First Taste: A Collection of Hot Alpha Doms

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First Taste: A Collection of Hot Alpha Doms Page 42

by Sidney Bristol

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  Also By Sadie Haller


  One Gold Heart

  One Gold Knot

  One Gold Triquetra

  One Gold Ring (August 2015)

  A Capella (Intermezzo-1)

  Cadenza (Intermezzo-2)

  Return to Table of Contents

  A IS FOR...




  A is for…

  BDSM Checklist, Book One

  Do you know your A, B, Cs?

  The overseers of LA’s most exclusive BDSM club have a sexy new game that all members must play, and experienced sub Anna has no choice but to participate, despite the fact that she is only months away from being bonded.

  Master Jensen knows who, and what, he wants—Anna—but when he’s assigned the first letter of the alphabet he must prove to himself, and the lovely submissive, that he’s willing to push them both to their limits, and maybe beyond.

  When Anna and Jensen are forced to face the depth of their desires, and the painful origins of their relationship, they’ll learn that the worst pain comes not from a whip, but from the heart.

  Chapter One

  Pain or pleasure. In the end it didn’t matter. She craved both.

  Anna kept her breaths slow and even, trying to make as little noise as possible. Drawing attention to herself right now would be like a mouse squeaking in a room full of hungry jungle cats.

  The submissive kneeling beside her shifted, wincing a little. Anna’s legs hurt too—they’d been waiting here for over half an hour, and the concrete was hard against her knees and toes. She wanted to raise her head and look around, but she didn’t dare.

  Slaves and submissives knelt in various states of undress in the center of the large open space. Some sat back on their heels, others were kneeling up, their bodies straight from head to knee. Still others sat cross-legged with their hands laced together behind their backs.

  The Masters and Doms lounged on couches or in chairs along two of the walls. More were in the seating area in the converted hay loft, leaning forward to look down at the bounty of flesh on the ground floor. Some prowled the edges of kneeling men and women like predators circling a heard of prey.

  They were assembled in the barn, the only space in Las Palmas large enough to house everyone. To outsiders it might seem like nothing more than an upscale adobe-style barn, built to match the massive, sprawling mansion a hundred yards away. Las Palmas was a beautiful property north of Los Angeles, named for the twin rows of palm trees that lined the drive and circled the mansion. The barn was only one of the many outbuildings and, despite its name, was nicer than most people’s homes, with brushed concrete floors, air conditioning and teak doors on the ten large stalls. It had been built to house finicky purebred horses, but both the barn and the mansion served a darker purpose.

  Wood groaned as the heavy double doors opened. Anna caught her breath and dropped her chin to her chest. She stared at the top of her own breasts, exposed to just above the nipple by the black corset she wore. Matching stockings, panties and a garter belt completed her ensemble. Outside Las Palmas the lingerie would have been exciting and racy. Here it was the equivalent of a t-shirt and jeans.

  Footsteps clicked on the concrete—two pairs of boots and a pair of high heels. She’d been a serious submissive for several years now, and after spending that much time with her head down, she’d become very good at identifying the sound of footsteps.

  “Masters, Mistresses, thank you for joining us. Subs, focus on us.”

  Anna raised her head. Around her the other subs and slaves shifted to obey, rearranging themselves and focusing their attention on the three people standing in the center of the assembly.

  Master Leo, Mistress Faith and Master Mikel drew the eye and commanded attention. Each was tall and slim. Master Leo and Mistress Faith wore half masks. Master Mikel did not. He had a narrow, strong face and dark eyes, which regarded the submissives with a sort of lazy pleasure.

  They were the owners of Las Palmas, and overseers of Las Palmas Oscuras—The Dark Palms—the name they’d given to the exclusive and secretive BDSM club housed on the estate. Referred to simply as Las Palmas, anyone who overheard a member talking about it and went snooping would find a website detailing the architectural and cultural history of the property.

  “We’ve called you here for a very serious reason,” Mistress Faith said, her voice cool and clear. She was in her early fifties and favored trim, tailored dresses instead of leather pants or latex gloves. She radiated power like a fire gave off heat.

