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First Taste: A Collection of Hot Alpha Doms

Page 27

by Sidney Bristol

  “No, I’m not,” he replied.

  When she paused, he gestured with his hand for her to continue. She stood up and unhooked her skirt, pushing the soft material over her legs. She stood before him in her bra and panties, his silence unnerving her slightly.

  “Keep going.”

  Excitement and sheer curiosity kept her hands moving as she slid her panties down and unhooked her bra. When she was finally naked, she released the pent-up breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.

  Will threw one of the oversized pillows from the couch on the floor by his feet. “Kneel here. I want to talk to you about something before we eat.”

  She was grateful for the soft place to land, his command weakening her knees in a way she wouldn’t have imagined possible. As she knelt at his feet, he leaned forward and ran his hand through her hair.

  “You are truly beautiful.”

  She blushed, but he shook his head slightly. “I don’t mean just your face or your body, but all of you. You have no idea how lovely you are. So tell me,” his voice deepened and she shivered slightly at the sound of it, “have you been a good girl?”

  She considered his question and nodded. She’d done nothing but work, sleep and eat.

  “Did you touch yourself while I was away?”

  Her heart increased its pace. “You didn’t say I couldn’t,” she replied quickly.

  He frowned at her response. “The night of our first date, Keira. When we were parked out in front of this apartment.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment as his words drifted back to her.

  “What did I say?” he asked. He bent forward, pushing her knees apart with a slight nudge of his toes until she was open to his touch. He ran his fingers through the dark hair covering her mons. “Who does this pussy belong to?”

  “You,” she whispered.

  “Did I give you permission to touch it?”

  She shook her head, unable to speak as he teased her clit lightly with one finger. She would never understand how a simple touch could take her breath away, reduce her to a pile of mush.

  “Answer me,” he demanded.

  “No, you didn’t give me permission.”

  “What did you touch it with?” She shrugged, uncertain what he meant until he clarified. “Your fingers? A vibrator? A dildo?”

  “My fingers,” she confessed.

  “Did you come?”

  She nodded, aware that her answer would only increase the tension radiating in him. Although she could tell he was displeased, he didn’t seem angry and she wasn’t afraid.

  “How many times?” he asked.

  “Just once,” she whispered. She shared a room with two sisters and masturbation wasn’t an easy thing to pull off. Truth was she’d have played with herself every night if she could have found the time alone. Will had left her in a royal state after their scene in the dressing room and she feared if they didn’t have sex soon, she’d be a prime candidate for a rubber room.

  “I see.” His tone was dismissive and she sensed that the question and answer period was over. What would he do now? She fought against squirming too much, but she was seriously worried about her arousal dripping onto his pillow. She’d never felt so turned-on. She couldn’t begin to understand what that said about her, but she honestly couldn’t wait to see what his response would be.

  “Well, I’d hoped for our first time we’d be able to come together. But it seems you owe me one.” He rose as he spoke and took off his tie. “Put your hands behind your back, Keira.”

  She obeyed, shaking as he tied her hands together at the base of her back. He checked to make sure it was tied tightly enough to prevent escape. “Is it too tight?” he asked. She shook her head as he walked back around to stand in front of her.

  “We’re going to have to work on this bad habit you have of touching yourself without permission. As long as we’re together, your pleasure is my responsibility. I know you have a hard time giving up control, but in this instance, I’m going to insist.” He walked away and she watched his retreat to his bedroom.

  As she knelt on the cushion, her pussy pleading for attention, she considered his comment. It was one he’d made before. After years of being the responsible one in her family, the one who took care of everything, she wondered if she’d ever be able to truly give herself over to Will.

  She’d learned to masturbate quickly and quietly over the years, in an attempt to scratch an itch. Dating was too time-consuming and typically the end results were not worth the effort. Perhaps she’d been looking for the wrong sort of men. Her past dates had been nice, gentle, passive, all too willing to let her decide where they would go and what they would do. After a few years of lackluster sex and boring relationships, she’d simply given up. She couldn’t blame her family for converging on Will in the bar the other night. He’d been the first man she’d accepted a date from in over three years.

  When he returned, she could see several items in his hands. He smiled and shook his head when he saw her watching him and she wondered what he was thinking.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He ran his hand through her hair almost playfully. “I’m afraid you have a lot to learn about being submissive.”

  She glanced down, studying her posture. She was completely naked with her hands tied behind her back. Her breasts were thrust out as a result and she was kneeling in such a fashion that there wasn’t much left to the imagination in terms of her pussy. What the hell more could he want?

  “I don’t understand.”

  He placed his hand under her chin and tilted her head back, forcing her to look up at his face. “A good submissive keeps her eyes averted, down toward the floor. She would never look her Master in the eye and never speak unless asked a direct question.”

  She bit her lip. Master. Is that what she was making him? Master of what? Her life? Her body? Her heart? She didn’t know and the thought of giving him so much power wiggled its way into her subconscious, nagging at her before she shuttered the feeling away.

  “Amazingly, I have to admit I don’t want that from you.”

