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Page 21

by Maren Lee

  “I love you, Katie.”

  She gave him a small smile that made it all the way to her eyes. “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 19

  Oh, hell yes. Katie walked out onto the balcony of Ryan’s parents’ condo in Cabo San Lucas for the first time. It was gorgeous. Ryan’s parents had to be loaded, because the place was perfect. Two bedrooms. Top of the line everything. The fridge was already fully stocked. Ryan told his parents he’d be there with a friend, so they’d taken it upon themselves to get the property manager to stock it full of everything Ryan could possibly need.

  After Ryan was cleared to travel, Katie was able trade a few shifts with Cally and Christine. She told everyone she was road tripping to Salt Lake City for a concert with a friend. She felt like she was sixteen again and lying about spending the night with Jenny Jackson so that she could have sex with Levi Lewis in the back of his truck off an old logging road. But she couldn’t very well tell work that she was headed to Cabo with a patient, and she couldn’t very well tell Jake she was headed to Mexico with his coworker, and she definitely couldn’t tell her dad (yet) that she was headed out of the country to vacation with a 42-year-old father of two whom she just so happened to be completely in love with.

  So…the official story was she was road tripping to Salt Lake City to see Maroon 5. She was thankful that, of her peers, she was the least likely to post pictures to social media. She liked to keep herself relatively private for the most part. No one would ask to see pictures of a dark arena with flashing lights. She’d claim she was sitting in the nosebleed section. Piece of cake.

  In the nearly two weeks since he’d been released from the hospital, Ryan had made great progress. He was no longer in the sling. Katie was torturing him with the physical therapy exercises he’d been assigned by the physical therapist. Still, he was frustrated that after twelve days he still wasn’t back to one-hundred percent. So on top of Katie torturing him, he was torturing himself. She had to watch to make sure he wasn’t trying too hard. She didn’t want him to derail any progress that they’d made, or lengthen this process simply because he was trying too hard.

  Apparently the visit from his kids and ex-wife had gone well. Katie was glad she’d dodged that bullet (for the time being). And she’d gotten the opportunity to tell Jake and Lane that she’d broken up with Brian. They were relieved, to say the least.

  Sierra had organized a calendar and everyone in town had been bringing dinner over to Ryan’s place. She’d hid in the bedroom more times than she could count, but that was her own doing. And in all honesty, it was kind of awesome not having to think about what to make for dinner every night.

  But the good news? The really, really good news? Katie got her test results back the day before they left. No more condoms. And oh, fuck, had they celebrated that news. Ryan’s bare cock was the best.



  She felt Ryan before she saw him. He wrapped his good arm around her waist and brought her back to his front. “Like it?”

  “Oh my god, Ryan. It’s beautiful. I can’t believe your parents have a place right on the beach like this.” The breeze came in off the ocean and blew her hair out of her face. It smelled lovely. It was hot outside, but it was perfect for walking around on the beach in a bikini and dipping in the water. Katie hated the few times she’d been to the beach with her family growing up. It never seemed to be hot enough for the freezing cold ocean water. She had a feeling this would be much different. She could see the beach littered with people, jumping in and out of the waves. It looked amazing.

  “I’m ready to hit the beach,” she said as she leaned her head back, looking up at him.

  “I’m ready to see you in a bikini, so let’s do this thing.” Katie giggled. She couldn’t wait to show him the new suit she’d bought. She was fairly certain it wasn’t legal to wear in public in Montana. Ryan was gonna flip.



  That bikini was a crime. He didn’t know exactly what it was called, but there was basically no material on her ass. The top criss-crossed all over her tits. He wanted to lick her everywhere. But there were way too many people on the beach for Ryan to show Katie exactly how he felt about it. She spent the day splashing in and out of the waves as they walked along the beach, while forcing Ryan to stay out of the water. His wound wasn’t fully healed and though he argued that salt water would be good for it, Katie actually had medical education and informed him that while saline would be fine, ocean water was most definitely not sterile.

  She was his nurse. He decided to listen to her and soak up some rays instead.

  But clouds started to roll in, which Ryan had heard could happen during late summers in Cabo, so they headed back to the condo. Once they were back, he was able to show his appreciation for her lack of bikini. More than once. Carefully, so as not to fuck up his shoulder. But they managed just fine. And fucking Katie without a condom was like heaven on earth. Her pussy with no barrier between them was the best.



  “Let’s go out!” she exclaimed, after she helped him finish his range of motion torture exercise and they’d taken a shower. “I’m hungry. I want a drink. I want some nightlife!” She tossed her towel on the floor.

  Ryan cringed at her enthusiasm. He’d been really trying not to think about their age difference, but, fuck, he did not want to go clubbing in Cabo. I’m too old for this shit. But then he looked at Katie and the way her eyes lit up and remembered that he loved her and would do anything at this point to keep her and keep a smile on her face.

  Fuck it, you’re on vacation. “Let’s head downtown. Find a restaurant or bar to hang at until the clubs get going?”

