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Bear Outlaw (She-Shifters of Hell's Corner Book 4)

Page 3

by Candace Ayers

  My wolf was a drooling mess. She stared with her tongue lolling out. I, however, was utterly horrified. That degenerate could not, would not, be my mate. No fucking way. Not only was he clearly a sexual deviant, but he was contributing to the careless destruction of my best friend’s place. I wanted to kick some ass.

  The house was practically shaking from the vibration of the deafening music. I spotted the speakers across the room and stormed over snatching them out of the docking station they were plugged into. Then, I stomped over to the door, kicked it open, and threw them into the front yard.

  “What the fuck?” Some big guy with an ugly snarl stood up across the room. “Who the fuck are you?”

  I planted myself firmly in place and glared right back at him. “Get. The fuck. Out!” My arm swung out, index finger pointing to the exit door.

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Why don’t you put that nasty mouth to better use, honey?” He reached for his zipper.

  Fury had my claws extending from the tips of my fingers. “Why don’t you come over here and see what I use?”

  Another big man stood up. Were they all giants? “What’s your problem? We ain’t doing nothing.”

  “You’re destroying my best friend’s home and place of business. Get the fuck out. I ain’t asking.”

  He held his hands out, palms up, and gestured around the room. “No one’s breaking anything. Nothing’s destroyed. We’re just having a little fun.”

  “Out!” I let my arms drop to my sides and flexed my fingers. I was ready for a brawl.

  “You’re gonna hafta make us, sweet tits.”

  I growled low in my throat and snarled at him. “You get the fuck out on your own, or I’ll have no problem helping you out. Your choice.”

  I heard someone creeping up behind me and spun around to find a younger guy trying to sneak up on me. I didn’t grow up with four shifter brothers without learning a few things about defending myself. I used my wolf and her strength to snap my arm out and clasp my hand around the man’s throat. Lifting him slightly, I heard growls and chairs scraping the floor as several of the men stood up.

  My heart slowed and I fought to remain calm. My brother Holt had taught me a few things about fighting, self-defense, and how to handle myself in questionable circumstances. One of the things he taught me was to keep a cool head in situations like these. The growls revealed to me what my nose didn’t. The men were shifters. That was fine. I was feeling reckless. Bring it on, assholes.

  “Let him go.” My mate spoke up finally. He was huge. Easily the biggest man in the room, and all muscle. His voice was barely above a growl and as he stepped closer, I watched him lift his nose slightly, inhale deeply, and shiver.

  “You and your cronies get out and I will. This establishment belongs to my friend. You’re not welcome. Take your party elsewhere.”

  “Let him go, now.” He took another step closer, and looked down at me with narrowed eyes. Jesus, he was big.

  My hand tightened on his buddy’s throat. He obviously thought that I was going to cave to his demand either because of some mate bullshit, or perhaps because he was twice my size, but that wasn’t me. Hell no, I wasn’t intimidated. And I wasn’t backing down.

  “Do you not understand basic English? Get the fuck out and I’ll let him go. Your big boy voice doesn’t scare me.”

  He growled and his light green eyes glowed brighter. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I felt my nipples harden. Traitorous little shits. I didn’t care what they thought. I didn’t like him. At all. My wolf wasn’t kowtowing to his gruff, warning growl, either. She was dominant, she’d fight for supremacy before she’d yield. Mate, or not, we didn’t take orders.

  “You’re pushing your luck.”

  I nodded over to the scrawny guy flailing and grasping at my hand trying to free himself. “I’m not the one gasping for air.”

  Another guy stepped up and patted my mate on the back. “I found another place for us. It’s a little more private, anyway.”

  I dropped his friend and smiled sweetly at the new guy before turning back to my mate. “I hope you enjoy yourselves. I’m sure it’d be too much to ask you gentlemen to take your trash with you.” As I said it, I gestured towards the topless women that had been on his lap earlier. “Oh, and your empty cans and bottles too.”

  “You’ve got a mouth on you.” My mate stepped even closer and raked his eyes over my body slowly. My pulse quickened and my knees went weak. He licked his lips and raised an eyebrow. “How do you feel about threesomes?”

