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First Taste: A Collection of Hot Alpha Doms

Page 33

by Sidney Bristol

  "Yes, we're on the same page, and if it makes you feel any better, I did give him shit for not giving me a heads-up. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Perhaps we can start again?"

  Mac nodded and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Mac Wallis, and I'm here to substitute for Sully while he is incapacitated."

  The man took it and said, "Nice to meet you Mac. I'm Finn Taylor, and I play flute. I appreciate you agreeing to step in for Sully and help us out. Come on inside and meet the rest of the group."

  Mac followed Finn into the house. She removed her shoes and set her bags on the floor before shrugging out of her coat. Finn took it from her as she slid her arms free, and hung it on the coat tree in the corner.

  "The music room is at the back of the house. We'll swing through the kitchen and get you some water on the way."


  "So, where and when did you and Sully meet?"

  Mac had to cut him off right there. Her attraction to Finn was already problematic, fostering any kind of personal connection would be a disaster. "Look, Finn, I'm here to do a job, nothing more."

  Finn grabbed a glass from the cupboard and set it on the counter before fetching the jug of filtered water from the fridge. "Okay, no personal stuff. How about professional? I trust Sully to send us someone capable, but what are your credentials?" He asked, as he filled her glass.

  "I got my Bachelor of Music in performance from McGill," Mac stated in a tone that declared the subject closed.

  Apparently, Finn had other ideas. "And...?"

  "And, that's it."

  "That takes care of educational, what about professional?"

  "I don't play professionally. I hate performing. Like I said, this is a huge favour for Sully."

  Finn returned the jug to the fridge and paused a moment before turning to face her. "What on earth was Sully thinking? How are you going to manage our concert schedule if you hate performing?"

  Mac lifted her chin and looked him dead in the eye. "Sully was thinking he was down to his very last, desperate hope. And I will manage with the help of beta-blockers."

  "Sweet, sweaty Jesus, what a cluster-fuck," Finn muttered as he stalked to the music room.


  "Brace yourselves," Finn shouted just before he and Mac entered. "Sully's gone and busted a couple of ribs, his replacement doesn't play professionally, and the icing on the cake? She requires drugs to perform."

  He took a brief look at the trio of shocked faces before he continued. "This is Mac Wallis." He shifted his attention back to Mac, mildly curious at her wary, sideways glance at the piano. He pointed to an empty chair. "You can sit there." He introduced the rest of the quintet, pointing to each in turn. "That's Jack Riley on bassoon, Wilson Kennedy on clarinet, and Griff Edwards on horn." Not giving anyone an opportunity to do more than nod in greeting, Finn carried on. "Now let's get started. We're already running late. Mac, how long until your reeds will be ready to play?"

  Mac settled into her chair. She immediately opened her instrument case and tucked the top-joint of her oboe into her armpit while she continued with her preparations. "I soaked them before I left, so they should be good to go as soon as I have my top-joint warmed up. Give me two or three minutes to get myself organised?"

  "Like I have a fucking choice."

  Mac stopped what she was doing and glared at Finn, her eyes bright with hurt and indignation. Then she unloaded. "Look, I've had just about enough of the snide, snarky bullshit. You don't want me here. I get it. I don't want me here either, but the way I see it, you've got three options. You find someone else to replace Sully, you cancel all your gigs until he's better, or you deal with me. I'll give you until the end of this rehearsal to make your decision, but I will not put up with any more of your unprofessional behaviour. Just because I don't sing for my supper, don't get the idea that you can treat me with any less respect than you would Sully."

  Ignoring the audience, Finn replied, "Fair point. Are you just about ready to start?"


  "Okay, let's do a full run-through without stopping, then we'll see what we have to work with."

  Finn kept an eye on Mac throughout the rehearsal, ready to cue her the moment she got lost. To his relief, the opportunity never came. She played perfectly. Instruments were laid to rest with the death of the final note, and applause quickly replaced the stunned silence.

