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First Taste: A Collection of Hot Alpha Doms

Page 38

by Sidney Bristol

  "Still fucking ouchy, but they keep insisting I will live. Some days, I'm not convinced."

  "Don't over-do it. Our deal has an expiry date. I only agreed to the Christmas schedule, not one concert more, and you are already into me for two, count 'em, two very large favours to be named later."

  "See, I knew you'd be reminding me at every opportunity. I'm almost sorry I called. So, enough with the small talk, how are things going with Finn? You've slept over every night this week."

  Mac smiled. "Things are going fine. He's so tolerant and patient. If I were him, I'd have dumped my ass before I'd even picked it up."

  "Stop getting down on yourself. I am so proud of you and how far you've come. You deserve good things, and I think Finn is one of them. Truth be told, I think he deserves you too. You're good people."

  "While I have you on the phone, can I ask a favour?"

  "Sure. Is this one of those to be named later favours I owe you?"

  "Nope, because I think you're going to like this one."

  "Lay it on me."

  "A few nights ago, Finn asked me if I'd be willing to try a scene if I felt safe and had the opportunity. I told him I would, but no nudity, no restraints, and you had to be there. I want to try before the play party on Sunday. Will you help?"

  "What does Finn say?"

  "I haven't talked to him about it. I wanted to talk to you first because I want it to be a surprise, but I don't know if that's really feasible."

  "You know I'll do whatever you need. I'll be honoured to help, but this isn't the kind of surprise you can spring on him. The three of us are going to have to have a long, detailed discussion about this. How about tomorrow over lunch. That should give you both time to be rested after tonight's concert, but provide plenty of time for us to figure it all out before you need to prepare for tomorrow night's gig."

  "Thanks, Sully."

  "You're welcome. Do you want to talk to Finn about this, or would you like me to do it."

  "I'll do it."

  "Good girl."

  "I'll let that slide."

  "Cheeky wench."


  "Yes, my sweet?"

  "Thank you for always being there. I don't think I would have survived without you."

  "You're welcome. Whatever you need, Mac. Always."

  "Okay, enough. I'm getting all soppy. I've gotta go, it's almost show time."

  "I'll see you at lunch tomorrow. I'll take a cab, so you don't need to worry about me when deciding where you'll be laying your head tonight."

  "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

  Mac turned around to see Finn and she gave him her biggest smile.

  "What are you up to? That's not the usual smile you have for me."

  "I wanted to wait until later, but I guess now is as good a time as any." Mac closed her eyes and let the words spill out as fast as she could. "I just got off the phone with Sully. I want a scene before Sunday's play party, and Sully has agreed to help. I wanted it to be a surprise, but Sully said it wasn't the kind of surprise one springs on you."

  "Sully was right. I appreciate the sentiment, Mac, but, do you think you're ready for this?"

  "I'm going to have to be ready some day, and Sunday is as good a day as any. Besides, it's not like you've haven't taken every opportunity to slip in a little D/s dynamic when you thought I wasn't looking."

  "Guilty as charged. Okay, we can give it a go, but first we'll have to discuss our check-lists. We can go over them tonight when we get home. Also, we'll have to get together to talk it through with Sully."

  "Already sorted. He's coming to lunch tomorrow. Oh shit. I really shouldn't have made plans for you and your house without checking. I'm sorry. Do you want me to call him back and reschedule?

  "Stop and take a breath. It's fine. Yes, you should probably check with me before booking me or my house, but if I had something planned for tomorrow, you'd have known it, so no harm done."


  Chapter 10

  Finn woke Mac by peppering her face with tiny kisses. Once her eyes were open, he settled in for a long, deep kiss. "Good morning, baby. You had a quiet night last night."

  Mac's eyes lit up as she smiled. "I did. I'm a little surprised, considering I'm nervous about this afternoon."

  "We'll take it all really slow. You'll know exactly how the scene is going to go. No surprises and no pressure. I've got your hard limits branded in my brain, but we'll go over them again with Sully before we start.

