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Page 22

by Anderle, Michael

  “So, what was going through your mind when Jordan was killed?”

  Scott turned his head towards Gabrielle, “I wasn’t letting this asshole walk. He was going down.”

  “You lost situational awareness.” Gabrielle told him.

  “I had no awareness but the desire to rip his head off,” Scott admitted. “I guess I’ve felt kind of invulnerable considering the wins we’ve racked up.”

  “You think?” Gabrielle turned around and leaned against the table. “I think we all have been a little loose on this operation.” She asked Scott over her shoulder, “You want Bethany Anne in on this?”

  Scott grimaced, “Hell no!” Then he grinned, “It’s only a few bullets. How the hell are we going to get the necessary street cred if Bethany Anne pulls our nuts…” Scott paused then continued, “ … our reproductive organs, out of the fire each time?”

  “Beats the hell out of me.” Gabrielle admitted, “But we’re going in and I’m going to make damn sure we provide a large sign for everyone to see that messing with the Queen’s Own is a world class way to fuck up.”

  Scott levered himself up and slid his legs over the side of the table to sit next to Gabrielle. “Hey.” She turned to look at him, “I lived. I’m good, or will be as good as new in fifteen minutes, so let it go.”

  “Let what go?” Gabrielle retorted.

  “You can’t con me, Gabrielle. You’re blaming yourself as the ops leader.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because that is what we all do, me, Darryl, Eric or John. It’s happened to all of us at one time or another.” She nodded her head sharply so Scott finished. “Ad Aeternitatem. We may be the Queen’s Own, but we are also the Queen’s Bitches and when the ‘Own’ decide to be bitches … ?” Scott said.

  “May every stupid fucker find a hole to crawl into.” Gabrielle breathed.

  “Damned straight! They can either hide in one or we can bury them in one,” Scott finished.

  Gabrielle smiled, “Thank you.” He nodded his acceptance.

  “What’s next?” Scott asked.

  “Mayhem,” She stated.

  Darryl walked in and tossed each of them a tactical vest, setting four ceramic inserts on the counter, “What, are we switching from diplomacy to mayhem?” He asked, and she nodded her agreement.

  Darryl shrugged, “Alright, then the bitches are back!” Darryl high fived Scott who only winced slightly then turned back to Gabrielle, “John’s coming, isn’t he?” She nodded her agreement.

  Darryl’s face changed to one that looked like he found out his friend’s dog had died, “Poor sons-a-bitches,” he said sympathetically.

  They all laughed at that.

  TQB Base, Colorado - USA

  Enjoying the residual emotions from a wonderful night with Michael, Bethany Anne had decided to lay in bed another couple of hours after she stepped back through the Etheric with Ashur. He had left her quarters for God only knew where, but his appearance would at least alert everyone she was back.

  She had taken a shower, laid down to rest and was now quite comfortable.

  >>Bethany Anne?<<

  Yes, ADAM.

  >>I need to discuss options concerning cleaning up the cyber-warfare payloads spread throughout the world.<<

  Well, so much for a quiet rest.

  Ok, what do you know?

  >>I have run thirty-two thousand four hundred and fifty-seven different simulations. The best and most practical method of supporting the cleansing of most business computers and detangling the intricate methods of instant or delayed re-installation of negative packages will take approximately one hundred and forty-two days at a minimum. The parameters for these calculations are based on packages originating from Nation-States. The time required is somewhat less for Terrorist based packages.<<

  Why so long to implement?

  >>Time to integrate past some of the more difficult security efforts and backup programs.<<

  Backup programs?

  >>Yes, the infected backups will need time to propagate to long-term storage while the new and modified codes will need to be moved to immediate and medium level backup.<<

  Oh, hadn’t thought of that.

  >>Isn’t that why you asked me to do this?<<

  Yes, ADAM. So, how does that make you feel?

  >>Feel? What is this feel?<<

  When I admit that you had covered my inability, how did you compute that?

  >>It made me calculate that I am a valuable component to this group.<<

  You are that, but I disagree - you are not a ‘component’ of this group. You are a contributing member and a valuable entity in your own right. I rely on you to handle these things, understand?

  This time, there was a pause before ADAM answered.

  >>I understand Bethany Anne… Thank you.<<

  You’re welcome, ADAM. Hey, what did you mean ‘terrorist packages’?

  >>There are a fair amount of terrorist based threats. <<

  How fast can those be safely pulled?

  >>If we are not concerned with backups, forty-eight hours. <<

  Why so much easier?

  >>They are not nearly as sophisticated as Nation-State packages.<<

  Well, take those out as soon as practical.

  >>Yes, Bethany Anne.<<

  Bethany Anne was able to get another thirty minutes of rest before she was interrupted by a phone call. She picked up her phone and looked at her screen before answering, “Hello Stephen, what’s up?”