  Jack gave Mac a quick wink. "Well, Finn, I know which option I'm voting for."

  Finn was surprised by the unfamiliar feeling of jealousy. Where had that come from?

  Wilson piped up. "Well done, Mac. I have to know, was that straight sight reading, or have you played this before?"

  "I played it years ago at university, but not since. I had hoped to have time to go over it before coming to rehearsal, but with a concert on Friday, making reeds was my priority."

  Finn finally found his voice. "You played it well here in rehearsal conditions, but I'm concerned about how you'll do in performance, especially when you're drugged up."

  "Knock it off, Finn," Griff snapped. "If Sully trusts Mac and her abilities enough to send her to us as his replacement, I think we need to accept she'll be fine."

  "I'm just uncomfortable about people relying on performance enhancing drugs."

  "I guess Viagra's not an option for you then," Mac snapped.

  The others sniggered as Finn's eyes flashed, but Mac didn't back down. "This may have been just a rehearsal for you, but for me, it was worse than a performance. In a performance, I'm playing for strangers who are there to enjoy the music. Here, I was playing for strangers who were looking to pick apart every little thing. Now, I'm tired, grumpy, and ready to go home. So, what's your decision, Finn?"

  "I still don't like that you use drugs, but we have no choice. You're in."

  "You make it sound like I'm a crack-head. If you can come up with a drug-free way for me to cope with my performance anxiety, I'm all ears. Not that it's any of your business, Mr. Just-Say-No, but the beta-blockers were the absolute last resort for me. Without them, I wouldn't have graduated from university. Now, if we're done here, I'm going home."

  "Yeah, we're done. Same time tomorrow night. I'll need your contact information. Phone numbers and email, please. Here's mine." Finn handed over a business card.

  Mac grabbed her wallet from her purse and slipped his card into one of the compartments, before pulling out one of her own. "Here." She slapped the card down on the seat next to her and proceeded to stow her gear.

  As they packed up, the rest of the quintet watched the sparks fly between Finn and Mac. They said their farewells, and Finn didn't miss the look of panic in Mac's eyes as the others left en-mass.

  He crouched next to her, bothered by her obvious distress. "I'm sorry, I'm not making a very good impression. I'm angry at the situation, and I've been taking it out on you. I'm not usually this much of an asshole. You were great tonight, and I look forward to playing with you." He left out the part about his wish for an alternative because her need for medication completely freaked him out.

  "You're forgiven. I'm sorry too. It's not like I've been all sweetness and light. And before you blame it on the beta-blockers, I've been every shade of pissed off since I got that call from Sully this morning. The beta-blockers didn't make their appearance until just before I headed over here. Now, I really do need to get going."

  Finn stood to give her space while he watched her gather her belongings and scurry out the door. Sully would be getting a call as soon as she was gone. Fucker.


  "What the fuck, man,” Finn bellowed, “You sent us a drug addicted amateur."

  "Bullshit. I sent you one of the best oboists I know. The only reason she's not on my sub-list, let alone at the top of it, is her crippling performance anxiety. Trust me, if I'd had any other options, I wouldn't have done this to her."

  "Seriously? Done this to her? What about what you've done to us? We're going to crash and burn out there."

/>   "You can't tell me that she wasn't perfection itself, so what's really got your boxers in a braid?"

  "I admit it, she played beautifully. Pitch perfect, and not a note out of place. But she needs drugs to play. I can't deal with that."

  "No, she doesn't need drugs to play. She needs prescription medication to perform. She was fine when we first started university, but as the music became more difficult, and the performance requirements more demanding, she developed anxiety so unmanageable, we couldn't get her on stage. She could get to the wings, but then she'd just sink to the floor and shake. She hates performing because she hates taking beta-blockers. I doubt you're going to believe me, but I'll say it anyway, Mac does not require medication for anxiety outside of performance situations. So, do me a favour, try to put aside your own issues, and accept that she's willing to put aside hers to help us out. Oh, and for the record, the only way she's going to make you crash and burn, is if she changes her mind about playing. It seems to me, you are the only one who is likely to make that happen."