  “You don’t?” she asked, relief suffusing her.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I do expect your obedience and as our relationship evolves, I will expect your level of submission to increase, but for right now, this is all new to you. I want you to see what I’m going to do. I want you to feel free to ask questions and voice concerns. I don’t ever want you to feel truly threatened by me. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Now. Dinner is ready.” He knelt in front of her and, as she watched, he showed her the small bullet-shaped vibrator they’d bought together at the sex shop. Dropping to one knee, he quickly slipped the remote controlled device inside her pussy with a grin. “Nice and wet. Damn, I love that about you.”

  She shared his smile, wondering about the vibrator. She thought he’d intended to punish her, but as he turned the vibrator on, she felt a pleasant hum resonate through her body.

  He stood and then reached down to help her rise. Her movements sent a heavenly jolt through her body and for a moment, she thought she might actually be on the verge of a climax. The vibrator stopped moving.

  “Hey,” she protested.

  He shook his head. “This is a punishment, Keira. Not a reward.”

  “But—” she started.

  He placed his fingers against her lips to silence her. “We’re going to sit at the dining room table and eat our lasagna. You’re going to fight off the urge to climax, regardless of what that vibrator is doing inside your body. If you make it through the meal without coming, I’ll fuck you. If you come before the meal is finished, you’ll suck my cock and then I’ll take you home. Understood?” He punctuated his question by turning on the vibrator again.

  She gasped, a stream of obscenities poised on her lips.

  “Think long and hard about your answer, Keira. I could always take you home now.”

  She bit back her respon
se, her body shaking in the effort to hold off her orgasm. Then she nodded stiffly. “I can’t eat with my hands tied behind my back.”

  “Of course you can. I’m going to feed you.”

  He led her to the table, helping her sit so her bound hands hung over the low back of the chair. Then he opened her legs, draping her knees over the corners of the seat, leaving her pussy open to his gaze.

  He placed a quick kiss on her lips before going into the kitchen to grab their plates. While he was gone, the speed on the vibrator increased and she cried out as it mercilessly tormented her sensitive flesh. She felt a small tear fall down her cheek. She’d never make it.

  Dear God, she had to make it. The idea of leaving without taking Will into her body was unacceptable. She’d thought of nothing else for four days—four months if you counted all the days she’d spent staring at him with unrequited lust as he lectured in his classroom.

  “Here we go.” He placed the plates on the table and frowned when he spotted the tear on her face. “Are you in pain?”

  “I need you,” she whispered. Her answer seemed to please him.

  “And I need you—desperately, Keira. I know you can do this.”

  She took a deep breath and nodded, forcing the tears back. He shifted the vibrator back to the lower speed and she sighed with relief.

  Her respite was short-lived as Will dragged her through the longest, most erotic meal of her life. He seemed to have grown a third and fourth hand during his absence as he fondled her constantly while feeding her. His hands toyed with her breasts, circling and pinching her nipples until the tiny nubs were larger and more erect than she’d ever seen them. At one point, he rubbed some of his wine into them, bending down to suck the alcohol off. His tongue teased her until she feared she’d broken a bone in her own hand as she clenched them tightly together, fighting off her excruciating need to come.

  “God, please,” she gasped, aware that her pleading would only lead him to drag out her torture even longer. Through it all, the speed on the vibrator never remained the same, alternating between low, then high, then low again. With every change, her body shook as she fought to adjust, to fight off the orgasm. As soon as she’d weathered one storm, he changed the speed again and she took up the same battle.

  He continued to feed her as he played and when she glimpsed the empty plate before her, she tried to remember eating any of it. She couldn’t recall the taste of the lasagna or the bread and she was shocked to discover her wineglass was empty too.

  When the meal was finally over, Will stood, walking behind her to release her hands. She moaned as they were freed, the pins and needles caused by a lack of circulation making themselves known. He remained behind her, rubbing her shoulders, massaging her arms and her wrists until the slight discomfort disappeared and she felt more relaxed than she believed possible given her current state of arousal.

  “I shouldn’t have left you bound so long, but you looked so delicious sitting there, I couldn’t hold back my gluttony.”

  “Dinner is over,” she said, her voice hoarse from her pleading cries. She’d made it through his torturous, glorious meal.

  “So it is,” he agreed, helping her stand and turning her in his arms. His embrace was soothing and strong and she melted into him. “You took your punishment very well. I’m proud of you. Who does your pussy belong to?” he asked.

  “You,” she whispered.

  “And your orgasms?”

  “They’re yours. All yours.” She tightened her arms around him.

  He reached down and slowly removed the vibrator as her inner muscles instinctually clenched against his fingers. She shivered once more, wondering if the no climax restriction was still in place.

  “Not yet,” he murmured.

  “How did you know what I was thinking? My eyes?” she asked ruefully.

  “I have to confess, they’re more potent than a newborn puppy. I nearly called the dinner to a halt several times. The pleading was almost more than I could bear.”

  “More than you could bear?” she asked, her voice rising. She’d nearly died a million times trying to follow his damn rule and he wanted her to think he’d suffered?

