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Seasons Within Box Set

Page 19

by Lele Iturrioz

“You’ve had a necklace for over twelve years. It’s not the same as the one you had before but-“

  “No buts, it’s perfect.” Gaia said with a warm smile.

  Edan took it out from the box and helped her put it on. As he placed the necklace, Gaia felt Edan’s fingers moving around her neck. How can these hands be strong enough to kill dark beasts by themselves and feel this soft against my skin? This wasn’t the first time he’d touched her. He was always grabbing and snatching things from her, but this was different. This made Gaia feel dizzy and completely present at the same time, as if her neck had a life of its own. What was worse, she swore she felt him lingering. Taking a little bit more than clasping a necklace would take.

  “Done,” he whispered and gave Gaia the box. “If you open the locket, it’s a watch…maybe with that you’ll stop being late all the time,” he said and walked off without looking back.

  “I’ll try,” she smiled.

  * * *

  Inside the camp, the group found Shui and Hunter relaxing around a sand garden decorated with trunks and Hunter’s carved sculptures of circles and flowers.

  “Sweet!” Donovan ran and laid down in one of the trunks next to the sand garden.

  “We thought we needed something more relaxing.”

  “May I?” Willow asked and Shui nodded. Willow opened her bag of seeds and dropped a few of them around the garden. Once finished, she lifted her hands and the plants grew. Tall beautiful bamboo shoots grew next to vines that intertwined into hammocks holding onto the bamboo strong and high from the ground. Gorgeous flowers surrounded the garden making the most beautiful oasis. “Perfect,” she said and laid down on one of the hammocks.

  “How was the day?” asked Shui.

  Excited, Donovan took one of the rollercoaster photos from his back pocket. “You tell me,” he said.

  Edan gasped “No!” trying to take it away but it was too late, Shui already had the picture in her hand.

  “You look very sweet Edan.”

  “Thanks,” he said while killing Donovan with his glare.

  “Totally lovely.” Donovan winked.

  “Don’t push it,” Edan hissed.

  They all laughed when a nasal voice screamed. “Finally!” Synthia walked into the oasis, her white wrecked extensions danced around Willow’s borrowed crop top every step she took. “Something with a little more class around here.” She moved towards Edan when Pink accidentally ran into her. “Ugh! Move away, you tomboy.”

  “Who’s the bitchy blonde?” Pink whispered near Priyam.

  “Synthia. Very friendly creature,” she said in a snarky tone.

  “Synthia!? Is she the Marked One?”

  Synthia tilted her head in their direction and raised her hand to her hips. “I can hear you, you know?”

  “I hope you can, they’re two feet away from you,” said Floyd.

  “Another freak? Where are they coming from?”

  “From down under,” he said proudly.

  “Under what?”

  Floyd and Pink exchanged amused glances; they couldn’t believe they were asked that question. Priyam leaned closer to the twins, “See what we have to deal with?”

  “Under the tree,” Floyd said and Priyam giggled.

  Knowing they were making fun of her but not sure why, Synthia flicked her hair behind her shoulders and walked away. “Whatevs. I’m out.”

  “Wait.” Gaia walked in front of her. “You should stay, hang with us.”

  “Around the mud? As if.”

  “Still, you don’t have to go yet.” Gaia offered her chocolates that Priyam and she bought after the rollercoaster.

  “Yes, I do,” she moved her hands away from Gaia’s offer. “It’s called beauty sleep; you should give it a try. Edan, take me to my room,” she commanded and waited until Edan stood up and walked her to her room.

  Tired, Gaia gave the chocolates to Priyam and sat down next to her. “Maybe we should stop calling her the Marked One.”

  “Why?” asked Willow. “She is the Marked One.”

  “Maybe we should cut her hair.” Priyam’s lips twitched. “I mean… with her dark roots growing and her messy white extensions, she’s starting to look like a darker and way more twisted version of Cruella De Vil.”

  Gaia stared at Priyam with disapproval. “I’m just saying. She looks scary as hell.”

  Shui gave Veter a cup of tea and sat down next to him. “Besides the haircut, I also see Gaia’s point. She might stop being so aggressive if we call her by her given name.”