  "Way to make me feel like even more of an asshole."

  "Oh shit, what did you do?"

  "I was angry. I'm still angry, but I was angry and I took it out on her."

  "Way to go, Finn."

  "Well, a heads up before she showed at my door declaring herself as your submissive might have been helpful."

  "Back up. What do you mean, declaring herself as my submissive?"

  "I opened the door, and she said, 'I'm Mac, I'm Sully's sub.' Fuck, man, I thought she was yet another in your impressive collection of ditzy subs and she'd got the day of the play party wrong."

  "Ow, ow, fucking ow. Fuck, don't make me laugh, please don't tell me any more. At least not until I am under the full effects of really good pain meds. Seriously, you thought I would have a sub of mine show up to a play party alone?"

  "It didn't seem like you, but with such a restricted guest-list, I wasn't sure.

  "Now you can be sure. There is no way I would let a sub show up anywhere to play without me."

  "A little late, but good to know. I guess I really have some sucking up to do."

  "Yup. And because I like you, I'm going to give you some helpful tips."


  Mac called Sully as soon as she got home. "I'm so feckin' mad at you, I could break every single reed you have and leave you with nothing but commercial student reeds to perform on."

  "I'm sorry, Mac. I fucked up. I get it. Now stop busting my balls and tell me how it went."

  "Great. Between your buddy mistaking me for one of your bondage-bunnies and accusing me of being a drug addict, my evening was complete."

  "Okay, you've made your point, things aren't exactly smooth between you and Finn, but personal friction aside, how did rehearsal go?"

  "It went fine. Fortunately, they're doing something I've played before, even if it was forever ago. Thank fuck I didn't have to sight-read."

  "I knew it'd work out. There's another rehearsal tomorrow night, right?"

  "Yeah. I'm struggling on whether to take blockers this time. Tonight was a no-brainer, but I hate taking them unless I absolutely have to."

  "Why don't you hold off, but have them with you so you can take one if you find you need it. Maybe just knowing they're there will be enough for you to manage without."

  "Yeah, I guess I could do that, but if I do end up needing them, I don't want to waste everyone else's time while I wait for them to take effect."

  "I wouldn't worry. They are concert-ready, and they'll be happy enough with a little extra gossip time while your meds kick in. Are you okay, now?"

  "Yeah, I'm calmer, and a little less angry with you, but that doesn't let you off the hook. You are into me for two, count 'em, two favours to be named later."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know, and I'm sure you'll take every opportunity to remind me."

  "Of course I will. Right, I'm going to bed now. I'm wiped. Good night. I hope your ribs start to feel better really soon."

  "Thanks. G'night, Mac."


  Mac stared into the dark as she stroked her cat, Gounod. He was settled in his usual spot, full length between her legs with his head and front paw resting on her upper thigh. She'd tried every technique for falling asleep she could think of, but her mind would not shut off. She kept thinking back to Finn, and wondered how she could possibly be attracted to such an asshole?

  It's not like he comes across as the sexy bad-boy type, either. He may believe otherwise, but he's just an asshole, plain and simple. He accused her of being a drug addict and treated her like she was some skid-row junkie. That alone should have killed all feeling in her girly-bits. Nothing turned her off faster than humiliation, but damn, if this guy didn't seem to work some kind of hoo-hoo voodoo.

  And with that thought, her pussy was swollen and needy, and she wasted no time giving in to its demand. Gounod growled his outrage as she shifted him out of her way. Mac rolled her eyes and laughed. "Suck it up you big baby, you can come back later when I'm done taking care of the other pussy in my life." She reached into the drawer of her bedside table for her Rabbit. She slid it into her eager cunt and flipped the switch to nirvana. Three orgasms later, she drifted into a fitful sleep.