  Enraged, I swung my hand out to slap him, but he caught it in his large grip. His skin against mine was electrifying. I wanted to knock his perfect, straight, white teeth down his throat for making me feel all aroused and tingly. When he jerked me into his chest and my nipples brushed against him, I swore.

  “Not a big fan of threesomes, I take it?”

  “Not a big fan of you. Let me go.”

  “Gladly. Try to be less of a bitch next time.”

  I jerked away and fought the urge to spit on him. “There won’t be a next time, Fucknugget.”

  “So, you say.” He laughed and draped his arms around the two topless women. They didn’t seem to want to let him get too far away from them. “Come on, boys. This place is a little too frigid for my taste.”



  Every inch of my body was buzzing with the pulsing energy of raw desire. My cock had been playing dead while two half naked bitches were practically fucking themselves on my lap, but it sprang to life harder than steel just from being near the hot, feisty blonde. My hands were still shaking as I swung my leg over and sat on my Harley bagger.

  I pushed the women away from me. “Ride with someone else.” They were starting to make my stomach turn every time one of them touched me.

  I stared at the entrance of the house and watched as the smoking hot blonde babe walked out with her hands on her hips, glowering at me some more. I chuckled. I knew she was my mate, and even though a mate was the very last thing on earth I wanted, I was proud.

  Bitch didn’t back down an inch, even when my bear growled right in her face. At 6’8” and close to 300lbs. of solid muscle, I was easily the biggest motherfucker in the MC. Fuckin’ biker dudes double her size flinched and cowered when my bear unleashed his might. Not her. She was fierce. Fearless.

  The corners of my mouth turned up thinking about her grabbing Leon by the throat. Kid almost crapped his pants. I never saw a bitch stand up to five big shifter dudes like that. I hadn’t detected an ounce of fear. Damn, that was hot as fuck.

  What had she said to me? Big boy voice? Fucknugget? I coughed out a laugh. Too bad she had a stick up her ass the size of my exhaust pipe, or I’d have a great time fucking her senseless.

  The wind blew her long blonde hair around her waist and I stifled a moan as the scent of her wafted over to me. Milk and honey, two of my bear’s favorite scents.

  Fontaine swore and looked over at me. “That one’s a little hell fire. Bet she’d be damn good in the sack. I’d fuck her tight little…”

  I swung out and clocked the smart-mouthed son of a bitch in the chops before I even realized what I was doing.

  Fontaine stumbled back a few steps from the force of my blow. “What the fuck was that for?” He rubbed his jaw, scowling quizzically.

  When I looked back up, she was gone. My bear whimpered like a little whiny pussy and I had to admit I was sad to see that she was gone, too. Never had that before. Chicks were great for a few hours of fun and fucking, but me and relationships didn’t mesh. I was a “hit it and quit it” kind of guy.

  Where had these feelings of possessiveness come from? Fuck. It had to be the mate thing. Not good. “Nothing, man. Come on. Lead the way to this promised land. I hope it’s fucking stocked full of booze. I need a goddamned drink.”

  He didn’t say anything more. He just climbed onto his Harley, fired it up, and led the way out of town.

  On t
he outskirts, in the woods, he led us to a big house on several acres of land with a lake in the backyard. Good find. It almost made up for his comment about my mate. We made our way inside and in no time at all, the party was back on full force. The owner of the house was an old friend of one of the biker groupies that had been hanging around us at the B&B. She was house sitting for a few months while the owner was out of town. Convenient for us.

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to hang around the little town much longer, due to the recent appearance of one ballsy, badass blonde, but the guys were having fun and they’d found plenty of booze and pussy to go around.

  Speaking of pussy, the two trashy bitches I’d had all over me earlier were headed towards me. My stomach roiled and I almost turned away. Almost. I was one of the ranking members of the MC. As the Sargent-at-Arms, it was my job to protect the club and its members. I sure as fuck couldn’t let the underlings see me turn into a little bitch boy. I settled into a chair and patted my thighs. “Where were we?”