  “Trust me, it won’t make a difference,” said Priyam.

  “I agree with Shui.” Veter smiled and Willow rolled her eyes.

  “You always agree with Shui.”

  “It’s called being loyal,” he explained to Willow.

  Willow laughed. “It’s called being a kiss-ass.”

  “I reckon she was fun,” said Floyd while he sat on the floor with his back against a trunk.

  “The Marked One?” Priyam asked surprised and Floyd nodded. “That’s cuz you like playing with snakes.”

  “Probably,” he said.

  “I’m serious.” Gaia felt guilty for forcing Synthia into their insane lifestyle without any friends. “I’m not saying she’ll turn into the most likable human but we can at least make her feel more welcome.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. Tomorrow I’m taking her to Klog,” Edan said walking back from her room and sitting down next to Hunter.

  “What is Klog?” Gaia asked Donovan.

  “It’s not what, it’s who.”

  Willow opened her bag of seeds and took out a few. “I still have more plants we can try.”

  “I don’t think plants will be enough for the Thanatos mark; and if there’s someone who might know what to do, it’s her.”

  Willow placed the seeds back in her bag. “Will you take her all the way to Klog?”

  “No, one of her men will meet us 20 miles away from here,” explained Edan. “I need Willow, Veter, the twins and Hunter to come with me. It’s a long way and it will be dangerous. Shui, Donovan, you babysit these two tomorrow.”

  “On it,” replied Donovan.

  “It’s decided then. We should all try to rest.”

  “Beauty sleep!” Floyd cheered and Pink pushed his face in annoyance.

  As they all said their goodnights, Edan walked to Donovan and took his rollercoaster picture away. “Thanks,” he said and held Gaia by the arm. “I’ll be gone all day, please don’t do anything reckless.”

  “I’ll try,” she said.

  Chapter 17

  A Glance To The Past

  THE SOUND OF MUSIC woke her. Her eyes were still closed as she relaxed with the feeling of the wind and the sun on her face. Enjoying the moment, she tried to recall when she’d fallen asleep outside her bungalow, but she had no memory of it.

  Gaia tried to move, but her body wouldn’t listen. She tried to open her eyes but nothing happened. Something is wrong…

  “I know you are awake,” Gaia heard a little boy talk. “You always wrinkle your nose when you pretend to be asleep.” Gaia felt a small finger softly caressing the bridge of her nose. “See, right here.” The boy pressed his finger on the wrinkles on top of her nose and Gaia opened her eyes.

  “Good morning, Red,” said the smiling boy.

  Gaia took a better look at the kid, his piercing green eyes and scruffy brown hair, his breathtaking features even at an age no more than nine. Edan! she gasped but her voice didn’t come out. She realized this was another strange dream just like her recurring nightmare. She could see and hear everything but no matter what she did, she wasn’t able to control it.

  “I wasn’t sleeping,”six-year-old Gaia said with her tiny voice. “I was talking to Nature.”

  “You were?” he asked and little Gaia nodded. “And what did Nature say?”

  Little Gaia smiled mischievously and tucked a strand of her long bright red hair behind her ear. “That you should be nicer to
me,” she said. Gaia couldn’t help but laugh inside her head. Ha! My thoughts exactly…

  “Well, Nature must be losing it.” Edan pulled Gaia against him. “I couldn’t be any nicer to you.” To Gaia’s surprise, he tickled her.

  Little Gaia chuckled uncontrollably. “Truce! Truce!” she said between gasps. Edan let her go and they both laid on the grass smiling.

  As for Gaia, she felt strange. Seeing Edan and herself getting along so well. It felt like a dream, and if that wasn’t a dream but a memory, then what happened between them? What happened to that playful kid?

  Edan rolled onto his stomach and lifted his eyebrow. “Will Nature think I’m nice if I take you for some sweets?” he asked. Little Gaia stared at him with her mouth and eyes open with excitement.

  “Maybe,” she smiled, allowing Edan to help her get up.

  While little Gaia and Edan walked toward the market, Gaia in awe at how incredible the city was. Nádúr Noc wasn’t burning or destroyed, it was beautiful and full of life.