  Katie wrapped her arms around Ryan’s waist and pressed her still wet, naked body against his. If she hadn’t already wrung his cock dry twice, he would probably already be hard. He was starting to feel it stir again as her body shifted, though.

  “Honey, you gotta stop doing that or we’re never getting out of here.”

  She giggled softly and then placed a kiss on his chest. She let go and gave him a dreamy look. “Thanks for bringing me here with you,” she said as she turned and retreated to the bedroom. He followed after her.

  “Wouldn’t have done this without you, babe.”

  She smiled as she fished a white sundress out of her suitcase and threw it on. Apparently she wasn’t planning on wearing a bra tonight. She tugged on a white lacy thong and he wondered what the point of that was. They’re gonna end up on the floor of a bar bathroom if I have to watch her nipples through that dress all night.

  After delicious Mexican food and two margaritas each, they decided to walk around downtown and see if anything caught their eyes or ears. Loud music thumping out of a club made Ryan internally wince. Katie grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. Inside was much louder and they were immediately bombarded with colorful flashing lights. The lyrics were in Spanish and the dance floor was packed with young people grinding. Shit. I need another drink if she expects me to go out there. Katie read his mind and pulled him in the direction of the bar. She turned back to him and grinned, her white teeth even whiter under the black lights placed throughout the club. She looked so fucking happy. Fuck it. Let’s do this.

  “You want another margarita, babe?” she shouted over the music.

  “Tequila shots!” he shouted back.

  Shots are never a good idea, Ryan.

  Katie laughed and nodded her head. “YOLO!” she shouted at him.

  Fuck. He had to laugh with her. After his divorce, he’d had himself a little fun. Had a few random one night stands. But never, even during that time, did he see himself at a dance club in Mexico doing tequila shots with a twenty-four-year-old he was madly in love with. “Motherfuckin’ YOLO,” he agreed with a smile.

  Katie pushed her tits together and got the bartender’s attention. Ryan growled at her actions, but it definitely work
ed. “Dos tequila shots!” she ordered. “Training wheels?” the bartender asked, speaking perfect English. Katie looked at Ryan. He nodded, but only because he wanted to lick a line of salt off of Katie’s neck. He watched the bartender pour two shots of Reposado and put the lime and salt shaker next to them.

  “You first!” Katie shouted.

  Don’t mind if I do.

  Ryan pulled Katie close. Her face wore a look of confusion, but Ryan dipped down and ran his tongue from her collarbone to her left ear. He used his left hand to push her right ear to her right shoulder and then sprinkled salt on the line of saliva he’d left behind.

  He saw Katie’s lips mouth, “Oh, fuck.”

  He grabbed his lime and his shot, licked her up the neck again to gather the salt, slammed the shot back, and sucked on the lime wedge.

  Katie straightened her neck and pressed in closer to Ryan. She took the lime out of his mouth and then kissed the ever living hell out of him.

  “My turn,” she grinned.

  “You gonna salt my cock?” he asked.

  “You’re probably salty enough on your own.”

  Shit. “You have a comeback for everything, don’t you?”

  “Yep. Now sit down and lean back.” Ryan grabbed a nearby chair and sat down as instructed. “Good boy. Pucker up, baby.” She went in for another kiss, but this time, Katie just licked his lips with her tongue.

  Oh, I see.

  She pushed his head further back, so that he was looking at the ceiling and then sprinkled his lips with salt. She grabbed her tequila and lime and licked his lips, took the shot, and then placed the lime on his mouth. Ryan grabbed it with his teeth and she leaned down and sucked the juice out of the wedge. Ryan turned his head to the side, spit the lime out of his mouth, and kissed her again. He stroked the inside of her mouth with his tongue, tasting the lime juice, the tequila, the salt, then Katie. Fuck, she’s delicious.

  She pulled back from their kiss and looked around, making sure no one had been watching them. No one cared. Everyone was wasted. She smiled again.

  “Had enough liquid courage to come dance with me?”

  Shit. “As long as I can grind my dick on you out there, honey, I’m game.”

  Katie looked at him and he didn’t even hear the music in the club anymore. Because the only thing he heard was the beautiful sound of Katie laughing.


  They wandered out of the club a few hours later. Sweaty. Slightly tipsy, but not too much. In love. They needed an Uber back to the condo. Katie pulled out her phone and opened up the app.

  “Hold up,” Ryan stopped on the sidewalk and grabbed her arm.


  “Let’s check this place out,” he suggested as he motioned toward the other side of the street.


  “Uhhhhh, I may be adventurous, but I’m not going to watch a donkey show, Ryan. Let’s go home.”

  “Jesus, we’re not in Tijuana. Honey, that’s a toy shop.” He smiled, his eyes twinkling.

  Oh. He grabbed her hand and pulled her across the street and in through the doors. It was after eleven o’clock, so Katie was surprised they were still open. But she supposed a sex shop across the street from a rowdy club in Cabo San Lucas might do its best business around this time. A young guy in his twenties was hanging out at the cash register reading a comic book. He nodded at them, but said nothing. He was probably constantly bombarded with drunks to the point where he didn’t even want to get involved.