  Stephen answered, “What is always up, Bethany Anne?”

  “Your good attitude?” She replied, smiling.

  “Well, that too.”

  “Ok, hit me with it Stephen.” She said. As much as she loved Stephen, she rarely received a phone call from him to just ‘shoot the breeze’.

  “Dan and I have been speaking and want to know if you are aware that both Darryl and Scott have been wounded?”

  Bethany Anne sat up quickly in her bed, “What? How?”

  “The result of two different situations. The first was when the team went to corner Kamiko Kana and Darryl got hit and came out ok. The second time was an ambush for Darryl and Scott about six hours ago and Scott was hit.”

  Bethany Anne realized that six hours ago, she had gotten up from Michael’s bed with a vague feeling something was wrong somewhere. However, the euphoria she had just been involved in rather overcame any negative feelings she had. “How bad is Scott?”

  “Doing better I understand.”

  “Ok, I’m going to need to see about their nanocytes. I didn't get the sort of feedback from their injuries I would expect.”

  “Or, they were not close enough to death?” Stephen asked, thinking back to his own near death moment when Bethany Anne came for him.

  Or ... they didn’t want you to know.

  TOM, you mean the setup can interpret and react to intent?

  Probably. They are very connected with you, but there has to be intent and thought to start communication at the highest level.

  “Ok, I’m being informed that the guys might not have wanted me to know. What is the latest update?”

  “Dan says that Gabrielle called and requested John and Eric by tomorrow with ‘a ton of shit’.

  “They really don’t want me, do they.” She mused out loud.

  “I think, they think, you might ruin their fun.” Stephen allowed.

  “Then why call in John? He is absolutely going to tear this shit up. He’s still pissed with me for dealing with that pissant in Dallas.”

  “One moment.” Stephen said, then Bethany Anne could hear Stephen speaking with Dan. Stephen came back, “Going to put you on speaker.”

  “Hi Bethany Anne.” Dan said.

  “Hey Dan-ster,” She smiled when she heard his groan. “What’s happening with our favorite ass-kicking team?”

  “I think they are pretty pissed, actually.” Don allowed.


  “Yes,” He continued. �
��I received a list of desired ‘toys’ while Stephen was talking with you. It’s enough to start a small war.”

  Bethany Anne considered this. “I’m thinking the Bitches are about to stomp on some bugs.”

  “Not the Queen’s Own?” Stephen asked.

  “Oh, the two are the same. Imagine that the nicer group are my Own. This group is the one I met in the Florida Everglades.” She paused, “God, I’m going to miss going in with them.”

  “You aren’t going in?”

  “Nope,” She answered, “can’t do that or I’d send the wrong message. I sent the Queen’s Own to take care of this. They need to make it happen. They will get it done, or unfortunately come back on their shields. And I really doubt that will happen. I imagine Frank might have some serious cleanup to do when they blow up half of Australia and China if one of those guys dies.”

  “You would let them create that much destruction?” It was Barnabas’s voice cutting in.

  Stephen spoke, “Sorry, I didn’t realize he had stepped in the office. He has always been a nosy ass and rarely understands boundaries.”

  Bethany Anne had to listen as the two vampires continued a discussion with Barnabas answering Stephen’s charges, “I do understand boundaries, Stephen! You left me outside an open door and didn’t say I couldn’t come in. I haven’t done this to you in…”

  “Don’t even say it.” Interrupted Stephen, “I haven’t seen you in whatever amount of time you are about to spout, so don’t even try it.”

  Bethany Anne rolled her eyes, “Guys! Shut the fuck up. I’ll answer Barnabas’s question but I support Stephen. Unless you knock and ask to include yourself, you are a guest. If you want access to this level of conversation, you need to lose your neutrality Barnabas, understand?”

  “I do.” Barnabas answered.

  “Ok, then to answer your question ... if someone were to kill one of my Own then no, I don’t have an issue with them destroying whatever it takes to find the mother-fuckers who did it. It would be better in the long run.”

  “Why would it be better?” Barnabas replied.

  “There would be at least half the population left behind. Without my Own around to deal with it, I'm next up and I can promise no one will want to see me coming.”

  “Certainly you wouldn’t kill innocents in the population?”

  “Have you ever read the story of Lot?” Bethany Anne asked.

  “Lot? The Old Testament Bible, Lot?” Stephen asked confused.

  “Yes.” Bethany Anne replied.

  “Yes, I’m aware of the story.” Barnabas replied.

  “Then you know my answer.” She confirmed.

  “Hmmm. I understand.” Barnabas allowed.

  Bethany Anne could hear Dan whispering to Stephen in the background, “What the hell did she just say?”