  The round city was divided by four rivers and ten creeks that created four circles. The first and biggest circle was where all the houses, the main library and the arena were built; the second circle was where the parliament was and where all the blacksmiths, jewelers, tailors and any other craftsperson set up their businesses; the third circle offered beautiful market stands, flowers, delicious food that filled the air with the scents of cinnamon and vanilla and a big amphitheatre. As for the fourth circle, Zansèt Palace reigned. The magnificent castle made of pearls, flowers, rocks and vines held court in the middle of the plaza.

  Little Gaia walked around the plaza as she was happily greeted by all of the inhabitants. It was clear she was a much-loved child. What wasn’t clear was why some villagers were distant, rude or indifferent to Edan. Although he did his best to keep little Gaia from noticing, Gaia could see how hurt he was by their rejection.

  A lovely melody played while dancing fountains with jewels turned on in the main plaza. “Is it that late already?” Edan watched the setting of the sun and leaned down to Gaia’s eye-level. “Come on, Gaia, let’s not keep your mother waiting.” Little Gaia took Edan’s hand and they walked towards the castle.

  Mom? The idea of seeing her mother was nerve-racking, no time soon was soon enough. Is she the same woman of my dreams? What if she recognizes me? The old me I mean…

  Little Gaia and Edan entered the castle and a tall older woman called him. “Excuse me, Edan, Lady Tanya asked me to-” Little Gaia let go of Edan’s hand and wandered around the hallway, missing the entire conversation. That didn’t bother her at all since she was taking a small tour of the place she grew up in until she was six.

  Paintings, flowers and jewels decorated the walls made of rare vines. A mixture of delicious smells from flowers and herbs gave the castle a feeling like something straight out of a fairy tale.

  “Thank you, I will be done in no time,” said a familiar voice from behind an open door.

  Little Gaia looked through the slightly opened door and saw her. Gaia’s chest fluttered with excitement. Her mother was as beautiful as she remembered from her nightmare, only this time she felt more alive and radiant. She was wearing a crystal necklace and a long golden dress that could’ve easily been used for one of Priyam’s favorite big budget movies about fairies and elves. Her long wavy hair fell over her shoulders like a gorgeous black waterfall. Her eyes, gray like Gaia’s, moved across a parchment she was reading next to a soldier. Mom… You are so beautiful… she cried and wished with all her might that the dream wasn’t near its end.

  “Please be so kind as to deliver this to the Fire temple.” Tanya signed the parchment and gave it to the soldier.

  “Yes, Lady Tanya.” The soldier took the parchment and bowed.

  “On another matter…” Tanya stopped the soldier before he could exit the room. “Have any of you seen my daughter?”

  The soldier turned on his heels and faced Tanya. “Lady Gaia is at the market with that boy.” He made such a negative emphasis on the word boy it gave her a strange urge to hit him in the face.

  “That boy’s name is Edan,” said a deep manly voice. “You better start to learn it, soldier.” Little Gaia took a step back and saw a tall German-looking man walking into the room. His half-bare chest had the same scar marks she remembered from her other nightmare. No way! Hans… Gaia whispered to herself.

  The soldier turned white as a sheet and bowed down for the second time. “My sincerest apologies, Captain,” he said with a small tremble in his voice, something that made Gaia feel pleased.

  Hans relaxed his angry face and pointed at the door. “Leave us,” he commanded. Irritated, Hans closed the door behind the soldier and took a deep breath.

  “Give them time, Hans,” said Tanya with a sweet voice.

  Hans turned and paced slowly around the room. “It’s been six years,” he said.

  Tanya laughed so softly it made Gaia smile. “You were against it, too, remember?” she said and read another parchment. “When Edan arriv-” One of the castle’s staff moved a heavy piece of furniture near little Gaia’s hideout and she couldn’t hear anything. No! Wait…. Edan what?... Gaia tried to get back to the conversation, but little Gaia was distracted by all the movement around her.

  Once the furniture was set in its place, little Gaia turned her attention to her mother. “You’ll see, give them time,” Tanya finished saying. Time for what?… Gaia couldn’t help but feel that she had lost the opportunity to hear something truly important.