  It occurred to me last night, we've never discussed your orgasms. You've slept here every night for a week. So, I know you haven't had any then, but have you been giving yourself orgasms when you are at your place?"

  "I've been responsible for my own orgasm pretty much my whole life, so, yes, I've been taking care of business when I get home."

  "That stops now. Regardless of whether or not we have sex, the only orgasms you get are the ones I let you have. Are we clear?"

  Mac scowled."What's the big deal? God only knows when, or even if I'm ever going to have sex again, so..."

  "Enough. Beyond the fact that I told you no, I do have a reason for denying you. How many orgasms do you give yourself a week, on average?"

  "I dunno, between three and five a day, so twenty-one to thirty-five a week?"

  "Do you ever go a day or more without?"

  "Rarely. Orgasms make me happy, so I may as well be happy every day."

  "I'm afraid you won't be getting that kind of happy for a while, sweetheart."

  "You can't be with me all day every day, so what's to stop me from giving myself orgasms when you aren't around?"

  "You know the answer to that, Mac. Do you trust me?"

  "Yeah, actually I do."

  "Do you trust me to make decisions that may not result in your immediate gratification?"

  "I think so."

  "Not good enough, Mac. If I'm your Dom, and let's face it, you said it yourself the other night, we've got some semblance of a D/s relationship, then your job as my sub is to obey me, or use your safeword."

  "You have a fair point. And yes, I do trust you. I'm just not happy that you're taking my orgasms away."

  "I'm not taking them away, I'm just deferring them. Don't worry, you'll get them back, and I think you will be much happier with them when you do."

  "I'm going to trust you on this, but if what you claim doesn't come to pass, you may want to be very cautious in everything you do, and you may need to sleep with one eye open."

  Finn chuckled. "I won't let you down, love. I promise."

  "So, um, how long will I be orgasmless, anyway?"

  "As long as I say you will. End of discussion."

  "I could be certifiably insane by the end of the week, you know."

  "I doubt it, but it's a chance I'm willing to take."

  "I don't think I like you very much right now."

  "Are you feeling deprived and needy already? When was your last orgasm?"

  "Friday. I didn't have time yesterday. What little time I had at home was spent placating a very angry kitty."

  "About Gounod. I think you should bring him to stay here. He's more than welcome. You sleep here every night, and while I could stay with you sometimes, except for poor Gounod being lonely, our current sleeping arrangements seem to be working. So, what do you say?"

  "He might pee or poop somewhere inappropriate to make his displeasure known."

  "That's okay, we'll steal a pair of Sully's shoes for him."

  Mac struggled not to laugh, "Okay, we can try it for a week, but I reserve the right to safeword out and you'll have to be the one to steal Sully's shoes."

  "Deal. I'm hungry. How about some breakfast?"

  "A most excellent idea. Shall I make toast?"

  "Absolutely. You're getting quite good at it."

  "Make sure my bacon is extra crispy."

  "As you wish. Now up with you, wench."


  Mac absorbed the warmth of Finn's embrace as sh
e tried to decide whether she was completely crazy, or just a little nuts. What was she thinking, asking for a scene? Red. One little word and it all goes away. Then what? The prospect of never knowing was becoming worse than taking a chance.

  "You're thinking too hard, sweetie. Colour, please."

  "I needed a minute with myself, but I'm green"

  "Alright, love, just like we talked about. A nice simple over the knee spanking. You've got a bra and underwear on and Sully's here. I won't use restraints, but if you move your hands or legs, even an inch from where I put them, I will have to hold you down for your own safety. You can do this. Five smacks and we're done. Ready?"

  "What if I said no?"

  "Then we'd wait until you are ready or safeword out. Are you saying no?"

  "I'm saying yes, I'm ready."

  "Good girl.

  "I'm going to go sit on that chair now. Sully is going to be sitting next to me so you can see his face. When I call you, come to me and lay over my lap. I'll use my hands to help you get into the right position, but as long as you stay still, I'll only rest my left hand on the small of your back. If you move, I'll need to use my leg to keep your legs still, and my hand will hold your hands at the small of your back. Understood?"