  Finn stood in the shower and let the spray envelop him like a warm blanket as he thought back through his evening. Damn she was cute. Even standing at full height, her mop of dark, curly hair would barely skim the bottom of his chin. He first noticed her soulful eyes, but it was that sassy mouth of hers that was going to get him into trouble.

  The little head sure didn't care if she was a druggie. From the moment he'd opened the door, his cock was fully present and accounted for. Thank fuck he'd gone for the tighty-whities and loose fitting trousers. The last thing he needed was the rest of the guys riding him over a tent-pole in his pants.

  Finn fisted his erection and stroked it from root to tip as he imagined Mac's luscious pink lips wrapped around him. Taking him deep, swallowing him whole. His breathing increased, his heart pounded. After sporting an erection for hours, the image of Mac on her knees and his cock down her throat had him exploding with a speed he hadn't experienced since he'd watched his first porn film as a teenager.

  Once he'd finally made it to bed, Finn carefully considered each of Sully's suggestions for fixing things with Mac.


  Chapter 2

  Mac checked the caller ID and groaned before answering. "Hello?"

  "Mac, hi, it's Finn."

  Mac tried to keep the wariness from her voice as she responded. "Yes?"

  "I was wondering if you could come over a little early tonight?"


  "You said if I had any ideas on how to keep you from needing beta-blockers, you were all ears."

  "I am all ears, and you have one of them right now, so, how about you tell me what you have in mind."

  "I'd rather talk in person. You'll be coming over anyway, so, unless you have other plans you can't reschedule, what can it hurt? I was thinking you could join me for dinner. It would be refreshing to cook for more than just myself."

  Mac didn't bother to hide her irritation. "Look Finn, you don't approve of me, and I don't like you. I'm doing a favour for a friend, and that's as far as it goes. I appreciate that you've been giving thought to an alternative way to deal with my performance anxiety, but as far as I know, I've tried it all, and the reality is, I don't trust you. You have a hang-up. That's not my problem."

  "Mac, I'm sorry I've given you reason not to trust that I'm working in your best interests, but maybe you could try trusting that I'm working in mine, and my hang-up could provide you with an alternative to medication."

  "No. I'll be there and ready to play by seven. That is the extent of my obligation to Sully, and by extension, to you. I have a busy day ahead, so if there is nothing else?"

  "No, I don't think so."

  "Fine, then I'll see you this evening, goodbye"

br />   ***

  Mac opened the text without checking who sent it.

  'Open your front door.'

  A quick look at her inbox confirmed it was from Sully. What was he up to? She opened the door to a small basket of goodies from her favourite chocolate shop and smiled. She picked up the basket and brought it inside, feeling no urgency to read the card. Experience told her Sully was sorry, and chocolate consumption always took priority.

  She ripped the cellophane from the basket and sorted the chocolates in order of preference. As usual, she started with her least favourites, and finished with the ones she liked best. She popped the first chocolate into her mouth before grabbing the envelope and removing the card it contained. As she read, the confection turned to mud in her mouth and she promptly spit it into the discarded wrapping. She grabbed her phone and punched in Sully's number.

  "You rat-bastard. You feckin', sneaky, wasted sper—"

  "Hold on, Mac. Just hear me out, okay? Please?" Sully took advantage of the brief silence and continued. "Finn fucked up. He knows he fucked up, and he's just looking for a chance to make it as right as possible. I feel partially responsible for this mess, so I need to do what I can to help fix it."

  "Deceiving me is not how you fix things, Sully. You sent that text. You deliberately led me to believe those chocolates were from you. How am I supposed to trust you when you'd do something like this?"

  "Yeah, I sent the text to ensure you would open the door. I should have known you would assume the package was from me, but I didn't deliberately mislead you. I'm sorry, sweetie. I hate the effect my lack of caution is having on you. Who'd have thought an afternoon skating date would have such crazy consequences."


  "Here's the thing, I think both you and Finn overreacted, and we need to get some kind of truce in place before tonight's rehearsal. I know you turned down supper at Finn's, but how about I order in and you two meet here, in somewhat neutral territory?"


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