  “We’ve become complacent,” Master Leo added. “Each of us has found pleasure and pain, often both, within these walls.”

  “And yet,” Master Mikel continued, “we do not push ourselves. Comfort and safety is for the mortals out there.” He threw out one long arm, his dress shirt pulling back to expose his strong brown wrist. For a moment Anna thought she could see bruises, like those left by a cuff, but that couldn’t be. “We are gods, gods who are growing lazy and stupid in our complacency.”

  Anna’s heartbeat raced. Though the subs and slaves remained still, she saw the Masters and Doms straightening, some who were seated rising to their feet.

  “If you want to play the same games, if you want the safety of the known, then we invite you to leave. The contract you signed when you joined will remain in effect. Any discussion of who we are or what we do will be met with swift, harsh retribution.”

  There were several long minutes of silence. No one moved. Membership at Las Palmas was limited to a very select few—wealth, beauty and depravity were all required to even be considered. Anna suspected that many of the people in the room were like her—they didn’t just enjoy this place, they needed it. It soaked up and exercised a darkness within them that otherwise might have run rampant.

  “I warn you,” Mistress Faith said, “the offer will not be made again. By remaining here you consent to the…activity.” The syllables of the word “activity” rolled from the Mistress’s mouth, as if she’d been savoring them before speaking.

  There were a few chuckles, some muttering from the Doms and Masters, but again, no one left.

  “Very well,” Master Leo said. “Let’s explain the rules.”

  Master Mikel went to the door of the tack room. He wheeled out a large board draped in black cloth, and positioned it against the wall.

  “My friends and companions in debauchery.” There was a hint of amusement in Master Mikel’s voice. “Prepare yourselves.” He pulled off the cloth.

  Four neat rows of silver letters were revealed—the alphabet, A to Z. Anna looked from the board to the overseers and back. She didn’t understand.

  “When you joined us you completed a sex, kink and fetish checklist. Some of you have updated it as your tastes evolved, others have only one on file.” Master Mikel dropped the drape to the floor.

  “Of all the hundreds of delicious sexual things on that list, many of you have only tried a few,” Mistress Faith scolded. “We will no longer allow that.”

  Anna swallowed. What did that mean?

  “Each of you has been assigned to a letter, and with it, every kink and fetish in that part of the alphabet.”

  Now even the subs were shifting nervously. Anna couldn’t remember much about the checklist except that reading it had made her crave a Dom’s touch.

  “You have one month to try your letter’s items.”

  “Wait a minute, you can’t expect us—” A Dom in the hayloft started to protest, but it was cut short when Master Leo held up a hand.

  “We’ve also become complacent in our playmates. Those subs who are bound to a Master will be assigned to their Master’s lett
er. Those of you who aren’t formally bound or whose file says that you are willing to share or be shared, may be partnered with someone new. Possibly more than one someone.”

  Anna’s stomach twisted. She was tempted to look around and find the tall, strong form of Master Jensen, but she obediently kept her gaze on the overseers.

  “Not every pair or group will be able to complete all items under their letter.” Master Mikel started wandering between the subs, touching heads and shoulders as he passed. “Masters will be limited by the sub’s checklist. The game does not give anyone the right to override a sub’s limits. You may not do anything the sub has not indicated a desire or willingness to try.”

  He picked up a lock of Anna’s hair and let it slither between his fingers as he passed. She shivered as he walked away. His footsteps stopped and he let out a little laugh. “Don’t worry, most of these pretty little things were quite liberal with their limits.”

  “Masters! Come pick up your envelopes.” Master Leo motioned and Gabriela, a pretty Hispanic sub, rose and disappeared into the tack room. She returned holding a box, the tops of the envelopes within scraping against the bottoms of her naked breasts. “Each of you will receive your letter, the names of your assigned partner or partners, the list of associated activities, kinks and tools, and your partner’s checklist. Those of you who have reserved space in the mansion for this weekend are expected to begin your checklist activities tonight. The rest of you should begin planning and make reservations.”

