d get my punishment sooner,” she said with a light laugh and he groaned. “I really want to go back to your apartment.”

  He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers. “God, you’re a temptress. I will promise you right here and now, I won’t have sex with you tonight.”

  “What?” she asked, upset by his vow. “Why?”

  He kissed her cheek lightly. “Because we’re going way too fast as it is and I want you to have time to think about all the things we’ve discussed tonight.”

  She realized the intelligence behind his decision, even though her body was ready to beg him to take her over the hood of his car right now. She forced herself to nod.

  “Okay,” he said, releasing her arm. “My home it is.”

  The ride from the restaurant to his apartment was mercifully short. They were both quiet during the drive and she was glad for the few moments of peace to gather her wits about her. She was going to Will’s apartment, knowing that he was going to spank her when they arrived.

  The thought should appall her, terrify her, but instead she was wetter, hotter, needier than she’d ever been in her life. She squirmed, trying to find relief as Will pulled up to the front of a lovely old house.

  “What a nice place,” she murmured, hoping the conversation would take her mind off the unbearable pain between her legs. God, one touch and she felt certain she would explode.

  “There are only four units in the building. I have half of the top floor.”

  She nodded and eyed the door handle. Why wasn’t he getting out of the car?

  “Are you sure you want to come in?” he asked.

  Hell’s bells. He was giving her an out when all she wanted was to run inside and attack him.

  “I’m sure. Please hurry,” she whispered, rubbing her legs together once more.

  He grinned and shook his head. “Anticipation can make the reward so much sweeter.”

  “God, Will.” She leaned her head back against the car seat, her hand reaching to touch her aching pussy.

  “No,” he said, quickly grabbing her wrist. “That cunt is mine.”

  “Then I guess you’d better start taking care of it,” she taunted, hoping to push him into action.

  His eyes narrowed
and she moaned under the power of his look. “You really are a naughty girl. I was planning on letting you come tonight, but perhaps it would be a more fitting punishment to make you wait.”

  “I’ll behave. Just please, can we go upstairs?”

  He made no move to exit the car and, for a moment, she felt an overwhelming desire to scratch his eyes out.

  “Open your legs and pull up that silly skirt.”

  She would have laughed at his distaste for Teagan’s clothing if she weren’t so thrilled by his command. She slowly pulled her skirt up as her legs drifted as far apart as the car seat would allow. He watched as she bared herself to his gaze and she was amazed by her lack of modesty.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured as he placed his hand on her thigh, just above her knee.

  “Please, Will. Touch me. I’m dying,” she insisted.

  He chuckled softly. “No, you aren’t dying, although the French do refer to an orgasm as la petite mort…the little death. Perhaps if I touch you here…”

  His fingers moved slowly through the dusting of hair covering her mons, seeking out and finding her clit. He began lightly rubbing the sensitive flesh and her hips instinctively began thrusting forward, in search of more.

  “Hold still,” he demanded.

  “I can’t,” she said breathlessly. “It feels so good.”

  “You need to listen and do as I say, Keira. You’re only adding to the punishment you’re going to receive later.”

  Who cares?

  She placed her hands in his hair, dragging his face forward, wanting his lips on hers. It had been so long since she’d been touched like this. Hell, she’d never been touched like this. His skilled fingers seemed to know exactly where to stroke, how hard, how fast. He moved his thumb to her clit, increasing the pressure as he paused with one finger at the entrance to her pussy.

  “Put it in,” she begged.

  “You aren’t allowed to come until I tell you to,” he said, slowly sliding the single thick finger inside.

  “Oh God,” she cried out, relishing the feeling of his thrusting finger and caressing thumb. How could he make her feel like this? His lips caressed her cheek, drifting down to place soft, moist kisses on her neck. She felt the pressure of her orgasm build as he added a second and then a third finger.

  “Will, I can’t—”

  “Not until I say, Keira.”

  She closed her eyes, throwing her head back, trying to hold off the inevitable. “Can’t. Can’t,” she chanted as he increased his pace, his fingers fucking her hard and deep.

  “Can’t stop!” she screamed.

  “Come,” he whispered as she flung herself into the raging inferno, her body trembling with the relief of her orgasm.

  She remained still for several moments, trying to assimilate what had just happened to her. Her past experiences with sex had been nothing like that. She was certain she’d never climaxed with such force, with such an intense, glorious impact. It was quite simply the most amazing moment of her life.

  Her eyes drifted open and she saw Will smiling at her, his fingers still firmly enclosed inside her.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  She couldn’t express how wonderful she was feeling, so she merely leaned forward and kissed him. When they broke apart, he pulled his fingers from her as she whimpered, the slight movement on her sensitive inner muscles teasing her with yet another orgasm.

  “No,” he said, covering her legs with her skirt. “No more of that until we get inside. Damn, watching you come could become an addiction for me.”

  “I don’t mind,” she teased as he laughed.

  “I’m sure you don’t. Let’s go in.”

  As they entered his apartment, Will forced himself to recall the promise he’d made to her in the restaurant parking lot. He’d sworn not to make love to her tonight and, though his body rejected that vow, his mind appreciated the wisdom of it. Over the course of their evening together, he’d come to realize how much he needed this relationship to grow—to last beyond this single night. As a result, he refused to do anything that would negatively impact that outcome.