  “It’s the story of Sodom and Gomorra,” Stephen replied to Dan. “The short, short version is there are no innocents.”

  “And there is no Sodom and Gomorra, either.” Barnabas said.

  Barnabas was thinking, a Fury indeed.

  “Ok, so pack it all up and ship John and Eric out?” Dan confirmed.

  “Well, if you are asking me as the Political leader, I’d tell you yes, double the weapons and get with Frank. If you are asking me as a military person, that’s your call.”

  She could hear Dan’s smile in his voice as he said, “You can never have too much ‘boom’.”

  Bethany Anne wondered if Dan was going to invite himself along.


  Sahara Desert, Africa

  Jeffrey and Marcus had the Pod descend into the Gobi Desert just a half mile from a small encampment. Once the Pod was a couple of feet above the sands, it moved quietly through the bush and stopped to let them out a few hundred feet outside of the camp.

  Their contact, Dr. Michelle S. Brown-Williams had told Jeffrey that she was in the middle of the damned desert. If he wanted to interview her for a ‘super-secret’ position, he could come out that evening to speak with her.

  She allowed that she had ‘just looked’ at her calendar and unfortunately every other day for the foreseeable future was booked. She was slightly surprised to hear him say that he and one other would be there slightly after dark.

  She had told him that he was kidding himself if he thought that was possible from Colorado. Jeffrey made her a bet. If they got there, she would be open to hear him out for two hours before making up an excuse to kick them out of her camp.

  She laughed at that and told Jeffrey he was ‘alright for a suit’ and to come on over.

  So he and Marcus had done just that.

  Both were in light clothing, dressed in Khakis, wearing tennis shoes and untucked polo shirts. They stopped a hundred feet out of the camp and called, while Jeffrey turned on a flashlight and waved it around.

  A dark man in dark clothes came out of the bushes some thirty feet away and stared at them. He had an old rifle, but he didn’t point it menacingly at them.

  Jeffrey said, “Dr. Brown-Williams?” The man said nothing so Jeffrey tried again, “I’m looking for Dr. Brown-Williams?”

  “Well, you found her!” Both men pivoted to their right to see an older woman with a sun-weathered face and a large beaten hat on her head come through the bushes from the direction of the camp. She stopped a few feet away and put them in the beam of her flashlight. “Which one of you is Jeffrey?” Jeffrey raised his hand. She turned to Marcus and asked, “And who are you?”

  “Dr. Marcus …” Almost too late, Marcus realized that he should look like her, grey hair and older skin. She wasn’t going to believe that he was who he said he was. Marcus stumbled over his last name and she asked him to repeat it. Finally, he sighed and said, “Cambridge”.

  “Marcus Cambridge? Never heard of you.”

  Jeffrey snorted to his left and Marcus wanted to punch him. Instead, he replied “No reason you should have.”

  She came closer, “What is your area of specialty?”

  Jeffrey answered for him, “Would you believe Rocket Science and Gravitic Movement?” She looked at him suspiciously and he shrugged, “It’s true, I’m just asking if you are willing to believe it.”

  She looked around the bush and sand, then up at the stars, “Well, considering the two of you made it here from Colorado?” She glanced to Jeffrey who nodded and she continued, “In such a short amount of time. I’m willing to suspend belief for a little while and that is only because I can’t figure out why you would be in Africa looking for me in the first place.” She turned around, “Come with me, the guys will look after your vehicle.”

  Jeffrey looked over to Marcus and he shrugged. Neither guy knew what to say since their Pod was already gone.

  They came into the camp which was setup rather well. There were two Land Rovers, one with a large tent attached, jutting out at least fifteen feet. The other was a more traditional tent not connected to a vehicle. There was a stone area in the center where they were burning a small amount of wood. Jeffrey could see multiple tarps over items and one had the cover off just far enough for him to tell that they were solar generators.

  “Take a seat.” She waved over to a couple of old fold out chairs. “Best seats in the house, don’t say I didn’t offer you first class accommodations.” She smiled to herself as she reached into the tent that was connected to the Land Rover and pulled out another chair.

  The two men sat down. Jeffrey looked over to Marcus who was trying to settle his chair into a comfortable position as it rocked back and forth.

  Michelle pointed to the feet on his chair, “It’s just on a rock, move the chair a little ways and you’ll be fine.” Marcus got up far enough to move his chair half a foot before putting it back down to settle in the sand.

  Marcus nodded to Michelle, “Thanks.”

  “City slicker?” She asked, but this time it was with a smile.

  “Yes, I would say I am.” Marcus turned to Jeffrey, “Please do not say a word to Bobcat
and William, they will not let it go if you tell them this.” Jeffrey didn’t say anything, just nodded his agreement.

  “Ok,” She continued, “Your dime or dollar or ten thousand dollars. What do you have?”


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