  “I’ve thought of nothing but coming inside that hot cunt of yours for four days. Believe me, Keira, no one wanted you to pass that test more than I did. Taking you home early would have killed me.”

  “But you would have done it,” she said, aware her words sounded more like a statement than the question she’d intended.

  “I would have done it. You have to learn to trust me. A large part of that is proving to you that I’m a man of my word. You can believe what I say to you.”

  “I…” She paused, then realized the truth of what she was about to say. “I do trust you.”

  His smile filled his face and she thought he resembled a man who’d just discovered he was heir to a large inheritance. “Come with me,” he said, taking her hand and leading her to his bedroom. She’d never seen it before, recalling that her first tour of his apartment had ended with her bent over the desk in his office.

  As she entered, she was taken aback by the rich, dark colors and lovely décor. Her first thought was romantic. His bedroom was plush and comfortable and seemed to be decorated with lovers in mind.

  “Wow,” she whispered as he chuckled.

  “I take it you approve?”

  “It’s so warm, so inviting.”

  “Jessica helped me decorate it when I first moved in. I have to admit, I had my reservations about giving her free rein, but when I saw the end result, I knew she’d created something special and I’ve been quite impatient, wanting to share it with someone I cared about.”

  “You sound as if you’ve never shown this to anyone.”

  “I’ve never brought another woman here,” he confessed. Her heart raced at his admission.

  “Sometimes I think this isn’t real,” she said.

  He grinned. “Too much, too fast?”

  She nodded. “I’m not the kind of woman who does this.”

  “Does what?” he asked.

  “Throws herself into a relationship faster than the speed of light. I’ve just never felt so much, so soon.”

  “I don’t know if this will help or not, but you aren’t alone in that feeling.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her as if to accentuate his point. When they broke apart, she giggled.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “I just realized I’ve spent the last hour naked, while you’re completely dressed. Shouldn’t that feel strange?”

  He shrugged. “I think it feels just right. But, I agree, I think we’d both be a bit more comfortable right now if I were a little less dressed.”

  He started to unbutton his shirt but she batted his hands away. “Let me,” she insisted, working quickly to divest him of his shirt. When she struggled with the clasp on his pants, it was his turn to take over once more.

  After he was completely naked, she forced herself to take a step back. Her gaze drifted to his rock-hard abs and her eyes widened at the sight of his ripped, muscular arms. He clearly lifted weights. His legs were strong and his cock was, well…wow. He was gorgeous.

  “I’m not sure I’ve ever been subjected to such a thorough examination,” he teased. “Like what you see?”

  She glanced up and saw him regarding her perusal with humor in his eyes. “I love what I see.”

  “Go get on the bed. I feel the need to fuck you, very badly.”

  She giggled at his command, walking toward the king-sized bed. The duvet was thick and soft and she admired it as she pulled it down to reveal honest-to-God silk sheets.

  She felt Will’s cock brush against her spine, his breath hot on her neck. “Crawl in.”

  He helped her up onto the high bed, following her under the sheets. She wondered how she was stopping herself from jumping on top of him. Her overwhelming need had only grown since dinner and it was taking every ounce of strength in her body to remain calm. />
  “Lie on your back,” he said, positioning her in the center of the bed. He lay beside her, propped on his elbow so—although he wasn’t on top of her—she felt covered and wonderfully trapped beneath him.

  “I asked you once how far you would go. Do you remember your answer, Keira?”

  She nodded. “I said as far as you would take me.”

  “Give me your hands.”

  She complied, surprised when he dragged them above her head and secured them to the center of the headboard with restraints she hadn’t noticed before.

  “I want to touch you,” she said, her voice protesting this continued bondage.

  He shook his head. “Not this time. There are too many things I want to do to your lovely body and your hands will just be in the way.”

  “Will,” she whispered, the image of him taking her overpowering every other thought in her mind. “I need you.”

  “Then you’ll have me,” he assured her. “But first…” He reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a long black scarf. He tied it around her eyes and she was plunged into immediate darkness. The sensation only heightened her already powerful arousal and reminded her of his lessons on the senses when they’d worked on her writing.

  “Take me into your mouth.” She felt him shift on the bed, felt the head of his cock nudge at her lips and she opened them, hungry for the taste of him. This blowjob felt different from her first experience with him in the fitting room. He was rougher, more commanding. His hands engulfed her head as he drove his cock into her mouth. This felt less like a blowjob and more like—

  “Your mouth was made to be fucked,” he said as he moved in deeply. She savored the feeling of his possession as she took him to the back of her throat, anxious to have his come fill her mouth again.

  She cried out when, on one retreat, he pulled all the way out. His lips swallowed her complaints, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, mimicking the movements of his cock just seconds earlier.

  She gasped for breath before demanding, “More,” when he finally broke the kiss.

  “Not this time,” he said as he moved down on the bed. His knees bumped into her ass as he nudged her thighs apart and she felt him kneeling between her legs. His lessons in his office on the value of using all her senses were certainly coming in handy now. Without her sight, everything he was doing to her felt stronger, more powerful. His hands spread her legs apart and his hot breath teased the aching flesh of her pussy.


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