  He shut the door, locking it behind him. “Come on. I’ll give you the grand tour. This is the living room,” he said, gesturing at the room.

  “I love it. I should have known you’d have an eye for color,” she said, walking in farther.

  “And why is that?” he asked, pleased by her compliment.

  “There doesn’t seem to be anything you can’t do,” she said, and he laughed.

  “Well, I hate to break it to you, but I can’t cook.”

  “Shit,” she murmured. “Neither can I.”

  “Lucky for us, your family and my friends own restaurants.”

  “Guess we won’t starve,” she teased.

  He grasped her hand, moving them forward. “There’s the kitchen and this is the dining area. There’s been a lot of takeout consumed in both of those rooms.”

  She laughed. “Takeout is good.”

  “One of the things I liked about this place is that the entire area is open. And since I don’t cook, I generally don’t have to worry about the kitchen being a mess.” The kitchen was separated from the living room by a long bar, which made the space look larger. He proceeded down the hallway. “There’s a bathroom here and at the end of the hall is my master bedroom and another bathroom.” Opening a door on the right, he gestured to yet another room. “And this is my home office.”

  She walked into the spacious room, turning a full circle to take it all in. “And I thought you had a lot of books in your office at school,” she said. The entire room was lined with bookshelves, every available space filled with volumes and volumes of books.

  “Reading is a guilty pleasure for me.”

  “Why guilty?” she asked.

  “Usually I’m reading when I should be grading papers or preparing a lesson.”

  “And where does the football fit in?” she joked.

  “Every Sunday afternoon in the winter. I’m only human after all.”

  “You’re a male. It seems that, along with a penis, you all share the football gene.”

  He laughed at her jest, despite the fact that by saying the word penis, she seemed to have awakened his to her presence. He glanced at his desk and realized she was looking at the same piece of furniture.

  So he hadn’t imagined it.

  “I can take you over my knee or you can bend over the desk.” His words were simple and direct and he watched her eyes widen at his abrupt change of subject.

  “You’re giving me a choice?”

  “You will always have a choice in what we do, Keira. I’ll never do anything you don’t like or that frightens you.”

  “What if I told you I was scared now?” she asked.

  He shook his head and grinned. “You want this as badly as I do. I know the difference between fear and nervous anticipation.”

  She looked longingly at the desk and he wondered if she’d have the nerve to voice her preference. His alpha male came to the forefront. “Time’s up. Go bend over the desk and pull your skirt up to your waist. I want to see your lovely behind, bared and ready for my hand, in ten seconds.”

  She shivered slightly at his demand before moving toward the desk. He walked behind her and could feel her surprise when she turned to find him standing so close. She walked to the front of the desk and slowly bent forward before reaching behind her to lift her skirt. Unable to stop himself from touching her, he helped her lift the material, dragging his hands along the backs of her thighs.

  Once the skirt was around her waist, he lifted her arms, moving them until her hands rested beside her head. “Leave your hands here,” he ordered.

  She nodded, her head twisted to one side.

  “Is the desk cold against your cheek?” he asked, her words from his office at school drifting through his mind.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He lightly touched her buttocks and she flinched. He grinned, aware t
hat she was probably suffering from equal amounts fear and desire. It was her first spanking and he was determined to see the job done right. Using his feet, he pressed against her ankles. “Spread your legs apart.”

  She complied and he was treated to the sight of her juices covering the tops of her thighs. One of the perks of claiming her panties so early in the evening. “So wet,” he murmured and she trembled again.

  “Why are you being punished?” he asked in a dark voice.

  “I opened the car door after you told me not to.”


  “And I was pushy downstairs in the car. Making demands.”

  Perfect. She was utterly fucking perfect.

  He brought his hand down on her buttocks three times in quick succession. While his smacks weren’t as hard as he’d used in previous encounters, he wasn’t pulling any punches. Her rear end quickly turned a rosy pink and as he continued to pepper her ass with blows, she groaned, thrusting into his smacks, rather than away.

  After placing a dozen sharp hits on her rear end, he dragged his hand along her drenched slit, quickly shoving two fingers into her pussy. She cried out and he immediately felt the beginnings of her climax. He pulled his fingers out as she protested.

  “Have I given you permission to come?” he asked.

  “No sir,” she said, her complaints dying on her lips.

  He locked his knees at the sound of her voice calling him sir, the impact that single word had on him staggering.

  He replaced his fingers, driving them into her with more force than he knew he should. She’d shattered his resistance, his will to ease her into the new role. She was born to be his submissive and by God, he wasn’t questioning that fact again. She belonged to him and he was about to show her exactly what that meant.

  “Will,” she cried when he removed his fingers again as she was on the verge of climaxing. “Please, God.”

  “Not without me, Keira,” he commanded. “I own your orgasms. You only take them with my consent.”

  Her body quivered on the desk as he alternated between the spanking and his fingers fucking her burning-hot pussy.

  She was writhing on the desk, her body overheated and pleading for release. He spanked her ass once more before driving three fingers to the hilt.


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