  “What do you have in mind, Ry?” she asked. She’d told him that she’d had to get rid of most of her toys when she moved in with Brian. He’d promised to replace her collection, but she was thinking this probably wasn’t the right place to do it. She didn’t want to declare an entire suitcase full of sex toys at Customs. How embarrassing.

  “Mmmmm. Nipple clamps, definitely.” He grabbed a package off the shelf and continued walking. “Warming lube.” He grabbed that too and continued walking. Katie followed, her fingers holding onto the belt loops of his jeans. “Vibrating butt plug.” He turned back and winked.

  “Would you like me to get you a basket?” she asked. “Didn’t realize we were going to replace my entire collection in Mexico.”

  “Sounds like we also need a ball gag,” he teased, and grabbed a pink one.

  Good lord.

  “Just a few more things, honey,” he said sweetly. “We do have a whole week here.” He turned to her and got close, kissing her softly on the lips. His tongue quickly slipped in her mouth and then out. Katie held in a groan.

  “Fuck,” she whispered. “We need to get home. Dancing with you. And now this. I’m fucking ready.”

  “Yeah?” he leaned down and licked her earlobe. “You wanna fuck me, dirty girl?” he whispered.

  “Yesssssss,” she hissed. Fuck. Her panties were completely drenched.

  “Lemme just grab a few more things and we can go.” Katie didn’t even look at what he grabbed. She felt like she was going to pass out if she didn’t get an orgasm soon. Maybe he could finger her during the Uber ride back to the condo.

  As they stood at the cash register, she hung onto his good arm and stroked it up and down. She grabbed his hand and tried to get him to move it up under her dress, but he didn’t take the bait. The kid checking them out was rolling his eyes.

  Oooh, Ryan grabbed a glass dildo? I’ve always wanted one of those.

  Ryan handed his card over to the cashier and then leaned down and kissed Katie’s neck. She felt it through her whole body and had to curl her toes to keep herself from falling over. Her nipples were so hard, they were probably completely visible through her white dress.

  The cashier bagged up the toys and handed Ryan a receipt. Just as Katie was about to run out of there, the cashier said, “50 dollars and you can fuck in the dressing room.”

  Katie thought she heard a record player scratch.

  “American dollars?” Ryan asked.

  “Yes, American dollars.”

  Ryan pulled out his wallet. Oh, shit.

  “There’s no cameras in there?”

  “There’s no camera in there. I swear. I just like to make a little extra cash on the side. Take it or leave it.” The guy shrugged.

  Ryan slapped two twenties and a ten down on the counter and grabbed Katie’s hand, pulling her back toward the dressing rooms. Her body shivered in anticipation. She fucking loved this. She tried to hold back a nervous giggle but failed. She looked back at the cashier. He was back in his comic book. Not interested in them at all.

  Ryan swung the dressing room door open. He looked around the room. It was small. There was really only room for one person to strip all of their clothes off. The walls went all the way to the ceiling. The mirror was leaning up against the corner. A small bench was next to it. Ryan checked behind the mirror, examined the bench, and then ran his hand along the corners of the room. He turned back and her and smiled. “Just making sure he’s not lying about the cameras.” He grinned and pulled her in behind him. She had to slide herself against the wall of the tight space. Ryan pushed the door shut.

  “We clear?” she asked.

  “Can’t be 100% certain, but I feel pretty good about our chances.” He had a look of mischief in his eyes.


  Katie grabbed his waistband and pulled him closer. He latched onto her lips and ground his pelvis against her, pressing his cock, trapped behind the thick denim of his jeans, against the very thin fabric of her dress. He dropped the bag of toys on the small bench.

  Fuck, she wanted him. Now.

  She reached down and unbuttoned his pants. She pulled down his zipper and slipped her hand behind the elastic waistband of his boxer briefs. She grasped the shaft of his cock. He hissed as she pulled it fully out of his underwear, exposing the base, shaft and head of his cock.

  “I want to be deep inside that hot, wet cunt. Now,” Ryan whispered in her ear and sucked her earlobe in
to his mouth. He flipped up her dress exposing her lower half. “Fuck. Me. These panties are fucking pointless,” he said. Katie smirked. He was right. There was very little fabric. He reached down and pulled them to the side, exposing her wet, wanting core. He hitched her leg up around his hip. Katie whimpered.

  “You want that cock, baby?” He teased the swollen head against her entrance, coating his tip with her slippery arousal.

  “Please. Yes. I need it.” Katie moaned breathlessly in his ear.

  Without a second thought, Ryan thrust up and buried himself of her in one deep hard thrust.

  Fuck yeah.

  God, he felt so good. Warm. Bare. Hard, yet soft at the same time. Her core was angled with her leg in the air, which allowed Ryan to hit her g-spot on every thrust.


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