  The subs were dismissed as the Doms formed a line in front of the overseers. Anna followed the others out the double doors and along the path that led from the barn to the mansion. When the walkway split, Anna and the other subs took a smaller pathway that led not to the front doors, but to a side entrance. The mansion was designed around a series of gardens and courtyards. There were over ten different playrooms, and at least that many bedrooms. Occasions like this, where attendance was mandatory for all members, were rare. She wondered if everyone was staying the night, or if members who hadn’t reserved play and sleeping rooms would be leaving.

  Anna and the others went to the Subs’ Garden—a small courtyard circled by two large living rooms, three dressing rooms and two bathrooms. It was the submissives’ safe haven, acting as both a lounge and waiting room. Anna sank down onto a chair in the smaller living room and checked the knees of her stockings for rips.

  “What do you think?” Sarah, a lean, athletic blonde wearing only a pair of high-waisted leather panties asked as she took the chair opposite Anna.

  “I don’t know.” Anna wasn’t sure what to think—mostly because she was both aroused and terrified.

  “Are you and Master Jensen bonded?”

  Anna took a shaky breath. “No. Not yet.”

  Sarah winced. “You think he’ll be okay with someone else playing with you?”

  Anna let out a choked laugh. “No. Not in the least.”

  “Then you better prepare to have your butt beat black and blue when he gets you back.”

  Anna licked her lips at the thought. That would almost be worth it. She pictured Master Jensen’s face and her heart clenched.

  “What do you think, should we have a girls’ night?” Mae slid onto the arm of Anna’s chair. She was in her early thirties, about five years older than Sarah and Anna, and had beautiful red, curly hair and full breasts. She wore a short zebra print robe belted loosely with a pink sash. One shoulder slid down her arm, revealing a breast and lots of creamy skin.

  “Girls night?” Sarah raised one brow. “A bit risky.”

  “Hardly. If they didn’t want me to have champagne they wouldn’t stock the good stuff.”

  Anna tried to relax. “A girls night would be fun.” Not all the submissives would be called, and in the past when things like this happened those left in the Subs’ Garden made use of their free time and the amenities of the mansion. “I guess it depends on what letter we each get assigned.” And more importantly to whom they were assigned.

  Mae brought over champagne flutes, bottles of sparkling mineral water and a four hundred dollar bottle of champagne. A few other subs wandered over to sit near them, the mood quickly turning festive. Those subs that had standing rules about things like drinking opted for sparkling water. Anna thought it was a bit risky for anyone to choose champagne—what if they were called and the Dom who they were paired with objected to them drinking before hand?

  She took a sip of icy mineral water as Mae finished playing hostess and resumed her seat.

  “Do you remember?” Mae leaned forward, smiling and wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Remember what?” Sarah took a small sip of Champagne and hummed appreciatively.

  “What’s on the list?” A blonde Anna didn’t know was toying with the fuchsia lacing along the edge of her black and silver animal print bra. “I’ve been wondering, too. I don’t remember.”

  “Some of the letters will be easy.” Sarah crossed her arms, her bare breasts squeezed together by the movement. “Think about ‘Q.’”

  “What about ‘B’?” Mae tugged her robe up. “That one will have bondage, branding, beating, breast play, boot worship, breath control—”

  They were joined by another sub Anna hadn’t met, but whom Mae seemed to know well. While the others tried to guess every item on the checklist, Anna sat quietly, wondering what was going to happen to her. Wondering where Master Jensen was. Her mind drifted back to the last time she’d been with him.

  “You’re mine, Anna.” Master Jensen twirled the crop he held.

  Anna could only murmur, “Yes, Master.” She was dancing on the razors edge of an orgasm. Master Jensen had bound her hands to the footboard of the bed and forced her to bend at the waist while he worked her over with the crop. Arching her back she lifted her ass, hoping to tempt him into fucking her.

  The crop ran over her rump. “Are you trying to tempt me?”