  "Got it."

  "Good girl."

  Mac couldn't help feeling abandoned when Finn left for his chair. She was thankful he didn't make her wait too long before calling her because she was worried she'd wimp out.

  Finn beckoned. "I'm ready for you, love." Mac took a couple of shaky breaths before walking across the room and laying herself over his lap. "Good girl. You're doing fine. I need you to shift forward so your hips are snug against my thigh and then extend your legs back with your knees straight. Bend your toes like you're wearing high heels and use them to support your legs."

  "I don't know if I can do this. I feel like I'm going to topple over."

  "You've got it exactly right. Don't worry love, you'll feel a lot more stable in just a minute. Now, I want you to stretch your hands to the floor until you can touch it with your palms... Perfect." Mac felt like she was playing some perverted version of Twister. Once Finn placed his hand on the small of her back, her universe righted itself. "Mac, safewords please?"

  "Yellow for a minute or to change something, red to bail."

  "Good, here we go." Mac waited for the first strike, but when it didn't come, she started to lift her head. "Don't move. I'll get to it on my time, not yours."

  A pause, and then a hand rubbing circles over her ass-cheeks. The rubbing morphed into kneading, and back to rubbing. When the first blow finally came, it nearly took her breath away. She had been so wrapped up in the massage, she wasn't prepared for the smack itself, let alone the force of it.


  "Give me a colour."

  Mac paused for a minute and caught her breath. "Green. I'm green."

  "Good girl. You'll learn to expect the unexpected."

  The pain continued to bloom and her bottom warmed. Finn resumed her ass massage and just as she relaxed into it, he struck her other buttock.

  "FUCK, that hurts." Mac sucked in a big breath and groaned.

  "Colour, love."


  "Such a good girl. Only three more."

  "Can we pretend we're done?"

  "Not if you want to graduate from fantasy-land to the real world."

  Mac was relieved when Finn went back to that nice rubbing massage, and almost reared up when he launched two more smacks in quick succession. One on each cheek. The only thing that stopped her was the tiny voice of self-preservation reminding her, moving meant restraint.


  "Colour, Mac?"

  "I'm fecking green, but that was mean."

  "Think about where you are and what you've taken so far. Not just for me, but for yourself. Sweetheart, you are so amazing. You've had four really big swats and you didn't move. You came pretty close with those last two, but you didn't. We're down to the last one, okay? I won't make you wait this time."

  Before she could answer, her ass was on fire. It was harder than the rest and right on her sit-spot.

  "I don't like you very much right now."

  "That's okay. You will again later, and I can wait. Up you get." Finn wrapped a blanket around her and led her to the after-care area. He sat down and pulled her into his lap, mindful of her tender bottom. Mac snuggled in and automatically opened her lips to the water-bottle Finn held there. She drank greedily, not realising how thirsty she was. When she'd had enough, she pulled her head away, and accepted the small piece of chocolate Finn slipped into her mouth. She sucked on it as she let her mind hover into nothingness.


  Finn caught Sully's eye and motioned his head as an invitation to join them on the sofa. "What do you think, Sully?"

  "Almost perfect. So much better than I dared hope for. She was focused entirely on you. While I'd like to think that was because she trusts you completely, I suspect it was more because subconsciously, she knew I was here and it was safe to let go."

  "Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought too, and I'm good with that. Whatever it takes, right?"

  Sully tapped his finger on his chin. "Yeah. You'll do."

  "Cheeky fuck."

  "I'm going to go rest on the fainting couch for a while. I want to be wide awake for the evening's entertainment. If I can't play, I intend to collect plenty of wank-fodder."

  Finn hugged Mac a little tighter and buried his nose in her hair as he murmured, "How are you doing, baby? Are you awake yet?"

  "I did good?"

  "You were perfect, sweetheart. How do you feel?"


  Finn chuckled. "Yes, you are." He gently tapped her temple with his index finger. "But what about in here?"