  Big Tits wiggled onto my lap and nuzzled her face against my neck. “Finally. I was worried Charlie had ruined our party for good.”

  “Charlie?” I clenched my fists against my legs and tried to resist the urge to toss her off my lap and onto the floor.

  “The lady who called off the party. She’s a friend of my cousin’s.”

  Charlie. My dick hardened and the bitch in my lap thought it was for her. Ooh… you’re a biiiig guy. She grabbed at my dick through my jeans and giggled into my ear. I can take it all. This time, I did push her off me, and I stood up. “I think that’s all for me tonight, ladies. Find another brother and show him a good time, if you want.”

  I ignored their pouting and protests and went to claim myself a bedroom. My head throbbed, but I still grabbed a bottle of whiskey to try and dull the needy ache in my jeans that stubbornly only wanted one chick. Charlie.

  I shut myself in a bedroom and locked the door behind me. Sitting on the bed, I kicked out of my boots and shrugged off my leather cut. Cracking open the whiskey, I took a long pull and found myself wondering if Charlie was short for a more formal name. Charlene?

  What a fucking panty waste I was becoming!

  She was hot as fuck, though. At least there was that. Not that I cared. I wouldn’t pretend I was a one-woman kind of man. Even if I did try to pretend, I wouldn’t be able to keep it up for any length of time. I’d seen brothers settle down with one bitch, call her their Ol’ Lady, and that path never failed to lead to heartache and misery. Not me. Fuck, no. The last thing I needed to have to worry about was being hurt by another rotten, cold-hearted cunt. And, no matter how they looked on the outside, weren’t they all rotten and cold-hearted inside?

  Why the fuck any dude gave a bitch the power to bring him to his knees was beyond me. You couldn’t trust a goddamned one of them. In my heart, I knew the only people who’d ever have my back were the brothers in the club. They’d kill and die for me just like I would for them. Mate, or not, Charlie wouldn’t be any better than any other bitch at hanging around for the long haul. Bitches were all the same.

  But, fuck. That long, thick blonde hair was made for holding onto during a rough fucking. And that mouth. I could picture those plump, luscious lips wrapped around my cock and her dark blue, bedroom eyes dizzy with pleasure after I pounded her all night long.

  Nature had been kind to her in the way that her long body curved and sloped in all the right places, but she was a wolf—a dog. Raging Bears stayed Raging Bears because we were fucking bears. When we mated, we mated with other bears and made baby bears and that’s how it worked. Even the guys who fucked around with other shifter types kept the interactions limited to one-and-dones.

  Shit. My bear was raging in his own way. He didn’t give two shits about all the bullshit rules. He wanted his mate. He wanted Charlie. He was hoping to go running through the woods happily ever after with her wolf shifting ass and shit. Dumbfuck.

  Even if she was a bear, though, it wouldn’t matter. I was in my prime. Mid-thirties, Sargent-at-Arms of my chapter, able and willing to fuck any chick I wanted without having to worry about calling them in the morning. Heaven for a dude. Why would I want to fuck it all up by tying myself down to one bitch? It was one thing making your dick happy, but letting your heart get involved, that was sheer stupidity.

  I took another pull from the bottle and put it down on the floor beside the bed. Leaning back, I ended up in a stack of pillows that felt too soft and fluffy and smelled strongly of laundry detergent. I pulled a couple of the pillows out and tossed them on the floor. Now what? Still thinking about Charlie.

  Normally, I would have grabbed a sweet piece of ass from one of the club bitches hanging around, and pulled her in to wet my dick and warm my bed, but every time my thoughts strayed that far, my stomach soured. I couldn’t do it. That was the real kicker.

  Charlie kept popping into my head. Her sharp tongue and sexy little stink eye. I pictured her as she stood scowling at me, hands on hips. Vicious. I found myself hard as a fucking rock again. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d jacked off, but with visions of Charlie dancing around my head, I unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down my thighs.