  Anna tossed her head and looked at him. “Maybe. Is it working, Master?”

  Master Jensen grinned. He was bare chested, his heavily muscled body gold in the warm light of the bedroom play space they were using. He wore faded jeans that dipped low on his hips. She could see the bulge of his cock behind the denim.

  He brought the crop up from below, striking her dangling breast. Anna gasped as the sweet sting of pain sent little ripples of pleasure down her belly to her pussy. Reaching under her, he tugged at her nipple, toying with it while he swatted her ass with the crop.

  She was wet and aching for him. He’d been playing with her for what seemed like hours.

  Grabbing something off the bed he dropped to one knee beside her. Anna moaned as he pinched her nipples, then yelped as clamps bit down on her nipples.

  “You like that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “I want to hear you jingle while I fuck you.”

  The crop landed on the bed and in the next moment his cock was sliding into her aching pussy. Anna grabbed the footboard, bracing herself as he fucked her hard and deep. With each thrust the bells dangling from her clamped nipples tinkled.

  “You’re mine, Anna. Mine.”

  “Yes, Master. I’m yours.”

  “I still think ‘S’ is the scariest.”

  The comment brought Anna’s attention back to the present. It came from a black sub, whose name Anna couldn’t remember, was sitting cross-legged on the floor, a glass of water in one hand. She wore a thick collar and leather bra and panty set. “Spanking, speculums, strap-ons.”

  “Stop,” Anna begged, holding up a hand to stop the litany. “I need to keep calm.” Thinking about Master Jensen was enough to have her wet and needy.

  “Are you scheduled to be here this weekend?” Sarah asked.

  “Yes. I’m supposed to be here with Master Jensen.” Anna had spent the last few days of her work week fantasizing about his hands on her body, his breath on her neck, his cock thrusting into her, pounding her until she couldn’t think.

Oh, that means that—”

  The speaker mounted in the ceiling hummed for a second before a robotic voice said, “Sub Anna. Orion Room.”

  “—you might get called soon.” Mae finished.

  Anna froze and time seemed to stand still. She’d been called, not to meet with Master Jensen, but with a Dom or Doms unknown. Anxiety was a heavy knot in her belly and yet she rose, moving on auto pilot, obeying the command to go to one of the play rooms. With a nod to the other submissives, Anna rose to her feet and left the safety of the Subs’ Garden, heading for the Orion Room and the unknown pleasures and pain that waited for her there.

  It was empty. Anna closed the door and exhaled, shutting herself in the dark opulence of the Orion room. There were six rooms around the Constellation Courtyard and Anna had played in several of them, but never this one, which seemed larger than the others. Like all the rooms in this section of the mansion, the Orion room was a study of dark and light. The walls and ceiling were midnight blue and set with tiny lights meant to represent stars. She’d heard from the other subs that the constellations the rooms were named for were outlined in the lights. Anna had never been positioned on her back long enough to learn if that were true. Columns of light shot up from the floor, and spotlights in the ceiling shone down onto several play areas. In a place of honor in the center was a St. Andrew’s cross, the straps dangling loose, the metal buckles gleaming silver.

  Anna adjusted her corset and stockings, and then padded over to an empty pool of light. She knelt there, assuming the waiting position Master Jensen preferred. If she’d been paired with a different Dom for this insane “game,” she might already be in trouble—every Dom had different preferences for how a sub should enter the room, how they should wait, and what they should, or shouldn’t, be wearing. Normally the sub would know all this going in, because the play time would have been negotiated, but she was trusting Las Palmas, and had to believe that whoever walked through the door would be skilled and experienced enough to dominate her. Her heart was fluttering in her chest and a shiver ran over her. She’d never imagined that anyone but Master Jensen would touch her again. She hadn’t felt this kind of anxiety in years. The feeling was similar to pre-first date jitters, but more powerful. A first date was nerve-wracking, but usually involved nothing more threatening than a kiss. The first time with a new Dom meant giving control of body and mind to someone.


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