  "I don't think I want to play at the party."

  "It's all up to you. Do you want to sit and watch like last time, or do you need to be completely away from it?"

  "I want to watch. I'm not up for others seeing me vulnerable."

  "Whatever you need. Now rest for a bit."


  With such a successful afternoon in the playroom, that night Finn decided to push a little harder. "Mac, it's time for you to get used to us being naked and touching. I know you don't feel safe playing naked, so we won't. But from now on, unless you safeword, we sleep naked and shower together. That means washing each other."

  "You don't mean right now, do you?"

  "Yes, I mean right now."

  "Can't we wait until tomorrow so I can have some time to get used to the idea?"

  "No. You're more likely to work yourself up and talk yourself out of it. You'll undress me, but I'll let you remove your own clothes." Finn placed his hand at the small of Mac's back and urged her towards the bathroom. "Come on, love, time to go." Mac shuffled in front of him, but stopped in the bathroom doorway. "Colour, Mac?"


  "Okay. What do you need?"

  Mac clenched and unclenched her fists a few times before responding. "I need a minute."

  "Okay, take all the time you need." Finn traced lazy circles up and down her back until she resumed her trek to the shower. "So brave, sweetheart. Here's your only choice. Do you want to undress me first, or yourself. You don't need to speak. Your choice will be reflected in your actions."

  Finn watched as Mac's face contorted with indecision. Relief washed over him when she didn't safeword, but instead reached forward, grasped the bottom of his t-shirt and lifted it. He beamed at her as he bent down so she could get it over his head and free of his arms. "You're doing great, love."

  Mac dropped the shirt on the floor, and after a few false starts, she managed to fumble the button of Finn's jeans open. Her fingers trembled as she slid the zipper down, and she took a sharp intake of breath when she discovered he wasn't wearing underwear. She finally slipped his jeans to his an
kles and off each foot. He stood naked before her, humbled by her triumphant grin. "Nicely done, sweetness. I'll get the shower warmed up and you can join me once you're undressed."

  Finn monitored Mac's progress through the frosted glass of the shower stall, ready to deal with any sign of hesitance or indecision. He was pleased that, while slow, her progress was steady. He opened the door for her just as she reached it. "In you come, baby. The water is nice and warm." Finn shifted and Mac stepped into the spray.

  "Let's get your hair wet so I can wash it first. Then I'll wash your body while we let the conditioner work its magic." Finn massaged Mac's scalp as he shampooed her hair. Her moans of pleasure were almost enough to send him over the edge.

  "Let's rinse, then we'll condition." Mac tipped her head back, eyes closed and held still until the water ran clear down her back.

  Finn caressed her cheek. "Time for conditioner, love." He worked the conditioner into her hair with the same care as he had the shampoo. When he was sure her hair was completely slathered, he guided her out of the spray. "Stand there. I want your feet shoulder width apart and then I want you to stay perfectly still. I'll move you as needed.

  Mac nodded and Finn grabbed a wash-cloth and loaded it with shower gel. He started at her neck and lathered his way across her left shoulder, down her arm to her fingertips. He returned to her neck and did the same for her right side. "I'm going to do your back now, okay?"


  "Good girl." Finn moved behind her and rubbed the cloth side to side from her neck to the top of her buttocks. "It's time to do your bum now, love. Deep breath, and let it out slowly."

  Mac did as she was told. She flinched a little as Finn rubbed her tender cheeks, but held her ground. Finn wasn't surprised when she tensed as he began to ease her buttocks apart. "Another deep breath, Mac. You're doing great. Washing your body is all that's going to happen to you. I promise." Mac took another deep breath, and her muscles relaxed a little as she let it out. "Good girl. I'm going to do your front now."

  Finn moved to face her and started at her neck again, this time, working down her chest. She seemed relatively calm, so he lingered over her breasts for a moment, purposely avoiding her nipples. He felt a jolt of satisfaction as her nipples puckered and she let out a frustrated groan. He continued his journey south, stopping just shy of her pubis.


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