  After a brief silence, Hans stopped pacing. Tanya’s face got serious as she sensed something was wrong. “What is it? You seem odd,” she asked. Hans didn’t say anything, he stayed there, staring at her as if he was afraid to say out loud what happened. “Speak,” she commanded.

  Hans took a deep breath and lowered his stare, “Azazel…He found it.”

  “He found what?”

  Hans looked up and stared her right into her eyes. “Le Gardien de la Vie,” he said.

  Tanya fell silent. Neither Gaia nor her younger version knew what that was, they only knew it was clear that it meant trouble. Big trouble.

  “That’s impossible,” she shivered in fear. “Even in the parliament, nobody knows what it looks like.”

  “He does. And now that he found it, he’s coming for her.”

  Tanya intertwined her fingers so they would stop shaking and took a deep breath. She then lifted her head and talked with no stutter or sign of being scared. “How long?” she asked. Gaia felt insanely proud of how strong her mother was.

  “Months, weeks… we don’t know for sure.” Hans leaned against a desk. “We knew He learned the parliament’s secret but we never expected He would find Le Gardien de la Vie. We’re not prepared for this.”

  “Yes, we are. After the last attack, the Elder Clan went ahead with the backup plan,” Hans said, handing her a paper scroll. “The necklace is almost done and The Six have already been selected. By now, they should all carry the mark of their temple,” he said. Gaia beamed with happiness at the mention of The Six, she wished she could let them know how well they picked.

  Tanya took the scroll and read it. “They’re just kids,” she said after rolling it over.

  “And so is she,” he said. Gaia knew he was referring to her.

  “What will they do alone out there, beyond the barrier?”

  “They will live,” he said with the same sad happiness she saw in her mother’s eyes the day of the war. “The seven will live.”

  Tanya unrolled the scroll again and wrote on it. “Eight: we’ll send seven with her.” Tanya pressed her seal on the scroll and returned it to Hans, who took it and read it.

  “The parliament will never agree to that,” he closed the scroll and shook his head. “Edan is not-”

  “Ahem…” someone coughed behind her. Little Gaia turned around and saw Edan staring at her. “I’m pretty sure your mother wants to talk in private,” he said.

EEP! BWEEP! Gaia was about to complain about not being able to listen to the end of that conversation when an alarm blared.

  Edan tensed and carried Little Gaia into the room. “Edan! Gaia!” Tanya ran towards them and hugged both children. “Thank you for taking care of her, Edan,” she said. Gaia noticed how her mom’s praise affected him in a positive way. His eyes stopped looking sad and his smile was genuine, unlike the one he used for the villagers from the plaza.

  “Is He here?” Hans asked a soldier who ran past the room.

  “No, Sir; only Darklings and dark beasts.”

  “It’s not safe here anymore. I’ll take her to Lakefall until the necklace is forged. Once everything is ready, Nobu and I will return her here.”

  “I understand. Let me say my goodbyes.” Tanya bent down and hugged little Gaia. She gave her a kiss on the cheek and stroked her hair.

  “Until then, Mother,” Little Gaia whispered to her mother.

  “Until then,” Tanya smiled and let Hans take the girl.

  No! No! Mom! Wait! Gaia tried to fight it but there was nothing she could do. The more they walked away the more stressed Gaia became. Let me go! Mom!!

  Gaia fell into darkness, her body was shaking and her ears buzzed.

  “Gaia! Wake up!” she heard Shui’s voice in the distance. She tried to open her eyes but her body kept convulsing. “Gaia, wake up, now,” she heard her closer.

  Gaia opened her eyes and saw that the whole room was shaking. The things on top of the shelves bounced and smashed against the floor. “Earthquake?” she screamed confused.

  “No, it’s you.” Shui took her hands between hers. “Relax, take control of yourself.”

  Agitated and seeing everything out of focus, Gaia looked at Priyam’s bed and found it empty. The lack of light let Gaia know that it was still night and her friend should be sleeping next to her.

  Her stomach curled in pain thinking something might have happened to Priyam because of her. “Where’s Priyam?” She wrestled with Shui trying to get out of the bed so she could go find her.


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