  I fisted my cock, grunting at how sensitive and engorged my shaft was. Closing my eyes, I didn’t have to try very hard to envision Charlie’s plump, luscious lips wrapped around my cock, sliding up and down. In my mind, she was on her knees, looking up at me through those thick lashes while my cock pistoned in and out of her throat.

  I shot my load embarrassingly fast, and reached over for the whiskey before I’d even fully finished. I needed more liquor. Anything to numb me to sleep before my bear dragged my ass up and out of the bed to go look for Charlie.



  Wait. What?” Sonnie shook her head. “You found your mate?”

  I nodded. “Ugh! Unfortunately. He’s awful. Worse than awful.”

  Denny looked up from her double chocolate cupcake and frowned. “We all thought that at one time or another.”

  I laughed. “No. Not like a ‘cute story in the making’ awful. He’s literally awful awful. As in deranged, twisted, vile, disgusting, and not going to happen, awful. And rude, too. A leather-clad, beer-swilling’, tatted-up bad boy biker. He asked me if I was interested in a threesome.”

  Carter’s mouth fell open. “No!”

  “Yep.” I shrugged. I, oddly enough, was feeling okay about it. “He’s in this biker gang, I guess. If Muddy knew what they were doing in her dining room, she’d have gone postal on the spot.”

  “He was doing them?”

  I nodded emphatically. “He had two half-naked women making out on his lap when I walked in. I’m sure the three of them weren’t far from hopping on a table of their own. I saw at least three couples having sex—right there in the open. Not that I’d call them couples, really. One was a threesome. I didn’t count the number of blowjobs being given.”

  Sonnie’s mouth fell open. “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. I felt like I walked in on one of the pornos Holt kept in the box under his bed when he was younger.”

  “Are you fucking kidding?” She all but yelled at me.

  I grinned. “I am fucking kidding. Holt was much more into sexy, new-mommy porn, if I remember correctly.”

  She slapped my arm with surprising strength. “Shut up. You almost got your brother killed.”

  Carter held up her hands. “Okay, the public sex aside… I never thought I’d say that phrase… Anyway, let’s get back to the fact that you met your mate and he’s in an OMG.”

  “An OMG? An ‘Oh My God’?”

  “No, Charlie, an Outlaw Motorcycle Group. I saw a documentary about them on NatGeo. What are you going to do?”

  “Not a damn thing.” I felt a muscle in my jaw twitch. “Well, technically, I suppose the best answer is grow old and die alone, but that seems a little morbid for present company. My niece is listening.”

  Sonnie glanced over
at her little daughter sleeping soundly in her bassinette. “She’s heard worse.”

  Denny was horrified. She grabbed my other hand. “You can’t actually be okay with that option.”

  I was. It probably would’ve been different if I hadn’t just found out about my infertility. The news left me feeling broken and lacking. Finding out my mate was a raging fucknugget, oddly made it all a little easier to accept. At least I wouldn’t have to disappoint a loving, devoted mate with my inability to bear him children. My mate sucked ass, so, cool.

  I’d probably go through physical withdrawals from not having him. That’s what I’d heard happened in such cases, but I’d tough it out. Then, I’d grow old alone and barren. Ugh! Suck it up, Buttercup.

  I had my best friends and my family. I’d have plenty of children to fawn over. It wasn’t how I’d envisioned my future playing out, but hey, that was life. There were no guarantees.

  “I am okay with it.”

  “This is too weird. Something doesn’t make sense.” Sonnie squeezed my hand. “I know you. You’ve always dreamed of meeting your mate, settling down and filling a great big house full of kids. What gives?”

  A twinge of pain slashed through my middle. “Things change. It’s all good. After meeting my mate, I’m convinced mother nature meant for me to remain single, anyway. It’s nothing that I can’t handle with some good wine and a battery operated lover.”

  They all made sad noises.

  “Where is Muddy when I need her? All of you saps have mate brain. You’re all being screwed silly. A year ago, this conversation would’ve been entirely different.”

  Denny grinned. “True, a year ago, I would’ve told you to run away as fast as you could.”

  “I was a card-carrying member of the keep men out of Helen’s Corner club.” Carter nodded in agreement.


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